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The Official Thread For the Sal Romano/Gematsu Leak

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Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Okay hold on everyone. Are we sure "getting the cut" doesn't mean something like "making the cut". Cause that means something very different than getting cut. I hope to god Sakurai doesn't cut Ness. He's one of the classics after all.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
So now that everyone is basically positive that this Sal leak(s) is/are true (for millions of reasons listed through out the thread i'm not going to waste time explaining it again) I'd like to bring another leak to everyones attention:

The RosalinaX Leak (48 characters 4 cuts)

The RosalinaX leak was a leak for Mario Kart 8 by a user on another forum named RosalinaX who apparently had someone feeding them some info from the inside (much like Sal) the informant told RosalinaX that inside drift was being "changed" or "nerfed", which we now know was true,(though this was guessed by many prior to a leak). after leaking this information about Mario Kart 8 when asked about having any Smash info RosalinaX said that the only thing the "leaker" knew was that it was probably 48 characters with 4 cuts but could change.

This leak originally got paired with Sal's leak because they fit very well (39 brawl -4 cuts +12 newcomers +1unknown = 48). It was tossed out because of "vagueness" and an inability for the leak to be debunked before seeing the final roster AND the fact that it "could change" made it seem like the work of a faker watching their back.

Some smash boards users tried to contact RosalinaX and did a great job of trying to debunk the leak and came to the conclusion it was PROBABLY fake for various reasons (mostly vagueness and inability to confirm anything) BUT never actually definitively PROVED it was fake.

Their work at investigating and attempting to debunk the RosalinaX leak is here:


Now they were able to get some new information off of RosalinaX in their questioning and one thing stood out to me after seeing that Sal's lastest leak says "There has been internal debate about keeping Lucas versus Ness, apparently Lucas is likely to get the cut"

Well when pushed for more information about returning characters RosalinaX said "Nothing much on returning I assume ness will be back, but idk about lucas."

Now I think we are dealing with more than coincidence here and propose this leak should be reexamined.

IF this is a real leak and as many have speculated; Squirtle, Ivysaur, Snake, and Lucas are being cut, then we have a remaining spot to get to 48.

Many have also speculated that Mewtwo is highly likely to fill this role due to a huge fan demand for him to return AND he would be absent from the Brawl veterans while also NOT technically being a "newcomer" and therefore not part of Sal's list of leaked newcomers.

If true our final roster would look something like this:


I used the character selection screen we saw at E3 to approximate the lay out of the roster.

Sal's leaker never mentioned Rosalina being playable so it could very well be an unknown newcomer filling the final spot instead of Mewtwo.

Also RosalinaX said 48 characters could change so it is very possible there are still some surprises in store for us BUT given what we know right now I think this is the most likely final roster.
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Is is also possible considering Shulk, Chrom, and Chorus Men were not revealed that the information that Sal's source saw contained considered but ultimately dropped characters?

Not that I want Shulk or Chorus Men dropped. They both have great potential.
From what we've seen, Sal Romano's leak is dated information, so it's possible, but I really hope there aren't any.


Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
Was this mentioned?

In the roundtables, Sakurai answered someone's question about how Greninja's inclusion came about. Sakurai said when he initially picked the roster, he only decided on an "X/Y Pokemon", and it wasn't until later when he saw Greninja's concept art that he specifically went for him. (Meaning, Greninja's eventual popularity had nothing to do with his inclusion.)

If that's the case, wouldn't "Pokemon from X/Y" make sense with the leak?


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Was this mentioned?

In the roundtables, Sakurai answered someone's question about how Greninja's inclusion came about. Sakurai said when he initially picked the roster, he only decided on an "X/Y Pokemon", and it wasn't until later when he saw Greninja's concept art that he specifically went for him. (Meaning, Greninja's eventual popularity had nothing to do with his inclusion.)

