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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
I use photobucket or imageshack, or you can screen capture although that will bring you back to how to upload it...

So just try photobucket or imageshack


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Lines are thinner, its yellow not green and you got the hat symbol right, I don't get it right. Good job though =)

extra detail you gave him hair


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2007
Geno will not be in the game sorry. : (
ha ha I called it now. Walugi has been in more nintendo games and deserves the spot more.
Nintendo is not gonna pay for this character, heck NO!

Mega Man is alot more popular and would have alot better moves.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Geno will not be in the game sorry. : (
You're not sorry. Don't lie.

ha ha I called it now. Walugi has been in more nintendo games and deserves the spot more.
On what facts do you base the second half of that statement?

Nintendo is not gonna pay for this character, heck NO!
If Nintendo requested Square to let Geno be a MINOR CAMEO in the Mario and Luigi RPG game (which I would imagine they would also have to pay for if they're paying for this), then why WOULDN'T they want to pay to have a much better potential role for him?

Mega Man is alot more popular and would have alot better moves.
More popular, maybe. Better moves is a matter of opinion. And both will be in Brawl.

Mission Failed.

Try again? Quit?


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2007
Lol, I'll pick the try again option.

Walugi deserves the spot more because he has been in more games then geno.
Im guessing Nintendo has games planned for Walugi, so why not promote this character?
Geno has no future from what im aware.

I believe that if theres a limited amount of 3rd party characters then Geno has no chance.
-Final fantasy characters
-Sora from kingdom hearts

All of those are more popular and have a bigger fan base than Geno.
If theres gonna be a 60 character roaster with 5-10 3rd party characters
then maybe the'll throw Geno in there for the hell of it.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
Lol, I'll pick the try again option.

Walugi deserves the spot more because he has been in more games then geno.
Im guessing Nintendo has games planned for Walugi, so why not promote this character?
Geno has no future from what im aware.

I believe that if theres a limited amount of 3rd party characters then Geno has no chance.
-Final fantasy characters
-Sora from kingdom hearts

All of those are more popular and have a bigger fan base than Geno.
If theres gonna be a 60 character roaster with 5-10 3rd party characters
then maybe the'll throw Geno in there for the hell of it.

Bigger fan base? Geno was third in the poles. Who's to say who will be picked. Unless your name is Masahiro Sakurai. And I don't think it is. And Waluigi? He deserves nothing. He's a party character for Mario Multiplayer games. Ice Climbers have only been in one game. So has Pit. Thier games don't have futures as far as I'm aware.

Lol. Knuckles.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Walugi deserves the spot more because he has been in more games then geno.
There are two major things wrong with this reasoning. First is that while he may have been in more games, the vast majority of those games only featured him as one in a cast of characters from which you could choose and theoretically never even touch. I think the only plot related role he's EVER had so far was in the first world of DDR: Mario Mix...which still made him the most insignificant boss character in the game.

Second of all, this assumes that many appearances are a needed criteria to be added to the roster, which is not the case as we've seen with several of the characters currently in the game.

Im guessing Nintendo has games planned for Walugi, so why not promote this character?
Possible, but I don't see it as very likely. I'll put it this way: do you also guess that Nintendo is going to have more games planned that feature Daisy (in a very specific way as in main character or damsel in distress)? She's is to Waluigi what Peach is to Wario...and she's been around for YEARS and has only appeared in one game with close to an important role.

Geno has no future from what im aware.
Geno has a very immediate future in the re-release of Mario RPG for the Virtual Console some time this year. That combined with a position in Brawl could easily make Square (who is on great terms with Nintendo right now) want to develop another game featuring him.

I believe that if theres a limited amount of 3rd party characters then Geno has no chance.
No arguments here, I see these two as definitely making it in the game.

Not so much. With as few guest characters as are actually going to be in the game, I find it somewhat unlikely that more than one of them would be coming from the same company, let alone the same franchise.

-Final fantasy characters
-Sora from kingdom hearts
Sora is no better a choice than Geno here for the reason you listed first; he's appeared in one Nintendo game, one that is considered to not even be as good as the games he appears in on other platforms. And while a Final Fantasy character could make a good rep, the problem again boils down to the question of, "Who?" In all honesty, I see Geno as the best Nintendo/Square rep that could be included, and I'll explain why below.

All of those are more popular and have a bigger fan base than Geno.
Not according to Sakurai's poll, they aren't. Though to be fair, Sonic wasn't on that list...but we all know how popular he is already.

