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!?!The "OFFICIAL" I.H.N.C. Cr3w Thread!?!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2007
Bayonne, New Jersey
why would yu complain bailey he lives in FL thats so far away frum here how can he bother yu if he is there? thats so dumb

well cash jus dont mind him welcome 2 deh crew its not a CLAN 4 ppl that are not aware.....

4sho!!!!!!!!!!!!! where are yu? yu dumb **** MM me son!


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
*4Sh0 speaking*

bailey whats wrong man. ***** we are trying to expand. we need an FL branch. we def dont want you to quit your a good player. so is their a way for you to be in still? bc hes in a FL branch. which will prolly consit of XIF Green mario and the shizwiz. lol. so cmon just relax. if it really bothers you pm me. if not then we good

*Teczero talking :D*

surma- dont try and add fuel to a fire u know? dont make things worse than they already are man u have an awful awful habit of doin that look dude if u aint got nuthin good to say dont say it i mean every post u make u seem to try to make matters worse u tellin bailey to jus drop? How does that help at all? i mean shouldnt we think about resolving any conflicts witout flaming one another? dont cause problems the rest of the crew has to clean up ure mess at the end all the time jus dont talk when a fight comes up.

Bailey - dude i have no idea y u have issues wit mooney even if u have valid reasons u and mooney have to resolve this eventually i mean i there anything we can do besides make some1 leave the crew? why is he such a bother jus being around us? i mean u could have valid and reasonable reasons but regardless lets jus please resolve this peacefully.... our crew is dealing wit too much unnessary conflicts wit team pleazy and now this?

Btw Bailey please ignore Surma he kinda stepped outta line and def said sumthin he should have not.

mooney - i mean im sure u realize that apparently Bailey another crew member has a problem wit u bein in our crew... do u have any idea y? i mean honestly is there a valid reason u can think of y Bailey does not want u in IHNC????

O also me and Grill are makin plans to make it to florida this summer to compete in LTEC i personally dont want any1 in or any1 associated wit our crew to fight so personally i hope u can stay but if u for some stupid reason cant me and Grill will b lookin at u askin for housing probably man

I hope we dont end up wit some1 upset i wanna help everyone and anyone wit any problems I feel as if i am an important member(too bad im not sure if i am T_T) so i would like to help wit any crew related problems lets please resolve this wit no flamin nonsense lets jus somehow in someway resolve this


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2007
Bayonne, New Jersey
no he is complaining about sum1 that lives really far away its not like he is gonna see or speak 2 him any tyme soon yu know wht idc *** dis **** im gettin so mad i hate when ppl tell me not 2 bother and then wen i dont ppl say how come yu didnt say anythin well *** it i aint saying anything anymore.

the next person that says anything 2 me about me posting is gettin ^^ thown ---> Rest


Smash Cadet
May 28, 2006
Bayonne , Nj
that was complete spam....FL branch ftw!
I love how 4sho uses my account when he's bored:mad: I'm randomly checking the threads and I see crap I didn't put this is not the first time u have done this........I know Surma spams why would I even bring it up on the boards???????????????????? And know Surma wants to money match me no offense but Elite division > sub division.....................sorry???????????


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
In Bailey's defense, what's the deal with you guys "expanding" to FL anyway? Is it just to appease Mooney? Cause FL is content with creating our own crews, we don't need to be some offshoot of people we've never met and probably never will.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
u need to get sum order in ur crew and stop recruitin ppl asap or ur **** is gonna crash in burn.... so right now i say u keep da recruitin to a minimum... cuz u dont even kno who mooney is and no offense to the guy but i've seen him play and he would probably b the worst outta ur sub division... so pay attention to the ppl u get in ur crew....
tech0 we dont gotta team its cool u can stay wit vans.... i think ima drag emblem lord over to a weekly or somethin
but 4sh0... honestly son u need to work on gettin stronger as a crew instead of gettin bigger cuz wuts the point of havin a huge crew wit like 5 ppl n da elite division and the rest full of scrubs u hardly kno
my bad if i sound mean or like an azz or anything but im just bein real

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
when have u ever seen me play o_O;;

maybe last year or something.

otherwise ur terribly wrong and never have seen me play.

or maybe u have but not recently

ahh.that might be it.

never heard of a "Sneak" though...

Shin Bowser Meow

Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
mentioning me in a post is never good surma. hit me up on aim bro. I wanna talk to ya about a couple things.