If that's the case, wouldn't "Pokemon from X/Y" make sense with the leak?
only if the leak was fairly out dated

which seems to be the case

so yes


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Was this mentioned?

In the roundtables, Sakurai answered someone's question about how Greninja's inclusion came about. Sakurai said when he initially picked the roster, he only decided on an "X/Y Pokemon", and it wasn't until later when he saw Greninja's concept art that he specifically went for him. (Meaning, Greninja's eventual popularity had nothing to do with his inclusion.)

If that's the case, wouldn't "Pokemon from X/Y" make sense with the leak?
Only a bajillion times.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Well, I thought about it for a while. First real, undeniable piece of evidence shows up right from the horse's mouth and pretty much gets completely ignored. So I decided, y'know, it's just really not worth it anymore. Not worth the trouble, not worth the hassle, not worth people calling me delusional and desperate because I have a differing opinion and I'm seeing things they refuse to.

Since it's just a leak, it's not really worth getting worked up over. Accurate or not, at the end of the day, it's not worth it to bother.

I guess it was my moment of zen. An epiphany, if you will.
I'm in the same boat.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2014
So now that everyone is basically positive that this Sal leak(s) is/are true (for millions of reasons listed through out the thread i'm not going to waste time explaining it again) I'd like to bring another leak to everyones attention:

The RosalinaX Leak (48 characters 4 cuts)

The RosalinaX leak was a leak for Mario Kart 8 by a user on another forum named RosalinaX who apparently had someone feeding them some info from the inside (much like Sal) the informant told RosalinaX that inside drift was being "changed" or "nerfed", which we now know was true,(though this was guessed by many prior to a leak). after leaking this information about Mario Kart 8 when asked about having any Smash info RosalinaX said that the only thing the "leaker" knew was that it was probably 48 characters with 4 cuts but could change.

This leak originally got paired with Sal's leak because they fit very well (39 brawl -4 cuts +12 newcomers +1unknown = 48). It was tossed out because of "vagueness" and an inability for the leak to be debunked before seeing the final roster AND the fact that it "could change" made it seem like the work of a faker watching their back.

Some smash boards users tried to contact RosalinaX and did a great job of trying to debunk the leak and came to the conclusion it was PROBABLY fake for various reasons (mostly vagueness and inability to confirm anything) BUT never actually definitively PROVED it was fake.

Their work at investigating and attempting to debunk the RosalinaX leak is here:


Now they were able to get some new information off of RosalinaX in their questioning and one thing stood out to me after seeing that Sal's lastest leak says "There has been internal debate about keeping Lucas versus Ness, apparently Lucas is likely to get the cut"

Well when pushed for more information about returning characters RosalinaX said "Nothing much on returning I assume ness will be back, but idk about lucas."

Now I think we are dealing with more than coincidence here and propose this leak should be reexamined.

IF this is a real leak and as many have speculated; Squirtle, Ivysaur, Snake, and Lucas are being cut, then we have a remaining spot to get to 48.

Many have also speculated that Mewtwo is highly likely to fill this role due to a huge fan demand for him to return AND he would be absent from the Brawl veterans while also NOT technically being a "newcomer" and therefore not part of Sal's list of leaked newcomers.

If true our final roster would look something like this:

View attachment 15943

I used the character selection screen we saw at E3 to approximate the lay out of the roster.

Sal's leaker never mentioned Rosalina being playable so it could very well be an unknown newcomer filling the final spot instead of Mewtwo.

Also RosalinaX said 48 characters could change so it is very possible there are still some surprises in store for us BUT given what we know right now I think this is the most likely final roster.
That roster looks more and more likely. Unless there is a joker in the deck we didnt know about, I'd say that is believable.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
That roster looks more and more likely. Unless there is a joker in the deck we didnt know about, I'd say that is believable.
We could replace Mewtwo with someone else, tho.

But what about the Zelda and Metroid hints at the direct ?
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Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
We could replace Mewtwo with someone else, tho.

