This is way better than the crappy update from yesterday...
Ok so they changed his profile picture, GOOD, the other one looked simple, just standing looking at something else, this one seems fro fighter-ish, with the badass look and all...
His grab is by far the best looking grab EVER, I can wait no snap pikachus head off!
the music is awesome, hearing it over and over, I always loved MGS music and this ones lives up to all the rest, by far one of -if not THE- best music revealed so far...
the special moves are awesome, expected the grenade, the nikkitia took me off guard, its like samus missile ONLY WAY BETTER, the cypher is cool I guess, and I bet the mines are his D-tilt, since the RPG-to-the-ground from the 2nd trailer seems more D-smash-ish for its lag
overall love the update, a triple update plus they revealed what is a secret character, meaning once we get the veteran starters were bound to get newcomers some time after that!