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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
i just wanna say that before i joined smashboards, i never heard of geno.
they're going to put characters that were influential or are popular.
geno is a 3rd party, old, not influential, and not popular to the mainstreem.
if hes in, then there will be more third parties then we were told.
i dont have anything against geno, i just doubt that he is popular enough to the average nintendo gamer to be included as a playable character. that doesnt mean he wont have a chance as a mini boss or AT.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
i just wanna say that before i joined smashboards, i never heard of geno.
Kind of like how I never heard of Ice Climbers or any Pokémon beyond the original 151.
they're going to put characters that were influential or are popular.
Who are you to describe who is or isn't influencial? By my views, only Mario and Mr. Game & Watch are influential. Mario is obvious, being considered Mr. VideoGame in a sense. Mr. Game & Watch, however, could be credited for portable gaming as we all know all love it. That and since Geno ranks on the polls with Ike and Diddy, both who are in, would mean he has a cult fan following. Many would consider Super Mario RPG the greatest RPG of all time (selling 1.47 million copies in Japan alone), and it's safe to say at least 4/5 fans would claim Geno was their favourite character. That and he's remarkably original and obscure. Obscure characters are clearly Sakurai's favourite, and he also mentioned this himself.
geno is a 3rd party,
Barely. Not third party enough to not have him appear in Mario & Luigi without any troubles.
Like half the cast.
not influential,
A lot more influential than Wario.
and not popular to the mainstreem.
And 1/4th of the characters in Smash are? I bet more people know about Geno than Ike.
if hes in, then there will be more third parties then we were told.
I doubt Sakurai would know Geno is third party until he inquired within Nintendo. I mean, he's not stupid. If he planned to have a character in the game, he'd be in. I won't even mention how he ranked higher than MegaMan, Bomberman, PacMan and Simon Belmont.
i dont have anything against geno, i just doubt that he is popular enough to the average nintendo gamer to be included as a playable character. that doesnt mean he wont have a chance as a mini boss or AT.
Correction; You don't know who Geno is so you don't think he belongs. There are probably more Geno fans than Ike fans out there. It's kind of funny because you go and try to alleviate your intent by carding "mini-boss". Yeah, sure. Let's make Captain Olimar, Luigi, Captain Falcon and Isaac minibosses. Oh wait! They're good characters. Defenders of right, destroyers of evil. There'd be no way Geno would be a mini-boss, and the only way he could be an AT is with Geno Cannon, which would be moot.

Please try again. Next time, get more information to back up your claim.


Yung Zuby the Falco God
Aug 6, 2007
Fairport, NY
i just wanna say that before i joined smashboards, i never heard of geno.
they're going to put characters that were influential or are popular.
geno is a 3rd party, old, not influential, and not popular to the mainstreem.
if hes in, then there will be more third parties then we were told.
i dont have anything against geno, i just doubt that he is popular enough to the average nintendo gamer to be included as a playable character. that doesnt mean he wont have a chance as a mini boss or AT.
Well, for not having anything against Geno that is a lot of harsh words. Okay, let's see. No one cares if you have heard of Geno. Personally, I think Geno is my favorite video game character ever, and it's not anyone's fault you haven't heard of Geno. I bet 95% of the people who were on this forum at Melee release were saying they never heard of the Ice Climbers, and same for Ness in the original. To both of those characters and G&W, they were old characters and not popular. Geno is not really that old, appearing in a video game in the 2000's. Also, Geno is one of the most beloved Mario characters ever, and if you don't believe me, care to explain to me why he made it so high on the polls. The average Nintendo Gamer should know who Geno is, which goes to show you are a below average Nintendo Gamer and should go back and play the classic SNES and NES a few times over. Mario RPG was hands down the best RPG game ever, and one of the highest selling, and Geno's fanbase is huge, so I wouldn't be criticizing popularity towards him if I were you.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007