But what about the Zelda and Metroid hints at the direct ?
possible but those trophy "hints" was just speculation from the smash community after a nintendo guy telling us to look closer at the direct...could have meant that pacman in the sky who knows...I think:

39 Brawl Vets

-4 cuts (Squirtle,Ivysaur,Snake,Lucas)

+12 newcomers (Villager,WFT,Megaman,Rosalina,LittleMac,Greninja,Mii,Palutena,PacMan,Chrom,Shulk,ChorusMen)

+1 non-Brawl Vet (Mewtwo)

Is the most likely scenario...

Mewtwo is highly likely for both keeping Pokemon at 6 spots AND being highly requested in both the east and west. Mewtwo is also one of the few candidates to not count as a "Newcomer" and therefore would not be mentioned by Sal's leaker in the list of newcomers AND not be a brawl vet giving us 48 characters.

Luckilly Sal has said DLC for more characters is happening so however you feel about DLC the roster has potential for more characters...
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Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
The problem is the few amount of newcomers... 14 in melee, 16 in brawl. Losing 4 in the process... I dunno, sounds like a step backward.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
You don't seem to know how arguments work. When you make a claim, you're supposed to prove that it's true. NOT that the other side demand you're wrong.
First: I demanded you prove me wrong 'cause you can't. You have no evidence to the contrary 'cept a crappy concept art picture from Ruby/Sapphire, and that's hardly ironclad stuff.

Second: I made a claim, all the evidence I posted points to it being right. You voluntarily chose to ignore it.

I'm sorry, but beyond a shadow of a doubt, they knew what Greninja was, what he was called and that they wanted him in Smash when you people were assuming the guy had 'faulty data' or 'old information'. There's no proof this is the case anymore, and I'll show you why.

Here's the Greninja line's concept art.

Goodness me, this looks like something that took months upon months to make and not the cluster**** that was your stupid Latiken concept art. It didn't take months to make. That was drawn up in about a half a day, tops. The funny thing is that I gave legitimate proof of MY claims, but you just kinda rationalized it. "Oh no, he made an assumption on the date!" Well, no duh, like I said, I'm not a Pokemon or Smash developer, I can only make assumptions based on the information I have because we don't have extremely accurate dates. Last I checked, though, it doesn't take a WHOLE YEAR to finalize concept art for video games. Let's do some of that 'analytical, logical' thinking with all the evidence we have.

X/Y Idea: June 2010
X/Y Conceptualized (Start): September 2010
Kid Icarus Uprising (Release): March 22nd, 2012
X/Y Release: October 12th, 2013

When did they finalize everything for X and Y? No-one knows, but I'm willing to eat a hat if it took them longer than 18 months to finalize the Pokemon concept art. Sakurai already stated that he wouldn't be working on Smash until Kid Icarus Uprising was done, so chances are he was starting work on Smash as early as January/February 2012, but who actually knows? At any rate, let's look at the evidence. Thanks to Sakurai, we now know that:

* They knew they wanted a Pokemon from X and Y on the roster from the beginning.

Fair enough, it's not Smash without at least one new Pokemon, right? Might as well take from the game that's being developed right now.

* They didn't want to wait for Pokemon X/Y to release to decide.

Smash has gotta get done, they can't wait for X and Y to release to start putting things into stone.

* They look at concept art, decide upon Greninja.

If X/Y Pokemon was a placeholder, it wasn't a placeholder for particularly long. These guys had access to Pokemon concept art to decide early on what they wanted, and likely at Gamefreak's behest (we already know Gamefreak is more involved with the process of character selection with their IP than others are), they probably settled on Greninja very quickly. I doubt they went through every single piece of concept art, and I'm willing to guarantee that they went to the starters first for ideas.

* Greninja's popularity was a happy coincidence.

Seems like Gamefreak and Sakurai's judgment were pretty good. People love their frogs.

