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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I've got Wireless Internets at my house, but not in the garage in the valley. We're not THAT far in the boonies. If you're just bringing around 3 people then we won't be in the garage.


Smash Cadet
Jun 26, 2008
Wait...did Vyke's smash thing already go down? Drats if I missed it.....
I can't find a place to hold my tourney myself, which stinks....=(


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
No, it didn't go down. People are just coming over, that's all. The Smashathon itself will be held sometime after the Ohio Tourney. So... read... posts before you post. Didn't miss anything.



Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
Hey guys, my name is Rob.

I was recently hired by CyberConxion to run tournaments whenever I feel like it. Well, I felt like running a Brawl tournament, so now I'm doing so.

It's gonna be on Sunday the 27th at noon, etc etc. I'm gonna make a topic within the next day or so, but I had a question...

From what I've heard, CyberConxion gets a bad rap for the tournaments that are run. Well, I've run tournaments for years, but never a Smash tourney. I'd like to keep as many people as possible happy.

So what I was thinking was a double-elimination tournament, stock 4 (up for debate), best 2-of-3. Both players take turns picking a stage, etc etc.

If anyone has any questions or feedback, respond here or e-mail me at rcc16@pitt.edu.

I'd really like if a lot of people come out, I just don't want to mess anything up by having rules with do not attract people from coming out.

Thanks guys.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
not TSK
From what I've heard, CyberConxion gets a bad rap for the tournaments that are run.
This is true. There's probably still posts/topics regarding this if you search for them.

I'd really like if a lot of people come out, I just don't want to mess anything up by having rules with do not attract people from coming out.

Thanks guys.
The problem won't be the rules, it'll be the inferior game you've chosen and the location it's at.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
Hey guys, my name is Rob.

I was recently hired by CyberConxion to run tournaments whenever I feel like it. Well, I felt like running a Brawl tournament, so now I'm doing so.

It's gonna be on Sunday the 27th at noon, etc etc. I'm gonna make a topic within the next day or so, but I had a question...

From what I've heard, CyberConxion gets a bad rap for the tournaments that are run. Well, I've run tournaments for years, but never a Smash tourney. I'd like to keep as many people as possible happy.

So what I was thinking was a double-elimination tournament, stock 4 (up for debate), best 2-of-3. Both players take turns picking a stage, etc etc.

If anyone has any questions or feedback, respond here or e-mail me at rcc16@pitt.edu.

I'd really like if a lot of people come out, I just don't want to mess anything up by having rules with do not attract people from coming out.

Thanks guys.

most people became unhappy and boycotted cybercon because the management ppl were jerk faces = /


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
there is a generally widely accepted ruleset for brawl, with only a little bit of wiggle room on stages (and obviously any debate concerning stages should be addressed on a general level, not a tournament-specific one) - if looking for rules advice, it's already out there

I think addressing ccx's shortcomings is pretty much the important thing here, since that's the reason everyone stopped going to begin with, not their ruleset (which, while stupid, ended up fine because they let us play with whatever rules we wanted)


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
I don't really understand what your point is here... are you just trying to pick a fight because you're bored? (you'll lose btw - I'm far more bored than you, at least for the next hour and a half)

The reason that boards exist at all are so that ideas can be put out and people can agree/disagree/discuss them


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
The reason that boards exist at all are so that ideas can be put out and people can agree/disagree/discuss them
^_^ i lol'd

i def not tryin to pick a fight or nothin quit life...

I mean he put an email up there so it seemed logical to use that and was wondering why u didnt. I mean he did post it up here for feedback. He may not have the boards tabbed and refreshed every 5 min. you think im pickin a fight cuz i used a cuz word?

moreso if this is the place to do it, then why didnt you post any shortcomings? it just seemed like a wasteful post thats all... be easy


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
If anyone has any questions or feedback, respond here or e-mail me at rcc16@pitt.edu.
I mean he put an email up there so it seemed logical to use that and was wondering why u didnt. I mean he did post it up here for feedback. He may not have the boards tabbed and refreshed every 5 min.
He gives either option. There's no reason to think that a post here isn't as good as an e-mail.

you think im pickin a fight cuz i used a cuz word?
No, it's because you're making a preposterous argument; if e-mail were truly far more effective than posting on smashboards (which it likely is; I'm guessing most people check their e-mail more often than they check smashboards, or at least get some sort of notification when they get e-mail), then forums would cease to exist, with everyone instead switching to a mailing-list format.

