vanz - hey bro my bad but i think this week my friend asked me to go to an anime convention wit him and he really wants me to go
sry bro im lookin forward to it plus i kinda feel like i gotta u know? but next weekly i attend (probably next week) im gonna team wit u and make some dough XD
mog - hey bro i REALLY need that screwdriver and i couldnt reach u at ALL today
my mom is on my case can u please somehow get it to me? o and we should play sometime
grill - !?!?!??! wtf my mom told me u and Biggs came over my house and i wuz asleep
lol that sucks donuts XD u should set up a time to play so we can play at starz's place not so terrible u know XD but yea if we go there im def teamin wit vanz XD
mog - hey bro i REALLY need that screwdriver and i couldnt reach u at ALL today
grill - !?!?!??! wtf my mom told me u and Biggs came over my house and i wuz asleep