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The Official Michigan Brawl Power Rankings: Season 11 Images Up!


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey guys. We finally came to an agreement with Philly/southeast PA, and we are officially splitting PA into 2 new regions: Philly/south jersey, and West/Central PA. Some of you know I've been pushing for something like this for months now, and I'm extremely excited :). So your PA neighbors are finally going to be their own, more midwest oriented region :D

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Time for a reality check.

See, this doesnt surprise me at all thst you actually believe you are better than me or fZk since you have always been delusional about your skill level. But its awe inspriring nonetheless .

Let's look at the situation.

I entered the scene in 2009. I think I have been outplaced by you maybe 3 times in that duration. I have been ranked in this state 4 consectutive seasons, and thats with a plethora of some bad top tier MUs. And I am 4-1 vs you. Congrats on your one win vs me btw. Counterpicking a mid level player (at the time) with his worst MUs is SOOOOOO hard to do!

You have been here since the start. Despite your desperate attempts, you have ne ver been ranked AND you have only mained high and top tier characters in this time. Youve spent so much timd trying to counterpick people instead of getting better. Oh and didnt you drown in pools in a regional where MI was over 1/3rd of the attendance? Wasnt this LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AGO? And you're better than me?You Are you ****ing serious?

You dont even legitimately practice. I would quit if someone as lazy as you got better than me. People consider me to.be a respectable player I guess but I'm not great. But I put in serious work to get where I am. What the hell have you done?

I respect fZk as a player and he is at least as good as I am. He places well at most events or gets severely bracket ****ed. I even respect LOE1 because he is a hard worker. That kid started off slow but he's really developing. These are players that rightfully deserve recognition. You don't deserve **** besides this lecture.

What a joke.

Get better.

You're about as good at this game as you are TOing.


King Arthur
Aug 13, 2010
Southfield, MI
I'm sick of this "I'm better than Player X" bull**** in general.

If people would put in the time into actually practicing and getting better instead of posting about "why you should be ranked" or "why I'm better than Player X" then maybe they would actually be in the position they think they deserve.

Also, saying that is disrespectful to the people who actually put in the work to get PR'd. I agree with Tech. If someone who doesn't even legitimately puts in the time work is better than someone who DOES put in the time and work to get better at this game, they would probably want to quit too.


Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI




I just started actually practicing for the first time since 08. bringing back the zoo crew days. DUCK WHERE YOUR BASEMENT AT

Not gonna lie I'm probably gonna **** **** up so nobody john or get salty when I **** you up because you're getting a warning


Smash Master
Apr 19, 2010
Welp, Tech unleashed the ****.

In more tourney related news, I might host SPAU 3 at EMU on Oct or Nov.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2008
East Lansing, MI
Time for a reality check.

See, this doesnt surprise me at all thst you actually believe you are better than me or fZk since you have always been delusional about your skill level. But its awe inspriring nonetheless .

Let's look at the situation.

I entered the scene in 2009. I think I have been outplaced by you maybe 3 times in that duration. I have been ranked in this state 4 consectutive seasons, and thats with a plethora of some bad top tier MUs. And I am 4-1 vs you. Congrats on your one win vs me btw. Counterpicking a mid level player (at the time) with his worst MUs is SOOOOOO hard to do!

You have been here since the start. Despite your desperate attempts, you have ne ver been ranked AND you have only mained high and top tier characters in this time. Youve spent so much timd trying to counterpick people instead of getting better. Oh and didnt you drown in pools in a regional where MI was over 1/3rd of the attendance? Wasnt this LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AGO? And you're better than me?You Are you ****ing serious?

You dont even legitimately practice. I would quit if someone as lazy as you got better than me. People consider me to.be a respectable player I guess but I'm not great. But I put in serious work to get where I am. What the hell have you done?

I respect fZk as a player and he is at least as good as I am. He places well at most events or gets severely bracket ****ed. I even respect LOE1 because he is a hard worker. That kid started off slow but he's really developing. These are players that rightfully deserve recognition. You don't deserve **** besides this lecture.

What a joke.

Get better.

You're about as good at this game as you are TOing.
What does it matter if somebody thinks they're better than somebody else?

But as long as you're being a **** to somebody for having their own opinion, then by your same logic Derek, I could say that you're way off if you think I'm "at least as good" as you. Not only have I outplaced you at almost every tournament we've ever been to but I have a way more positive record over you (6-2) that you do over Ori. Win, tie or lose I have always turned towards my opponent at match's end and say "good game". I definitely don't get my panties in a bunch over somebody thinking they're better than me, that's why I don't understand why this would bother somebody.


Smash Master
Apr 19, 2010
What does it matter if somebody thinks they're better than somebody else?

But as long as you're being a **** to somebody for having their own opinion, then by your same logic Derek, I could say that you're way off if you think I'm "at least as good" as you. Not only have I outplaced you at almost every tournament we've ever been to but I have a way more positive record over you (6-2) that you do over Ori. Win, tie or lose I have always turned towards my opponent at match's end and say "good game". I definitely don't get my panties in a bunch over somebody thinking they're better than me, that's why I don't understand why this would bother somebody.
Yeah I was going to say fZk>Tech, but it's not my battle to fight.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
So after thinking about what I said earlier and receiving a lot of texts and some messages.....

It is time to make a change.

I am proud to be the one who has spearheaded the Michigan Brawl Revival and forming the Rankings and Panel. However, it has become apparent that the Panel as an entire entity has been slipping in its duties. I am not blaming any one person. However, I believe that we need to make some changes.

