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The Official Marth Video Critique Thread

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Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
im going to say one thing before i critique

you bthrows

my avatar does not approve

wifi syndrome, way too much roll/spotdodging

a few times you were both just spamming spotdodge until one of you grabbed, when that happens use side b to punish

work on using a full side b and not just failing to use the full move

thats the main issues i saw, other than spacing (wifi)


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2008
UK-great connection
yeah i only play wi fi :/ so should i shield more than spot doging and rolling? and the side bs where because of the lag i think i normally do them full


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
if you think theyre going to grab you out of your shield, use up b oos as it ***** grabs in the face

side b ***** spotdodges and rolls

dont only worry about grabs out of shield, if you have your shield up you can jump out and use a fair or a nair

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
Somewhat old, but I doubt I've improved since August:


If you shield something like a dair, feel free to grab.

Don't use utilt when your opponent is at 0%.

Don't follow up a jab 'combo' with a grab if it gets your opponent offstage.

Try not to roll as much.

Don't finish Dancing Blade if the first hit gets your opponent on a platform. Above you.



Last kill shouldn't have happened. I'm sure you know why.


Mar 5, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I'd say just work on not rolling as much, although you got better as the fight went on. If you have to retreat, try short hop retreating fairs or the like. Also, stalling on the ledge when your opponent respawns isn't a great idea; Marth can struggle to get back on stage. And usually trying to combo the first hit of Dancing Blade into a grab isn't a good idea (that's what it looked like you were trying to do), it seemed you got punished for it as much as it worked while completing the Dancing Blade is guaranteed damage.
I'm not that experienced, just my two cents.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
Diew -

don't spot dodge every time they get close to you that's a horrible habit all the snake had to do was hold A to **** you

be more patient on the ledge and remember to aerial as you land to cancel your up b landing lag

actually be more patient in general you shouldn't run into a recovering snake n-air thats a pretty common recovery

space better your f-airs are mostly untippered... they should be tipper range ore barely outside of it to bait them into an action

vs mk if they're going to approach all the time just retreating db/pivot grab it will get them over and over until they get frustrated and tornado then you counter that

but this one had bad spacing/was reckless so you can just shield -> db or shield grab a lot.

try sitting in your shield longer and immediately punishing when you see a laggy move. you know if you're they're either going to 1) grab you in which case you get ready to escape the follow up 2) hit your shield in which case you immediately punish

both of those situations you can have amazing reaction time by just knowing what opponents do when you shield... having slow reactions off of shield is wifi only


Smash Rookie
Jun 12, 2009
Thanks Junk, really appreciate it.

I noticed the bad spot dodging myself, I think it was due to nervousness. This guy (Nego) is known for coming up from losers and ****** everyone lol, so I was somehow intimidated and haven't played quite good (still managed to win though).

I always try to immediately start working on improvements by some criticizing (?), but I couldn't understand some stuff you wrote, like:

"remember to aerial as you land to cancel your up b landing lag" and "you know if you're they're either going to 1) grab you in which case you get ready to escape the follow up 2) hit your shield in which case you immediately punish"

If you could make it clearer...


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
if you sweetspot the ledge with marths up b, if you land on stage without doing an aerial youll endure landing lag

and he was saying if the guys running at your shield, and you know hes going to
1) grab you, prepare to smack him out of his follow up out of the grab
2) hit your shield, in which case punish him with a db/ds oos


Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2009
Cali, Colombia
Hi everyone, nice to meet you all.

Im parade17/chuck & im kindda new around here, but i saw this topic, where you can post a video of your own marth, and ask everyone how could you improve with him. So ill apreciated if you were so kind to watch at my videos and give me a full analization of them.

Thanks for taking some time for doing this.

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UAfmuY2UHA
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Wr-hNFf-Y


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2008
Bay Area, CA
Hi everyone, nice to meet you all.

Im parade17/chuck & im kindda new around here, but i saw this topic, where you can post a video of your own marth, and ask everyone how could you improve with him. So ill apreciated if you were so kind to watch at my videos and give me a full analization of them.

