@ Sinz, I'm only going to comment on
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_YF3jdYs7w&feature=related because that alone takes half my day
0:11, don't DJ after DIing out of bair, you can get a guaranteed fair.
0:19 I saw this throughout the match, you should be aware of G&W's dair, but Marth is capable of getting around it by either attacking it from the sides (bair does this really well, since it covers a nice diagonal angle) or by being fast with uair. At least let your opponent know you're capable of going after him, instead of just waiting for him to come back.
0:23 Instead of airdodging your way to him, you could've punished.
0:43 Don't try to airdodge that, it wouldn't have hit you anyway. Could've been an uair or fair.
0:52 Dancing Blade stall would've spared you that stock.
1:01 Empty full hop, really? Grab would've done the job, or anything else really.
1:10 You are allowed to be more agressive in situations like that, just go for the grab right away instead of waiting for him to move first.
1:15 You were up in the air and he upB'ed his way in perfect uair distance. You proceeded to do nothing.
1:18 Input error?
1:22 Don't upB if you're not absolutely sure it hits. Generally, you cannot upB a well spaced turtle. As such, you cannot upB a turtle which didn't even hit.
1:25 Spacing > shielding against G&W, in that scenario (G&W approaching with his back facing you, with your shield that low) you would have been better off being in the air, trying to shove sharp objects up G&W's rectum.
1:43 Input error, no doubt. Disregard that.
1:48 Don't wait for him, make your move!
1:52 Ditto. Just dtilt there.
2:00 Dunno what's up with all the crouching, jumping around blindly spewing fairs and nairs does the job better. G&W is very limited at the edge, expect either a fair or an airdodge. Dtilt is fine if done unexpectedly, or when your opponent's invincibility runs out (though fsmash can also hit people hanging on the edge.)
2:02 Could've been a bair as well, upB was kinda risky. But hey it worked.
2:12 DB or DS > rolling away.
2:38 Uair would've killed.
2:40 THIS is why usmash OoS sucks. It's slow, cumbersome, and it wouldn't have killed since it was the foot hitbox. Absolute rubbish.
2:47 ???
2:51 Know the range on that thing, it's good but definitely not overpowered. If Dave were smarter he would've used uair and you would have been very much dead.
3:02 Uthrow kills at that percentage. Dair is less punishable than you might think,
Shield advantage: -12
Shield drop advantage: -5
So upB would've done it, quick turnaround grab would've done it, utilt would not have done it.
3:16 Grab, uthrow

, yes he did spotdodge. But you were late to do something in the first place. G&W isn't the best character to deal with Marth's shield pressure, use that to your advantage.
3:24 Utilt would've done the trick as well, and a better one too.
4:16 Yay, the first time you used uair in the entire match!
No comment on the ending, **** like that happens.
No further comments, me thirsty, Chair going to get some drink....