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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
i quit good night geno isnt in brawl
you will all relize this one day and think how stupid you were for believing.
good night ttyl


^^ The fact that a woman by the name of Yoko Shimomura, a composer for SMRPG, is doing some of the music for Brawl gives me some glimmer of hope that Geno could be on the Brawl Roster. It's not proof, but it is a good omen.

All Geno haters should be burned at a stake, or put in an iron maiden. :mad:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
geno wont make it.
go on and laugh
youll all look stupid on dec 3

We never said Geno was in it. We said he deserved the spot. So, no, we won't look stupid on December 3rd.

However, if you continue arguing blindly, throwing misinformations at us, rambling incoherently, and then quitting like a little kid, you will look stupid for the rest of your life.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
Geno is in third place on Sakurais Polls right next to Diddy Kong (second) and King Dedede (first) whom are both Nintendo characters. This means that Geno is in the leading spot for 3rd party characters on Sakurais poll and is more likely to get in than any other 3rd party character.
Uh actually dude...Geno is 2nd as far as 3rd party characters because Sakurai never included Sonic on the poll because he already knew he was the most wanted 3rd party character. But still Geno is really high.

the problem is your looking at the japanese poll like it is accurate evidence. yeah geno scored high.
but characters like ness, ice climbers, and pit all share sumthing in common.
they greatly influenced sales at the time of there reign. they werent included because of sum japanese poll that was made based on popularity. it was respect for the characterin that specific game.
i dont think super mario rpg was that great to add geno into brawl where it will fight against giants like samus and zelda. especially when geno is made by square-enix.

i will pay money if geno is in brawl.
Dude...I have gone through like I don't know how many pages on this thread in the last half hour and here's the theme...Geno fans vs. you. Don't get me wrong...I agree that Sonic and Megaman are huge names in 3rd party but don't count Geno out just because you think their more deserving. And I think you should stop thinking about money for a change (no pun intended since your avatar is Wario:laugh:). Seriously though...your talking about something that you actually don't know a lot about. You talk about Geno not being worthy but you've never played SMRPG. Dude that game was freakin awesome. Now unlike a lot of the people on this thread I'm not a huge Geno fan...however...I understand exactly where their coming from and why they feel this way. He is a very likable and unique character. He has a huge cult following and if you played the game then maybe you'd know why. Now maybe you don't like RPG's...well that's fine...but tell people that Geno shouldn't be in because he's only been in one game. Geno is a character that...as corny as it sounds (and no pun intended)...has a certain magic about him and is instantly likable and enjoyable. Honestly you say that Sonic and Megaman should be in Brawl over Geno but I'm not so sure about that. Yes Sonic is the most wanted 3rd party character. However...has Sonic had any games that defined him on Nintendo...not really. Yes he's had games but most were multi-platform and don't touch on his great gaming era. What about Megaman...he hasn't had a game on Nintendo for quite a while has he? And which Megaman would people want anyway? Rock or X? In addition, with all the games he's had on Nintendo he still isn't wanted as much as Geno? But...but how? That doesn't make sense does it? Actually...if you played SMRPG then maybe...just maybe it would. Think about these words okay. I'm not trying to pick you apart but I want you to realize that what you're saying has to be based off what you know...not what you think.

@Lunadis. Why do you even bother? You must have a hell of a lot of patience or a hell of a lot of fury that you need to expell by continuing to try and hold a intelligent conversation with him. I think you've made more points than you need to. If he didn't get it the first two dozen times than why would he ever get it? Unless of course you just get a kick out of seeing his replies:laugh::laugh::laugh:


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Uh actually dude...Geno is 2nd as far as 3rd party characters because Sakurai never included Sonic on the poll because he already knew he was the most wanted 3rd party character. But still Geno is really high.