Thanks for taking some time for doing this.

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UAfmuY2UHA
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Wr-hNFf-Y
Game 1 vs Mun
:00 Sexy colors. *drool* red sword of death is awesome.

:53 I think I heard wario screaming “DSooS ME!”

1:47 Poor spacing

2:13 you tend a tendency to spam nairs, you don’t seem to get punished much despite that but I would prefer to spam fairs which have better reach around you, especially when wario is coming from below.

2:20 I think when you can anticipate an attack its better to preemp it with your fair than counter, which is risky.

2:26 is it just me or did warriors fsmash seem a lot less laggy than usual there?

3:34 After forcing him to the stage you could have ledgehopped nair or uair for kill. So I assume the ledgejump was a control error?

3:41 this time you get punished for the nair. You seem a little impatient on the ledge

3:45 fakeout! Platform saved you from punishment there.

4:03 ftilt, ds, or db are faster options than fsmash and would have killed him there. Also, doesn’t marth have some sort of grab release on wario for percentages like these?

It seems like you get progressively more aggressive throughout the game, toward the beginning I think you played too passively and neglected to assert pressure at times when you could have. Toward the end you were a little too aggressive and took more hits because of that. Keep the level at around the middle, maintain your defenses but don’t give him room to breathe when you have the chance to push. Also, you tend to abandon your db when he got to high percentages where even a stale db could kill or send him out enough to set up a gimp. Likewise you spammed fsmash more at those percentages which could have lost you the game.

Game 2 vs Kira

0:15 You are asking to get lasered when you back away that far.

0:54 stall off the ledge, not on it when they are charging a smash

2:14 laser

3:47 back away out of range and charge your own smash.

Overall I think you should have won this game. Your opponent liked to roll a lot and you did a good job picking up on it and punishing him. You lost because poor spacing left you open to grabs and poor decisions led to your face getting bashed in. pretty much all that can be said. Your first and third deaths should not have occurred, you could have dropped off the ledge and come back with any aerial you wanted the first time. The second time you could have had a free anything. Also, still too much nair and no sexy colors this time =[


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
1: Don't throw wario... let him air release and usmash/utilt/uair him. Always.
2: No counter spam like in second vid... just no counter is bad
3) quit rolling


Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2009
Cali, Colombia
Hi everyone.

First of all thanks to GPEternity & C.J. for taking some time to watch my videos, I'll work on the things they said, and try to improve my game. I hope the vids wasn't kinda boring to watch.

Thanks for all, and i hope you let me post new vids to get criticized. Bye (Y)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2009
Miami, FL
Trying to Second Marth:


Offline Friendly. I know Marth's tip can somewhat **** Oli, but at times, shouldn't Oli have a little more of a chance to prperly damage Marth (Pikmin toss, etc.) Also, During the Oli's mach chain grab (I've never had that done to me before), I had forgotten that I had Up B. Should I have used to escape, and possibly hit him?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2008
Bay Area, CA
:10 that’s like 3 nairs in 10 seconds. Nair is awesome but its not marths bread and butter. More fair please.

:16 see above. Nair should be used relatively sparingly for kills, combos, and intercepting airdodges.

:20 ken combo does not exist in brawl. You were better off adding another fair or nair in his face.

:29 watch your spacing. I don’t know the oli matchup but I think you’re safer in the air since he can’t grab you.

:34 if you have time to airdodge you have time to jump or attack. Oli has no grab armor so you can swat him out of grabs.

:39 your fsmash will hit the edge of the stage if your backfoot is around the outer edge of that circle thing. Basically just outside his getup attack but inside his grab range.

:43 when hes off the stage, feel free to be aggressive. Marth is a great gimper and tether recoveries are gimpable.

:54 a fair would have hit him and set up an edgeguard.

1:06 don’t throw people back onto the stage silly!

1:20 uair

1:33 spacing again, you need to be further away from the stage to pull that off.

1:39 lol…

1:40 db is a much more natural follow up to fthrow.