If theres gonna be a 60 character roaster with 5-10 3rd party characters
then maybe the'll throw Geno in there for the hell of it.
While I don't expect the roster to be that big, I DO think that Geno is a very appropriate choice. Here's why:

Out of the vast amount of wanted characters for Brawl, Geno is unique in that while Square technically owns him, his only appearances have been in Mario games. That said, he would almost certainly fall under the Mario franchise when being added to the roster...and if THAT is the case, Sakurai will probably not even consider him to be a guest character since he is NATIVE to the Mario franchise. Heck, we might even see Geno AND a Final Fantasy character, though I'm not betting on it.

Congratulations! New High Score!

Try again? Quit?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I go away to watch a movie and I come back to find one of the dumbest of the Geno haters posting unfounded crap in this thread...

Just ignore him people...Listening to idiocy of his level has been proven to kill brain cells...

Especially ignore the Geno haters that like Waluigi...they are the worst and most ignorant of them all...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
But it's so much fun. Besides, I stop responding once they get repetitive and prove that they're not acknowledging my points at all. I at least like to MAKE them.

But alas, I must sleep. Very important tests tomorrow. Wish me luck.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2007
ok my turn I can beat that score.

Im glad your admiting that Geno will come after alot of other 3rd party characters.

Sonic is sooo big that if they were going to include more than 2 or 3 3rd party characters
that Tails or knuckles would definatly be in there.

You said that you didnt believe there would be a 60 character roaster, and yet you
still would put alot of other 3rd partys before Geno. Im agreeing with you that Geno is
low on the 3rd party priority list.

He would not be in as a mushroom kingdom rep. Hell, he was not even invited to play tennis, soccer
or be in mario cart with the regular mushroom kindom reps.

It seems your biggest arguement is that he was high on the poll.
The only reason he was on the poll was because hes at the bottom of the list
a non important character. You didnt see Mario or Sonic on the poll.

There gonna put characters into the game that would cause peple to buy the game.
Theres no one person in the world that would buy the game or not buy the game
simply because of small character like Geno.

You said yourself you dont believe the roaster will be that big. how would you explain
them putting in Geno over another person that deserves the spot more?

Asumeing that theres a 40 character roaster with 3 3rd party characters, alot of desterving characters would have to be cutt. Genos not even one of those deserving characters.

Geno has no chance sorry.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
The second you make any kind of REAL point, other than your own bias/ unfounded speculation you might be worth responding to...

Especially with your apparent hatred toward a character...which doesn't make any logical sense.

Your whole argument is based on your own ignorance, and assumptions based on your own ignorance. Additionally, you seem to be ignoring any points brought up against you and dismissing them.

Your impossible to argue with if your stubbornly stick by your own dislike of a character you couldn't even begin to undestand, apparently having no idea who he is or his importance.

No one is going to convince you and you aren't going to convince anyone else...

Good day...


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2007
lol your funny you didnt even read any of the posts.
I dont hate geno, I stated facts that would lead someone to know why geno wont be in the game.

All you do is flame and call peple stupid who dont share the same narrow minded views you do.
You didnt read any of the posts I made and you didnt even state any reasons of why you would think
a small unlikely character like Geno would be in the game.

That guy Sinn, is a cool geno fan that I respect. But you, all you do is give insults to me
and you dont say anything else.

If you contienue speaking that way I will report you and your senceless posts.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
lol your funny you didnt even read any of the posts.
I dont hate geno, I stated facts that would lead someone to know why geno wont be in the game.

All you do is flame and call peple stupid who dont share the same narrow minded views you do.
You didnt read any of the posts I made and you didnt even state any reasons of why you would think
a small unlikely character like Geno would be in the game.

That guy Sinn, is a cool geno fan that I respect. But you, all you do is give insults to me
and you dont say anything else.

If you contienue speaking that way I will report you and your senceless posts.

Can't take a little heat? Then get out...Your going to "tattle" on me because I hurt your feelings? Wow...

I never once called you stupid and if anything, you have the more narrow a mind.

YOu have brought up no real points as of yet. It doesn't matter anyway who anyone thinks is important except for Sakurai. Sakurai could hate Megaman for all we know and put in some random third party like Bomberman or something instead...

No one knows what the chances are of anyone...

