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The Official Thread For the Sal Romano/Gematsu Leak

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Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
There's streaming from the Treehouse for the next 2 days so somethings bound to show up. Atleast I hope, they can't play Splatoon for the entire thing, can they?
>implying you don't love the glory that is Splatoon


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
I read the leak from someone on a different thread since everyone is so hesitant to post links.

Anyway, I'm on board that this leak is real now. However a few things to note.

Should we be expecting Chrom, Shulk, and Chorus Men to be announce tomorrow? That seems crazy, but what else could "Participating" characters mean?

Also I'm happy with post launch DLC. Hopefully that means we will get characters that we won't be able to get at launch. Which is everyone that I wish would be in the game.
I doubt that we will see Chrom, Shulk, and Chorus Men at E3. Remember, the leaker has been wrong about the exact E3 reveal schedule before.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
I doubt that we will see Chrom, Shulk, and Chorus Men at E3. Remember, the leaker has been wrong about the exact E3 reveal schedule before.
Just seems so odd to use the word "Participating". If that doesn't mean they will "Par Take" in E3, what else could it mean? Just seems odd.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
Who knows, we still have two days left.
Sakurai's flying back to Japan tomorrow. I don't see a character being revealed on the show floor if he's gone. But who knows?

Just seems so odd to use the word "Participating". If that doesn't mean they will "Par Take" in E3, what else could it mean? Just seems odd.
Why say that Pac-Man and Mii would be revealed at E3 last year? He's clearly either got some incorrect information or is making some assumptions.
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Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Any day can be a great day if you go through it blissfully in denial.
I mean really, when it's all said and done, you're just desperately looking for an excuse as to why the leak is fake.
Uh huh. I'm not 'desperately looking for an excuse as to why the leak is fake' when the evidence is all there that there's something clearly wrong with the information we've been given. I was given the information, I'm merely pointing it out and - funny enough - it's completely ignored. But I digress.

You're using decade plus old concept art for Ruby and Sapphire. Besides that being hilariously ironic, the concept art is not the enormous cluster**** that you're insinuating it is. Anyone can go to Bulbapedia and pluck out really convenient, silly concept art, but the reality is? They decide very quickly what they want.

Yes, the conceptual planning for Pokemon X and Pokemon Y began before Black and White were released (Fun Fact: September 18th, 2010 in Japan). The idea for the game first arose June of 2010. Then we spent three years developing the game..
Gosh, you seriously don't think their artists couldn't have drawn up and finalized all 68 Pokemon and 29 Mega Forms in the span of a couple of months? These aren't grade school kids sitting around with crayons, glue and macaroni. These are people that are paid to get this **** done.

So, if we assume worst case scenario - three or four months to get all the concept art finalized and ready to get into the game - that brings us to January 2011. Smash was something like a year from being developed then, and Sakurai was still working on Kid Icarus: Uprising.

To summarize:

* They knew they were putting Greninja into Pokemon.
* They knew they were putting Greninja in before development on Smash even began.
* They knew what Greninja was and knew his name when development on Smash began.
* Greninja's popularity was a happy coincidence.
* The Gematsu Leak has a huge, gaping hole in it thanks to Sakurai.

Anyway, as I've said already, I don't care if the leak is accurate or not, I'm done arguing it, and you could really do with an attitude adjustment. Keep ignoring all the evidence you want to, because I've finally, FINALLY, stopped giving a ****.
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Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2012
Well I have to say that I'm real excited to see Shulk and Chrom, as they are my #1 and #2 most wanted newcomers, respectively. I don't care for the Chorus Men. I pray that these aren't the final newcomers though... I need Mewtwo as well at the least.

Deleted member

Uh huh. I'm not 'desperately looking for an excuse as to why the leak is fake' when the evidence is all there that there's something clearly wrong with the information we've been given. I was given the information, I'm merely pointing it out and - funny enough - it's completely ignored. But I digress.