1:45 fair ><

1:47 marths rolls suck.

1:59 fair……

2:11 dair screams “SMASH ME”

2:23 overkill lol

3:07 you don’t need your shield breaker to recover you also burned your jump way too early.

you need to spam nair less. fair has better range and a wider hit arc and the match would have been much closer if your opponent zero'd in on your tendency to shffnair.


Smash Cadet
Jun 4, 2009
Seattle, WA
Critique please! Not looking for a full analysis, just general comments about what I do well and what I don't would be nice. These are all vs Snake matches with a friend of mine, and you'll see me at my best, worst and pretty much everything in between. In particular I'm looking to improve my approaching game, so comments about that would be very appreciated. Thanks ^^

Set 2 1/3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDcWTDzHN7g
Set 2 2/3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg6aMm2tnYw
Set 2 3/3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCbjNo3thkw

Set 4 1/3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcFSv6mVv3Y
Set 4 2/3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0jTnn6avMc
Set 4 3/3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL_0z0vltos


Smash Cadet
Oct 25, 2008
Grinnell, Iowa
Critique please. A full analyzation would be nice, but any comments would be helpful. I'm trying to main Marth (for a while now, although I haven't been played all that recently until this tournament), and I really need some advice. I'm not that good, so any specific things pointed out that I need to work on (a lot, I'm assuming) would be appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.

Also, yeah, after looking back, I counterpicked a bad stage. The only thing I can think of that I should've done is going back to Smashville x.x (considering he banned Final Destination). Advice on such counterpicking would also be helpful. =P

R1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LzlcXqnkdw&feature=PlayList&p=2931F4E36C41FE4D&index=25
R2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4WPX-FJREk&feature=PlayList&p=2931F4E36C41FE4D&index=26


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2007


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Yo so I've been training a local Marth player who goes by Ganja. He's been playing brawl since launch, but hasn't been to any competitive tournaments, or even had much of a chance to play anyone good before we started playing. Because of lack of actually going to tournaments he has a few fundamental issues like patience, and matchup knowledge, but I think he will definetly go very far as he gets better.

I'm sure he'd appreciate it if you guys could help him out. :)

vs. Polmex23 (Luigi)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOFTCKoVDJw (1 & 2) <------First match contains EXTREME sexiness.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpwL1eOGBvc&feature=related (3 & 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpha0Wnu3c8&feature=channel (5 & 6)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2008
Bay Area, CA
Match 1-2: Too much fsmash. impatient. did not punish nearly enough for all those missed shoryukens. impatience begot ineffective/counterproductive edgeguards.

Matches 3-4: still too much fsmash as well as too much ds and too much dair. still impatient and poor spacing. neither player adapted to their opponent.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Alright here are some vids from the CO tournament. I don't have any Peach or G&W experience so if you see some stuff that I can do better let me know.

And no I don't know why there isn't any music. :/

Sinz(Marth) vs Dave!(G&W)

Sinz(Marth) vs Menounderwater(Peach)
I went Snake at first because I heard he had a better match up. But I hadn't practiced him in long time. So, he sucks. He isn't my main. :/

Sinz(Marth) vs DTL(Tink/MK) I was sandbagging in this match.(I have a feeling he was too. He did a lot better in our MM.) But still.

So if you guys have any tips I would appreciate them :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2008
Bay Area, CA
when your on the ledge at marth, you can let go by pressing away and immediately fair to swat him away from the stage. its really useful when he makes the mistake of edgeguarding too close. need more tilt and dsoos for his bairs.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2008
Yardley, Pennsylvania
Don't randomly dancing blade, it is more so used as a punisher, if they hit your shield with an attack or to punished a roll or spot dodge.

Against a toonlink who doesn't really spam projectiles... or even use zair this match should be a cake walk, so try to work on your spacing so you make your chance to get punished very slim.

You can DI out of Tinks f-smash right? I have never seen someone get hit by it like.. more than 3 times :)

yada yada, spacing yada yada. that utilt on tinks dair was sexy, not gonna lie..

