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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
True... Megaman does have his fans in here... even for Battle Network...


So I'll take it back.

The only reason I don't like Legends is because I tried to play the Nintendo 64 version... on emulation... with the keyboard.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Not as much as him (You just have to look at his username to know it) god **** would i rather a MM update or a Ridley one ARGHH!! I WANT THEM BOTH! (But we will most probably get an item : P)
Yes.....Sakurai-sama, must relieve us of our Megaman and Ridley anxiety. Maybe he wants to save the best for last. AHHHHH BOOOOO!


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Quick question... do you not like Sonic because of the new games... or just in general. Just curios. Not trying to be a jerk or anything. lol.

The new games haven't helped me like him. :p

Part of it is that I never had a Sega growing up. Anytime I've played a Sonic game, it's hard for me to just get into. I was never really a Sonic fan, but I gave it a shot.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Oh, ok. Same reason for me... but I don't mind the story elements in Adventure and Adventure 2... in fact, I actually liked those games... anything passed that was just disgusting.

But, on topic... yeah, Megaman for Brawl and whatnot... the classic one, for sure.

And you're the Gannon-Banner? I was wondering where I saw that from. lol.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Guys i couldnt possibly be happier if we got a mega man update tonight, but the chances of that are slim. Maybe we'll get some mm in brawl news from this nintendo event on Sept 5th next week


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
The new games haven't helped me like him. :p

Part of it is that I never had a Sega growing up. Anytime I've played a Sonic game, it's hard for me to just get into. I was never really a Sonic fan, but I gave it a shot.
You don't like Sonic??

SINNER!!!!! jk.

Well, do you like Shadow?

@Bluebomber, I don't think so bro. You see, for everything 3rd party related, Sakurai is going to spoon feed us tiny morsels of information, or just let us starve until atleast November.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
If you don't like Sonic you WONT like Shadow... for me im neutral with Sonic i pity Sega for what they have become these days and it would be cool if they returned to their former glory BUT even if they did i still don't think they could redeem Sonic.

Mega man for brawl... Mega man for life *respect*


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
it may not be today or next week, but i dont think they'd wait that long to reveal mm. They need to use him as a marketing tool to gain buyers


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
MSpaint masterpieces says Hi.


It starts out silly like Bob and George but then it becomes more of a really cool retelling of the first Megaman game.

Right now they are in the pre MM2 area part.
I love MSpaint Masterpieces <333 I think it does a great job at what it does which is an accurate retelling of the Mega Man games with the Game Boy plot extras thrown in. However, I still like BnG better for certain reasons, mainly because it never takes itself too seriously, and there's something about that that just lets the story do things that it wouldn't normally be able to. Plus I don't think there was ever a part of BnG that I just didn't want to read...MSPM has some parts that I wish it would just skip...namely everything that has to do with that "Fodder Force" military unit. Or anything military, for that matter. Not that the military wouldn't get involved in a real situation like that, but unlike the situations presented in the Transformers movie, I didn't find it all that interesting. Luckily that's not very often.

I would complain about how much filler it seems to have sometimes, but truth be told, some of it is freaking hilarious. Like when it talks about how Abraham Lincoln went Super Saiyan. God, I laughed my *** off...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Here's a question:

Out of the list of composers that Sakurai posted n the first music update...are any of them from Capcom, and have any of them worked on Mega Man games? More than a few Geno supporters are excited about the fact that one woman, Yoko Shimomura, is on the team. On the site, they only credit her for the work she did in Kingdom Hearts, but according to our sources, she ALSO did music for Mario RPG.