Dude...I have gone through like I don't know how many pages on this thread in the last half hour and here's the theme...Geno fans vs. you. Don't get me wrong...I agree that Sonic and Megaman are huge names in 3rd party but don't count Geno out just because you think their more deserving. And I think you should stop thinking about money for a change (no pun intended since your avatar is Wario:laugh:). Seriously though...your talking about something that you actually don't know a lot about. You talk about Geno not being worthy but you've never played SMRPG. Dude that game was freakin awesome. Now unlike a lot of the people on this thread I'm not a huge Geno fan...however...I understand exactly where their coming from and why they feel this way. He is a very likable and unique character. He has a huge cult following and if you played the game then maybe you'd know why. Now maybe you don't like RPG's...well that's fine...but tell people that Geno shouldn't be in because he's only been in one game. Geno is a character that...as corny as it sounds (and no pun intended)...has a certain magic about him and is instantly likable and enjoyable. Honestly you say that Sonic and Megaman should be in Brawl over Geno but I'm not so sure about that. Yes Sonic is the most wanted 3rd party character. However...has Sonic had any games that defined him on Nintendo...not really. Yes he's had games but most were multi-platform and don't touch on his great gaming era. What about Megaman...he hasn't had a game on Nintendo for quite a while has he? And which Megaman would people want anyway? Rock or X? In addition, with all the games he's had on Nintendo he still isn't wanted as much as Geno? But...but how? That doesn't make sense does it? Actually...if you played SMRPG then maybe...just maybe it would. Think about these words okay. I'm not trying to pick you apart but I want you to realize that what you're saying has to be based off what you know...not what you think.

@Lunadis. Why do you even bother? You must have a hell of a lot of patience or a hell of a lot of fury that you need to expell by continuing to try and hold a intelligent conversation with him. I think you've made more points than you need to. If he didn't get it the first two dozen times than why would he ever get it? Unless of course you just get a kick out of seeing his replies:laugh::laugh::laugh:

They included megaman as well and we all know Megaman IS 3rd party...

Yes, Geno is 3rd party, owned by Square


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City

Man, is he ever cool. I mean, it's cool Chris after all.
God, I know. I so wish I was as cool as he is. I almost wet myself thinking abou--oh wait, there I go. I wet myself. Dammit.


^^ The fact that a woman by the name of Yoko Shimomura, a composer for SMRPG, is doing some of the music for Brawl gives me some glimmer of hope that Geno could be on the Brawl Roster. It's not proof, but it is a good omen.

All Geno haters should be burned at a stake, or put in an iron maiden. :mad:
That is some of the best news ever for Geno (Forest Maze BGM FTW!). Amazing how your site actually SUPPORTS Geno with something other than statistics that have nothing to do with Brawl's development process too. I wish everyone could pull that off.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
@Lunadis. Why do you even bother? You must have a hell of a lot of patience or a hell of a lot of fury that you need to expell by continuing to try and hold a intelligent conversation with him. I think you've made more points than you need to. If he didn't get it the first two dozen times than why would he ever get it? Unless of course you just get a kick out of seeing his replies:laugh::laugh::laugh:
You'd find me impossible to anger. I've only been angry twice in my life and that was during my early childhood. I just see no reason to allow anger to exist! Not to sound dramatic, but we choose to be a slave to certain emotions. :p
I am also very, very patient and can remain nearly motionless for hours. Kind of freaky.

Though I don't want to sound like I'm flaming Chris, but watching him post is beyond hilarious. I mean, I always enjoyed debating. But when they start flaming you and using such horrible reasons like "WHERZ GENOWARE THEN??////", I can't help but enjoy edging him on. Though I'd get just as much satisfaction if he would just stop posting in this topic, since it's cutting into the pleasant conversations about Geno himself.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
God, I know. I so wish I was as cool as he is. I almost wet myself thinking abou--oh wait, there I go. I wet myself. Dammit.

That is some of the best news ever for Geno (Forest Maze BGM FTW!). Amazing how your site actually SUPPORTS Geno with something other than statistics that have nothing to do with Brawl's development process too. I wish everyone could pull that off.
Hey bro, I had to find some kind of hope to convince that ignorant ChrisCool that Geno still has a shot. It ain't over till it's over!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I just had to flame his argument once when he countered by posting his MySpace...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Though I don't want to sound like I'm flaming Chris, but watching him post is beyond hilarious. I mean, I always enjoyed debating. But when they start flaming you and using such horrible reasons like "WHERZ GENOWARE THEN??////", I can't help but enjoy edging him on. Though I'd get just as much satisfaction if he would just stop posting in this topic, since it's cutting into the pleasant conversations about Geno himself.
^^That's because you're not a hot head like me!:laugh: And some of those references that he showed just annoyed the living snot out of me! They made absolutely no **** sense at all! Someone outta throw a brick at em!