I can't ignore what doesn't exist.
Clearly you can because it EXISTS. And I JUST SHOWED IT TO YOU.

These "things wrong" that you speak of? Nothing but figments of your own fairy tale land that you try to spout as fact.
Huh. Interesting thing to say after saying:

It brings to question why before the pre-E3 2013 leak, "Miis" were just what they were referred to, while yesterday's post (which is before the Nintendo Digital Event), the term "Mii Fighters" was used (which was what they ended up being called).
Yeah, it does bring a few things to question, doesn't it?

Look, I'm not trying to spout out things as fact, because at the end of the day, all we have are what we're given and dates we can compare. Sakurai's not going to come out and give us all the information we need to debunk the leak 'cause, honestly, it's impossible to debunk at this juncture. I'm taking the information and evidence I've been given and making something of it. Again, you guys choose to ignore it and rationalize it, but that's your prerogative.

The guy didn't want to keep it a surprise because he names everything else by name.

The guy clearly has access to some kind of roster-related information, to turn around and correct his first leak with the revelation of 'Mii Fighters'. I'd say chances are, he probably works at E3 or with Nintendo for E3, maybe marketing/public relations. Makes sense, since he never predicts anything outside of what has shown up at E3 so far and nothing else.

If the guy had access to the roster, he should have known Rosalina was coming, and Greninja was the name of the Pokemon. Since he doesn't mention either of them by name, that lends credence to the E3 theory, as both are characters mentioned outside of E3 that he completely misses.

So, to end:

* The guy is either upper/middle-management at Los Angeles Convention Center, OR public relations/marketing for Nintendo of America assigned to E3-related tasks.

* The guy never once accurately notes characters announced outside of E3. Notable exception is Little Mac, but..

* Assuming the first is fact, that means they DID legitimately plan to reveal the entire first leak at E3 '13, but didn't for whatever reason, maybe to draw information out or save it for next year.

* Chances are, since past behavior is a great indicator of future behavior, all six characters won't be announced at this E3, either. What we have right now is likely what we're going to get.

* This means the guy never had any legitimate access to the entire roster, which explains why there's no mention of Rosalina and no accurate mention of Greninja.

* Him knowing about Chrom, Shulk and Chorus Men likely means that they knew what they might want to show at E3 as far back as the Smash Direct. Chances are, they probably had the trailers ready as far back as then.

So, thanks to the Greninja information Sakurai gave us, we can extrapolate that:

tl;dr: The guy never had access to the full roster to begin with, so there's more characters to come than has been leaked, because there's no E3 between now and 3DS/Wii U version's release date. The Gematsu Leak's characters do NOT make up the final roster, which is excellent news.

And here you thought I was trying to debunk the leak. Just goes to show the lengths some of you guys go to ignore evidence, huh?
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
I can confirm that Pokemon starter concepts are generally some of the first designs to get worked on. Legendaries tend to take months due to multiple drafts, but I believe starters get decided on a lot quicker. So Greninja would have been more than available for Sakurai to look at and go, "yep, that's gonna be popular."

Not to mention that starters are ALWAYS a safe bet when discussing popular pokemon. And 6th gen already had a small selection pool.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
First: I demanded you prove me wrong 'cause you can't. You have no evidence to the contrary 'cept a crappy concept art picture from Ruby/Sapphire, and that's hardly ironclad stuff.

Second: I made a claim, all the evidence I posted points to it being right. You voluntarily chose to ignore it.

I'm sorry, but beyond a shadow of a doubt, they knew what Greninja was, what he was called and that they wanted him in Smash when you people were assuming the guy had 'faulty data' or 'old information'. There's no proof this is the case anymore, and I'll show you why.

Here's the Greninja line's concept art.