Kind of like how I never heard of Ice Climbers or any Pokémon beyond the original 151.Who are you to describe who is or isn't influencial? By my views, only Mario and Mr. Game & Watch are influential. Mario is obvious, being considered Mr. VideoGame in a sense. Mr. Game & Watch, however, could be credited for portable gaming as we all know all love it. That and since Geno ranks on the polls with Ike and Diddy, both who are in, would mean he has a cult fan following. Many would consider Super Mario RPG the greatest RPG of all time (selling 1.47 million copies in Japan alone), and it's safe to say at least 4/5 fans would claim Geno was their favourite character. That and he's remarkably original and obscure. Obscure characters are clearly Sakurai's favourite, and he also mentioned this himself.Barely. Not third party enough to not have him appear in Mario & Luigi without any troubles.Like half the cast.A lot more influential than Wario.Which would be the quality for maybe 3/4ths of the characters in Smash. I bet more people know about Geno than Ike. (Which hurts being a Fire Emblem cultist. D: )I doubt Sakurai would know Geno is third party until he inquired with Nintendo. I mean, he's not stupid. If he planned to have a character in the game, he'd be in. I won't even mention how he ranked higher than MegaMan, Bomberman, PacMan and Simon Belmont.Correct; You don't know who Geno is so you don't think he belongs. There are probably more Geno fans than Ike fans out there. It's kind of funny because you go and try to alleviate your intent by carding "mini-boss". Yeah, sure. Let's make Captain Olimar, Luigi, Captain Falcon and Isaac minibosses. Oh wait! They're good characters. Defenders of right, destroyers of evil. There'd be no way Geno would be a mini-boss, and the only way he could be an AT is with Geno Cannon, which would be moot.

Please try again. Next time, get more information to back up your claim.

Geno never had his own game.
he's developed by square
he's old as hell. other old characters had there own game, or were representatives of that game, or are just popular and can be used as advertisement. is the rpg on the virtual console? i dont think so...
geno is nothing but a stupid doll.
wario came out with a lot of games, he has wario ware and is coming out with more Wii titles. your Fing stupid to say geno is better than wario. just look at geno's wikipedia then look at warios. i could end it here but that wont happen...has geno ever made a million copies and featured/ cameod in more than 50 games? no. has geno ever been talked about outside of the internet.... no. geno is a nobody. sorry you cult fans but he wont even get to be a boss. i know he is not influential because he has had ZERO games. the only people who know him are the cult fanatics like you that played the rpg. that he didnt even star. omg you are the most redicoulous fan ive ever seen. look at the data. thats how you know wat the truth is. and how can you be barely 3rd party that sakurai couldnt tell? your either a third party or not. haha birdo has a higher chance than geno. if Samurai Goroh coulnt even make it in, what makes you think gayno can. omg you over-fanatics are dumb. i can understand wanting him in. but screw that poll. if three 2 more parties make it in it will be sonic and megaman. i cant believe you truly think he has a chance. Ike is the new main character from a game, yet more popular in japan, called Fire Emblem. have you ever heard of that? have you ever heard of Geno: and the seven stars?? no because it will never exist. and then you try to flame me for putting out facts nicely. omg you guys are lame. how about you ask a moderator if geno is more influential to gaming as wario. what total dweebs.
now you come back at me next time with sum stats.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Geno never had his own game.
Neither did Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Zelda, Pichu or Falco.
he's developed by square
And Snake was developed by Konami.
he's old as hell.
So is over half the cast.
other old characters had there own game or were representatives of that game
Read above.
or are just popular and can be used as advertisement. is the rpg on the virtual console? i dont think so...
Actually, it was one of the first titles announced for the virtual console. Due to technical difficulties with the SA-1 engine, it hasn't come out yet. It will be out before Brawl, though.
geno is nothing but a stupid doll.
A plastic doll coming to life makes more sense than your post.
wario came out with a lot of games, he has wario ware and is coming out with more Wii titles.
