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The Official Krystal Thread ;)

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Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
They Chibi-ed the characters, which doesn't work in 3D. Kyrstal looks horrible in that god-awful pink and violet jumpsuit. The shading is terribly done because it was for the DS. Her eyes are cyan-aquatic blue, not green. She loses all her sex-appeal, and that just takes away all her win, and without win, you're just left with fail. Command should have never happened.
yeah I agree... Krystal just looks terrible... even when compared to the other characters in this game... The idea of comand had some cool new innovations, but really it wasn't what I wasnted in a starfox game...

I enjoyed being able to chose different pilots with different talents, but still... the game just didn't strike me as that great in any respect.... but, hey, at least they are trying


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
"Mew dropped a CD. Accept it with gratitude!"

Is it just me or do the old pokemon not look any better from the last game?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Now I get it: "Mew dropped a CD. Accept it with gratitude!"

The CD symbolizes updates, and the message means that Sakurai is tired of everyone complaining about the lack of good updates.

It's "elementary school" my friends!

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Now I get it: "Mew dropped a CD. Accept it with gratitude!"

The CD symbolizes updates, and the message means that Sakurai is tired of everyone complaining about the lack of good updates.

It's "elementary school" my friends!
.... right.....

.... denial


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Better than the Dojo update!

Alright kiddies, the votes are in!!!! Here are the results;

Sonic the Hedgedawg's.


A (1st): swipe
A (2nd): counter swipe
A (3rd): downward swipe
A (repeatedly): figure 8's (traces figure 8’s with staff tip using primarily wrist)
A (while dashing): skid (slides with staff facing forwards)

Tilt Side A: double kick (uses staff as support, and kicks outward with both legs)
Tilt Up A: uppercut (staff starts just behind ankles and is arced until it rests on her shoulders)
Tilt Down A: staff jab (very long ranged ground based jab)

SMASH side A: power smash (energy charge is sent through staff as it strikes)
SMASH up A: vortex (Krystal extends staff above head in a conical spinning motion)
SMASH down A: double sweep (first clockwise at feet, then counterclockwise at feet)

A (midair): spin cover (spins staff around laterally, moving it from top to bottom once)
Forward A (midair): Meteor pummel (arcs staff from behind head down to feet)
Back A (midair): double strike (swings staff laterally. It continues the motion over her head and comes back around to strike again)
Up A (midair): safety bar (holds staff overhead to block and then spins once on it (think uneven bars in gymnastics))
Down A (midair): clear away (spins staff rapidly below knees in a kneeling position)

Z: grab
Z or A (while holding): elbow to head
Forward (while holding): gut staff jab
Back (while holding): kick away
Up (while holding): fan blades (holds opponent overhead and spins staff, hitting them repeatedly for nice damage but little knockback)
↓ (while holding): one toe drop (lays opponent on ground, jumps and lands on them, with one toe)

Up B: staff boost (shoots almost straight up (starfox adventures))
B: fire-blaster (not the fastest projectile, but can be fired in rapid succession creating a chain of bolts (starfox adventures))
Side B: ice blast (can potentially freeze, like ice climbers ↓B, but slightly stronger and in one direction (starfox adventures))
Down B: ground quake (super ground quake in mid-air (starfox adventures))

(Out of 10)
Speed: 7
Power: 4
Size: 6
Jump: 6
Durability: 4
Projectile or melee: either

Krystal: this very balanced character is a great pick. She has extraordinary range and her staff gains a slight advantage in damage percentage at the tip so she can keep foes at a distance. She is a very finesse based character, so a lot of practice is necessary to truly make Krystal a force to be reckoned with. The way to truly master Krystal, however, lies in the mastery of her B-button moves.
B These slow moving projectiles can be fired in rapid succession. It may be easy to avoid one or two of these fire blasts, but a chain of five or six can seriously hinder the advancement of foes. Use this move to keep foes at a distance, keep foes from returning from off of the edge, or as a distraction to aid your retreat.
Up B The staff boost technique is, unfortunately, not capable of covering much horizontal distance. It does, however, move at a fairly decent clip and does cover great vertical distance. This move also does not leave Krystal vulnerable during its execution. It is great for climbing up a stage’s levels and escaping congestion on the ground.
Side B This chilly technique is great for stopping enemies in their tracks. This move can stun advancing enemies immediately in front of you for long enough for you to escape or perform a quick smash attack, whichever you prefer.
Down B This ground shaking move is a meteor smash in midair. When it strikes the ground, it sends out a shockwave that sends opponents flying. Its relative strength is proportional to the distance above the ground you are when you use it. It is great for putting an exclamation point on entering the fray, clearing enemies and causing all around havoc.
Master these moves and using them effectively, and you master Krystal.

If aggressive: Keep foes at end of staff length. At this distance, few melee attacks can reach you, allowing you the upper hand. Try to keep engaged with only one foe at a time, however, as Krystal is not the sturdiest of brawlers.