Also, when you use 'cuz' to shorthand for two different words in the same sentence, it's incredibly confusing, 'cuz'.

moreso if this is the place to do it, then why didnt you post any shortcomings? it just seemed like a wasteful post thats all... be easy
...because, like I said, the point of the forum is to put the ideas out there so they don't have to be restated. Instead of saying "agreed" (or apparently "pretty much" in this case), should I have just copy pasted his post for effect? Not only does that waste my time (assuming I didn't actually copy paste, but just re-stated the same idea in my own words), but it wastes that of everyone else who chooses to read it, because they had to read the exact same point twice. It's as if someone were forced to read the same post multiple times. Just like if someone repeatedly said the same thing, just in different words. Quite similar to a situation where, instead of direct agreement, one just restates the obvious to waste time. Not unlike when a couple of guys, who were up to no good started makin' trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, "naw forget it, yo home to bel-air." I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8, and I yelled to the cab, "yo homes smell ya lata". I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel Air


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
not TSK
I had posted some of the problems we had in a cybercon topic of his on scorehero (lag, no time for friendlies, turning a game off mid match) and his response was "I don't see what your fuss is about."

I'm sure he can handle finding the cybercon threads that discuss things more thoroughly and if he wants brawl tourny rules there's a whole forum with topics to help with that.

Other than that, he said respond here or email. Here is easier and everyone can see what has already been said. (edit >_> pocky beat me to this)

And as has been said, most of us couldn't care less about a brawl tourny. We prefer melee.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
O_o What the hell just happend here?

I'll do a brawl tourney but Lord knows I wont enjoy it. For saurious.

Melees where its at yo!


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Yo im not making an argument bout email and posting up here. im not making any kinda argument. I didnt say anything about email being better. Making a sport of arguing is all u got i suppose which is sad. being bored as much as urself and making a pre john about it b4 arguing is sad too.Hypothetically if I wanted to argue about email vs posting in this case i'd use this get at me.

And as has been said, most of us couldn't care less about a brawl tourny. We prefer melee.
thats all im posting, so kevin you can have the last word I wont respond dont worry. im so tight right now.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
Whoaaaaa, guys. I appreciate the feedback.

I'm just a guy like you who loves video games. I run tournaments for fun. If I get paid, it's next to nothing. I do it cause I love it.

Now, I read some of the Cyberconxion threads. I see your points. However, I'll be running this stuff, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure everyone has a decent/fun/great time.

I understand that your hostility is towards CCX, but don't make it towards me. Like I said, I'm doing this for fun. I know you prefer melee, but I was given a list of games that I could run tournaments for, so I picked Halo 3, Brawl and Guitar Hero. I'm familiar with all of them and I figured it would be the easiest for me to run. I understand that the competitive Smash scene enjoys melee more, but the goal is to get as many kids/people in the door as possible.

@Engel: Yes, I did say that on SH. Those were entirely my opinions based on every experience I've had at CCX, which were all excellent one. The competitive Guitar Hero community has had many, many tournaments there with no problems whatsoever. If those are still pertinent issues, I'll address them myself.

@SwiftBass: Thank you for your e-mail and your feedback, I hope to get in touch with you soon.

@PockyD: If CCX is your issue, then don't come. Or, rather, you could help me out with ideas that would create a draw. I don't know in specific what Smash players want, which is why I came here FIRST, instead of making a goofy rule-set before advertising it. Keep in mind, still, that I'm doing this for fun, and for the gamers out there.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
literally the only thing i said at ccx was "pretty much"

people just love to single me out because it's fun to hide in a group and stone the outsider


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
Again, if you weren't such an *** on boards it wouldn't be an issue, but you insist on continuing with your elitist trolling on issues clear across the US.

If you're going to comment on something that doesn't pertain to you (in the slightest) then don't be such a ***** when people call you out.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
don't call people out for things that aren't happening when there are plenty of reasonable things to call them out for

honestly, every time you (yes YOU; i don't have anything against anyone as a group) do something ignorant like this, it just affirms my "elitist" attitude


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
As the person who sorta took over running the Pittsburgh tourney scene recently, I feel like I should point out why I think Smashtastrophes 1 and 2 were well received by the community, while the CCX tournaments were not.

1. Prize Payout: I know that CCX is a business, and as such, cannot afford to run tournaments for little to no profit the way that Smashtastrophe was. That being said, the 50% prize pot that CCX used in the past is simply too small. Even the jump up to 60-65% would make a big difference about how people perceive the tournament organizers. 50/50 just makes the payouts seem so meager.

2. Setups: CCX running smash tournaments on the 4 projectors poses 2 big problems:
a. Projectors lag and smashers hate lag.
b. 4 Setups isn't enough to have any friendly play between tourney matches.
Both these problems are big deals to smashers. If there is anyway you can run the tournament on TVs instead of the projectors, serious competitive smashers would be much more receptive to the tournaments. And with so few setups, it feels like once you lose out of the tournament, it's not worth staying. This causes people who have poor tournament results to have way less fun and be less likely to come to another such tournament. I like to think that even the people who got knocked out in the first round of losers bracket at the Smashtastrophes still got the chance to play plenty of matches and have a good time.

3. Time: Previous CCX tournies have kicked all the smashers out within a half hour to an hour. This ties directly into the too few setups. Not enough time means that people don't get to play enough friendly matches, means people don't have enough fun, means people don't come back for a second tourney. Simple cause and effect, budget more time and people will have more fun.

