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The Official South Carolina Thread


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Wassup guys

Boone is thinking about hosting a tournament in Aprilish
Would you guys be interested/able to go?


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
For which game?

Melee I'll come,
Brawl I'll come and set up Project M or Melee and make people play it.

oh wait no it's 5 hours and 13 minutes from my house lollllllll
Well it's up to you
5:13 is a long drive

But Melee mostly, P:M too if we have it at that point
We should since it's coming out at Pound V
We haven't really done anything with it as far as confirmation or not
Just seeing if there's interest

If there's no interest there's no tournament. That would be unfair not only to us but to people like you, who want to go but is only justified by a big turnout.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
:D well everything is far from Charleston. We're on the coast. and that sucks.

but now that I know it's Melee my interest rises by two thousand percent. If I can get a hookup ride from others in this state I'd be glad to come.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2004
Waukegan, IL
soooo any yall coming up for Pound 5. I'm driving from Richmond so i won't be able to give any rides. But I'd like to know if anyone would be coming.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Too far and too expensive for me. I wish. I'd love to just follow Armada everywhere he goes and record what he says then make a remix out of it later.

Guys I played MvC3 at Best Buy and I think I love it.

weez nuts sc

Smash Cadet
Nov 20, 2010
columbia, sc
hey RC visit columbia sometime. we're starting to think we're getting better so we need a barometer to tell us if we still suck or just kinda suck

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I wish I still lived there. I've been working on so many odd methods of moving back but... None of them are really... well...

It shouldn't be too long from now for my next visit. I'll gladly be the barometer of choice.


Needs to try harder
Mar 3, 2008
So today I decided to play Project M for the very first time. After gleefully playing it for hours on end with my brother, I felt such joy. It was like THIS is the game I waited over two years for while I played Melee. THIS is the reason I trained my Mario in melee hoping that it would transfer over to Brawl. Then for comparison I went back to playing regular brawl, only to be severely disappointed as the first thing that happens is I trip into Ike's Fsmash. It was that moment that I became very angry with Brawl.

How fair is it that Brawl is as unbalanced as it is? Is it really fair that I have nobody to play with locally and I essentially must travel 2-3 hours to GET to a tournament (4-6 hours driving total) for a SMASHFEST, let alone top grade tournaments? Like seriously, this game is EXPENSIVE to be good at. Gas money for traveling constantly, tournament fees, AIRPLANE TICKETS...**** I can't afford to invest all that money for nothing, i'm poor as hell. To make matters worse, I can't even rely on Wifi to train. The lag is always horrendous and there's nothing I can do about it, I've even gotten a Wii Adapter. If I had Wifi then maybe the money wouldn't be so much of an issue because at least I could train and fight for my money's worth. As Criosphinx once said to me..."Wi-fi? More like Why-Try?" lol <3

I'm really thinking about dropping this game and picking up MvC3. This game has everything I want from Brawl.

1. It's new. EVERYBODY'S gonna be playing this game for awhile. Should be insanely easy to find others who play and play with them. It's not just gonna be the same people over and over again.

2.Wifi is really good from what I hear. In fact, it's good enough to train in. So now even though I live in South Carolina, I can train with people in Cali/NY. Hell yeah, that's amazing.

3.The game itself just looks stunning. It's a VERY nice change of pace and speed from Brawl. And could you imagine? A fighting game with DECENT HITSTUN? <3

4. Tournaments are going to be all over the place and constant. Yeeaahh lol

But eh Smash is crack for me, I say all this crap but I'll prob just play smash anyways LOL
I wasted your time
U mad?



Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Then for comparison I went back to playing regular brawl, only to be severely disappointed as the first thing that happens is I trip into Ike's Fsmash. It was that moment that I became very angry with Brawl.
I played Brawl for about a year. Only reason I stayed around so long was because of textures, otherwise it just... didn't satisfy in the way I wanted. But I never noticed, I guess because I was blinded by the hype with the hacks.
Wii bricks, send it to Nintendo. I passed for a few days, seeing Melee on the shelf, thinking about how I played the game for nearly six-seven years straight, in preparation for the next "big" Smash title. I guess the curiosity got the better of me, since I decide to pick up the GCN and play Maylay anyway. And Ohhhh, gloriousness ensued. I don't know how I played a game for so long, only to see and play something so totally... new, fast, and fresh. Every attack I executed worked, every mistake I made I could see and correct. The term's overused, but there was so much more "depth" to it than I gave it credit for.
...It was because of this, and the rapid popularity of Brawl hacks, that I dedicated the time to trying to crack Melee to help get it just a little more mainstream again. Safe to say, I feel it was time well spent... :) Who'd've thought.

tl;dr Same thing happened to me, LOL, just with the original SSBM.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
It's hella laggy. And it takes like 8 tries to get a match with loading screens in the middle of each try in ranked. It's not nearly as bad as brawl though, but what is? LOL

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
idk man, I've played SSF4 online at places with no lag, but at my house it's terrible. I've heard mixed things about MvC3's as well.

You can try playing Project M over wifi too I guess. If I can't get into the team I'm not gonna play it, I guess that makes me an ******* but I have goals in life and if this won't help me accomplish it than I'd rather not waste my time.

It's a shame nobody has ever believed in me.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Marietta, GA
Online mvc3 isn't bad once you can actually find a game.

I didn't notice any lag in game whenever I played, the only issue is actually finding a match.

That and you can't spectate matches for whatever reason.
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