Last time I checked he was a cheesy character with a 2d personality who outside of WarioWare does nothing but fail to foil Mario. Fail, fail and fail. Yeah. Really influential.
your Fing stupid to say geno is better than wario.
And why are you throwing insults? Are you that immature to flame people on the internet for not agreeing with you? I mean, here we are in a modern civilized world where open discussion is allowed, but like a neanderthul you're still swinging wooden clubs and grunting curses.
just look at geno's wikipedia then look at warios.
I ensure you that if they made a game with Geno's name, it would sell off the shelves.
i could end it here but that wont happen...has geno ever made a million copies and featured/ cameod in more than 50 games?
Please present direction, reason and reference to your figures. Also, please refer to the first quote replied to.
no. has geno ever been talked about outside of the internet.... no. geno is a nobody.
Says you. If I talked to any of my coworkers, any of my classmates who grew up with SNES (though I've been out of school for years), anyone in my household or family line that has lifted a controller, they'd know who Geno is. It's about personal experience, while you are basing it on personal ignorance.
sorry you cult fans but he wont even get to be a boss. i know he is not influential because he has had ZERO games.
Actually, technically he had 2. That'd be more than Ice Climbers, Ness, Roy, Sheik and be tied with Dr. Mario, Marth, Ike and Zero Suit Samus. (being based off Zero Mission.)
the only people who know him are the cult fanatics like you that played the rpg. that he didnt even star.
When you have five party members, all characters are considered a star of the game. While Wario has had more games, Geno is just as well known.
omg you are the most redicoulous fan ive ever seen.
Oh my god, you're one of the most ridiculous excuses for an English speaking human being I have ever seen.
look at the data. thats how you know wat the truth is.
You mean the data you presented? >.>
Yeah. Really viable.
and how can you be barely 3rd party that sakurai couldnt tell? your either a third party or not.
But regardless, Geno ranked the second highest amongst third party characters.
haha birdo has a higher chance than geno.
Wow, you're so original. I love how viable and thought-out your statements are.
if Samurai Goroh coulnt even make it in, what makes you think gayno can.
Samurai Goroh was put asside for two reasons.
1) For the possible inclusion of Takamaru and other swordsmen.
2) For the inclusion of Black Shadow, Captain Falcon's REAL rival and enemy.
omg you over-fanatics are dumb
Say that after you can speak proper English. No one intelligent would call themselves cool when they are nothing but a non-stop series of blurts and personal opinions.
i can understand wanting him in. but screw that poll. if three 2 more parties make it in it will be sonic and megaman. i cant believe you truly think he has a chance.
But the polls reflect the desires of all Super Smash Brothers fans. Not just you.
Ike is the new main character from a game, yet more popular in japan, called Fire Emblem. have you ever heard of that?
Actually, I'm a Fire Emblem veteran who was with the series long before it was made known with Super Smash Brothers Melee. No where in my post did I say I didn't know who Ike is. What it was stating is many, many people on this side of the hemisphere had no idea who Ike was. Many just rode him off as a "lame generic anime character".
have you ever heard of Geno: and the seven stars?? no because it will never exist.
You don't need to be in the title or the cover of the game to be a main character. That'd defeat a fair amount of the Smash Bros cast.
and then you try to flame me for putting out facts nicely. omg you guys are lame.
But no one flamed you. The only one doing any flaming in this topic is you.
how about you ask a moderator if geno is more influential to gaming as wario.
Oh, yeah. Of course! Moderators are all-knowing gods of video games who know everything about every game ever made!
Actually, moderators are people good at moderating and keeping flamers or spammers like you out of the forum. A moderator could more or less have hardly a care in the world for gaming, but can know the difference between right or wrong.
what total dweebs.
Wow! You're so cool! So much cooler than us! Man, it's Chris the cool. True genius and pinnacle of awesomeness. You truly are cool!
now you come back at me next time with sum stats.
It's kind of funny because this topic, the internet and any of my information I posted with reference ARE stats. You have yet to post any yourself. But I guess you're too cool for that, huh Chris?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
A Bunch of stupid crap.