4. Space: It gets cramped in CCX when too many people are in the projector room, which means that spectating on the most exciting matches can be difficult. It's a great thing when you can have a room full of 60 people, all watching Spammer camp Vidjo's balls off while firing off snide remarks about how f'in' lame Pokefloats is.

5. Out of State Smashers: By advertising and networking, we were able to draw out of state smashers and once you start to draw a crowd from further away, the tournament becomes more enticing for everyone. Honestly, CCX can't do anything about this for it's first tournament, because it's reputation is so bad right now. But if you do a good enough job with the first one, the local community may be able to convince some Ohio players to come, which in turn may draw bigger crowds.

So, I'm not sure if this really helps, because I'm not sure how much control you have over these factors, but I hope it at least gives you some food for thought. If you have any questions about how to run a tourney, feel free to post them here, PM them to me, or email me at wesleyDOTruttleATgmailDOTcom.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
don't call people out for things that aren't happening when there are plenty of reasonable things to call them out for
So by saying this you are admitting to doing many other things that make you an elitest toller? Because that pretty much what it says.

And for the record i never stated or implied that my views on your comments towards people are always shared by others in this thread. My are mine alone and you're not clever for calling me out on something i already know.

Seriously why do you even still post here on matters that dont concern you at all?


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
i've admitted to being elitist multiple times. here comes another elitist comment: learn to read

I don't know what a 'toller' is, but if you mean troll, I have said that I disagree that I am a troll based on the fact that I believe everything I say, and its purpose is not to get a reaction, but merely to share my opinion, which is not what a troll does. If I wanted to troll pittsburgh, I would be arguing about how brawl is way better than melee or something.

If you didn't mean troll, then sorry, I don't know what a toller is and so I can't really admit to being one

It doesn't really matter what you say, I know how people feel, and I don't really care. Those people that I considered friends are perfectly capable of not being touchy prickly at being proven wrong and/or are content to walk away instead of engaging in 'pointless' arguments. I don't have a need for people to agree with me or whatever, I just have to have my say when people are saying things I don't agree with. I don't know how many times I've repeated this. If no one responds to my "incendiary" comments ("Pretty much" LOL), I don't sit here and bump the thread hoping someone will respond. I go do something else; I don't need your affirmation... I post for me, not for you.

Why does it concern me? I went to as many CCX's as most of you, if not more, and he was asking for help. And anyways, once again, what was my comment? "Pretty much". HOLY CRAP I GET SO INVOLVED

Here comes the elitism again: learn to read. People don't have to prove they're smart/interesting/whatever to me, but some people certainly prove that they're not.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
I would love to have another brawl tourney around here. Before everyone comes out with "ZOMG BRAWL SUCKS NOOB MELEE 4EVER", read the whole thing 1st please -_-'. Ive played smash since 64. I love smash 64, I love melee, and I love brawl. I like both melee and brawl competitively. I play brawl a lot more often because I have people I can play against via wifi(Im not talking the piece of crap basic brawl, im talkin websites with friendfinders. ssbbplayers.com is a good one). I can do more than just fight computers. Can you melee diehards put your feelings aside for 1 tourney and come out and have fun?

But, that all aside. I thought smashtastrophe II was great the day I was able to show up. I know mogwai covered this, but when you host a tourney, make sure you can get enough setups besides the projectors for friendlys. Would it hurt to ask people to to volunteer to bring setups for friendlys? I was never at one of these cyber tournies, but from what I've read, there has been a bad rep. Well. Make sure when you host, you try to avoid this. People go to tourneys to put their competitive skills to the test, but much more importantly, to have fun. I just as much fun in friendlys at smashtastrophe II as in tourney matches, since I got to play almost everyone there and see how I stacked up.

P.S if you can do this in early august ill be so happy, my works closed for 1st 2 weeks of august :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
not TSK
Can you melee diehards put your feelings aside for 1 tourney and come out and have fun?
The problem here is that you're assuming that we would actually have fun playing the game.

I've played it enough to know that I have no fun when trying to play it competitively. The only times I have any fun with it is when playing it like a party game with free for all's, items and whatnot. The game just wasn't made to be competitive whether you like it or not. If people want to settle with it and have tournaments with it then whatever go ahead. But I know for a fact that if I went to one of these with just brawl that I would have no fun, I would just be wasting time and money.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
If people don't want to come cause they don't like the game, so be it.

I'm glad that a small handful of people at least understood WHY I posted here in the first place.

Thanks for the help, guys.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
All i said the only way i would come is for melee to be held, *******. You're making us out to be some sort of Melee robots, all we are trying to suggest is that most of us here play Melee and if you want to make as much money as you want, its probably smarter.

We're not Melee diehards, we just hate bad games.

And you wonder why people dont come there, its because you done Fvcking listen.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
brawl is actually really fun when you get into it, its just hard making the transition from melee to brawl, you have to pretend you never played melee, lol

im not saying brawl is a better game, its obviously inferior. But melee is dead, and if you dont want to lose touch with the scene/community, the only way to continue with it is to play brawl. and i promise, it does get fun XD
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