Goodness me, this looks like something that took months upon months to make and not the cluster**** that was your stupid Latiken concept art. It didn't take months to make. That was drawn up in about a half a day, tops. The funny thing is that I gave legitimate proof of MY claims, but you just kinda rationalized it. "Oh no, he made an assumption on the date!" Well, no duh, like I said, I'm not a Pokemon or Smash developer, I can only make assumptions based on the information I have because we don't have extremely accurate dates. Last I checked, though, it doesn't take a WHOLE YEAR to finalize concept art for video games. Let's do some of that 'analytical, logical' thinking with all the evidence we have.

X/Y Idea: June 2010
X/Y Conceptualized (Start): September 2010
Kid Icarus Uprising (Release): March 22nd, 2012
X/Y Release: October 12th, 2013

When did they finalize everything for X and Y? No-one knows, but I'm willing to eat a hat if it took them longer than 27 months to finalize the Pokemon concept art. Sakurai already stated that he wouldn't be working on Smash until Kid Icarus Uprising was done, so chances are he was starting work on Smash as early as January/February 2012, but who actually knows? At any rate, let's look at the evidence. Thanks to Sakurai, we now know that:

* They knew they wanted a Pokemon from X and Y on the roster from the beginning.

Fair enough, it's not Smash without at least one new Pokemon, right? Might as well take from the game that's being developed right now.

* They didn't want to wait for Pokemon X/Y to release to decide.

Smash has gotta get done, they can't wait for X and Y to release to start putting things into stone.

* They look at concept art, decide upon Greninja.

If X/Y Pokemon was a placeholder, it wasn't a placeholder for particularly long. These guys had access to Pokemon concept art to decide early on what they wanted, and likely at Gamefreak's behest (we already know Gamefreak is more involved with the process of character selection with their IP than others are), they probably settled on Greninja very quickly. I doubt they went through every single piece of concept art, and I'm willing to guarantee that they went to the starters first for ideas.

* Greninja's popularity was a happy coincidence.

Seems like Gamefreak and Sakurai's judgment were pretty good. People love their frogs.

Clearly you can because it EXISTS. And I JUST SHOWED IT TO YOU.

Huh. Interesting thing to say after saying:

Yeah, it does bring a few things to question, doesn't it?

Look, I'm not trying to spout out things as fact, because at the end of the day, all we have are what we're given and dates we can compare. Sakurai's not going to come out and give us all the information we need to debunk the leak 'cause, honestly, it's impossible to debunk at this juncture. I'm taking the information and evidence I've been given and making something of it. Again, you guys choose to ignore it and rationalize it, but that's your prerogative.

The guy didn't want to keep it a surprise because he names everything else by name.

The guy clearly has access to some kind of roster-related information, to turn around and correct his first leak with the revelation of 'Mii Fighters'. I'd say chances are, he probably works at E3 or with Nintendo for E3, maybe marketing/public relations. Makes sense, since he never predicts anything outside of what has shown up at E3 so far and nothing else.

If the guy had access to the roster, he should have known Rosalina was coming, and Greninja was the name of the Pokemon. Since he doesn't mention either of them by name, that lends credence to the E3 theory, as both are characters mentioned outside of E3 that he completely misses.

So, to end:

* The guy is either upper/middle-management at Los Angeles Convention Center, OR public relations/marketing for Nintendo of America assigned to E3-related tasks.

* The guy never once accurately notes characters announced outside of E3. Notable exception is Little Mac, but..

* Assuming the first is fact, that means they DID legitimately plan to reveal the entire first leak at E3 '13, but didn't for whatever reason, maybe to draw information out or save it for next year.

* Chances are, since past behavior is a great indicator of future behavior, all six characters won't be announced at this E3, either. What we have right now is likely what we're going to get.

* This means the guy never had any legitimate access to the entire roster, which explains why there's no mention of Rosalina and no accurate mention of Greninja.

* Him knowing about Chrom, Shulk and Chorus Men likely means that they knew what they might want to show at E3 as far back as the Smash Direct.

