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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Boycotting a major game convention does seem kinda...strange. Perhaps they only have a few things worth saying...?

I think that Mega Man could keep earned abilities for the whole match. When Kirby dies in his games, he loses his power. In Mega Man's games, he keeps his. Of course, this could just be the whole game balancing thing going on too...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Megaman also never gets rid of any of his powers...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Aside from one game to the next. Which is totally lame but needed for gameplay, I suppose.

I just had a thought...it's not really Mega Man related though, so bare with me...

Ok, so remember how Sakurai mentioned that the development team that was making Smash was a Japanese game company whose employees had, like...ten thousand multiplayer games racked up in the free time? And how he wasn't going to announce who they were until the game was finished up? Well...since we don't know who that company is, do you think that they would put in one of THEIR characters since, even though they're third party...they're the ones MAKING the game. No need to get permission if it's in house, right? So no extra cost.

Yeah, not sure where I'm going with that. But it does make me wonder if it's a famous company that we totally wouldn't expect with characters we're already debating...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Um... its Sora thats making the game and the other people that he chose to help make it where fans of melee... i don't know where you got your other information.


Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2007
Hey, newbie here

I just thought I would throw in some ideas about a Megaman moveset, please don't rip me a new one if someone has already had the same ideas!

With Poke Trainer being recently announced it made me start thinking of the possibilities that Megaman could have in this game.

What if Megaman's B down move cycled him throw different classic weapons, like B down cycles through diferent Pokemon with Poke trainer? Similarly Megaman would have the energy bar for each different weapon he cycled through.

Imagine having classic Mega Man with one bosses specials from the first 8 games.

Here is my list of potential B weapons

Standard Megaman- Mega Buster, rapid fire and charge. Faster than Samus, but weaker.

Megaman 1- Cutman- Rolling Cutter: Megaman Throws boomerang scissors. Megaman turns Gray and White.

Megaman 2- Flashman- Timestopper: Megaman freezes time, allowing him to damage the frozen opponents. Just like the original game, using this once would drain all of that weapons energy from the bar. Megaman turns Purple and a lighter purple.

Megaman 3- Magnet Man- Magnet Missile- Megaman shoots a Magnet that pulls the enemy back until the missle and enemy collide. Megaman turns Red and Gray.

Megaman 4 - Skull Man- Skull Barrier- Megaman has a shield of floating skulls (awesome!). Similar to Fox's shield, reflects the attack. However, you can run with this shield and turn it on and off at your disposal ( as long as you have the energy ). Megaman turns black and white.

Megaman 5- Gravity Man- Gravity Hold- Megaman can hold and enemy in midair and throw them in a direction. Does the same damage as his other throws but you can do it from far away. Megaman turns Purple and White.

Megaman 6- Flame Man- Flame Blast- Megaman shoots a fire ball, much like Ness but with longer range and less damage. The fire can set enemies, walls, platforms on fire for a couple seconds. Megaman turns Orange and a lighter orange.

Megaman 7- Slash Man- Slashclaw- Megaman has a blade to do heavy damage at close range. Megaman turns Green and Yellow.

Megaman 8- Frostman- Ice wave- Megaman creates and ice path that will continue until the player lets go of B, where at the end of the ice path a giant ice spike shoots out of the ground. Imagine Zelda's fireball that she shoots, where you can control when you want it to explode, except with Ice Wave you could slip on the ice path towards the ice spike.

Megaman's B up would be Rush Coil.

Megaman's B over would be the ever impressive slide kick that was so popular from megaman 3.

A moves and throw moves could be generic... I'm too lazy.

The newly announced gliding ability could allow megaman to use Rush Jet. Neato.

If Megaman defeats and enemy a new costume and B move could be added to the B down cycle, but I don't think that it is needed. Although it would be cool.

Again I am new, so if I suck be gentle on me. I hope this helps end the Megaman would be a clone of Samus nonsense. Let me know what you think!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Hey, newbie here

I just thought I would throw in some ideas about a Megaman moveset, please don't rip me a new one if someone has already had the same ideas!

With Poke Trainer being recently announced it made me start thinking of the possibilities that Megaman could have in this game.