* sheds nice guy illusion *

Seriously Surma... geez man... I'm taking off the KID gloves because thats what I have to wear when I deal with ya on the boards. I'mma keep this short. I feel like you forced your way in the crew even though I NEVER considered you part of it ( and from what you tell me you never was ). Your acting like you make decisions and coming outta line with your comments... and YEAH you post useless stuff alot more than the rest of us. You marked yourself as a problematic dude from jump man.

I've no problems with you and no qualms about your skill, HOWEVER you not giving Starz your all because Bum beat you @ zenith in singles shows your tru colors as far as i'm concerned. Instead of evaluating the match you choose to go cry and quit on the game... screw this. I'm done with trying to keep you on the right path in terms of smash.

It pisses me off that your mad because life gets in some of our crew members way of progressing in the scene. Golden rule: life > smash. Your in the sub divison for a reason bro. If you gave your Main time to grow and got as much experience as anyone in the elite divison then youd be there but your mindset is really Noob. Your expecting grand results way faster than you can ever hope to get em.

My rant is almost over. All i can say is grow up man. Grow up...

Shin Bowser Meow has spoken.

@ the crew: My apoligies but he had it coming...

One more thing about the exspanion of the crew. I'm a soldier and i've faith in the leader but The NYC/NJ branch should become stronger before we think about expanding. Alotta of us sub div guys need help and i know when things get better for me i'm going to start traveling and repping in other states ( Outta state females + melee = Happy Kappa ). @ the rate we are going only the elite div is getting better @ a constant rate, but I cant really say that because most of yall are in NJ and i'm in Bk. Thats just my 2 cents. Please feel free to correct me on anything I said. Hit me up on Aim if you want me to go into detail.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2005
SF Bay Area, CA
sneak > mooney

surma you have decent tech skill but you like to just stand there taking hits thinking your cool or it will make you better or give the other person the impression your sandbagging. so regardless of you standing there or not, you still get beat. thats why not alot of people like to play you. how do you expect to get better and "train" if you just fool around?

bailey, whats your problem with mooney? he can say the same arguement against you, you live in new york, the REAL ihnc i knew were the kids that lived in bayonne, a few additions here and there are cool but 4sho you recruited like a million people in about a month. like sneak said, get better, not more and more people.

also surma whats this garbage about you not being elite cuz you play jiggs, thats a load of bull. I can hold my own against tech9, sometimes tech0 (if hes nice and doesnt laser or space own me) and 4sho with jiggs.

anyway, grill where were you with housing me? :(

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
sneak > mooney

bailey, whats your problem with mooney? he can say the same arguement against you, you live in new york, the REAL ihnc i knew were the kids that lived in bayonne, a few additions here and there are cool but 4sho you recruited like a million people in about a month. like sneak said, get better, not more and more people.
@ Part 1-ahh sure,thats true i guess.not a 3 stock though -___-

and yeah i could but...idc really.doesnt matter to me :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2004
North NJ
lol only crew with more drama then this one is imperial era, but i cant read their drama cause they use small font and weird colors that dont display properly. Im not sure there was a point to this post, but I could say that for alot of these posts. Oh well...and remind me to bring the screwdriver next time I drop by.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2007
Bayonne, New Jersey
sneak > mooney

surma you have decent tech skill but you like to just stand there taking hits thinking your cool or it will make you better or give the other person the impression your sandbagging. so regardless of you standing there or not, you still get beat. thats why not alot of people like to play you. how do you expect to get better and "train" if you just fool around?

bailey, whats your problem with mooney? he can say the same arguement against you, you live in new york, the REAL ihnc i knew were the kids that lived in bayonne, a few additions here and there are cool but 4sho you recruited like a million people in about a month. like sneak said, get better, not more and more people.

also surma whats this garbage about you not being elite cuz you play jiggs, thats a load of bull. I can hold my own against tech9, sometimes tech0 (if hes nice and doesnt laser or space own me) and 4sho with jiggs.

anyway, grill where were you with housing me? :(

do young- listen 4sho doesnt want me an elite 4 some odd reason.... i sandbagg in friendlies unless im mad ill play other then that i sandbagg but its all good i jus need more training ppl underestimate mid ---> bottom tier's alot 4 some unknown reason they think usen the best character in the game is the best way 2 be good i think otherwise i play fox and jiggz and alternates are sheik and doc i dont like playing my hardest in friendlies knowing im gonna loose wht the point of trying i mean really 4sho thinks im terrible and he still looses 2 me idc anymore i only asked yu 4 training thats all if yu can