So, thanks to the Greninja information Sakurai gave us, we can extrapolate that:

tl;dr: The guy never had access to the full roster to begin with, so there's more characters to come than has been leaked, because there's no E3 between now and 3DS/Wii U version's release date. The Gematsu Leak's characters do NOT make up the final roster, which is excellent news.

And here you thought I was trying to debunk the leak. Just goes to show the lengths some of you guys go to ignore evidence, huh?
And here I thought you had a zen moment. :p

I'm going with the theory of a marketing guy happening to get a hold of some info, e-mailed Sal, and took of from there. Notice the "Mii Fighters" only popped up right before E3.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
And here I thought you had a zen moment. :p

I'm going with the theory of a marketing guy happening to get a hold of some info, e-mailed Sal, and took of from there. Notice the "Mii Fighters" only popped up right before E3.
It's anyone's guess at this point. The leaker could be at NoA/LACC, or he could just be the middle man for someone who is.

Anyway, point is, Sakurai debunked the Gematsu Leak being the final roster. Which is spectacular news.

There's more to come.
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
It's anyone's guess at this point. The leaker could be at NoA/LACC, or he could just be the middle man for someone who is.

Anyway, point is, Sakurai debunked the Gematsu Leak being the final roster. Which is spectacular news.

There's more to come.
What.... what??! Where can I find this news?
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Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
What.... what??! Where can I find this news?
It's.. not actually legitimate news, but it's what we can extrapolate from the evidence and information we have. Sal's leaker only knows stuff that comes out of E3 and completely misses the two characters that aren't released at E3. Similarly, he corrects his original 'Mii' leak with 'Mii Fighters', information that no-one would know unless they had access to information about what's to be shown at E3.

Coincidence? Narp.

The guy only has access to E3 information. There's more to come. The roster is still alive.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Anyway, point is, Sakurai debunked the Gematsu Leak being the final roster. .
While I wouldn't go this far, I would like to say I don't fully believe the sal leak yet.

While I think it's definitely possible now, if not probable, there is definitely still one or two small things going against it. And even if it is true, it never claims a final roster.

You know what, just for the hell of it, I wanna go on record here and say I think the sal leak will turn out false. I don't see DLC characters happening, and I like bets.
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Feb 13, 2014
It's anyone's guess at this point. The leaker could be at NoA/LACC, or he could just be the middle man for someone who is.

Anyway, point is, Sakurai debunked the Gematsu Leak being the final roster. Which is spectacular news.

There's more to come.
Wait, when did he do that? I don't remember him doing that at all. I remember him saying there was a placeholder for an X and Y Pokemon which they later decided upon as Greninja, so that more solidly confirms the leak, but I never remember him outright deconfirming it. O___o


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Wait, when did he do that? I don't remember him doing that at all. I remember him saying there was a placeholder for an X and Y Pokemon which they later decided upon as Greninja, so that more solidly confirms the leak, but I never remember him outright deconfirming it. O___o
Again, he didn't.

The evidence points to Sal's leaker only having legitimate access to E3 information. Sakurai's mention of Greninja - one of the most questionable aspects of the Gematsu Leak - pretty much confirms that.

Why he filled the roster in like that (Pokemon from X and Y instead of Greninja) is anyone's guess, though. He might've heard about it from co-workers, overheard it from management, he might've just been guessing, he might've been doing it to protect himself. We'll never really know, and it doesn't particularly matter. Point is, Sal's leaker has proven that he's right with all E3 related things but didn't accurately describe anything that hasn't been shown at E3.

Like I said, I don't feel like that's a coincidence. There's more to the roster. The Gematsu Leak is just the E3 parts of the puzzle. The Gematsu Leak is, more than likely, not the final roster.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2014
So let's assume this leak turns out completely correct. Does it do much to the community? I understand a ton of individuals are going to disappointed regardless, but would the overall success of this game be affected?


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Again, he didn't.