What's with all the Geno hate? You come here and spread your hate crap of a character MANY People are dedicated about...including the creator of Smash???

If YOU don't know who he is your definetly not a fan of Nintendo anyway so YOU should not be judging who is worthy of making it into the game...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
final response

Neither did Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Zelda, Pichu or Falco.
And Snake was developed by Konami.So is over half the cast.Read above.Actually, it was one of the first titles announced for the virtual console. Due to technical difficulties with the SA-1 engine, it hasn't come out yet. It will be out before Brawl, though.A plastic doll coming to life makes more sense than your post.Last time I checked he was a cheesy character with a 2d personality who outside of WarioWare does nothing but fail to foil Mario. Fail, fail and fail. Yeah. Really influential.And why are you throwing insults? Are you that immature to flame people on the internet for not agreeing with you? I mean, here we are in a modern civilized world where open discussion is allowed, but like a neanderthul you're still swinging wooden clubs and grunting curses.I ensure you that if they made a game with Geno's name, it would sell off the shelves.Please present direction, reason and reference to your figures. Also, please refer to the first quote replied to.Says you. If I talked to any of my coworkers, any of my classmates who grew up with SNES (though I've been out of school for years), anyone in my household or family line that has lifted a controller, they'd know who Geno is. It's about personal experience, while you are basing it on personal ignorance.Actually, technically he had 2. That'd be more than Ice Climbers, Ness, Roy, Sheik and be tied with Dr. Mario, Marth, Ike and Zero Suit Samus. (being based off Zero Mission.)When you have five party members, all characters are considered a star of the game. While Wario has had more games, Geno is just as well known.Oh my god, you're one of the most ridiculous excuses for an English speaking human being I have ever seen.You mean the data you presented? >.>
Yeah. Really viable.
But regardless, Geno ranked the second highest amongst third party characters.Wow, you're so original. I love how viable and thought-out your statements are.Samurai Goroh was put asside for two reasons.
1) For the possible inclusion of Takamaru and other swordsmen.
2) For the inclusion of Black Shadow, Captain Falcon's REAL rival and enemy.Say that after you can speak proper English. No one intelligent would call themselves cool when they are nothing but a non-stop series of blurts and personal opinions.But the polls reflect the desires of all Super Smash Brothers fans. Not just you. Actually, I'm a Fire Emblem veteran who was with the series long before it was made known with Super Smash Brothers Melee. No where in my post did I say I didn't know who Ike is. What it was stating is many, many people on this side of the hemisphere had no idea who Ike was. Many just rode him off as a "lame generic anime character".You don't need to be in the title or the cover of the game to be a main character. That'd defeat a fair amount of the Smash Bros cast.But no one flamed you. The only one doing any flaming in this topic is you....
Oh, yeah. Of course! Moderators are all-knowing gods of video games who know everything about every game ever made!
Actually, moderators are people good at moderating and keeping flamers or spammers like you out of the forum. A moderator could more or less have hardly a care in the world for gaming, but can know the difference between right or wrong.Wow! You're so cool! So much cooler than us! Man, it's Chris the cool. True genius and pinnacle of awesomeness. You truly are cool!It's kind of funny because this topic, the internet and any of my information I posted with reference ARE stats. You have yet to post any yourself. But I guess you're too cool for that, huh Chris?

Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Zelda, Pichu or Falco. = are all known in other countrys outside of the us and japan...

snake has a leading series. geno has none

geno is a doll. nuff said

present link that says this

this post makes more sense then geno in brawl

warioware.. is there a genoware. no. you lose

because you deserve to be insulted

if only the world was flat.... if if if if if only geno was in brawl if if if if if only you made sense if if


your coworkers and classmates? snes? this is wii they wont target your demographic only. thats why there is pokemom. for the young. geno wont be playable. sorry

Ice Climbers,(star of a great seling game, deserves respect), Ness (star of 2 highly popular games), Roy(advertisement for future release), Sheik (variation of one of the main characters of one of the top selling franshise of all time)and be tied with Dr. Mario (variation of the king of video games), Marth (advertisement), Ike (advertisement) and Zero Suit Samus (variation of one of the most selling franchises main character) geno is just a doll that feature in a rpg. good. but not good enough

geno is as well knownas wario?? wtf. was he at E3? i wanna see some stats to prove that big lie

your one of the people who will burst into tears when geno isnt playable

again wario>geno because of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wario_games

its about which third party was more beneficial to nintendo. not that poll

birdo has been in more games and new games than geno

show me this article???


the polls werent even open 4 that long? did u vote? maybe you did. but the polls didnt do anything 4 nintendo or its relationship with other companies such did the other thid parties like sonic and megaman.

that must of not been directed to you. i really dont care, i dont use FE anyways. i rather see lyn so we can balance male and female better.

you do if you only appeared in one.

instaed o farguing back and forth you should tell me your reasons why geno should deserve a spot in the series . but when you look at my avatar and start saying things like geno is as well known as wario which is the most ridiculous thing ive ever read, then i tend to get aggrivated. i will stop. i just want sum proof . or sum1 else to think that geno is as popular as wario. i almost want to start a seperate thread!

moderaters have more knowledge than you on the trends of peoples interest of wario or geno.

i previously said i will stop. i just got heated for a sec. but you can always go to my myspace to judge 4 yourself. www.myspace.com/coolchris818

can any1 else agree that geno wont be in because he is a weak third party, he did barely anything for nintendo and isnt that creative anyways? im not attacking fans. im attacking geno in brawl.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007

Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Zelda, Pichu or Falco. = are all known in other countrys outside of the us and japan...

snake has a leading series. geno has none

geno is a doll. nuff said

present link that says this

this post makes more sense then geno in brawl

warioware.. is there a genoware. no. you lose

because you deserve to be insulted

if only the world was flat.... if if if if if only geno was in brawl if if if if if only you made sense if if


your coworkers and classmates? snes? this is wii they wont target your demographic only. thats why there is pokemom. for the young. geno wont be playable. sorry