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
@ Sinz, I'm only going to comment on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_YF3jdYs7w&feature=related because that alone takes half my day ;)

0:11, don't DJ after DIing out of bair, you can get a guaranteed fair.
0:19 I saw this throughout the match, you should be aware of G&W's dair, but Marth is capable of getting around it by either attacking it from the sides (bair does this really well, since it covers a nice diagonal angle) or by being fast with uair. At least let your opponent know you're capable of going after him, instead of just waiting for him to come back.
0:23 Instead of airdodging your way to him, you could've punished.
0:43 Don't try to airdodge that, it wouldn't have hit you anyway. Could've been an uair or fair.
0:52 Dancing Blade stall would've spared you that stock.
1:01 Empty full hop, really? Grab would've done the job, or anything else really.
1:10 You are allowed to be more agressive in situations like that, just go for the grab right away instead of waiting for him to move first.
1:15 You were up in the air and he upB'ed his way in perfect uair distance. You proceeded to do nothing.
1:18 Input error?
1:22 Don't upB if you're not absolutely sure it hits. Generally, you cannot upB a well spaced turtle. As such, you cannot upB a turtle which didn't even hit.
1:25 Spacing > shielding against G&W, in that scenario (G&W approaching with his back facing you, with your shield that low) you would have been better off being in the air, trying to shove sharp objects up G&W's rectum.
1:43 Input error, no doubt. Disregard that.
1:48 Don't wait for him, make your move!
1:52 Ditto. Just dtilt there.
2:00 Dunno what's up with all the crouching, jumping around blindly spewing fairs and nairs does the job better. G&W is very limited at the edge, expect either a fair or an airdodge. Dtilt is fine if done unexpectedly, or when your opponent's invincibility runs out (though fsmash can also hit people hanging on the edge.)
2:02 Could've been a bair as well, upB was kinda risky. But hey it worked.
2:12 DB or DS > rolling away.
2:38 Uair would've killed.
2:40 THIS is why usmash OoS sucks. It's slow, cumbersome, and it wouldn't have killed since it was the foot hitbox. Absolute rubbish.
2:47 ???
2:51 Know the range on that thing, it's good but definitely not overpowered. If Dave were smarter he would've used uair and you would have been very much dead.
3:02 Uthrow kills at that percentage. Dair is less punishable than you might think,

Shield advantage: -12
Shield drop advantage: -5

So upB would've done it, quick turnaround grab would've done it, utilt would not have done it.

3:16 Grab, uthrow :), yes he did spotdodge. But you were late to do something in the first place. G&W isn't the best character to deal with Marth's shield pressure, use that to your advantage.
3:24 Utilt would've done the trick as well, and a better one too.
4:16 Yay, the first time you used uair in the entire match!

No comment on the ending, **** like that happens.

No further comments, me thirsty, Chair going to get some drink....


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
@ Sinz, I'm only going to comment on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_YF3jdYs7w&feature=related because that alone takes half my day ;)