I realize that with this system, we use opinion based off of results to determine rankings. As a result we already fail to achieve an error-proof way of determining rankings. However, we can control where the opinions and what our criteria is. Throughout the last few seasons, we have been inconsistent with what we consider to take precedence. This is also an issue. And so I am going to propose the following changes to the Panel. I created this thing and it's time for me to take control again.

Amendment 1: We re-form the Panel and offer more geographical balance in the Panel. I would suggest having 3 panelists from Ann Arbor and the surrounding the area (being the largest) 2 from surrounding Southeast MI, 1 from Western MI and 1 from Northern or Central MI. So I suggest 7 panelists. Currently we have 4 from the Ann Arbor area, 2 from general Southeastern MI and 1 from West Michigan. Or maybe one from another respected source like Ally *shrugs* I don't believe that over half the panel should come from one area personally.

Amendment 2: We completely re-vamp the Tournament Eligibility Criteria and have solid guidelines clearly represented so that there is no confusion. We would cover all the topics (some of which were brought up in the survey).
Amendment 3: We allow the general public (MI Brawl) to voice their say (educated opinions) on both who could make a good panelist and what policies we should consider looking at. After a finite period of looking over everything (like a week or so) we then go from there.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2008
East Lansing, MI
Yeah I was going to say fZk>Tech, but it's not my battle to fight.
Normally I don't get in these kinds of arguments but that post by Tech is ridiculous in the way he's treating Ori like dirt just because he has a high opinion of himself, which he's entitled to.


Smash Master
Apr 19, 2010
Normally I don't get in these kinds of arguments but that post by Tech is ridiculous in the way he's treating Ori like dirt just because he has a high opinion of himself, which he's entitled to.
Ori maybe a :088: but who cares? He's always been that way. lol.

Yeah I think Tech went a little too hard. It's really not a big deal.

I would like to be a PR panelist, but I don't type in long lengths of text.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Well, I didn't see Juan's post until just now. So I'll address it and go from there.

As far as me vs you: Yes, you have a much better record vs me and I respect that. You probably are better than me. But then again if I mained a character that didn't get ***** by yours or had the amazing matchup spread your has, things would probably be different. Both in my placement and in my records vs the people I lose to consistently. This game is a LOT harder when your average MU is a -2. Last time, I checked Diddy doesn't have any MUs that bad. So I either have to DRASTICALLY outplay people or use another character. I chose to main Dedede though so its my own doing. But yeah...just saying.

But honestly, with the whole Ori thing...it's just ridiculous. This is not something that I just flew off the handle about. Nor is this the first time this has been brought up. I just find it insulting when someone who doesn't put in the work undermines my efforts and skill as a player. And this has been going on for years. I'm DEFINITELY not the only person who feels this way or has felt disrespected in this manner. I'm just the first person to be as vocal about it.

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
A democracy eh!? I like it! I think that would be a good idea tech. Firm rules and guidelines on the structure of the PR and the committee behind it will alleviate some complaints.

Wheres lansing considered though? 0_o what region are we lol. Central michigan i guess?

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Damn that's kind of a good question....lol. I guesssss technically Lansing is Central. Hmmmm I'll think that one out a little further.

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
me or fzk should be on the PR because we are physicists and we are smart. probably fzk but he is free so meh

and east lansing should have some representation ^_^

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I Bro<3 you Derek, fZk, Roller, Ori, Lain, SK, and all of the rest of MI that I've talked to on more than one occasion.

I'm still going to whoop the ever loving **** out of all of you next time I see any of you in bracket. I embody the essence of hard practice right now and I've got some pent up salt from beating fellow God Kai Blue Rogue only to get molliwhopped by fellow God Kai Fizzle (after beating him with Diddy but switching to Peach like a tarddd lol) and end up getting 3rd at a local instead of my desired 1st.

:salt::salt::salt: let it rain


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
^ <3

That reminds me. I'm wasting time here. I got some training to do. If people have opinions of my proposed changes let me know. I'll check back later. I'm done here.
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
The differences between FzK/tech and tech/Ori aren't really comparable. Both tech and FzK are around the same skill level since I'm undefeated vs both of you and only 2 spots at best above the two of you in player skill in MI.

But like the difference between tech and Ori is that tech doesn't get 3 stocked when he plays me and mains a character that doesn't **** sheik 8 ways to sunday.

Also cocky people who are absolute **** at the game are really annoying, so it's understandable why certain people don't like Ori very much.

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
why does that matter? 0_o how does that bother you? if i get mad at myself and say im bad after i do something stupid how does that possibly bother you lol


King Arthur
Aug 13, 2010
Southfield, MI
Because it makes people who are worse than them feel even worse. Like, you have no idea how discouraging it feels to hear good players talk about how bad they are in front of bad players.



Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2011
Muskegon, MI
apasher you gotta just stop thinking about everything so in-depth. Just do what you want to do and don't worry about others. It seems to me from what ive heard is that you always over-think this game while playing it and while trying to learn how to get better (even how people perceive their own skill level). It may just be your personality but really you gotta stop worrying about this stuff and just play the game.


King Arthur
Aug 13, 2010
Southfield, MI
No wonder LOE1 got better so fast. He has always been keeping it simple, while I tend to think in-depth all the time. Though I'm not sure how keeping it simple will help me improve more.



King Arthur
Aug 13, 2010
Southfield, MI
From what he said in his post. I don't think it would.

:pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp:
:pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp:
:pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp:
:pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp:
Now that's even worse than good players calling themselvs bad in front of bad players: good players calling other people bad in front of someone who happens to be worse than that person.

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