What if Megaman's B down move cycled him throw different classic weapons, like B down cycles through diferent Pokemon with Poke trainer? Similarly Megaman would have the energy bar for each different weapon he cycled through.

Imagine having classic Mega Man with one bosses specials from the first 8 games.

Here is my list of potential B weapons

Standard Megaman- Mega Buster, rapid fire and charge. Faster than Samus, but weaker.

Megaman 1- Cutman- Rolling Cutter: Megaman Throws boomerang scissors. Megaman turns Gray and White.

Megaman 2- Flashman- Timestopper: Megaman freezes time, allowing him to damage the frozen opponents. Just like the original game, using this once would drain all of that weapons energy from the bar. Megaman turns Purple and a lighter purple.

Megaman 3- Magnet Man- Magnet Missile- Megaman shoots a Magnet that pulls the enemy back until the missle and enemy collide. Megaman turns Red and Gray.

Megaman 4 - Skull Man- Skull Barrier- Megaman has a shield of floating skulls (awesome!). Similar to Fox's shield, reflects the attack. However, you can run with this shield and turn it on and off at your disposal ( as long as you have the energy ). Megaman turns black and white.

Megaman 5- Gravity Man- Gravity Hold- Megaman can hold and enemy in midair and throw them in a direction. Does the same damage as his other throws but you can do it from far away. Megaman turns Purple and White.

Megaman 6- Flame Man- Flame Blast- Megaman shoots a fire ball, much like Ness but with longer range and less damage. The fire can set enemies, walls, platforms on fire for a couple seconds. Megaman turns Orange and a lighter orange.

Megaman 7- Slash Man- Slashclaw- Megaman has a blade to do heavy damage at close range. Megaman turns Green and Yellow.

Megaman 8- Frostman- Ice wave- Megaman creates and ice path that will continue until the player lets go of B, where at the end of the ice path a giant ice spike shoots out of the ground. Imagine Zelda's fireball that she shoots, where you can control when you want it to explode, except with Ice Wave you could slip on the ice path towards the ice spike.

Megaman's B up would be Rush Coil.

Megaman's B over would be the ever impressive slide kick that was so popular from megaman 3.

A moves and throw moves could be generic... I'm too lazy.

The newly announced gliding ability could allow megaman to use Rush Jet. Neato.

If Megaman defeats and enemy a new costume and B move could be added to the B down cycle, but I don't think that it is needed. Although it would be cool.

Again I am new, so if I suck be gentle on me. I hope this helps end the Megaman would be a clone of Samus nonsense. Let me know what you think!
that would be most interesting and not at all likePKMN Trainer...

B) Charging Buster/ Special
B>) Slide Kick
BV) Switch Ability
B UP) Rush Jet


Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2007
I was just comparing the cycling of movesets. I think Poke Trainer and Megaman would be very different as well.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Um... its Sora thats making the game and the other people that he chose to help make it where fans of melee... i don't know where you got your other information.
I recall reading it on the original Brawl site that was released after the first E3 trailer. it was in a section titled "How this game came to be made" or something similar. I just wish I knew where it was now so I could refer back to it. How many people does Sora have in it anyway? I would think that they wouldn't need an outside developers if his team was large enough...


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
Personally, as much as I like classic Megaman, I'd prefer X-era Megaman. But I'd imagine the changes would only really be cosmetic, as far as that's concerned.

Also, Megaman DOES get rid of his powers between games. Remember why he always starts off with a clean slate each game, with no powers other than that buster? I think giving Megaman a set of eight completely different powers may be completely overpowering the blue bomber, but giving him two or three powers at random to cycle through might be good.