Anyway, the only point your bringing up is that Geno belongs to Square and you think Megaman deserves his spot...YOu have NO argument after that


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
TheMastermind said:
Im guessing Nintendo has games planned for Walugi, so why not promote this character?
I find this statement particularly funny.

It's pretty obvious to me that Nintendo has NO games planned for Waluigi. He's been around for, what, at least a few years now (I'll be ***ned if I'm going to go check)? And what have they done with him? Oh yeah, nothing.

Nintendo uses Waluigi to fill out the roster on games where they need more characters who don't really need to be individualized. For instance, in Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, Waluigi will be filling the "Skill" type:

Why? Well, because it was easy to take the stats of a "skill" character and slap Waluigi's frame over it in order to bolster the roster.

The BIGGEST role to date that Waluigi has had was in a game not even developed by Nintendo. It came in Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix, where Waluigi acted as the game's villain. And what did we learn about this characters that we didn't know before? How did the story develop him? I've never played the game, but I think I'm safe in assuming that the answers to those questions will be nothing, and it didn't.

Wario is in Smash because he has had TWO successful gaming series starring him.

Here's my question, the one I think that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Waluigi WON'T be appearing in Brawl.

If Waluigi is such an important character to Nintendo and they want to develop him so badly, why has he not appeared in the WarioWare series?

I'll give you a moment to contemplate that.

Go ahead, think a little more.

Now, follow me on this one.

I think we can all agree that WarioWare would be the EASIEST POSSIBLE WAY to implement Waluigi in a new way.

We are in agreement about this, right?

I mean, all they have to do is give him a biker outfit, and slap some minigames on him, and bam, he's in a whole new series, developing as much as one can in that game's setting.

And yet, he hasn't appeared. As far as I'm aware, Waluigi has never even been glimpsed in a WarioWare game.

Why is this?

It's because Waluigi lacks all things needed to make him important and/or interesting.

Waluigi has never starred in a game. Ever.

Geno was the star (literally, HA!) of Super Mario RPG.

Waluigi has not been used in the game series where not only it would be easiest to use him, but it would make the most SENSE.

Geno appeared in a game completely unrelated in every way from his original game, aside from genre.

Waluigi will NOT be appearing in Brawl. Not as a playable character anyway. I could easily see him wielding some kind of weapon or suit which would turn him into a boss. But he will not be a playable character. Why? Because he is not important to Nintendo, and there is nothing about him that makes him important enough to become a playable character.

Geno has much higher chances than Waluigi, based on fan response alone. Out of the top five characters from Sakurai's Japanese poll (Dedede, Geno, Diddy, Ridley, and Ike), two have already been confirmed for Brawl (Diddy and Ike). Dedede is almost a sure thing. The other main character from the Kirby series. Same goes for Ridley, being Samus' real nemesis throughout almost ALL of her games.

That leaves on Geno at the top. Do you really think that much fan response goes unnoticed? I don't.

You'll notice that Waluigi does not appear on the top-requested characters.

That's because he sucks, no one likes him, and he won't be a playable character in Brawl.

Thank you, and good night.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2007
Well you might have had some very good points to argue about Waluigi.
But your only point on Geno was that he did very well on the polls.

The point that im makeing is that Geno is a 3rd party character. And if Nintendo
were to limit the 3rd party characters. Geno would not be a top priority.

Im sure you will agree with that statement. right?

The characters listed in my previous post
-Final fantasy characters
-Sora from kingdom hearts

All have a bigger fan base then Geno. And because of that deserve the spot before Geno.
And Geno had a very small role in 2 games. Characters like Waluigi have been in alot more nintendo games and have alot more potential then Geno.

Enless theres a 60+ Character roaster Other characters would definatly be chosen over geno.

The only! I mean the ONLY thing Geno has going for him is that he is well liked by people who know him.
That is definatly not a reason to put him in the game because,.. listen to this,...
because theres a full roaster of characters that are more popular than him.

Wow sorry Geno fans, Geno is a freaken cool looking character,
but his good looks wont earn him a spot in brawl.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Public Speaking 101: When your general purpose is to persuade, you want change or structure the attitudes or actions of your audience

And who's your audience?? the GENO thread....nice choice of audience /sarcasm

Im not quite sure what you think your doing, along with anyone else comin in here, trying to convince us that Geno shouldn't or won't be in the game, but since you trying, ill put my two cents in.