shin- ok w.e. then why are yu gonna say i post random things i respond 2 ppl that post on our thread NO 1 ELSE DOES so get it str8 im barley in this crew i wusnt even welcomed 2 this crew yeah im in the sub div so wht like i care i post if i want if WoZ wants 2 bandd me 4 posting then band me idc atleast giv me a good reason 4 banning me gosh ppl are so idiotic :mad:

sneak- i know he lets every1 join this **** crew there is no point of being an ihnc member he barley knows bailey lean or cash he hasnt seen them play he goes by wht ppl tell him its so dumb oh look its lean i herd so much about him he should be in this crew ( not knowing anything about him ) lean yur now an offical ihnc member i mean wdf kinda **** is that ppl in the crew have2 try out i mean wow he sucks at being a manager no wonder why envy quit this fckin game :mad:

so 2 ppl that dont know i dont not belong 2 ihnc anymore. i will now look 4 a crew that is recruiting ( idk if it wus spelt right ) but do if yu can train me id appreciate that


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
How come I can never read ALL the posts in this thread... Surma your typing is HORRIBLE...no offense.

Anyway you guys are crazy LOLOL!L!!!

edit- Bailey you need to calm down and relax. Thank you.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Surma - well u prob gave up but watever listen dude i had no idea u felt like that bro all im sayin is if u wanna give ure opinion that is all fine wit me but dont give an opinion that may cause trouble wit other people bro

dude i know u wanted to train wit me and all but look dude EVERYBODY around my area wanna play me bro (i know i sound mad cocky its jus i dunno how else to word it) listen i set up a smashfest a while ago cuz sneak and doyoung asked me if they could play me sometime since they r from a farther place i felt like i had to def play them cuz u know they TRAVEL and asked if i could play them not only that for them to get here i mean doyoung and sneak and copycat all had to drive a car to get to my house...

listen i go to 4sho somewhat often and 4sho wants to play me and so does my bro u havent asked me to play u alot u def should've asked to play me more often listen im willing to play ANYONE whether i can **** them, they can **** me(i always wanna play P.c, ace, Killafox, Bum, Wes, and others cuz i know they r better and i always try to play them BECAUSE they r better than me) , or people i can play at a more even level listen it DOES NOT MATTER TO ME

fun is the reason for me to play but it hurts when u go ahead and jus tell me after i play u and u go o well i sandbagged hard as hell... u might have admitted that i beat u but wtf i hear u say that plenty of times it makes me wonder if u really wanted to train..... u make me feel like u jus gave up tryin to get better cuz 4sho does that too but he will eventually try again to get better u could tell he got better from b4 jus cuz he kept playin me and grill and starz and vanz and etc

btw dude im def still willin to train u dude but honestly i refuse i u give up dont come to me expecting me to go ez on u yea i can and have 4 stocked u but if u jus chill and listen to me when i play u that wont happen as u SLOWLY make progress (sry im not tryin to make myself sound cocky)

cash - well i honestly have no clue how good u r but sneak is a good player i think sneak came out too strong too but u should def not underestimate sneak not only because he is a part of TSA but u dunno know him either..... him sayin he can 3 stock u is probably out of anger(im not sure jus guessin) but yea jus warnin u

sneak - i think u came out too strong considering u have no clue who ure up against i mean 3 stocking some1 u dont know.... well i mean u r good.... but well yea i dont think i should say too much this is def between u and mooney jus be careful dude i dont wanna c u in a fight u def didnt need to be in

btw yea bout u sayin bout the crew growin in size and not in skill.... ure probably right bout that but i wanna say stuff that makes 4sho feel more confident but i guess since u and mankosuki both said it i think we should slow down as a crew

btw dude i def wanna team wit u bro i wanna have fun money is important but im mad cool wit u and i would love to team wit u at some time

mankosuki - honestly i believe ure input is probably right.... i mean i like to go behind 4sho because he does most of the recruiting stuff by himself and def is jus probably WAY too ambitious i understand completely where u r comin from because i often tell 4sho that he does way too much recruiting i personally appreciate u posted wat u did cuz i needed some1 else to say sumthin like that sumthin similar to wat i also believed in

bailey- even tho every1 agrees and i agree we should slow down i still dont get y u have issues wit the guy... but umm lemme talk to 4sho about it ill prob talk to u on aim bout it later

everyone - i def jus want to jus get this unneeded conflict out of the way btw to sneak and mankosuki thanks for ure input cuz now i know we r goin too fast as a crew thx guys

to the sub division - surma's comment kinda annoyed me..... bout where we in the "elite" division or watever dont care bout u guys....