The evidence points to Sal's leaker only having legitimate access to E3 information. Sakurai's mention of Greninja - one of the most questionable aspects of the Gematsu Leak - pretty much confirms that.

Why he filled the roster in like that (Pokemon from X and Y instead of Greninja) is anyone's guess, though. He might've heard about it from co-workers, overheard it from management, he might've just been guessing, he might've been doing it to protect himself. We'll never really know, and it doesn't particularly matter. Point is, Sal's leaker has proven that he's right with all E3 related things but didn't accurately describe anything that hasn't been shown at E3.

Like I said, I don't feel like that's a coincidence. There's more to the roster. The Gematsu Leak is just the E3 parts of the puzzle. The Gematsu Leak is, more than likely, not the final roster.
RosalinaX seems to suggest there is only one more character we haven't seen. However it may or may not be a newcomer. Most people think it is Mewtwo.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
So let's assume this leak turns out completely correct. Does it do much to the community? I understand a ton of individuals are going to disappointed regardless, but would the overall success of this game be affected?
I don't think the overall success of the game would be affected if the Gematsu Leak was right and turned out to actually legitimately be all the newcomers. After seeing so many people change their minds with Pac-Man, Palutena and Mii Fighters (myself included), I'd say that even if the aforementioned becomes the case, well, the game's still going to sell well.

Of course, you can't really satisfy everyone, y'know?

Deleted member 245254

Okay chunky beef, you say that people are ignoring evidence and choosing to rationalize it.

Maybe look in the mirror?

If someone had to choose whether the Sal leak was correct at the cost of their life given they were wrong, what would recommend, personally, that they choose?

I'm guessing you'd tell them that their best chance at survival, at this point, would be to assert that the leak is real.

That being said, your "evidence" and nauseating self-claims of victory at anything (by the way, nobody thinks a word you've said has been reasonably insightful or argument-winning in any regard) are irrelevant to the fact the leak is MOST LIKELY at this point. To ignore rationalizations as to how it's not legit is only natural because any reasonable person already understands there's more to it than "safe guesses".

Be one of those people, chunky. I know you have it in you.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Okay chunky beef, you say that people are ignoring evidence and choosing to rationalize it.

Maybe look in the mirror?

If someone had to choose whether the Sal leak was correct at the cost of their life given they were wrong, what would recommend, personally, that they choose?

I'm guessing you'd tell them that their best chance at survival, at this point, would be to assert that the leak is real.

That being said, your "evidence" and nauseating self-claims of victory at anything (by the way, nobody thinks a word you've said has been reasonably insightful or argument-winning in any regard) are irrelevant to the fact the leak is MOST LIKELY at this point. To ignore rationalizations as to how it's not legit is only natural because any reasonable person already understands there's more to it than "safe guesses".

Be one of those people, chunky. I know you have it in you.
I would've thought Wii Fit Trainer already proved the leak. Even though he missed Rosalina, the fact that so far he has not been wrong at all suggests that he does know most of the roster.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Be one of those people, chunky. I know you have it in you.
Come on back with a more thoughtful post when you've read the entire post.

Don't be a 4channer, Zipzo. Don't read the first few sentences of a post and ignore the rest. Don't go with the flow just 'cause that's the easiest way to do things. I know you have it in you.

Anyway, if you'd read the whole of my last post instead of just kinda reading two sentences and jumping down to the quick reply box, you'd have seen that I actually AGREE that the Gematsu Leak is real based on the new information we have about Greninja, and that all it changes about the Leak is that the roster is larger than expected because the guy clearly only has legitimate access to E3 related news.

The guy doesn't know about Rosalina and Greninja because neither of them show up at E3, or were ever planned to.

Therefore, doesn't it stand to reason that the Gematsu Leak in its entirety is NOT the final roster, and that there's more to come? There's going to be more characters in the final version of the game than is being let on by the Gematsu Leaker. Why else would he not reveal anything new about this E3? Similarly, if the Gematsu Leaker is right, that means character DLC is coming. So, even more characters! Everyone wins!