You're using decade plus old concept art for Ruby and Sapphire. Besides that being hilariously ironic, the concept art is not the enormous cluster**** that you're insinuating it is. Anyone can go to Bulbapedia and pluck out really convenient, silly concept art, but the reality is? They decide very quickly what they want.

Gosh, you seriously don't think their artists couldn't have drawn up and finalized all 68 Pokemon and 29 Mega Forms in the span of a couple of months? These aren't grade school kids sitting around with crayons, glue and macaroni. These are people that are paid to get this **** done.

So, if we assume worst case scenario - three or four months to get all the concept art finalized and ready to get into the game - that brings us to January 2011. Smash was something like a year from being developed then, and Sakurai was still working on Kid Icarus: Uprising.

To summarize:

* They knew they were putting Greninja into Pokemon.
* They knew they were putting Greninja in before development on Smash even began.
* Greninja's popularity was a happy coincidence.
* The Gematsu Leak has a huge, gaping hole in it thanks to Sakurai.

Anyway, as I've said already, I don't care if the leak is accurate or not, I'm done arguing it, and you could really do with an attitude adjustment. Keep ignoring all the evidence you want to, because I've finally, FINALLY, stopped giving a ****.

Faulty evidence? Check.
Making hypocritical claim that I'm "ignoring evidence"? Check.
Claiming to have "stopped giving a ****" when clearly not the case? Check.
Still being headstrong about the leak being fake when it's heavily pointing otherwise? Check.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic....

(Bring on the mods; don't care at this point)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Sakurai just said he added Greninja before X/Y was released

He didn't say he planned on Greninja being in from the beginning

He said he planned on a new pokemon from X/Y to be in from the beginning
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Sakurai just said he added Greninja before X/Y was released

He didn't say he planned on Greninja being in from the beginning

He said he planned on a new pokemon from X/Y to be in from the beginning
Thank you. This.

Sal's Leaker listed what the exact sheet said here. Even if he knew of Greninja(beyond likely), he didn't have to say it. He was still right anyway.


Sep 26, 2013
Well I have to say that I'm real excited to see Shulk and Chrom, as they are my #1 and #2 most wanted newcomers, respectively. I don't care for the Chorus Men. I pray that these aren't the final newcomers though... I need Mewtwo as well at the least.
Mewtwo....is not a newcomer.

Deleted member

Sakurai just said he added Greninja before X/Y was released

He didn't say he planned on Greninja being in from the beginning

He said he planned on a new pokemon from X/Y to be in from the beginning
I don't understand why this is so difficult to understand.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I believe the Sal Leak much more than i used to..but it could still not be true
I'm 100% sold that he had info, but I'm also 100% positive not all of it was accurate. Which is obvious because Pac-Man and Mii were supposedly supposed to be announced last year, and things can change in development to cause a character like Chrom or Chorus Men to not make it in (such as debating on whether or not to keep Ike and drop Chrom, or perhaps use Lucina instead of Chrom). Shulk I'm pretty sold on, but there's many factors that could affect a change in status for Chrom and Chorus Men.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I believe the Sal Leak much more than i used to..but it could still not be true
Well, Leak 2 and Leak 3 aren't proven at this moment. Leak 1 is completely real and factual. We can say with certainty that the whole "hole" about the outdated information is pretty much killed.

We're not saying guessing a Gen 6 Pokemon was totally impossible or even unlikely, but we were confirmed that's exactly how Sakurai did it, by going for the Gen, then seeing Greninja and choosing him, before the game was out. It wasn't popularity, it wasn't due to some special media, he just liked him. That's neat.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
I'm 100% sold that he had info, but I'm also 100% positive not all of it was accurate. Which is obvious because Pac-Man and Mii were supposedly supposed to be announced last year, and things can change in development to cause a character like Chrom or Chorus Men to not make it in .
This is a very good point. We shouldn't forget that there were several characters they had planned cut from brawl due to time constraints and such during production.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
(Bring on the mods; don't care at this point)
Not proving me wrong? Check.
Jerkwad attitude? Check.
Missing the point? Check.
Pursuing things he should just give up on? Check.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

No, seriously, prove me wrong. I'm BEGGING you to prove me wrong at this point. All you're doing is dragging me back into the fight, for real. The evidence is all there. The information all lines up. I can't give you accurate dates on things because I'm not a Pokemon or Smash developer. I can only make sweeping assumptions when it comes to dates, and when the evidence points at Greninja being done almost a year before Smash even begins development?

