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The *Official* Pittsburgh Melee Weeklies Thread of the LoL WoW Love


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
All i said the only way i would come is for melee to be held, *******. You're making us out to be some sort of Melee robots, all we are trying to suggest is that most of us here play Melee and if you want to make as much money as you want, its probably smarter.

We're not Melee diehards, we just hate bad games.

And you wonder why people dont come there, its because you done Fvcking listen.
Whoa there, buddy. Wrong side of the bed, much?

Your seven asterisks indicate you calling me a name I'm familiar with. Why? Read my posts, you'll see that I did nothing whatsoever to warrant being called names.

I'm certainly not making you out to be melee robots either. I'm just trying to run a tournament, that's all. And I'm not even trying to make money, like you're assuming. Because I'm running these tournaments FOR Cyberconxion, chances are they'll be happier if I do something that gets anyone in the door. I could care less if only 5 random kids show up, because I'll have fun running the tournament, because it's enjoyable for me.

If you guys want a melee tournament, I can CERTAINLY run one. Not even at CCX if that's what you REALLY want.

And I certainly could piece together WHY nobody likes the place. Don't even try to tell me I didn't listen.

I'm being nothing but rational, here. I suppose, though, that sometimes emotions can run pretty strong over a video game, heh.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2007
Erie, PA.
brawl is actually really fun when you get into it, its just hard making the transition from melee to brawl, you have to pretend you never played melee, lol

im not saying brawl is a better game, its obviously inferior. But melee is dead, and if you dont want to lose touch with the scene/community, the only way to continue with it is to play brawl. and i promise, it does get fun XD
Why pretend melee never existed when it's more fun. :ohwell: The Pittsburgh melee players still go way out of their way to play it, and I don't see it as dying any time soon in this area.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
I apologize, I should have made it more clear that my last post was more directed towards PGH-MAV. I dont like how you made us out to be some sort of ravaging Melee fanboys("ZOMG BRAWL SUX, MELEE 4 LIFE"), when we could easily call you a brawl fanboy. How many Melee events have you been to? even just in Pittsburgh?!

Furthermore you try to make yourself seem somehow more dedicated to the smash series by pointing out that you played the games since 64 and all that, news for you, you aren't special I can guarantee that 99% of the people here have. We also played brawl, but just dont like it on the grounds that its a boring game. This is yet another discussion thats better left out to the general discussion section of these boards.

All im trying to say is that brawl is fun to a certain extent (FFA with items) , but not when im betting money on it. (its not funny when its for money)


If you like running the tournament reguardless of whether we show up or not, then I honestly dont see the point of trying to coarse us to come knowing what kind of a bad reputation CCX has had with us already. So you're trying to make a good atmosphere to get as many smashers from this area as possible? Great, my suggestion was to try to hold some sort of Melee event there. You are here to get suggestions on rulesets to run brawl? Those are easily found around in the brawl general disccusion board.

Please dont try to tell us that we are very emotional over a game. Becauase after all when it comes down to it, its betting on your skill. And I at least feel that Melee is a better medium to display that skill. If you do want to hold a Melee tournament, I would certainly be more than inclined to help you.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008

If you like running the tournament reguardless of whether we show up or not, then I honestly dont see the point of trying to coarse us to come knowing what kind of a bad reputation CCX has had with us already. So you're trying to make a good atmosphere to get as many smashers from this area as possible? Great, my suggestion was to try to hold some sort of Melee event there. You are here to get suggestions on rulesets to run brawl? Those are easily found around in the brawl general disccusion board.

Please dont try to tell us that we are very emotional over a game. Becauase after all when it comes down to it, its betting on your skill. And I at least feel that Melee is a better medium to display that skill. If you do want to hold a Melee tournament, I would certainly be more than inclined to help you.
Fair enough. Then after I'm done with this Brawl tourney, I'll be more than happy to hold a melee tournament for you guys, somewhere, someplace. That way you guys can focus on playing without having to run a tournament. I love watching, anyhow. ^_^


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
@ Taki. If you read my post, I said I love melee and brawl. And I wasnt trying to bloat. I just was afraid someone would try to flame for saying "you didnt play melee, so why are you defending brawl?" Or something along those lines. I wouldnt mind going to a tourney for either. Now the tourny runner said he had permission to do brawl. So be it im there. When he runs melee tournys, ill be there(If im not up at college by then). Only reason I wasnt at the melee day of smastastrophe II is because I couldnt call off of work. And Im not saying everyone is ravaging melee fanboys. I know I overexagerated that comment. But it seems anymore when the word brawl comes up around here, people come out with some comment shooting brawl down, and melee is usually in that sentence. Basically, my stance is I like both games competitvely, and Ill play both competitively. IF the competitive world does move on with brawl, fine by me. If melee starts to make a resurge, fine by me too.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
hmmm change of subject to derive from drama.. haha