Could also go the Kirby route, but that would probably be far too much work for the development team to consider, so perhaps a few set powers might work. I'm all out of ideas, more or less.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I recall reading it on the original Brawl site that was released after the first E3 trailer. it was in a section titled "How this game came to be made" or something similar. I just wish I knew where it was now so I could refer back to it. How many people does Sora have in it anyway? I would think that they wouldn't need an outside developers if his team was large enough...
I think what your talking about is hims saying something like "The development team is made of people who where fans of melee" or something like that... i cant remember where i heard it but i remember something like that.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
mega man keeping the powers even after a lost stock would be WAY overpowered guys. even though he keeps them in the games, c'mon now be logical not everything carries over from the games. the only way to balance keeping the powers would be having them run out after a certain amount of usage...but that would be really gay cuz how would you keep track? ameter above your damage icon??? no, i dont think so...

i still dont like these cycle through 8 different moves things either. its just too complex to use in highly competitive smashing. lets say i had a good edge guarding power as like # 8, and a power with good knockback as like # 2. Do you honestly think im gonna have time to cycle through 6 moves just to get to the power i want??

Too complicated. Dont over complicate MM

While i wouldn't mind copy abilities mm certainly doesn't need it. His moveset was fine in MvC without it. Just give him standard buster for B, and some boss acquired abilities for his other B moves.

AND please no random powers either like peach....


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I like the copy abilities it would give much more variety and could be used to gain a character advantage (Sometimes...) but of course he wouldn't keep them after a stock... thats just... stupid.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
If he does have the copy abilities I would rather see it work like this:

-He can only get one power at a time
-He gets the power by KOing an enemy
-It takes over his side B (He does have a standard Side B too)
-You can taunt to get rid of it
-The move he aquires is one of the boss powers from one of his games, that relates to the character he took it from(i.e. pikachu, could be elecman's power)

If it worked this way i can actually see it being useful in competitive smash and in free for alls. Cycling through 8 different powers would never work in either....


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Oh who am I kidding!? I want X in Brawl, not the Orginal O.G. I want em to use The Ultimate Armor, Falcon Armor, or Shadow Armor in the game! I want em to have Zero's Saber!

But I suppose beggers can't be choosers....


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Looks dont affect the chances of one being in, adding X and not original would not make sense...

the original is the one that started it all and was part of the NES era...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yhea as great as they look X was a mainly Play station series.

Who else thought that command mission X looks like... OMEGA PWN!


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
Looks dont affect the chances of one being in, adding X and not original would not make sense...

the original is the one that started it all and was part of the NES era...
Yeah, but Mega Man X through X3 debuted on the Super Nintendo. So while Classic beats out X by sheer number of games, X is more likely to be recognized. Classic has long since been kicked to the sidelines for a long time now.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
meh, i only like the looks of the falcon armor anyway. the standard X look still looks the best imo

Yeah, but Mega Man X through X3 debuted on the Super Nintendo. So while Classic beats out X by sheer number of games, X is more likely to be recognized. Classic has long since been kicked to the sidelines for a long time now.
No no my friend, classic Mega Man is still much more iconic and recognizable


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Yhea as great as they look X was a mainly Play station series.

Who else thought that command mission X looks like... OMEGA PWN!
True true, but still, Solid Snake mainly did all his games on different consoles other than Nintendo, and he's still in there. Why not add X to spice up the night?

And yeah, the scarf adds a nice touch on his armor.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
How is appearing on the SNES with 3 games = more recognizable than the original that has 6 on the NES and 2-3 on the SNES??

Fact of the matter is that Original is more popular, he was part of the NES era, had so many games that it was hard to NOT know him, and even revolutionized gaming in a small way...

adding X wouldnt make sense, just like if for say they add .exe megaman, why not zero? or ZX? or Star force? the only one tha twould make sense is original since he started it all...


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
How is appearing on the SNES with 3 games = more recognizable than the original that has 6 on the NES and 2-3 on the SNES??

Fact of the matter is that Original is more popular, he was part of the NES era, had so many games that it was hard to NOT know him, and even revolutionized gaming in a small way...

adding X wouldnt make sense, just like if for say they add .exe megaman, why not zero? or ZX? or Star force? the only one tha twould make sense is original since he started it all...

And original mega man needs a revival.....big time


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
How is appearing on the SNES with 3 games = more recognizable than the original that has 6 on the NES and 2-3 on the SNES??