@Lunadis, are you always trying to 1up me on accidentally? And I tried my darndest to find that evidence way back when but to no avail. Good eye Luna! *thumbs*


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
As a side note, I like how they listed Yoko Shimomura in the first music update on the Brawl site (the one with all the musicians) as contributing to the Kingdom Hearts series, but sneakily didn't mention Mario RPG. Sakurai. you sly devil you!


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2007
Uh actually dude...Geno is 2nd as far as 3rd party characters because Sakurai never included Sonic on the poll because he already knew he was the most wanted 3rd party character. But still Geno is really high.
Oh... whatever :ohwell:
Well he's high up there and thats good enough for me.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
But it's cool because Chris is freaking cool. His name states it so obviously it's the truth.
Screw Geno. Chris for Brawl.

B Up: Air Head
Forgets all logic, including the law of gravity and floats upwards.
B Standard: MySpace
Cool Chris invites the opponents around him to join MySpace and they become emos and slit themselves, bringing instant death.
B Forward: Confusion
No! Not the same as Mewtwo's! It's different in that instead of just spinning around, trying to comprehend Chris causes the opponent's head to explode. No questions asked.
B Down: Super Cool
Chris becomes too cool to take damage from such pitiful entities. Really. He doesn't even have to use this though since he's already cool enough.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
But we almost forgot...

Final Smash: Ridiculous Claim
All opponents are assaulted by this claim that makes them begin to take laughing damage and roll on the floor in a helpless ball.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
But it's cool because Chris is freaking cool. His name states it so obviously it's the truth.
Screw Geno. Chris for Brawl.

B Up: Air Head
Forgets all logic, including the law of gravity and floats upwards.
B Standard: MySpace
Cool Chris invites the opponents around him to join MySpace and they become emos and slit themselves, bringing instant death.
B Forward: Confusion
No! Not the same as Mewtwo's! It's different in that instead of just spinning around, trying to comprehend Chris causes the opponent's head to explode. No questions asked.
B Down: Super Cool
Chris becomes too cool to take damage from such pitiful entities. Really. He doesn't even have to use this though since he's already cool enough.
I just want you to know that in my moment of laughter Luna, that you made weep with tears of laughter as well! With this post, I think you've become my all time favorite person on these boards! <3


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
But it's cool because Chris is freaking cool. His name states it so obviously it's the truth.
Screw Geno. Chris for Brawl.

B Up: Air Head
Forgets all logic, including the law of gravity and floats upwards.
B Standard: MySpace
Cool Chris invites the opponents around him to join MySpace and they become emos and slit themselves, bringing instant death.
B Forward: Confusion
No! Not the same as Mewtwo's! It's different in that instead of just spinning around, trying to comprehend Chris causes the opponent's head to explode. No questions asked.
B Down: Super Cool
Chris becomes too cool to take damage from such pitiful entities. Really. He doesn't even have to use this though since he's already cool enough.

That's freakin Sweet!! OOOOOOO how bout this?

Final Smash: Childish Reaction
Cool Chris falls onto the floor crying and banging his fist onto the ground. The annoying noise of his crying combined with the spectacle itself forces most characters to run off the stage killing themselves. Any characters who haven't run off the stage gain 999% damage due to the pain of laughing to hard at Cool Chris!


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
So about that Geno, eh?

It would be amazing if his Geno Whirl, when timed right, gave everyone 999% damage. Or, maybe not that much. But you know what I mean.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I'm sure a slight damage multiplier is in order, just not that much. :p


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
They could just make it so unless you time it properly, there is very little to no knockback.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
wow i came back a day later to find lunatic or watever her name is to repost my picture . haha thats funny.
well, i think its fun how im the only anti geno person here.
when 1 person opposes then they all jump on in.
it sucks that square wont give nintendo geno.
u guys will ask "where is your evidence to support that sentence."
well square enix most valuable franchises are final fantasy, dragon quest, chrono, and kingdom hearts (along with disney.)
oh and they tagged along with nintendo to make 1 good rpg that had a character you guys like.
so.. looking at those series that are still ongoing you can pick the ones that originated from nintendo consoles and became a worldwide success. ===

Final Fantasy


so wat im trying to say is.
if they were going to release a character that could benefit square enix that should be credited with helping nintendo, it would be a character from Chrono, or Final fantasy.