If defensive: you are in luck. Krystal’s moves allow for quick escapes and effective distance attacks. Krystal can easily snipe or quickly enter a fray, cause great disruption and, just as quickly, retreat. Mastering her “B” button moves can help you accomplish this task with the slightest of ease.

If you love to be in the melee: Krystal may not be the best bet for you. She is a little frail, but is an easy enough target to hit that she’s a liability. Her earth shattering Down B and chilling Side B moves can cause widespread damage, however. Know when to retreat if you plan on using this strategy with Krystal.
*Final Smash*
Sonic The Hedgedawg's option 3

option 3) she makes them appear and they flurry around the stage damaging people.
Who saw these results coming? I'll reserve my personal feelings in an effort to remain unbiased of the result. I assure you this is what the numbers said. If, for whatever reason you can't stand to stand by these choices, I suppose we could limit it down to the these and the second place finishers. After all, this is a democracy. :laugh:
T-Shirt or Nightie. oh em gee


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
yeah I agree... Krystal just looks terrible... even when compared to the other characters in this game... The idea of comand had some cool new innovations, but really it wasn't what I wasnted in a starfox game...

I enjoyed being able to chose different pilots with different talents, but still... the game just didn't strike me as that great in any respect.... but, hey, at least they are trying
They're not really trying, don't let them trick you. They re-using the same gameplay from the canceled SF2 for the SNES. Play the original, much better, and it has Miyu ;)
damm my furry side is showing :blush: :p


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Cross your fingers and hope the staff doesn't have very many objections to it?
Other than that it's a simple idea, so it'll be a short PM, and since I don't want to do my work-cited page for my paper i'll right it up now.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
I like the IRC idea, I'll look into it

I have an old computer at home that no one uses, I'll set up an IRC server on it when I go home in a couple of weeks


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Your really shouldn't have a problem Ism, both YIM and AIM are free, and it's easy to use. A trained monkey and do it. I checked both YIM and AIM and both have the converence function, so were good with that.

Krystal Fur Brawl


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Well hell I am, I gots me some classes tommorow, then work, then more classes, then an hour drive home.

I'm guessing Krystal for the 5th. If not, it'll be one of these days.


Krystal Fur Brawl


Smash Apprentice
Oct 24, 2007
Staten Island, NY
So she wasn't annonced after all. Oh man, all that speculation for nothing. Theres still two months before we find out for sure. Thats about 52 more updates, with posiblilities for krystal every day of the week.

(Except weekends)

Darn that Youtube video!!!

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Alright kiddies, the votes are in!!!! Here are the results;

Sonic the Hedgedawg's.

*Final Smash*
Sonic The Hedgedawg's option 3

Who saw these results coming? I'll reserve my personal feelings in an effort to remain unbiased of the result. I assure you this is what the numbers said. If, for whatever reason you can't stand to stand by these choices, I suppose we could limit it down to the these and the second place finishers. After all, this is a democracy. :laugh:
T-Shirt or Nightie. oh em gee
:) thy like me, they REALLY like me.... I don't think that I ever actually voted myself.... oh well I would have probably voted for myself so no great loss


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2007
Smryna, TN
well i voted for your moveset, and my FS or your option 5 moveset i cant remember i just know they were alot a like! lol i just want Krystal to summon the Krazoa for FS! lol

i was just thinking...you know how everyone thinks their character is going to get in? why do they think that? i mean there are characters with absolutely no evidence and really no chance of getting in and the people will still fight for reasons why they are in. We accuately have tons of evidence for Krystal but no other character has evidence like Krystal


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2007
In the Queen Creek of Arizona
Edit: congrats Mr.700!
I'm not proud of my post count. It shows how much time I spend with you weirdos. :laugh:

:) thy like me, they REALLY like me.... I don't think that I ever actually voted myself.... oh well I would have probably voted for myself so no great loss
Congrats good sir

i was just thinking...you know how everyone thinks their character is going to get in? why do they think that? i mean there are characters with absolutely no evidence and really no chance of getting in and the people will still fight for reasons why they are in. We accuately have tons of evidence for Krystal but no other character has evidence like Krystal
There aren't too many of those anymore. A couple months ago though, oh em gee. Digglett for brawl, eggplant wizard for brawl. Pong stick for Brawl. Gimme a break.
Now though all we have are stragglers. Take for instance Mog. Not a major role in any game, not to mention the thread is plagued by bickering. (sorry mog squad, just making observations). Other than that we have Geno, Rideley(was it closed?),and megaman. Everything else just kinda died out.
If I had to take a guess, I bet it was just a random thought that people hoped would take off and gain mega support. Other than that, i guess to give people a laugh. I think thats why this thread was made personally just by the way Fluffy presented it.
You are true that there isn't another hopeful that has all the evidence that Krystal does. At least we have that going for us. ;)

Edit: very busy day today, so I should be back on around 10 or 11 depending on traffic. I'll look at the results of the PMs I sent out and probably send another group with the plan. See "yall" later


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2007
Poking Someone
People are weird with characters getting in...I saw someone who actually had the idea that Cloud from Final Fantasy VII would get in >>...I'm just glad Krystal has A good chance.
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