I say that's a good sign, especially considering that Kingdom Hearts isn't really something that can be considered a series on Nintendo anyway. They took the one game that was on a HAND HELD (and nothing like the rest of the series) and re-released it in happy 3-D with cut scenes on the PS2. I don't know why some people want Sora in...it makes no sense to me.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Here's a question:

Out of the list of composers that Sakurai posted n the first music update...are any of them from Capcom, and have any of them worked on Mega Man games? More than a few Geno supporters are excited about the fact that one woman, Yoko Shimomura, is on the team. On the site, they only credit her for the work she did in Kingdom Hearts, but according to our sources, she ALSO did music for Mario RPG.
Here's the thing. There is a composer from Capcom who worked on The Devil May Cry series who is on the Brawl composer team. I tried to see if he worked on the mega man game as well but its almost impossible because most of the composers for the classic mega man team were kept secret. In the credits they just give credit to the "insert japanese name here" team without giving out individual names....

in summary:

;)someone from Capcom is working on the game
:urg:Dont know if he was involved with mega man...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Well that's a pretty good start, isn't it? O_O Perhaps we can discover more information if we dig deep enough. Which I shall start doing immediately <3


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Ok, potentially disappointing news...http://host.kg13.com/vgm_composers/

Mega Man [NES] - Manami Matsumae and Yuukichan's Papa
Mega Man 2 [NES] - Ogeretsu Kun, Manami Matsumae, and Yuukichan's Papa
Mega Man 3 [NES] - Bunbun
Mega Man 4 [NES] - Ojalin and Bunbun
Mega Man 5 [NES] - Mari
Mega Man 6 [NES] - Yuko
Mega Man 7 [SNES] - T. "Anie". N, Yuk, Krsk, V-Tomo 20H, KKan, Apple Z, More Rich, Nari Nari, and Ippo
Mega Man 8 [PS1, Saturn] - Syusaku Uchiyama
Mega Man X [SNES] - Setuo Yamamoto, Makoto Tomozawa, Yuki Iwai, Yuko Takehara, and Toshihiko Horiyama
Mega Man X2 [SNES] - Yuki Iwai
Mega Man X3 [SNES, Saturn, PS1] - Minakuchi Engineering Staff, Toshihiko Horiyama, Syusaku Uchiyama, Yoshino Aoki, and Makoto Tomozawa
Mega Man X4 [PS1, Saturn] - Toshihiko Horiyama
Mega Man X5 [PS1] - Naoto Tanaka, Naoya Kamisaka, and Takuuya Miyawaki
Mega Man X6 [PS1] - Akemi Kimura
Mega Man X7 [PS2] - Yuko Komiyama, Shinya Midnight OOkada, Seiko Kobuchi, Akemi Kimura, Makoto Asai, Teruo Konishi, Shuichi Mizohata, Noriyuki Iwadare, and Takuya Miyawaki
Mega Man - Battle & Chase [PS1] - Yoshinori Ono
Aside from him being one of those names that...really doesn't give a name, it doesn't look like he composed for any of the core games in the series. But fear not! I will persevere!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Analogy time!

Megaman is to Bluebomber22, as Del Money is to Sonic!

^^True fans for there childhood heroes!
this post is gold, son...PURE GOLD...power to yet another token black guy
Guys i couldnt possibly be happier if we got a mega man update tonight, but the chances of that are slim. Maybe we'll get some mm in brawl news from this nintendo event on Sept 5th next week
you see that's the thing...i don't see why you're anticipating a 3rd party announcement so soon, bro. i wouldn;t expect anything about Mega Man or Sonic to be revealed until late November at the earliest...


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
Looking for our princess in another castle.
MM1: Manami Gotoh
MM2: Yoshihiro Sakaguchi, Manami Matsumae, Ogeretsu Kun
MM3: Yasuaki Fujita, Minae Fujii
MM4: Minae Fujii, Yasuaki Fujita
MM5: Yasuaki Fujita
MM6: Yuko Kadota
MM7: ???
MM8: T. Kawakami, Syusaku Uchiyama, Shinji Amagishi

Odd...I can find all of the composers but MM7's. If anyone could find those, I would be grateful.