so priority for square enix would be =
1.Sid/Cloud Strife
3. Geno

i dont hate on geno. im just saying=

"ya the poll in japan said geno. but the money says Cloud Strife"

there are more people playing final fantasy then there are people playing super mario rpg, majority would rather see final fantasy then a side character of a good mario game included. now im not saying that you guys on this thread are dumb or wierd. im just saying that you are a tiny minority compared to the world of final fantasy gamers. and ya the poll was only open to japanese readers, and open last year for not that long. so the mainstream gamer never voted. only the diehard fans. but nintendo does try to appeal to the diehard fans. which is another reason why geno wont make it in. because final fantasy is one of the most popular games out there. looking at a business move, if they were gonna lend nintendo a character it would be sum1 they could benefit from. not geno.
personly i think crono should make it if there would be a square character... but thats just me.
see i didnt make rude comments . i just stated my opinion as best as i could. im not saying wat im saying is 100% correct. im trying to openb your mind passed wat you would want and wat business wants. because this game is a great advertising tool for third party charactes.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
wow i came back a day later to find lunatic or watever her name is to repost my picture . haha thats funny.
well, i think its fun how im the only anti geno person here.
when 1 person opposes then they all jump on in.
it sucks that square wont give nintendo geno.
u guys will ask "where is your evidence to support that sentence."
well square enix most valuable franchises are final fantasy, dragon quest, chrono, and kingdom hearts (along with disney.)
oh and they tagged along with nintendo to make 1 good rpg that had a character you guys like.
so.. looking at those series that are still ongoing you can pick the ones that originated from nintendo consoles and became a worldwide success. ===

Final Fantasy


so wat im trying to say is.
if they were going to release a character that could benefit square enix that should be credited with helping nintendo, it would be a character from Chrono, or Final fantasy.

so priority for square enix would be =
1.Sid/Cloud Strife
3. Geno

i dont hate on geno. im just saying=

"ya the poll in japan said geno. but the money says Cloud Strife"

there are more people playing final fantasy then there are people playing super mario rpg, majority would rather see final fantasy then a side character of a good mario game included. now im not saying that you guys on this thread are dumb or wierd. im just saying that you are a tiny minority compared to the world of final fantasy gamers. and ya the poll was only open to japanese readers, and open last year for not that long. so the mainstream gamer never voted. only the diehard fans. but nintendo does try to appeal to the diehard fans. which is another reason why geno wont make it in. because final fantasy is one of the most popular games out there. looking at a business move, if they were gonna lend nintendo a character it would be sum1 they could benefit from. not geno.
personly i think crono should make it if there would be a square character... but thats just me.
see i didnt make rude comments . i just stated my opinion as best as i could. im not saying wat im saying is 100% correct. im trying to openb your mind passed wat you would want and wat business wants. because this game is a great advertising tool for third party charactes.

Wow...just wow...

Just give it up...

You still have no idea what you are talking about and your "proof"...utter garbage...

Why even diss Geno? You made because you got "owned" last time...

Self-esteem problems or trying to find some kind of meaning to your pathetic life...


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
Wow...just wow...

Just give it up...

You still have no idea what you are talking about and your "proof"...utter garbage...

Why even diss Geno? You made because you got "owned" last time...

Self-esteem problems or trying to find some kind of meaning to your pathetic life...
Ha. Thanks for responding to him. I was going to but found his post completely eligible.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
the psycho guy said direct duragotory comments to me. therefore i am not the one hating on other peoples posts or coming here to flame.
i never dissed geno.
i said he isnt a smart business move for square enix. such as final fantasy IMO

so by the look of how he attached such adjectives and emotions to his writing, he you really feels for geno. and feels as though he is attacked when sum1 opposes his view on a character. that is a diehard fan that cant counter my position.

but no1 but me will rocognize it because im the anti which means = "im here to flame"

so tell me, why is telling people my opinion about geno wrong?
and why do u think geno will be in brawl ?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
the psycho guy said direct duragotory comments to me. therefore i am not the one hating on other peoples posts or coming here to flame.
i never dissed geno.
i said he isnt a smart business move for square enix. such as final fantasy IMO

so by the look of how he attached such adjectives and emotions to his writing, he you really feels for geno. and feels as though he is attacked when sum1 opposes his view on a character. that is a diehard fan that cant counter my position.

but no1 but me will rocognize it because im the anti which means = "im here to flame"

so tell me, why is telling people my opinion about geno wrong?
and why do u think geno will be in brawl ?
WHy do you have such passion about him NOT being in Brawl that you would continue to come back over and over...