First off, we cannot stress this point enough, Geno tied for second on the poll. I dont think you quite understand what that means, but for most, and probably Sakurai too, it means that Geno has more priority than the other characters on the list for Brawl. As far as we know, this poll is the only thing Sakurai could be referring to in terms of what the fans want.

Just for the record, with that said, your Waluigi has only showed up once, what other characters managed that? pretty 85% of them, i doubt Sakurai is willing to put priority on one of the 85% who got one vote over the others in the same situation

Second of all, Sakurai has shown that he takes an interest in retro characters. Waluigi....nope, not even close, but ya know who fits that bill pretty nicely? Oh, just a doll by the name of Geno. Not to mention Sakurai has said himself that he has taken an interest in the character, asking what he's like.

Sure, he said that for a lot characters that received 3 votes or higher, but when the creator takes and interest in that character, and you can already expect those other characters being in and not interfering with Geno's chances of getting in, i'd say Sakurai has no problem (other than a few little legal issues) of putting him in.

Besides, Geno also has a chance of being entered in as a 2nd party character, considering Square doesn't seem to care for the character that much and that he's restricted to the Mario universe, i'd say if Sakurai wanted Geno as a 2nd party, i dont think it'd take much to convince Square to give him permission to do that, unlike other characters, say Megaman?

He's most likely going to take characters not only represented high on the poll, but easiest to receive permission too, Geno qualifies in both fields

Well thats it from me, your probably not convinced, nor will you be no matter what anyone here tells you, just so you know, no one here will be convinced your right either, i dont know why you keep trynig to persuade us, cause i sure wont try and persuade you anymore if it wont work


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Im glad your admiting that Geno will come after alot of other 3rd party characters.
Whoa, hold it. A lot? Let's take a look.

Two. That's two. I might say a couple. Not a LOT of characters. And yes, mainly ONLY those two are the ones I expect to be in over him.

Sonic is sooo big that if they were going to include more than 2 or 3 3rd party characters
that Tails or knuckles would definatly be in there.
If the third party roster is going to be so small, as you claim, then why would they give two out of the three positions to Sonic characters...?

You said that you didnt believe there would be a 60 character roaster, and yet you
still would put alot of other 3rd partys before Geno. Im agreeing with you that Geno is
low on the 3rd party priority list.
I find 60 characters to be unlikely, but it COULD happen. Melee more than doubled the roster from the previous game, but it'll be hard to keep that up as the series gets older. I think I remember reading that Sakurai said they were shooting for at least 40, so I wouldn't be surprised at a number between 40 and 50.

And again, I didn't say I would put a lot of other characters before Geno. I said I would put two. Third place in priority is hardly low.

He would not be in as a mushroom kingdom rep. Hell, he was not even invited to play tennis, soccer
or be in mario cart with the regular mushroom kindom reps.
Nintendo makes a lot of spin off games using Mario characters. Considering that they have so many to choose from already, and that Square owns Geno, I don't see why they would find it necessary to acquire him to use in any of those games. The only game that kind of surprises me that he's not in is Mario Hoops 3 on 3 since it was actually made by Square.

It seems your biggest arguement is that he was high on the poll.
The only reason he was on the poll was because hes at the bottom of the list
a non important character. You didnt see Mario or Sonic on the poll.
The poll wasn't for "bottom of the list" characters (Ridley was on that list...I think that you should tell the people at the Ridley thread that Ridley is a bottom of the list character), it was simply for characters who weren't already in Smash Bros. that players would want to see. Besides, I think we can agree that any reason that he was added to the poll for in the first place pales in comparison to the results that the poll received. Mario wouldn't be on the poll because he's already in the game. Sonic was ALREADY the most anticipated character for the game so putting HIM on the poll would have more than likely been counter productive since people would have given votes to him (who they were already considering) instead of other potential characters.

There gonna put characters into the game that would cause peple to buy the game.
Theres no one person in the world that would buy the game or not buy the game
simply because of small character like Geno.
Again, given the results of that poll, I would venture to say that there might be some rabid Geno fans in Japan who would give buying the game more consideration if he were in it. But overall, I think the amount of people who would buy this game because of ONE character that's in it is relatively small, and those people are probably not going to like the game as much as someone who simply...likes the game and not just one of the characters they decided to put in. The game isn't being made to cater to that group of people which is apparent from the all of the abundant Nintendo specific details that are being put in the game.

You said yourself you dont believe the roaster will be that big. how would you explain
them putting in Geno over another person that deserves the spot more?