Who from pittsburg will be coming down to my final bi-weekly tournament? I'm not sure if people remember me, but I went up there for a pretty good decent sized Melee tournament (I don't remember what it was called). It was pretty fun =). So yeah, let me know who wants to come down so I can assemble housing for you guyz


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
hmmm change of subject to derive from drama.. haha

Who from pittsburg will be coming down to my final bi-weekly tournament? I'm not sure if people remember me, but I went up there for a pretty good decent sized Melee tournament (I don't remember what it was called). It was pretty fun =). So yeah, let me know who wants to come down so I can assemble housing for you guyz
Umm this isnt pittsburg California, this is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Unless you move to PA, I dont know >_>/


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
hmmm change of subject to derive from drama.. haha

Who from pittsburg will be coming down to my final bi-weekly tournament? I'm not sure if people remember me, but I went up there for a pretty good decent sized Melee tournament (I don't remember what it was called). It was pretty fun =). So yeah, let me know who wants to come down so I can assemble housing for you guyz
You sir, owe me friendlies. I played you first round of low tiers, and never again for the entire night. : (


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
Yeah.., what is that guy talking about? I live in Northern Virginia man, not no californee lolz.

nakamaru - well if u come down, i'll be sure to play u in friendlies =). Just come find me and we'll play.

Its going to be a 3 day event from August 1st-3rd
friday - ssb64
saturday - melee
sunday - brawl

LOLZ @ vyke. its cool man


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
So I mapped it out from my place and that looks like it'll be a four hour and 30 minute drive. Which means for the Pittsburgh people (Going from Duquesne) it'll take around four hours and 15 minutes.

I'm sure that we could go... depending if there's something going on those days or not with the Butler Crew. The only worry I have is... spending four hours in a car driving there. Two hours I can handle... but four? x_x


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
Virginia is an easy drive...IMO.

@ vyke, I've driven up to 5-5:30 hours with pittsburgh smashers, and IMO that wasnt nearly long enough its half the fun driving there. Although gas prices suck nowadays, I guess all it could mean is just more $$ to pitch in for gas...

And I'm glad that now everyone is happy...You like brawl? great. You like melee? also great.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
I think I spent about.. 6 hours getting to that one pittsburg tournament? I was by my self also, I thought the ride up there was amazing (well, I like to look at the outside environment). On the way, I would pass fields of grass, mountains, and even went through a thick azz fog as I was almost arriving there. It was pretty fun =). When I got to pittsburg, I just stared in awe as I gazed upon the spectacular river, and all its bridges. It really was a sight to behold. It gave me something to do, while listening to music. Too fun haha


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Well, it'll be a first for me driving for that long in one go to a tournament that none of us will likely win. The only thing we have to look forward to when we get there are great people, fun times, and good games. Unfortunately none of those pay cash... not that I have financial problems, I just don't like spending money like that when I don't give anything in return, ya dig? Can't leech off of step-mum forever.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I check the boards daily for a couple of weeks and there's veritably no activity in this thread. Pocky gets bored, and in the course of one day we add nearly three worthless pages.

Chu -- you sir, are onto something. The beauty of Pittsburgh alone should be inspiration enough for us to get large quantities of OOS players to attend our tournies. From here on in, I propose all Pittsburgh tourney threads contain at least one page worth of skyline and riverside photographs.

Since my internet has been a **** this is the earliest I could get on since hanging at Vyke's place. Thanks a ton for hosting us all! Butler kicks ***.

Attention WoW nublets: the new patch went active today and now mounts are available as low as lvl 30. Between the training and the mount itself, it will cost a total of about 40g. Enjoy, ya scrubs.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
Xyt's words of wisdom *bows*

And i love how this thread like exploded with tourney info in the past 2 days and I have no money to go to any! Yay for being the cheapest smasher in PA ^_^


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
I'll be up for driving to Chu's place for tournaments probably once a month. Since i finally have a job (HUZZA!!!) that pays extremely well for how little work i do. I can start traveling more and more now.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Be prepared to be mooched off of, Naka. HARDCORE mooching.

Oh and that's actually pretty awesome, Alan.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
I could;ve sworn i read something about biweeklies. My bad. Either way i'll still be up for going. Might have to leave early so idk how many people want to ride in my car but yea.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I'd come pick you up if I was actually driving this time, Alan. :/ I know EXACTLY where you live cus I drive by your house all the time. We could come pick you up tonight, maybe, if you're still up for going... just need to talk to my fellow butlerians.

Also, give me your AIM or Instant Messenger name.


Smash Cadet
Jun 26, 2008
Taki, can you think of anywhere that would let me hold a tourney? I can't find nowherez...=(


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
Grats Chris on 3rd

Thanks to everyone who helped me with money, I'll make sure to get back to you.

Thanks to Taki for hosting us overnight.

Cheers for Pittsburgh smash activity!


Deleted member

taki come up and train with me I will make you into a **** machine.
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