I'm sorry. Ignore it all you want, I don't care.

"All of the characters to consider were on our internal roster from the beginning of development. We had a slot for a new Pokemon reserved, but did not wait for X and Y. We decided to use Greninja well before X/Y came out, based on early reference drawings."
'Reference Drawings' is concept art, concept art that was FINALIZED ALMOST A YEAR BEFORE DEVELOPMENT EVEN STARTED ON SMASH BROTHERS. Are you seriously normally this dense, or does it come in waves? Is it your super power?

YES. The guy clearly has information. We don't know where it's coming from.
YES. There's evidence that insists the guy doesn't have all the information.
NO. There's no excuse for the guy to name everything else by name 100% accurately to magically not know who Greninja is when the information was already there to begin with.
YES. The guy is probably not a native English speaker.
YES. Chances are good the Gematsu Leak is right.
NO. There's evidence to support there is more to the game than we're being fed.
YES. The evidence suggests the guy should have known it was Rosalina and not Peach.

There's things wrong with the leak, and you, and everyone else, are fine with completely ignoring it because it's not convenient. That's fine. I refuse to live in a fairy tale land where everything is black and white.

I'm done. Don't drag me into this fight again.
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
Anyway, as I've said already, I don't care if the leak is accurate or not, I'm done arguing it, and you could really do with an attitude adjustment. Keep ignoring all the evidence you want to, because I've finally, FINALLY, stopped giving a ****.
I wish I could take a page from your book right about now...


Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
The one reason I doubt chrom chorus men or shulk at e3 is that 6 newcomers is kinda reaching. The only characters I expect from the rest of e3 is one or two vetrans

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Where did this Peach pallette swap thing come from?
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Where did this Peach pallette swap thing come from?
It never existed. It's just some ridiculous reason made up to say "apparently Sal's Leaker totally didn't see Rosalina" despite looking at what appears to be a piece of paper since that's the only way they could list "Pokemon from X and Y" entirely. :/

It doesn't make sense at all.

Deleted member

Warning Received
Not proving me wrong? Check.
Jerkwad attitude? Check.
Missing the point? Check.
Pursuing things he should just give up on? Check.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

No, seriously, prove me wrong. I'm BEGGING you to prove me wrong at this point. All you're doing is dragging me back into the fight, for real. The evidence is all there. The information all lines up. I can't give you accurate dates on things because I'm not a Pokemon or Smash developer. I can only make sweeping assumptions when it comes to dates, and when the evidence points at Greninja being done almost a year before Smash even begins development?
You don't seem to understand how arguments work.
When you make a claim, you're supposed to prove it being true, not demand the other side prove you wrong.
Aside from that, I'm not dragging you into jack; you keep dragging yourself into this. If you REALLY didn't care anymore, you wouldn't post about this in the first place.

And no, the sole fact you can only make assumptions about your case without the means to back them up means you don't have a case.
Do we know X/Y were in the works before Black/White 2's release? Yes.
Do we know if Greninja was conceptualized before Black/White 2's release. No, we don't.
Do we know if Sakurai and co. knew about Greninja before X/Y's release? Yes, we now know they did.
Do we know if Sakurai and co. knew about Greninja's concept art before the characters were first decided upon? No. Actually, we know the opposite. In that very quote you keep pointing to, there's a sentence you keep overlooking. Let me magnify it for you so you don't miss it again:

"We had a slot for a new Pokemon reserved, but did not wait for X and Y."