Fact of the matter is that Original is more popular, he was part of the NES era, had so many games that it was hard to NOT know him, and even revolutionized gaming in a small way...

adding X wouldnt make sense, just like if for say they add .exe megaman, why not zero? or ZX? or Star force? the only one tha twould make sense is original since he started it all...
It's more recognizable simply because of the age of the series itself. Classic is more or less dead, along with Mega Man Zero, where as X is more recent of the iconic Mega Man series, and ZX is just kicking off. If anything from ZX got put in, it'd simply be free advertising for Advent. Besides, the Mega Man.EXE games got piss poor after the third game, and Star Force was absolutely horrible (yet they're still making a sequel).

Most new people joining the franchise are likelier to recognize X as they are to recognize the Classic version. But who says they can't co-exist? Wouldn't be too difficult to make seperate models for 'em both. But I guess this conversation is moot point, since Mega Man actually getting in is slim to none, despite his past with Nintendo. Would take quite a few handshakes from Capcom to get that deal to go down.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yhea that would be great... to bad like only a few of these popular character threads starters are still around we could have made the 1st post all nice like im doing with the Ridley thread.

The last one was 8 right? not 9.

Er and Classic isn't dead and classic is more important to Nintendo than X is.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Wait ur saying X is more recent? sorry but isnt the X series dead too? Think about it in other ways:

If they add X, why cant they add the original instead?

but seriously if they add the original very few will ask: why not X?

classic is the one that started it all and is more recognizable, from old school to new school players...

seriously I dont get how ur saying x will be more recognizable than original BECAUSE OF THE AGE, last time I cheked original series is older than the X series...

and besides japan loves original, since they like more friednly type characters, instead of violent ones... so if anything original is more popular and has a better chance...


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
It's more recognizable simply because of the age of the series itself. Classic is more or less dead, along with Mega Man Zero, where as X is more recent of the iconic Mega Man series, and ZX is just kicking off.
The last games for the classic series and the X series both came out in 2005. MM powered up, and maverick hunter X

Most new people joining the franchise are likelier to recognize X as they are to recognize the Classic version. But who says they can't co-exist? Wouldn't be too difficult to make seperate models for 'em both.
They're only getting one third party character from each company

But I guess this conversation is moot point, since Mega Man actually getting in is slim to none, despite his past with Nintendo. Would take quite a few handshakes from Capcom to get that deal to go down.
His chance are actually pretty high. He got multiple combinations on sakurai's poll, and nintendo has good relations with capcom. the recent resident evil exclusives, and Capcom helped with a lot of zelda games including Phantom hourglass for the DS. That happened because of the Miyamoto's close relationship with some big shot at capcom.

Yhea that would be great... to bad like only a few of these popular character threads starters are still around we could have made the 1st post all nice like im doing with the Ridley thread.

The last one was 8 right? not 9.

Er and Classic isn't dead and classic is more important to Nintendo than X is.
yeah it was 8, and then MM and Bass


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
Wait ur saying X is more recent? sorry but isnt the X series dead too? Think about it in other ways:

If they add X, why cant they add the original instead?

but seriously if they add the original very few will ask: why not X?

classic is the one that started it all and is more recognizable, from old school to new school players...

seriously I dont get how ur saying x will be more recognizable than original BECAUSE OF THE AGE, last time I cheked original series is older than the X series...

and besides japan loves original, since they like more friednly type characters, instead of violent ones... so if anything original is more popular and has a better chance...
Legolastom;2840745Er said:
and Classic isn't dead and classic is more important to Nintendo than X is.
Yes, Classic is dead. We haven't had a Classic game in ten years (if you don't count Megaman & Bass, which would bring that count down to five), where-as the last X game released was in 2004, only three years. The Classic series was more or less kicked to the curb five years ago, and we haven't heard a thing about the series finishing up, even though they keep promising they will.

Most people don't even appreciate the Classic Megaman franchise, anyway. I sat down and played most of them when I owned an NES as a kid, so I have a healthy respect/appreciation for the Classic series, but X is modern, and appeals to a larger audience, where-as the audience for the Classic series has shrunk. X would be a better move as far as business is concerned.

Classic Megaman would simply be a throwback to a series that desperately needs finishing, but was kicked to the curb ages ago. Hell, Classic Megaman didn't even show up in Namco x Capcom. They decided to use the older Dash/Megaman Legends series Megaman. Need more examples of how dead Classic is?