listen i am ALWAYS willing to help u guys im willing to help u guys more than alot of people bcuz u guys r in the crew if u want my help or other's help plz dont b scared or watever to jus come up to me and ask like "hey wat makes me so predictable" or watever u know jus ask at least i will help u im sure others feel the same but if they dont I WANNA HELP

omg i def pulled a drk peach and wrote a friggin essay......... OMG lol


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
sandbaggin makes u suck.... if u kno u gonna lose then try harder so u can win.... sayin u sandbag is just another john.... man up

o yea and tech0 i do kno who he is.... i been around for a while i kno who alot of ppl are


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
sandbaggin makes u suck.... if u kno u gonna lose then try harder so u can win.... sayin u sandbag is just another john.... man up

o yea and tech0 i do kno who he is.... i been around for a while i kno who alot of ppl are
sneak - o dam then imma shut up now..... :( u make me go cry in my bed:( lol jk ok tho well if u know him... do you

doyoung - XD

arrrggg this is so frustrating..... :( 4sho where r u?!?!?!?!??!?!? if u dont do nuthin imma start bein the manager !?!??!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2007
Bayonne, New Jersey
ok teczero i asked yu and yu said yu dont play jiggz and fox i dont know **** about and i doubt yu know everything about fox and its not about knowing everything its that i dont like playing fox that much i know sanddbaggin makes yu suck i do it cuz i jus get so annoyed that i jus stand there but i will NEVER EVER sandbag again unless im winning teczero why did it annoy yu ? i said the only 1 that might care about the sub div is teczero.....nvm but do n teczero id appreciate the training im not gonna be sandbagging anymore


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
mankosuki - honestly i believe ure input is probably right.... i mean i like to go behind 4sho because he does most of the recruiting stuff by himself and def is jus probably WAY too ambitious i understand completely where u r comin from because i often tell 4sho that he does way too much recruiting i personally appreciate u posted wat u did cuz i needed some1 else to say sumthin like that sumthin similar to wat i also believed in
no problem.

Just the view point of a random FL guy. I know nothing about you guys at all, I just followed Mooney's link and found the concept of a NY crew in FL to be pretty odd. I saw Bailey did as well (though on a more personal level) and when he caught flack for it I figured I should defend him.

Anyway, I'll probably unsubscribe after a few more days so see ya around.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
i told u guys a long time ago that u should get rid of the elite and sub division cuz its only pullin ur crew apart.... ur crew is a team and should b like a 2nd family to u so dont seperate each other in divisions based on skill.... u should treat ur crew as a whole and work wit each other to become stronger


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
ok teczero i asked yu and yu said yu dont play jiggz and fox i dont know **** about and i doubt yu know everything about fox and its not about knowing everything its that i dont like playing fox that much i know sanddbaggin makes yu suck i do it cuz i jus get so annoyed that i jus stand there but i will NEVER EVER sandbag again unless im winning teczero why did it annoy yu ? i said the only 1 that might care about the sub div is teczero.....nvm but do n teczero id appreciate the training im not gonna be sandbagging anymore
listen dude i only played u a couple times i do care bout u guys i dont want any1 to feel like im tryin to say im jus better than u guys cuz in the end u guys could b the next PC or bum or watever u know? its tru u asked me on the boards to help u but next time ask me when im there at 4sho's place when i actually wanna play smash bros k? yea dude if u want ill train u no problem at all

sneak - yea..... i remeber that... meh looks like we cant do a whole lot right now..... but yea ... never thought it would cause massive controversy tho to tell u the truth

anyway i got work tomorrow so i cant talk too much more so i guess.... hopefully in the morning i hope i dont see so many posts that i cant keep up......


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2007
Bayonne, New Jersey
well im jus gonna say a few things. 1 would be i now fly solo, 2 is teczero should be the manager of this crew, 3 4 those that wanna train ppl or take them as a student please PM me or i m me on AiM DriiFtiiN PaNdUh n the 4th thing would be even tho i not in this crew anymore ill still play with yu guys if im invited

surma is gonna go solo 4 now if do or teczero wanna train me i m me or PM me i refresh the boards every tyme my comp is on that is why i post so much but anyways thnx 2 those who cared about surma or gave me advice i appreciated it.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
lol i wish i saw it happenin :( never had experience in this type of stuff........

ok well 4sho if u aint gonna say anythin soon imma jus take ure role and do wat i believe will help the crew so hurry up b4 i take ure friggin job :D if i dont see a post b i get outta work i will take ure job dont test me

this is def my last post lol i DEF need to sleep for my first day XD
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