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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
Ok so the X series is, according to you, the most important of the megaman series...

and YET X has NOT appeared in a fighting/crossover game, oh burn...

Sonic has been in a fighting game, so has snake, and yet snake and sonic (sure to be in) are in brawl, so why cant original?

Who cares what series is more important to nintendo? haha please tell me I didnt just read that, if anything the most important series IS a big factor if not THE factor to see WHICH megaman should join...

Ok so original hasnt had a game for 5 years, and X hasnt had one in 3... yeah 2 years of diference aint exactly calling a series DEAD...

and besides command mission aint a REAL megaman game, sinc eall the X series are sidescrollers and command is a RPG game right?

"Looking at it from a different stand point, wouldn't that make Resident Evil characters have a chance, too? Breath of Fire characters? Darkstalkers? Viewtiful Joe? Devil May Cry? Strider? Street Fighter?"
the key factor of this is: Megaman is the mascot

so just because X is what a few years more recent he should be in over original? WAIT legends is more recent than X! but wait Zero is even more! Battle network, ZX AND STAR FORCE!

again look at it my way:

Newcomer Megaman! (original) people will explode and ask what are his moves, final smash, how would he fit on subspace and so on...

Newcomer X: people go wild, but after a few secs-minutes: "wait why didnt they put original in?"

look if we add ANY megaman that AINT original, it would be unfair to the others, BUT adding the original would make SENSE, he started it all, is more popular, and is the mascot...

also sakurai said he loves retros, so if anything that kicks the X has more of a shot theory in da balls...
Not bad. Some valid points.

First off, ZX, Zero, Legends and Star Force (as horrible as it is) were not the crutches for the series that Classic and X were. They are recent, yes, and for advertisement reasons, ANY of those characters from those games (except, perhaps, Zero, which was officially wrapped up with Zero 4) are good candidates. When you get right down to it, what will Capcom give to Nintendo? A retro character from a dying (or dead) series, or a recent character to help sell games?

I say we follow the money. Following the money brings us to: Vent, Aile, ZX Advent's Protagonist (I'm too lazy to look up names right now), and Star Force's Protagonist. Why these in particular? Both the ZX and Star Force series are on Nintendo DS, so right off the bat it by-passes one the heavier handed rules Sakurai laid down for character inclusion. Second, ZX was hot, and with any luck, ZX Advent is going to be hotter. Why not throw in a promotional character and rake in some extra cash with added hype?

And, yes, Megaman X Command Mission is part of the original canon of the X series, if I'm not mistaken. So it qualifies as a sequel just as much as Megaman & Bass does.

No-one's putting their third party characters into the game for effect. You need to follow the money. Snake getting in because of begging? Give me a break. The guy knew Smash Brothers is HOT HOT HOT, and Snake getting in as playable? FREE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE NEXT METAL GEAR SOLID GAME YAY. It's all about the money.

bluebomber22 said:
Call it what you like, THEY WERE UNIQUE GAMES, that take just as much time and effort to make as any other game. Ive beat MHX, and almost beat Powered up, they are worth playing and are definately unique to their original counterparts
Ah, please. The games got a horrible SD graphical overhaul, but at the end of the day, it was the same game. It's like the Mario game rehashes they released for GBA: graphical overhaul with some extra goodies. So what if you get to play as Tron, Gutsman or Vile? It's still the same **** game and added nothing to the original canon.

Okay, I take that back. Maverick Hunter X nearly completely warped the original canon backstory and storyline from Megaman X..

bluebomber22 said:
MEGA MAN Powered Up was in 2005, Mega Man II on the cell phone in 2007, MM1 on the VC 2007. Call em rehashes/remakes/whatever they are still games that take time and money to make and release
I'm counting the games based off their contributions to the original canon storyline. Rehashing the games, rereleasing the games doesn't add anything to the storylines. They're just there to bring us NES/SNES-era kids some nostalgia while still making a buck.

As a result, the most recent Classic game is Megaman & Bass, because that was the last game that contributed.

bluebomber22 said:
most people dont appreciate the classic series???? who the hell do you talk too? Most people appreciate the classic MORE than X. And actually classic appears to a bigger audience because he is nostalgic to the older fans, and kiddy enough for the younger gamers
I don't talk to anyone about that sort of thing, but when was the last time you heard someone talking about sitting down and playing the Classic series games? No-one appreciates the Classic series any more, and if they do, not nearly as much as they used to. Like I said before, I have a healthy appreciation of the Classic series, so no matter WHO makes it into Brawl, X or Classic, I'm good for it. I'll play either of them with just as much enjoyment.

But this stuff makes for great debate material, and I'm enjoying debating with you guys none the less.

What do you guys think about Bass making it in as a partner, eh? Might be interesting.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
@EarthboundMun-Bass for AT at best.

but you seem to misunderstand the meaning of a dead series. If you claim something is dead, that means there would be no games coming out in that series anymore. Remakes or not those ARE new games with a lot of elements that the originals didnt have. Both MHX and MPU changed the storyline abit too.

And just recently, another poster in this forum Del Money, bougth the anniversary collection off ebay and we were talking about him playing the series. I myself just went back and beat MM2-6 again this year. There is still a lot of passion for the classic series.

And there is a lot of hype right now about a new mm game, mm9 for the wii. The creator of Mega Man announced in January this year, Capcom was making a new game for the Wii which he hoped to show later this year. And Capcom announced that they will be showing 3 never before seen titles at TGS this year.... so here's hoping. And what would be perfect marketing for this new game if the game was a mega man game....Mega Man in Brawl.

