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The Official Michigan Brawl Power Rankings: Season 11 Images Up!


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
loled @ grimequaza

so I'm no longer ragequaza or freequaza huh :L

and does pr count as pplz that are scheduled to be on pr this season or previous prs?


Smash Lord
May 26, 2008
East Lansing, MI
I think the criteria should be that it has a standard accepted ruleset, at least $5 entry fee, the minimum number of entrants and should be advertised in the boards as a tourney with time so that everybody gets a chance to attend. This last reason is why smashfest tourneys should not count.
I don't like the "should be at least two people PR'ed there" rule as the PR panel already weights every tourney accordingly by who's entering.



Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
def a lot of gud pplz who r not pred (sparta kick azure ori jcav kee etc)

"the PR panel already weights every tourney accordingly by who's entering."

this 2 lol which is usally y locals dont have as many as regionals and regionals as much as nationals


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
There's always good players unranked. The purpose of a PR is to show the top of the top. There has to be a cutoff somewhere. As for the second half of your post ray I have no idea what it even says lol.

i dont understand, but the pr ranks who is good...how can any good players be unranked? im confused


What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
but you count just wins/losses and not placings so does it really matter if theres 2 pr'd people?
I assume the idea is that it further enforces the player's minimum tournament attendance rule. So if some one went to two tournaments, one legit and one full of randoms, the latter doesn't really show how good the player is so the PR would still be based off one their one real tournament.


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
def a lot of gud pplz who r not pred (sparta kick azure ori jcav kee etc)

"the PR panel already weights every tourney accordingly by who's entering."

this 2 lol which is usally y locals dont have as many as regionals and regionals as much as nationals
Geez, I'm sorry, but I don't care what anyone else says. This is important.

Learn to type.


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
That list.....

Obviously Sparta Kick and Azure Kenny are good as both have been previously ranked. But the rest of that list....those people aren't good yet. All of them are too inconsistent to be considered good. Although I've been working with my girl Jcav recently...I think he's gonna have a strong showing in Season 7. I have opened his eyes to..."The Truth". Kee has a lot of potential although for now real life stuff is making him slow his roll on tournaments. Ori....whenever he realizes what I call "The Truth" he'll ascend into the next level. He's still a mid level player teetering on the border of high level play.

They're skilled but they're not quite there yet. I see good things for them and a few others not mentioned, for the future.

And I still like the 2 PRed player requirement for tournaments for the reasons Kevin explained. There should be some sort of general standard for everyone there.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
I'm trying people I'll get there eventually ;~;

I can't let my fans down!


Derek teach me this truth.


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI

Rather than be all ominous I'll just tell people what it is and why I got better because of it. I'd rather just see everyone improve so we can stop sucking as a state. Some people will take to this advice much easier than others though. Jcav for example has already seen tangible benefits.

But I won't share it right now. I'm starting work in a few and I have a lot to say.

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
General tips to getting better.

#1: Admit you suck. None of this "naw I didn't try" or "oh he just got lucky" or "random *** john cause I suck." Too many people who claim to want to get better also claim to be better than they are. If you always lose but then rationalize your loses then you are never getting better.

#2: Actually want to get better. No mediocare *** goals. If you want to be better you have got to want to be better. Having some half ***** goal probably means you won't put in the necessary effort to actually getting better.

#3: Play a lot. If you can't be playing then watch videos or something. You don't just spontaneously get better.

#4: If you are losing, change. If you get bodied in 10 friendlies than whatever you are doing isn't working. You are past the adapting point and you are just losing. You don't just have to try harder or some ****. It's time to change your gameplay.

#5: Don't hold onto wins. No one cares if you best X player once because it doesn't mean ****. Back to #1. If you beat some one good but than regularly lose it doesn't mean that your true skill is beating the good player and everything else is johns. It means you got lucky once. If you can't repeat a result then you don't have that result. In addition, winning 1 out of 10 friendlies isn't you steeping your game up. Your opponent slipped or got bored cause he's bodying you.


Smash Master
Apr 19, 2010
General tips to getting better.

#1: Admit you suck. None of this "naw I didn't try" or "oh he just got lucky" or "randomass john cause I suck." Too many people who claim to want to get better also claim to be better than they are. If you always lose but then rationalize your loses then you are never getting better.

#2: Actually want to get better. No mediocare *** goals. If you want to be better you have got to want to be better. Having some half ***** goal probably means you won't put in the necessary effort to actually getting better.

#3: Play a lot. If you can't be playing then watch videos or something. You don't just spontaneously get better.

#4: If you are losing, change. If you get bodied in 10 friendlies than whatever you are doing isn't working. You are past the adapting point and you are just losing. You don't just have to try harder or some ****. It's time to change your gameplay.

#5: Don't hold onto wins. No one cares if you best X player once because it doesn't mean ****. Back to #1. If you beat some one good but than regularly lose it doesn't mean that your true skill is beating the good player and everything else is johns. It means you got lucky once. If you can't repeat a result then you don't have that result. In addition, winning 1 out of 10 friendlies isn't you steeping your game up. Your opponent slipped or got bored cause he's bodying you.
I got number 1 and 5 down.
I guess I got 3 more to go :joyful:


King Arthur
Aug 13, 2010
Southfield, MI
#4 is actually something that I'm struggling with. I don't know WHAT to change in my gameplay and HOW to change it. I really need help working on that.

Yes, I 100% agree with the "admit that you suck" step. When you think you are bad, you find more room for improvement easier. It is also motivation for improvement.
If you're like Chad, then it's more like motivation for quitting. :denzel:

That is actually something I SOMETIMES see when there is a new player who is joining the scene for the first time. They post thinking they are good and that they can take down top players, but that is NOT the right mindset to be in. (not all new players are like this, tho)

I remember when I used to be like that when I was new to the scene; I always linked Melee vids of myself and talk about friendlies with ZeldaMaster and LOE1 for the sake of recognition because I thought I was good, then Tutu explained that I was in that terrible mindset, so now I just focus on getting better. So this whole post of mine is coming from experience lmao.



Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
#1 is definitely easy for me because I know I'm a joke at this game.

#3 will definitely be the most difficult for me because I have to put a lot of energy into my major otherwise I won't be able to get a job in the career I'm studying. I'll just have to compromise for a slower pace as I want to get better at smash and my work but I don't have the resources and time to as much to both as I would like. Slower is better than not at all.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Kevin's advice is certainly true.

What I'm going to touch on is actually pretty specific now that I think about it. It targets a specific group: The Mid Level player who has "plateaued" for a while. And that's a LOT of MI. I've just noticed some things recently...very important ones. I'm going to go very in depth upon some psychology that helped me out a lot. So its a lot different from the stuff Kevin posted.
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
So I would like to take this chance to revert the topic of what this thread should be about.

Me being the best player in the state.

I was thinking we should add a rule where we base the PR off of placing, and then divide the numerical placing by the the tier number that the person mains. For instance top is .5, high is 1, BL is 1.5 mid is 2, low is 3, triforce is 10. If you used multiple characters you would find the average tier number between the characters used. Sheilda is also not counted as a character and insead considered two separate characters as well.

Then we take everyone's average, and the 8 lowest averages are our PR.
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