Something of interest...Kenji Ito, who appears on the list, was in the credits for MM7, albeit not for composer. Maybe another Kenji? Oh well, on to spin off games.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
hey Del is back yay!

*balloons go up in air*

im not expecting it so early though, im just hopeful we get something soon.....
me too...the longer the wait, the less optimistic i get. however, i should just hope it's all for the surprise factor...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Hm...I dunno how factual this is, but someone's Winamp Generated Playlist includes this entry:

1363. Masato Kouda - Wind Let Him Know (Theme of Roll) (2:34)
Probably more than anything else from MvC, and Probably just because he composed all of it, I think. But it's a Mega specific character, so...huzzah?

I need to find that song and listen to it now.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
MM1: Manami Gotoh
MM2: Yoshihiro Sakaguchi, Manami Matsumae, Ogeretsu Kun
MM3: Yasuaki Fujita, Minae Fujii
MM4: Minae Fujii, Yasuaki Fujita
MM5: Yasuaki Fujita
MM6: Yuko Kadota
MM7: ???
MM8: T. Kawakami, Syusaku Uchiyama, Shinji Amagishi

Odd...I can find all of the composers but MM7's. If anyone could find those, I would be grateful.

Something of interest...Kenji Ito, who appears on the list, was in the credits for MM7, albeit not for composer. Maybe another Kenji? Oh well, on to spin off games.
Good Find. Keep up the research guys. what was Kenji Ito in the credits for? he may know more than just music....

me too...the longer the wait, the less optimistic i get. however, i should just hope it's all for the surprise factor...
Im gonna try my best to stay optomistic until he's confirmed;)


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
which MM are you talking bout??? original MM, X, exe?

bluebomber: i heard u say u were waiting for my moveset. well im about half done. i had to leave for a bit. n now i have to go again. not to worry, i'll be back in a bit. this is the first moveset i will make with sprites in them. so yea. almost done XD (its in another tab in case anyone was wondering)
Sweet, take your time no rush....;)

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
but someone's Winamp Generated Playlist includes this entry:
Winamp sucks

oh damm, gotta come up with a way to get on topic...

oh yeah um i hoping Mega Man gets rendered really well in 3D. hopefully he won;t e a 2D flat character like G&W. i'm only say that because MM classic-style has yet seen the light of 3D rendering...unless Mega Man Legends IS classic Mega Man...which i think it is so i dunno what the hell i'm talking about. plus Pit was always in 2D and yet he's 3D now so i really dont know what i'm talking about. ARRRGGH i just pwned myself. i feel like Dynamism...i need some medicine, or maybe just a Mega Man confirmation already

Mega Man 4 Brawl


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Winamp sucks

oh damm, gotta come up with a way to get on topic...

oh yeah um i hoping Mega Man gets rendered really well in 3D. hopefully he won;t e a 2D flat character like G&W. i'm only say that because MM classic-style has yet seen the light of 3D rendering...unless Mega Man Legends IS classic Mega Man...which i think it is so i dunno what the hell i'm talking about. plus Pit was always in 2D and yet he's 3D now so i really dont know what i'm talking about. ARRRGGH i just pwned myself. i feel like Dynamism...i need some medicine, or maybe just a Mega Man confirmation already

Mega Man 4 Brawl


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
Looking for our princess in another castle.
The MM2 Title theme.
Theme of Roll sounds like Air Man's stage, but I doubt that's it. Roll's 1st ending I can't place my finger on. Roll's 2nd ending is the 'Game Over' theme from MM2. Megaman's 1st ending id the boss defeated track from Megaman 2. His last theme is the 'Weapon Get' song from MM3. Maybe, just maybe...there's hope.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
I don't think that Roll's theme really sounds all that much like Air man's stage actually......but then, it's a lot slower and less...well, it's got a much inferior sound chip >.>

I remember a version of that Mega Man II title theme was also used in Mega Man IV for the credits.

I will listen to the Roll one you can't place and see if I can match it to anything O_O
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