0:11, don't DJ after DIing out of bair, you can get a guaranteed fair.
0:19 I saw this throughout the match, you should be aware of G&W's dair, but Marth is capable of getting around it by either attacking it from the sides (bair does this really well, since it covers a nice diagonal angle) or by being fast with uair. At least let your opponent know you're capable of going after him, instead of just waiting for him to come back.
0:23 Instead of airdodging your way to him, you could've punished.
0:43 Don't try to airdodge that, it wouldn't have hit you anyway. Could've been an uair or fair.
0:52 Dancing Blade stall would've spared you that stock.
1:01 Empty full hop, really? Grab would've done the job, or anything else really.
1:10 You are allowed to be more agressive in situations like that, just go for the grab right away instead of waiting for him to move first.
1:15 You were up in the air and he upB'ed his way in perfect uair distance. You proceeded to do nothing.
1:18 Input error?
1:22 Don't upB if you're not absolutely sure it hits. Generally, you cannot upB a well spaced turtle. As such, you cannot upB a turtle which didn't even hit.
1:25 Spacing > shielding against G&W, in that scenario (G&W approaching with his back facing you, with your shield that low) you would have been better off being in the air, trying to shove sharp objects up G&W's rectum.
1:43 Input error, no doubt. Disregard that.
1:48 Don't wait for him, make your move!
1:52 Ditto. Just dtilt there.
2:00 Dunno what's up with all the crouching, jumping around blindly spewing fairs and nairs does the job better. G&W is very limited at the edge, expect either a fair or an airdodge. Dtilt is fine if done unexpectedly, or when your opponent's invincibility runs out (though fsmash can also hit people hanging on the edge.)
2:02 Could've been a bair as well, upB was kinda risky. But hey it worked.
2:12 DB or DS > rolling away.
2:38 Uair would've killed.
2:40 THIS is why usmash OoS sucks. It's slow, cumbersome, and it wouldn't have killed since it was the foot hitbox. Absolute rubbish.
2:47 ???
2:51 Know the range on that thing, it's good but definitely not overpowered. If Dave were smarter he would've used uair and you would have been very much dead.
3:02 Uthrow kills at that percentage. Dair is less punishable than you might think,

Shield advantage: -12
Shield drop advantage: -5

So upB would've done it, quick turnaround grab would've done it, utilt would not have done it.

3:16 Grab, uthrow :), yes he did spotdodge. But you were late to do something in the first place. G&W isn't the best character to deal with Marth's shield pressure, use that to your advantage.
3:24 Utilt would've done the trick as well, and a better one too.
4:16 Yay, the first time you used uair in the entire match!

No comment on the ending, **** like that happens.

No further comments, me thirsty, Chair going to get some drink....
Thank you sooo much. I had no match up experience to G&W prior to this. So I was just doing what I had read, and what I could remember. Thank you


Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2009
Cali, Colombia
Help me to improve please

Hi everyone, how is it going?

I'm here again hoping you guys could give me some tips (again) that will help to improve my Marth's game-play. I'm really having troubles playing against R.O.B., Wario & Snake, any tips will come really handy. Thanks again and sorry to bother, I hope the videos are not bored to watch. Bye

- Marth vs R.O.B. 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qds9daDbaXg
- Marth vs R.O.B. 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn9jbHTEgpc
- Marth vs Wario 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKMP5hdCTz0


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY

A new vid of me??? No way...

Parade (Marth) vs Mun (ROB)

0:07 - Your sitting in your shield too long. This is unsafe, luckily your opponent is whiffing behind you. Speaking of, a DB would've been a good chance to rack damage and go on the defensive here.
0:08 to 0:12 - Ahh you kinda jump... err ran into the ****. Dash to Shield is a safe approach and woulda allowed a punishment opportunity, if you were planning on this however, your timing was off.
0:19 - Already can tell this is a bad habit. Your being predictable every time you do a ledgehop aerial. Try mixing up your ledge recovery options.
0:24 - Ok you weren't necessarily wrong, since you went into a safer position. Had he predicted this though you would've caught a Dsmash. If you opponent sits in his shield after two DBs, a grab or SB would suffice.
0:30 - GAH SH Dair is too laggy for Marth to do onstage. That ain't MK =P
1:48 - Ok I see.. your abusing too many of your laggy attacks. Dair is really god on stage out of shield.. but not much else. SB is better when your completely spaced and out of random. In the next second you Usmash after he whiffs an attack. Sorry but a DB would cover most of your punishments at these percents, pick you options better.
1:58 - Your ledgehop aerials got the best of you. You lose a stock.
2:36 - ROB's tilts and jabs are eating you out around this period of time. Your committing yourself to aerials, so your ultimately ending up inside his range.
2:51 - Bad ledge spacing allowed him to retaliate and get back safety. In actuality, if you spaced, you could've Fsmashed him for the kill.
3:03 - Refer to 2:51.
3:08 - Final ledgehop aerial allows hi mto take you final stock.