Again, I'm not saying the leak is fake. I'm saying that it's just another piece of the puzzle. I will concede that up until that point, I was looking at things the wrong way, and hey, I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2014
No one relied to my comment earlier. Do we know what "Getting the cut" means?

I'm really worried for Ness here.
''There has been internal debate about keeping Lucas versus Ness, apparently Lucas is likely to get the cut''

This is Sal's wording (not the leaker's) he's referring to who's not going to be in the roster, but he also said apparently and likely.
We don't know anything else and Sal won't ever share info about the actual leaker.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2014
If this leak is right, this means that they haven't yet decided the final roster, since they are still debating about Ness and Lucas. 1) I think they should have already decided the roster and 2) even if the leak is real, the roster can still change, since it isn't finalized.

I'm sorry if this has been already posted.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2013
The hype train
Come on back with a more thoughtful post when you've read the entire post.

Don't be a 4channer, Zipzo. Don't read the first few sentences of a post and ignore the rest. Don't go with the flow just 'cause that's the easiest way to do things. I know you have it in you.

Anyway, if you'd read the whole of my last post instead of just kinda reading two sentences and jumping down to the quick reply box, you'd have seen that I actually AGREE that the Gematsu Leak is real based on the new information we have about Greninja, and that all it changes about the Leak is that the roster is larger than expected because the guy clearly only has legitimate access to E3 related news.

The guy doesn't know about Rosalina and Greninja because neither of them show up at E3, or were ever planned to.

Therefore, doesn't it stand to reason that the Gematsu Leak in its entirety is NOT the final roster, and that there's more to come? There's going to be more characters in the final version of the game than is being let on by the Gematsu Leaker. Why else would he not reveal anything new about this E3? Similarly, if the Gematsu Leaker is right, that means character DLC is coming. So, even more characters! Everyone wins!

Again, I'm not saying the leak is fake. I'm saying that it's just another piece of the puzzle. I will concede that up until that point, I was looking at things the wrong way, and hey, I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong.
RosalinaX seems to suggest there's only one newcomer spot left. I'm thinking Ridley and Mewtwo are the biggest contenders for it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 6, 2013
It's anyone's guess at this point. The leaker could be at NoA/LACC, or he could just be the middle man for someone who is.

Anyway, point is, Sakurai debunked the Gematsu Leak being the final roster. Which is spectacular news.

There's more to come.
Or less to come...


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
So if I understand correctly, Chunky is not saying the leak is fake, but that it won't be the final characters of the game, so there are still newcomers. Am I right ?


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
''There has been internal debate about keeping Lucas versus Ness, apparently Lucas is likely to get the cut''

This is Sal's wording (not the leaker's) he's referring to who's not going to be in the roster, but he also said apparently and likely.
We don't know anything else and Sal won't ever share info about the actual leaker.
If this leak is right, this means that they haven't yet decided the final roster, since they are still debating about Ness and Lucas. 1) I think they should have already decided the roster and 2) even if the leak is real, the roster can still change, since it isn't finalized.

I'm sorry if this has been already posted.
Honestly, I'd say that this part is probably bullcrap, but I think the general consensus is that only one or the other of the Mother boys are going to get back in.. and chances are, it's probably Ness. Why they'd be having internal debates on the inclusion of a veteran character four months from release means he's either full of crap or he really DOES have EXTREMELY outdated information.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2014
One of the things that makes me skeptical about this leak is that if those were all of the newcomers, they'd have revealed most of the newcomers before the game even comes out. I doubt they would only leave three newcomers for us to find.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
One of the things that makes me skeptical about this leak is that if those were all of the newcomers, they'd have revealed most of the newcomers before the game even comes out. I doubt they would only leave three newcomers for us to find.
We had four in brawl.
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