Onimusha Blade Warriors: MegaMan.EXE and Zero from the Zero series appear as playable characters. PLAYABLE CHARACTERS.

Want more?

Dead Rising: Servbot head masks (Megaman Legends) and an X-Buster secret weapon. Hmmm..

Still want more?

Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django: MegaMan.EXE and ShadeMan.EXE appear in-game, along with Megaman themed armors.

Yet more..

SNK vs. Capcom: SvC Chaos: Zero (Zero series) appears as a playable character.

At any rate, the X series and subsequent games are more important to CAPCOM. Who cares what series is more important to Nintendo? It's CAPCOM giving the rights to the character. I doubt Nintendo actually gets to pick and choose.

While Megaman has received cameos as well (he's in both Marvel vs. Capcom games, and he gets plenty of cameos in older games), does he really need to be in another fighting game? When you get right down to it, though, personally I don't care who gets in: X or Classic. They're both still going to rock.

And no, Stryks. I mean Classic has a worse chance BECAUSE of its age. X is recent, X is just as iconic (it's held up the Megaman series in the stead of a drought of Classic games), X is just as important.

bluebomber22 said:
The last games for the classic series and the X series both came out in 2005. MM powered up, and maverick hunter X.
They were both rehashes/rereleases. They weren't actual unique games.

bluebomber22 said:
They're only getting one third party character from each company
Which is why I suggested alternate character models.

bluebomber22 said:
His chance are actually pretty high. He got multiple combinations on sakurai's poll, and nintendo has good relations with capcom. the recent resident evil exclusives, and Capcom helped with a lot of zelda games including Phantom hourglass for the DS. That happened because of the Miyamoto's close relationship with some big shot at capcom.
Looking at it from a different stand point, wouldn't that make Resident Evil characters have a chance, too? Breath of Fire characters? Darkstalkers? Viewtiful Joe? Devil May Cry? Strider? Street Fighter?

Lots of characters to choose from that could fill Megaman's slot snugly.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ok so the X series is, according to you, the most important of the megaman series...

and YET X has NOT appeared in a fighting/crossover game, oh burn...

Sonic has been in a fighting game, so has snake, and yet snake and sonic (sure to be in) are in brawl, so why cant original?

Who cares what series is more important to nintendo? haha please tell me I didnt just read that, if anything the most important series IS a big factor if not THE factor to see WHICH megaman should join...

Ok so original hasnt had a game for 5 years, and X hasnt had one in 3... yeah 2 years of diference aint exactly calling a series DEAD...

and besides command mission aint a REAL megaman game, sinc eall the X series are sidescrollers and command is a RPG game right?

"Looking at it from a different stand point, wouldn't that make Resident Evil characters have a chance, too? Breath of Fire characters? Darkstalkers? Viewtiful Joe? Devil May Cry? Strider? Street Fighter?"
the key factor of this is: Megaman is the mascot

so just because X is what a few years more recent he should be in over original? WAIT legends is more recent than X! but wait Zero is even more! Battle network, ZX AND STAR FORCE!

again look at it my way:

Newcomer Megaman! (original) people will explode and ask what are his moves, final smash, how would he fit on subspace and so on...

Newcomer X: people go wild, but after a few secs-minutes: "wait why didnt they put original in?"

look if we add ANY megaman that AINT original, it would be unfair to the others, BUT adding the original would make SENSE, he started it all, is more popular, and is the mascot...

also sakurai said he loves retros, so if anything that kicks the X has more of a shot theory in da balls...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
OBVIOUSLY both will rock, ANY megaman will, but Im going by facts and everything shows that original has more of a shot...

so debating is now *****ing huh? u sir fail...