Ice Climbers,(star of a great seling game, deserves respect), Ness (star of 2 highly popular games), Roy(advertisement for future release), Sheik (variation of one of the main characters of one of the top selling franshise of all time)and be tied with Dr. Mario (variation of the king of video games), Marth (advertisement), Ike (advertisement) and Zero Suit Samus (variation of one of the most selling franchises main character) geno is just a doll that feature in a rpg. good. but not good enough

geno is as well knownas wario?? wtf. was he at E3? i wanna see some stats to prove that big lie

your one of the people who will burst into tears when geno isnt playable

again wario>geno because of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wario_games

its about which third party was more beneficial to nintendo. not that poll

birdo has been in more games and new games than geno

show me this article???


the polls werent even open 4 that long? did u vote? maybe you did. but the polls didnt do anything 4 nintendo or its relationship with other companies such did the other thid parties like sonic and megaman.

that must of not been directed to you. i really dont care, i dont use FE anyways. i rather see lyn so we can balance male and female better.

you do if you only appeared in one.

instaed o farguing back and forth you should tell me your reasons why geno should deserve a spot in the series . but when you look at my avatar and start saying things like geno is as well known as wario which is the most ridiculous thing ive ever read, then i tend to get aggrivated. i will stop. i just want sum proof . or sum1 else to think that geno is as popular as wario. i almost want to start a seperate thread!

moderaters have more knowledge than you on the trends of peoples interest of wario or geno.

i previously said i will stop. i just got heated for a sec. but you can always go to my myspace to judge 4 yourself. www.myspace.com/coolchris818

can any1 else agree that geno wont be in because he is a weak third party, he did barely anything for nintendo and isnt that creative anyways? im not attacking fans. im attacking geno in brawl.

Your stupid


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Chris, I don't know if you can understand this, it may be taxing on your small, ignorant mind, but Lunadis is debunking your argument point by point. It is one of the most well-structured arguments I've ever seen. His points counter all of yours, and he actually uses facts, not ignorant, narrow-minded opinions. I think that Geno is much cooler than Wario, perhaps not more influential. But, correct me if I'm wrong, Lunadis never said he was more influential than Wario. That's just you, forming your own ideas about what he is saying. I can tell you're reading his arguments, but not comprehending anything.

EDIT: By the way, anyone who uses the word "cool" with their own name on more than one website, isn't cool.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Zelda, Pichu or Falco. = are all known in other countrys outside of the us and japan...
So is Geno. In ratio that parts population asside, Super Mario RPG sold just as well if not better outside of Japan. This means, while they sold more copies overseas, they sold just as much if not more in ratio to US fans.
snake has a leading series. geno has none
The point of that statement was to state they are third party characters who all have equal right.
Why are you so ignorant of the context and repetitive?
geno is a doll. nuff said
That's like saying Samus is a suit of armor. Geno is actually an agent of the stars who entered the Geno doll as his host body. There is much deeper character deveopment, but I'll let you read into htat.
present link that says this
What are you referring to? Do you have the courtesy to quote what are you referring to or is that too hard? Need your mother to add type two tags for you before and after a set of text? Grow up.
this post makes more sense then geno in brawl
No. Not really. Your excuse for the human language is nearly incomprehendible.
warioware.. is there a genoware. no. you lose
Actually, you just burnt yourself with something I didn't even present in my post. You could put anyone at the head of a gaming company that produces small minigames. Heck, we could have RidleyWare, put him in a tuxedo and at the head of a multimillion dollar corperation of video games and we'd never notice.
because you deserve to be insulted
No. We are in a world beyond that. No one deserves to be flamed at any point. We are in a civilized world where we can communicate with intellect and respect for even those we dislike. By flaming someone who is not flaming back, you are just making yourself look pathetic and putting in moot effort.
if only the world was flat.... if if if if if only geno was in brawl if if if if if only you made sense if if
You're not even trying. Just another feeble 12 year old. :/
your coworkers and classmates? snes? this is wii they wont target your demographic only. thats why there is pokemom. for the young.
Who said Pokémon is for the young? Who said a certain console is directed for a certain age? Only you. Anyone can pick up Super Mario RPG and enjoy it. Anyone can pick up Pokémon and enjoy it. The only thing marketed for children Pokémon-wise was anything related to the US dub of the anime. Which is funny since the Japanese version is intended for an adult audience since it has sexual content. Saying Super Mario RPG is set for any age is beyond ridiculous.
geno wont be playable. sorry
Says you and your horrible logic.
Ice Climbers,(star of a great seling game, deserves respect),
Sold well? About average. Doesn't really deserve respect. Sakurai put them in since they best fit the duo concept and he wanted to bring back retro characters.
Ness (star of 2 highly popular games),
Wrong. Ness appeared in MOTHER 2. MOTHER 1 had Ninten and MOTHER 3 had Lucus.
Roy(advertisement for future release),
Of one of the least acknowledged Fire Emblems. So much that I can ensure you he won't return.
Sheik (variation of one of the main characters of one of the top selling franshise of all time)
But still not even a real character. There are 101 better ideas for Zelda's B-Down
and be tied with Dr. Mario (variation of the king of video games),
Actually, he was just a filler since they ran out of time. Dr. Mario is a fun game, but not even near the top 5 puzzle games.
Marth (advertisement),
Completely wrong. Marth is the first Fire Emblem character. He appeared in a second extension for the third Fire Emblem. Like Geno, just in for his significant presence.
Ike (advertisement)
Not at all. He's the most popular Fire Emblem character as of today.
and Zero Suit Samus (variation of one of the most selling franchises main character)
Now that I think about it, she only appeared in one game, just bringing her significance down. (Even if it's Samus in another form.)
geno is just a doll that feature in a rpg. good. but not good enough
You haven't played the game or read the story at all.
geno is as well knownas wario?? wtf. was he at E3? i wanna see some stats to prove that big lie
Presence at e3 doesn't matter. e3 isn't about characters.