You know what "we had a slot for a new Pokémon reserved" means? It means THERE WAS A PLACEHOLDER. Just like how Ike wasn't initially decided upon for Brawl and instead only the fact there would be a new Fire Emblem character was, they didn't decide on Greninja first thing; just that there would be a new Pokémon.
The "but did not wait for X and Y" part refers to them deciding upon the Pokémon for the placeholder prior to the release of the games.

By analytical logic, this would mean that Greninja would have to have been decided upon at some point between the placeholder's conception and the release of the games. Not in 2011, before Sakurai even began to focus on Smash (which didn't happen until KI Uprising's release), like you want to claim Geninja's concept art was made.

I'm sorry. Ignore it all you want, I don't care.
Clearly you don't. That's why you're getting pissy because I have the nerve to call you out on your bs. :rolleyes:

'Reference Drawings' is concept art, concept art that was FINALIZED ALMOST A YEAR BEFORE DEVELOPMENT EVEN STARTED ON SMASH BROTHERS. Are you seriously normally this dense, or does it come in waves? Is it your super power?

YES. The guy clearly has information. We don't know where it's coming from.
YES. There's evidence that insists the guy doesn't have all the information.
NO. There's no excuse for the guy to name everything else by name 100% accurately to magically not know who Greninja is when the information was already there to begin with.
YES. The guy is probably not a native English speaker.
YES. Chances are good the Gematsu Leak is right.
NO. There's evidence to support there is more to the game than we're being fed.
YES. The evidence suggests the guy should have known it was Rosalina and not Peach.
You make a bold assumption without anything to back it up that everything from X/Y was conceptualized in 2011, treat it as stone-cold fact for an argument, make another bold assumption without anything to back it up that Sakurai and co. were made aware of these conceptual artworks as soon as they were finished, and I'm the dense one? I'm not sure which is worse; the insult itself, or the hypocrisy.

As for the bolded, aside from the fact it's making another assumption that the informant had the means to know about Greninja being the outcome of the CONFIRMED placeholder, it's also making an assumption that he didn't know in the first place as opposed to just leaving it at the vague placeholder for ****s and giggles or to keep at least some form of surprise. (We don't really know what the informant really knew at what time, and I will admit that I am guilty of making assumptions for this as well.)
It brings to question why before the pre-E3 2013 leak, "Miis" were just what they were referred to, while yesterday's post (which is before the Nintendo Digital Event), the term "Mii Fighters" was used (which was what they ended up being called).

There's things wrong with the leak, and you, and everyone else, are fine with completely ignoring it because it's not convenient. That's fine. I refuse to live in a fairy tale land where everything is black and white.
I can't ignore what doesn't exist.
These "things wrong" that you speak of? Nothing but figments of your own fairy tale land that you try to spout as fact.
I mean really, even if you are right that Greninja's concept art existed back in 2011, it bears absolutely no relevance onto the validity of the leak itself. Just on the points people have made about Greninja specifically.

I'm done. Don't drag me into this fight again.
"Waah. I'm going to rant and I don't want you to respond!"
Don't dish out what you can't take.


Evaluations on what's been right, what's been wrong, and what hasn't been confirmed yet.

Animal Crossing Guy
-The name is "Villager", not "Animal Crossing Guy".
-Revealed on E3 2013

Mega Man
-Revealed on E3 2013

Wii Fit Trainer
-Revealed on E3 2013

-Not revealed on E3 2013.
-The name "Mii Fighters", used in the third leak.

Little Mac
-Not revealed on E3 2013.

-Not revealed on E3 2013.

-The name "Goddess Palutena", used in the third leak.

A Pokémon from X/Y
-Greninja is a Pokémon from X/Y.

-Greninja wasn't specified.



Chorus Men

-Lucas vs. Ness; Lucas likely to get cut

-Last E3 until release

-Post-launch character DLC
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Sep 26, 2013
Evaluations on what's been right, what's been wrong, and what hasn't been confirmed yet.