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
Yes, Classic is dead. We haven't had a Classic game in ten years (if you don't count Megaman & Bass, which would bring that count down to five), where-as the last X game released was in 2004, only three years. The Classic series was more or less kicked to the curb five years ago, and we haven't heard a thing about the series finishing up, even though they keep promising they will.
MEGA MAN Powered Up was in 2005, Mega Man II on the cell phone in 2007, MM1 on the VC 2007. Call em rehashes/remakes/whatever they are still games that take time and money to make and release

Most people don't even appreciate the Classic Megaman franchise, anyway. I sat down and played most of them when I owned an NES as a kid, so I have a healthy respect/appreciation for the Classic series, but X is modern, and appeals to a larger audience, where-as the audience for the Classic series has shrunk. X would be a better move as far as business is concerned.
most people dont appreciate the classic series????:laugh: who the hell do you talk too? Most people appreciate the classic MORE than X. And actually classic appears to a bigger audience because he is nostalgic to the older fans, and kiddy enough for the younger gamers

Classic Megaman would simply be a throwback to a series that desperately needs finishing, but was kicked to the curb ages ago. Hell, Classic Megaman didn't even show up in Namco x Capcom. They decided to use the older Dash/Megaman Legends series Megaman. Need more examples of how dead Classic is?

Omnimusha Blade Warriors: MegaMan.EXE and Zero from the Zero series appear as playable characters. PLAYABLE CHARACTERS.

Want more?

Dead Rising: Servbot head masks (Megaman Legends) and an X-Buster secret weapon. Hmmm..

Still want more?

Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django: MegaMan.EXE and ShadeMan.EXE appear in-game, along with Megaman themed armors.

Yet more..

SNK vs. Capcom: SvC Chaos: Zero (Zero series) appears as a playable character.

Dont forget the X series needs finishing as well. But in a recent interview (couple months ago) with the creator of mega man he said that he hasnt finished the classic or the X series because he doesn't want them to end. he loves them too much.

and the only reason all those other mega man spinoff characters got in those games was to promote their own series. since then, the zero and .exe series are over. Plus even still, X was not in ANY of those gamesso it does nothing to prove your point that he is more important to Capcom than Classic Mega Man, who was in MvC and MvC2.

At any rate, the X series and subsequent games are more important to CAPCOM. Who cares what series is more important to Nintendo? It's CAPCOM giving the rights to the character. I doubt Nintendo actually gets to pick and choose.
YOU doubt Nintendo gets the right to choose??!! ITS THEIR F***** game! THEY pick who goes in NOT CAPCOM. If Nintendo wants classic mega man and Capcom refused, they would just move on and go to another company for their character

And no, Stryks. I mean Classic has a worse chance BECAUSE of its age. X is recent, X is just as iconic (it's held up the Megaman series in the stead of a drought of Classic games), X is just as important.
there was no DROUGHT, X was just his replacement.

They were both rehashes/rereleases. They weren't actual unique games.
Call it what you like, THEY WERE UNIQUE GAMES, that take just as much time and effort to make as any other game. Ive beat MHX, and almost beat Powered up, they are worth playing and are definately unique to their original counterparts

Which is why I suggested alternate character models.
wouldn't work, X is taller. And height affects how a character plays. and it would be hard to tell X and classic apart if they were the same height which defeats the purpose of alt. costumes

Looking at it from a different stand point, wouldn't that make Resident Evil characters have a chance, too? Breath of Fire characters? Darkstalkers? Viewtiful Joe? Devil May Cry? Strider? Street Fighter?

Lots of characters to choose from that could fill Megaman's slot snugly.
First off, Viewtiful Joe is dead. the studio that made his games was sold by capcom. all of those character technically have a chance, but who was on sakurai's poll? Who is the second most requested 3rd party character? Who is more synonymous with Nintendo?

Classic Mega Man

Remember this is still a predominantly NINTENDO game, and the best Capcom character that fills that roll is classic mega man


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I was considering buying a PSP just to play MM powered up... seriously if a game has a level editor its enough to make me want the game.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
I was considering buying a PSP just to play MM powered up... seriously if a game has a level editor its enough to make me want the game.
I wanted to buy one for it too, but i just convinced my friend to get one so i played it on his.

seriously there is so much stuff to do in that game!

You got the new style to play through as mm, cutman, gutsman, and other bosses,
you can play old school
theres like a thousand challenges that are rediculous
and then theres the level editor!!

its almost overwhelming! Guts man's level was INSANE! very fun game though..
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