*As a side note this game could only be a new mega man game, or a completely new franchise, because all other games from capcom have been announced. since the creator of mega man is making it, im willing to bet its a mega man game :)


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
@EarthboundMun-Bass for AT at best.

but you seem to misunderstand the meaning of a dead series. If you claim something is dead, that means there would be no games coming out in that series anymore. Remakes or not those ARE new games with a lot of elements that the originals didnt have. Both MHX and MPU changed the storyline abit too.

And just recently, another poster in this forum Del Money, bougth the anniversary collection off ebay and we were talking about him playing the series. I myself just went back and beat MM2-6 again this year. There is still a lot of passion for the classic series.

And there is a lot of hype right now about a new mm game, mm9 for the wii. The creator of Mega Man announced in January this year, Capcom was making a new game for the Wii which he hoped to show later this year. And Capcom announced that they will be showing 3 never before seen titles at TGS this year.... so here's hoping. And what would be perfect marketing for this new game if the game was a mega man game....Mega Man in Brawl.

*As a side note this game could only be a new mega man game, or a completely new franchise, because all other games from capcom have been announced. since the creator of mega man is making it, im willing to bet its a mega man game :)
Fair enough.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
OBVIOUSLY both will rock, ANY megaman will, but Im going by facts and everything shows that original has more of a shot...

so debating is now *****ing huh? u sir fail...
I don't think your going purely by facts, but that doesn't matter, I don't wish to join the debate.

As far was the other thing, I apologize. Just from reading your posts it seemed like you were getting a little angry or something?, but looking back I was wrong.

Although, you're wrong about one thing. Megaman.exe would certainly NOT rock.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Waluigi > EXE...

Only joking what was i thinking?

EVERYTHING > Waluigi > Bomber man

Much better.


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
lol debate.

Remember NamcoxCapcom? Notice how the Legends series got in? Legends hasn't gotten a game for seven years. I don't think age is much of an issue.
In the case of Brawl, it is. I was just pointing out that Classic barely gets any recognition these days, even in a super-special-important strategy turn-based RPG like Namco x Capcom. Even in first party games. It gives you an idea of where their priorities lie.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
PT was a hucge shock at first, but lookin back now, it makes a lot of sense.

Theres only 4 "mega men" with a shot, Classic, X, ZXA, and Star Force.

I guarantee you Sakurai will only accept classic or X


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Ooh Proto Man...Awesome...

BTW...I just finished Bob and George the other day...



Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
AGREED Bob and George FTW!!!! i cant believe it took me that long to hear about them. thanks sinn.

i think itd be really easy for them to make a protoman AT too. just lower the polycount of mega man's playable model..a quick color change, scarf, and shades....VOILA Proto Man AT!.

Oh and add his animations and attacks lol


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
proto man should be one of those ATs thats invulnerable to attack cuz of his shield. or he should at least before invulnerable from one side (the side the shield is on lol)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
proto man should be one of those ATs thats invulnerable to attack cuz of his shield. or he should at least before invulnerable from one side (the side the shield is on lol)
It should have his wistle before he appears in a teleportation warp too


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
AGREED Bob and George FTW!!!! i cant believe it took me that long to hear about them. thanks sinn.

i think itd be really easy for them to make a protoman AT too. just lower the polycount of mega man's playable model..a quick color change, scarf, and shades....VOILA Proto Man AT!.

Oh and add his animations and attacks lol
I can't believe that you read it all in a day o_o That's hardcore. I'm just glad to spread the joy of BnG <3


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Wow he read every single one in just one day o_0... well when your reading through them (Especially your 1st time) its hard to pull your self away XD once you start you cant stop.

But er what we talking about Proto man being an AT or something?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I love Yellow Devil. I remember I was the first one to figure out his pattern and beat him. My friend's older brother couldn't do it, so I came over one day (never playing a Megaman game before in my life), and beat it within a half an hour. And I'll tell you what. Even though you know how to avoid all his attacks, he's still a sonofa*****. He'd be perfect for a SSE boss.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2006
The Illinois Sticks
Another boss should be the GutsMan tank that appears on the Dr. Wily Stages or that one boss (can't remember name) that has the one eye and breaks itself down to move to the other side of the room and shoots bullets out of it's eye.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Spring man should be the boss... no competition... it would obviously be Toad man otherwise but we all know that he is a PC.

Toad man: *Kills self*


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Apart from the Yellow Demon, the large boss that always comes to mind when I think of Mega Man is Puff the Magic Dragonbot from Dr/ Wily's first stage in the second game. I think he'd be neat to have in >.>


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
...Lack of Gravity man love is bringin me down....


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Bomberman would fit into Brawl better than Megaman, unless it was the more modern form.
I like Bomberman a lot, because he's cute. However, both Bomberman and Megaman are pretty dull. A guy in a mask who throws bombs and a laser-cannon robot. How...uncreative....
Whereas, we have an Italian plumber, electric mouse, and freaky egg-throwing dinosaur thing(?) in Brawl.
I find much more potential in Simon Belmont, so I'd put him in as the third and final third-party character, after Snake and Sonic.
^^ This guy is in need of a flaming.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Bob and George saves the day once again!

Legolastom: I love time travel
George: I am going to kill you!


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
And the funny thing is...I DO LOVE time travel. It's my favorite science fiction concept to play around with.

Considering that the Mega Man series has had it in...one game? The Game Boy game where Wily had Mega Man from the future (Quint, he was called, right?). I wouldn't mind seeing some more plots with time travel being involved in Mega Man and other video games in general.

Ah, my beloved Chrono Trigger...
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