Smash Cadet
Mar 12, 2009
Cali, Colombia

Hi everyone, how is it going?

Thanks to Rukkiko that watched my video and gave me some tips, I will keep them in mind to improve, I really appreciated.

I hope someone else take some of their precious time to watch them and give me more tips that will help me to be a better player.

Thanks for everything, bye (Y)


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
"hi, my name is rukikko. i like to approach with the same pattern of fast fall naired or floated fairs. please run up to me and shield so that i can get ***** afterwards".

"similarly, i like to ignore the fact that my opponent airdodges the same way every time and in the same type of situation every time. furthermore i like to ignore the fact that i would **** my opponent if i just ran in and shielded beyond their grab range because 1. it's mario and 2. the opponent didn't adapt to me. instead I just do things that don't work and i bait **** the same way every time. they won't notice, no siree! when i am patient and i abuse all of these weaknesses i **** (i.e. second stock). but then i played ****ty on the other stocks. :?"

concise critique...


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
"hi, my name is rukikko. i like to approach with the same pattern of fast fall naired or floated fairs. please run up to me and shield so that i can get ***** afterwards".

"similarly, i like to ignore the fact that my opponent airdodges the same way every time and in the same type of situation every time. furthermore i like to ignore the fact that i would **** my opponent if i just ran in and shielded beyond their grab range because 1. it's mario and 2. the opponent didn't adapt to me. instead I just do things that don't work and i bait **** the same way every time. they won't notice, no siree! when i am patient and i abuse all of these weaknesses i **** (i.e. second stock). but then i played ****ty on the other stocks. :?"

concise critique...
LOLLLLL kind of a **** way to do it >_<


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Kissimmee, FL
I like clowsui...

anywho, yeah Rukkiko all I kept seeing was sh fair/nair and you kept getting punished for being repetitive. Mix in a couple of full hops in between, point is to keep as much space as possible along with not being easily read. Also around 2:30ish Mario UPBs into the stage and you just grab him for puny damage along with making everything neutral instead of giving yourself an advantage (can be seen in other instances in the vid.) Use db or anything that can rack up damage on situations where a grab is possible (assuming that the grab does not give you a clear advantage in stage control.)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2008
Bay Area, CA

A new vid of me??? No way...

:56-1:03 you don’t HAVE to get onto the stage with a ledgehopped aerial. Space it so they tipper, just regrab the ledge if he shields.

1:12 trigger happy ds, you are not meta knight!

1:46 tripper happy ds in the same situation. Lulz

2:29 you could have had ANYTHING you wanted, you went for a grab. Which ends up with you taking more damage than you dealt with the throw and him back on stage.

2:40 stale db and fresh everything else says you should smash laggy moves like that, or ds it.

3:04 that’s like the umpteenth failed shaerial crossup. Might as well just grab his tendency to dash shield. Or shield breaker shinanigans

3:22 THAT would have been a better time to ds, or db, I like dsmashes myself.

3:24 could have just waited for the AD and rewrapped, or charged a smash. He like to ad into you didn’t **** him for it enough.

3:31 impatience! that’s whatchu get.

you didn't defend enough and didn't learn his tendencies, two things which basically mean your charging headfirst into ****. be more patient and study your opponents and also try to react with the most favorable punishment, grabbing when you could easily land a smash or ds sacrifices damage, and in a lot of cases a hard hitting move with good knockback will setup edguarding more easily than a throw will. also you don't seem to be trying to tipper your opponent at all.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009

1st off sorry for the bad quality
2nd im a new Marth player (I'd consider myself intermediate brawl player overall) and this is my first video I've recorded of my Marth. I want to know what i'm doing right/wrong so far and how I can improve my Marth/general brawl ability. Both general/specific advice would be appreciated.

If you want to know, my main character is Pikachu but the lack of range on cute little pika can get annoying even though he's fairly quick so I decided to pick up Marth since he's really interesting.

Edit: Sorry GPEternity probably getting error'd cuz i just uploaded it should be good to watch now
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