Animal Crossing Guy
-The name is "Villager", not "Animal Crossing Guy".
-Revealed on E3 2013

Mega Man
-Revealed on E3 2013

Wii Fit Trainer
-Revealed on E3 2013

-Not revealed on E3 2013. They were revealed on E3 2014 instead.
-The name "Mii Fighters", used in the third leak.

Little Mac
-Not revealed on E3 2013. He was revealed on the February 2014 Nintendo Direct instead.

-Not revealed on E3 2013. He was revealed on E3 2014 instead.

-"Participated" at E3 2014.

-The name "Goddess Palutena", used in the third leak.

A Pokémon from X/Y
-Greninja is a Pokémon from X/Y.

-Greninja wasn't specified.

-Will "Participate" at E3 2014.

-Will "Participate" at E3 2014.

Chorus Men
-Will "Participate" at E3 2014.

-Lucas vs. Ness; Lucas likely to get cut

-Last E3 until release

-Post-launch character DLC
Unless the game gets delayed until next year, can't we say that this is the last E3 until it launches?

Deleted member

It's a safe bet, but we can't claim it as something that's happened yet, no matter how obvious it is.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Was it ever specified that the remaining characters would be present at E3? I don't think he ever mentioned E3 in his post, the use of the word "participating" probably refers to how Smash Bros is considered a sort of event in canon, at least that's how I've interpreted it from Villager's letter and everything.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
He didn't say "Participating at E3", just "Participating". That shouldn't count against anything, unless it had been directly stated.

The "Goddess Palutena" thing is true, but nonetheless, she showed up. And about ****ing time, too.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Okay, so I've been following this thread for a while now but never posted here, but now I will... just to say, that it definitely looks like this leak is real. I mean, we have 6/6 of the first batch of characters, and only missing Chrom, Shulk and Chorus Men I think from the second? Out of those three, the first two have been pretty much speculated anyway, making Chorus Men the only "wtf" one here. And while I still don't like the idea of them, I didn't like the idea of Mii either and that turned out better than I expected. And I guess I'd be fine with liking everyone else on the Gematsu leak except for one (Chorus Men) - that's pretty good already.

But even if this leak is real, I don't think it solidifies any sort of roster just yet... he never got Rosalina, so that gives me hope for maybe some more newcomers that aren't on the leaks. So far the majority of the leaks' characters have been revealed, so I wonder if those characters are set to be revealed separately, while there are still some secret ones kept under wraps. Rosalina is the odd one out, but otherwise it's pretty consistent.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
I really hope for more newcomers except for those of Sal Romano. We had 16 newcomers in brawl, couldn't we have the same amount ? And having cuts is kind of disappointing...
Tbh, except Ridley (I honestly think he was deconfirmed) and Mewtwo, I don't see who Samurai could add. You may say that it's what makes this game magic ! Unbelievables characters.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
What is this? Please tell me that Sal leaked this.

Well, it's in the same leak that came...this morning I think? that included "Mii Fighter" as a character, which is just too accurate and on-point to be a guess.

As a Mother fan, with Mother 3 as one of my favorite games of all time, I grieve for this potential loss, but there's nothing I can exactly do to change it but hope Lucas makes it as DLC, which the same leak mentioned is happening as well. (Specifically for characters I think, too.)


Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
Well, it's in the same leak that came...this morning I think? that included "Mii Fighter" as a character, which is just too accurate and on-point to be a guess.

As a Mother fan, with Mother 3 as one of my favorite games of all time, I grieve for this potential loss, but there's nothing I can exactly do to change it but hope Lucas makes it as DLC, which the same leak mentioned is happening as well. (Specifically for characters I think, too.)
Well... There's still hope, since the leaker doesn't seem to be sure... But if it does happen, my next hope will be that he's DLC...

Oh god this is just too depressing.
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