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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Mass Effect 1 was a good game. Mass Effect 2 was an incredible Sci-Fi novel somehow wound into a game on the side. Each character feels unique, you care about what they're on about, and you pick favorites because of how they all work around each other. There is an incredible amount of versatility you can act on when interacting with each character of your crew--and it makes the re-playability that much stronger. Not to mention how you level your Shephard... Whom I believe is Bioware's best attempt at meshing a custom, user-defined character within a pre-defined story. I guess it helps that they chose great voice actors overall.

Mass Effect 3 worries me greatly, just as Dragon Age 2 caused everyone to go on murdering rampages (Didn't read the news the day it was released? I did. I regret it.) I hope all the new combat options are just additional plugs for the FPS fans out there, and that they don't chew up the story and spit it out. The Tech-Knife thing already looks overpowered as balls, and I don't want my combat to be simple-minded because of ease-of-use-combat-to-get-to-the-next-part. There will probably be difficulty sliders, at least.

Here's hoping Bioware doesn't **** up.

If they do: I might start drinking.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA

so far, the gameplay (from what i've played in the ME3 demo) is greatly unchanged. the "tech-knife" (i'm taking a STAB at this.. woooooah) do you mean the power melee? because it's different depending on your character (i play an infiltrator so i had the tech-knife, my buddy played the demo at my place and played a vanguard, it was different).
it was a one-hit kill on normal troopers with just a health bar, but with any shields or barrier, it wouldn't kill. also you're generally running out in the open and getting completely wrecked.
as an infiltrator, i like to cloak, then run in and power melee for a free kill, but then you need to get the hell out of there or you will get killed. it takes a second or two to do the animation, too.

so i dunno. but the demo didn't feel dumbed-down. it still played like ME2 to me, and if everything else is of the same or better quality then it's gonna be fantastic.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Oki doki. . .

So the final car roster for MI will be:

-and I

We're going to be staying at Gio's place on Saturday night and also taking him to the tourney.

On Friday night we're going to stay at Slamus' place and leave around 5 am.

We could all meet at Duq and go from there.

The drive is about 5 hours.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
Mass Effect 1 was a good game. Mass Effect 2 was an incredible Sci-Fi novel somehow wound into a game on the side. Each character feels unique, you care about what they're on about, and you pick favorites because of how they all work around each other. There is an incredible amount of versatility you can act on when interacting with each character of your crew--and it makes the re-playability that much stronger. Not to mention how you level your Shephard... Whom I believe is Bioware's best attempt at meshing a custom, user-defined character within a pre-defined story. I guess it helps that they chose great voice actors overall.

Mass Effect 3 worries me greatly, just as Dragon Age 2 caused everyone to go on murdering rampages (Didn't read the news the day it was released? I did. I regret it.) I hope all the new combat options are just additional plugs for the FPS fans out there, and that they don't chew up the story and spit it out. The Tech-Knife thing already looks overpowered as balls, and I don't want my combat to be simple-minded because of ease-of-use-combat-to-get-to-the-next-part. There will probably be difficulty sliders, at least.

Here's hoping Bioware doesn't **** up.

If they do: I might start drinking.
Everything I've played/seen so far has lead me to believe otherwise. The dialogue and cinematics are still excellent.

But if you think that improving the combat was just to make the game appeal more to FPS fans, that's pretty short-sighted. Both games required the player to spend a heavy amount of time in combat, and neither felt the most fluid. Movement was awkward, combat pace was choppy, and the mechanics just felt strange. Why would you not make an effort to improve the least appealing part of a game? Was the story/dialogue going to get any better? Not really. Were the graphics/physics? Again, not all the much. Bioware sunk their effort into the place where it would see the most results.

If you want to hate on the multiplayer, I guess that's reasonable. That actually is pretty much just a plug for FPS players to pick up the game, and is obviously a demo for a future title that will be less about story and more about combat. But giving the average player more options and style in game? Hardly.

PGH Carroll

Smash Master
Feb 6, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA aka #TipperCity
If I get off work.. Could I tag along?
I wasn't gonna go because I thought you were leaving Friday.

Unfortunately I want have much money to pitch for gas. I'll see what I can get together. I prob just won't enter teams or something.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Yeah, you can come along! Don't worry too much about gas. That goes for everyone. If you got $5 you're good to go.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Mass affects us all.

Also, at a particular point during a dream last night, myself, Logan, and vyke John were seated at a booth in some retro diner, drinking chocolate milk, and plotting to "gather enough elo to face Mogwai," at which point we would "give him the red buff so that it burns him."


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Also, at a particular point during a dream last night, myself, Logan, and vyke John were seated at a booth in some retro diner, drinking chocolate milk, and plotting to "gather enough elo to face Mogwai," at which point we would "give him the red buff so that it burns him."
So, what, is there some other John I should know about that restricts you from just calling me John? I mean, Swag is Johnny.

I really regret this username.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
i'm seriously considering just calling off of work and taking the point to go to michigan.

hey vudu, when are you leaving and how long are you staying?

If we're back in pitt on saturday night with enough time for a bit of sleep before work i can probably swing it.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Nick already hopped in on your empty seat, and Taki has dibs on the next person who backs out.

Also there's no way in hell I'm driving back on Saturday night.

MI has these every month, so it's no biggie if you miss out on just this one.

We can go next month if you want, just make sure they give you the days off that you need.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Every month? Hot damn i'm gonna try to make the next one. Need to get some good tournament practice in.

Also random teams tournament + singles friday at duq? Whos in?


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
Well then it looks like we got ourselves an MI tradition.

Johny! You're sitting on Gio's lap when we pick him up, unless Aaron really wants you to sit on his lap.


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
Nick already hopped in on your empty seat, and Taki has dibs on the next person who backs out.

Also there's no way in hell I'm driving back on Saturday night.

MI has these every month, so it's no biggie if you miss out on just this one.

We can go next month if you want, just make sure they give you the days off that you need.
It's a really stupid system.

You have to put in for it months in advance and they don't actually tell you if you get the days until like a week beforehand.

And the old lady that runs the virtual roster is a gigantic *****.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Mass affects us all.

Also, at a particular point during a dream last night, myself, Logan, and vyke John were seated at a booth in some retro diner, drinking chocolate milk, and plotting to "gather enough elo to face Mogwai," at which point we would "give him the red buff so that it burns him."
You must gather more elo in order to face me!
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