Cloud is NOT going to be in Brawl...He made a slight cameo appearance in 1 Gameboy game...he has no significance to Nintendo and Barely has even been on it. Chrono's game is dead...Chrono was only mentioned in the second of his series so why not add surge to Brawl (Or whatever his name was)...

and I'm just flaming because I'm tired of countering the most ridiculous arguments on this entire board...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2007
Salt Lake City
Chris, your reasons still lack support. For starters, none of Cloud's important games were on a Nintendo system. And as much as I love Crono, I don't think that he has a better chance than Geno because: 1) even though his game was highly praised, it came out near the end of the SNES lifespan and never had any sequels (as of yet...come on DS remake) for a Nintendo system, and 2) Chrono Trigger was released for the Playstation as well, so Crono is less representative of Nintendo than Geno is. And a few of your points against Geno, like only being in one game a long time, also count for Crono.

If Square does give Brawl a different FF character than Cloud, it's hard to decide who it would be. Cloud has been in cross overs before, other FF characters haven't really...and who's to say who would be the most effective FF character to put in?

And making statements like "It sucks that Square won't give Nintendo Geno." make you sound arrogant and like you know everything. And calling Lunadis "lunatic" when she posted RIGHT BEFORE YOU so you KNOW what her name is...I would definitely consider that to be uncalled for.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Chris, your reasons still lack support. For starters, none of Cloud's important games were on a Nintendo system. And as much as I love Crono, I don't think that he has a better chance than Geno because: 1) even though his game was highly praised, it came out near the end of the SNES lifespan and never had any sequels (as of yet...come on DS remake) for a Nintendo system, and 2) Chrono Trigger was released for the Playstation as well, so Crono is less representative of Nintendo than Geno is. And a few of your points against Geno, like only being in one game a long time, also count for Crono.

If Square does give Brawl a different FF character than Cloud, it's hard to decide who it would be. Cloud has been in cross overs before, other FF characters haven't really...and who's to say who would be the most effective FF character to put in?

And making statements like "It sucks that Square won't give Nintendo Geno." make you sound arrogant and like you know everything. And calling Lunadis "lunatic" when she posted RIGHT BEFORE YOU so you KNOW what her name is...I would definitely consider that to be uncalled for.

Chrono Cross was the sequel to Chrono Trigger


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
WHy do you have such passion about him NOT being in Brawl that you would continue to come back over and over...

Cloud is NOT going to be in Brawl...He made a slight cameo appearance in 1 Gameboy game...he has no significance to Nintendo and Barely has even been on it. Chrono's game is dead...Chrono was only mentioned in the second of his series so why not add surge to Brawl (Or whatever his name was)...

and I'm just flaming because I'm tired of countering the most ridiculous arguments on this entire board...
your right about cloud.
but you cant say chrono series (chrono) is dead because look at kid icarus (pit)
i dont care about geno himself. i just care about making sure other people take in a new prospective on the busness side of third party character involvement. to look past your own personal wishes and take a second to look at the realistic busness side in it.

looking at your sig, bomberman is a greater third party nominee because most if not all his games have been involved with nintendo. and he is popular to casual gamers. a csual gamer wont recognize geno


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
your right about cloud.
but you cant say chrono series (chrono) is dead because look at kid icarus (pit)
i dont care about geno himself. i just care about making sure other people take in a new prospective on the busness side of third party character involvement. to look past your own personal wishes and take a second to look at the realistic busness side in it.

looking at your sig, bomberman is a greater third party nominee because most if not all his games have been involved with nintendo. and he is popular to casual gamers. a csual gamer wont recognize geno
That same thing about Pit could work with Geno, as well as Chrono...the difference is people WANT Geno...

**** coperate bull****...that's your only "evidence"...

That's not the only consideration in making a game...art is by far more important...especially to a game that's assured to sell millions world wide anyway. This is the last Smash Bros...Sakurai is going to add what he wants reguardless...
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