Asumeing that theres a 40 character roaster with 3 3rd party characters, alot of desterving characters would have to be cutt. Genos not even one of those deserving characters.
I'ma make this part here bigger, because it's important. You say our entire argument is in the poll results. Your ENTIRE argument is summed up in this point here, that "this character" DESERVES a spot more than Geno who doesn't DESERVE a spot as much as "that character".

If this is the only real argument that you're trying to push (and it seems like it, since I've seen you state it numerous times), there is no way that you are going to convince anyone with it. First off, who decides what makes a character deserve to get into Brawl or not? You? The only person with that kind of authority is SAKURAI. His criteria for judging if a character deserves to be in the game isn't going to be exactly the same as yours.

Ironically, I'm pretty darn sure that the poll results factor into his decision a LOT. And why is that? Because everyone who voted in the poll voted who THEY thought deserved a spot in Brawl. So for whatever reasons you feel he DOESN'T deserve a spot, there are many people who feel that he DOES deserve one. And in the end, the only person whose opinion in matters is Sakurai's.

Geno has no chance sorry.
We've already established that you're not sorry.

The point that im makeing is that Geno is a 3rd party character. And if Nintendo
were to limit the 3rd party characters. Geno would not be a top priority.

Im sure you will agree with that statement. right?
Still no. For one, you're still completely disregarding that Geno is, in all of his appearances, a Mario game character. Essentially he's a Nintendo character owned by Square. He's the only character that I'm aware of who has this unique position, which I only see as a MORE likely reason that they'd decide ask for him.

The characters listed in my previous post
-Final fantasy characters
-Sora from kingdom hearts

All have a bigger fan base then Geno. And because of that deserve the spot before Geno.
And Geno had a very small role in 2 games. Characters like Waluigi have been in alot more nintendo games and have alot more potential then Geno.
I've already responded with my thoughts to that list. And again you've brought up your definition of what makes a character "deserve" a spot in Brawl, which I responded to above. And fact of the matter is that Geno's role in SMRPG was more significant to the game itself than Waluigi's roles were in all of his games combined.

Enless theres a 60+ Character roaster Other characters would definatly be chosen over geno.

The only! I mean the ONLY thing Geno has going for him is that he is well liked by people who know him.
The only way this argument could possibly support your point is if it assumes that the amount of people who know him is small. Which, again, from the turnout of the poll, seems to be inaccurate.

That is definatly not a reason to put him in the game because,.. listen to this,...
because theres a full roaster of characters that are more popular than him.
More popular by what definition? Because again...the poll says otherwise. If more players mentioned him than mentioned any other character apart from DeDeDe and Diddy, in what way is he not more popular than other characters? Besides...I already stated in the previous post that popularity is already not a reliable factor. Mr. Game & Watch is a perfect example. Roy too (how can a character be popular when his game hadn't even been released yet?).

Wow sorry Geno fans, Geno is a freaken cool looking character,
but his good looks wont earn him a spot in brawl.
Look! You did it again!

Mission Failed

Try again? Quit?


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Originally Posted by TheMastermind
The point that im makeing is that Geno is a 3rd party character. And if Nintendo
were to limit the 3rd party characters. Geno would not be a top priority.

Im sure you will agree with that statement. right?

Still no. For one, you're still completely disregarding that Geno is, in all of his appearances, a Mario game character. Essentially he's a Nintendo character owned by Square. He's the only character that I'm aware of who has this unique position, which I only see as a MORE likely reason that they'd decide ask for him.

Anyone from SMRPG cept Mario elements are in that position; Mallow, Geno, smithy, frog coins...etc.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Well, that's a given. Perhaps naming that game as a whole would have been more accurate. But from what I've seen, he's the only one that has a large amount of controversy surrounding him over his inclusion.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Well, that's a given. Perhaps naming that game as a whole would have been more accurate. But from what I've seen, he's the only one that has a large amount of controversy surrounding him over his inclusion.
True, he was in M&L:SS and that alone counts for credibility.

There is a small Mallow thread...hopefully Mallow will at least be an @ and just summon some crazy weather

Oshiro Akina

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2007
Star Road
I'm not even going to bother with the idiot from the last two pages; he's not worth my time.

Mallow would make an adorable AT! ^^ He could use his thunderbolts, or his Star Rain, or Snowy, or start crying and end up summoning a thunderstorm in the process. xD

Geno for Brawl! <3
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