Geno beat Wario in every occasion on the GameFAQ character battle polls. That would mean he's more respected and popular.
your one of the people who will burst into tears when geno isnt playable
Nah. I don't care about Smash Bros that much. I only posted in this thread after seeing your horrible, excuse of a viable post. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. Though I'd like Geno to appear.
Says nothing. A lot of those games could have featured any character.
its about which third party was more beneficial to nintendo. not that poll
No. It's about what the fans want. Period.
And last time I checked, around 15 years ago SEGA had ads saying "GENESIS DOES WHAT NINTENDONT" and taking every chance to lower their sales. By your logic, Sonic would be the last character deserving to be in.
birdo has been in more games and new games than geno
This doesn't matter, especially when the game is a spinoff. It's about what the fans want. Not you.
show me this article???
What are you referring to? Until you use quote tags, you're borderline spamming.
Why are you posting this? Who wants to see your emo CrySpace account? No one.
the polls werent even open 4 that long? did u vote? maybe you did. but the polls didnt do anything 4 nintendo or its relationship with other companies such did the other thid parties like sonic and megaman.
Nothing you said has to do with anything. The poll was up for long enough for every Japanese speaking fan to vote. This projects character popularity.
that must of not been directed to you. i really dont care, i dont use FE anyways. i rather see lyn so we can balance male and female better.
You responded to me and asked me the question so it was directed at me.
you do if you only appeared in one.
Once again, unless you quote something specifically, I won't be able to derrive your intent.
nstaed o farguing back and forth you should tell me your reasons why geno should deserve a spot in the series . but when you look at my avatar and start saying things like geno is as well known as wario which is the most ridiculous thing ive ever read, then i tend to get aggrivated. i will stop. i just want sum proof . or sum1 else to think that geno is as popular as wario. i almost want to start a seperate thread!
Is this English?
moderaters have more knowledge than you on the trends of peoples interest of wario or geno.
No. No they don't. Moderators aren't picked for their knowledge at gaming. I've professional run many, many communities and I know first hand that this isn't true.
i previously said i will stop. i just got heated for a sec. but you can always go to my myspace to judge 4 yourself. www.myspace.com/coolchris818
Anything but emo CrySpace. Please keep that attention beggar site away from me.
can any1 else agree that geno wont be in because he is a weak third party,
Without Geno, Mario would have never complete Super Mario RPG. He's also debatably the most powerful character in the game. He made Super Mario RPG memorable for me and many others. I don't see how this constitutes as "weak".
he did barely anything for nintendo
Neither did Ice Climbers, Roy (failed game), or many of the characters suggested. It doesn't matter how much they've done. It's what they could bring to Brawl and how many fans they can please. Geno would be one of the most unique characters being a star agent inhabbiting a doll.
and isnt that creative anyways?
Unless you were supporting my statement, this made no sense.
im not attacking fans. im attacking geno in brawl.
No one said you were.

Edit -
xD! Dear me. So I checked the MySpace account to get a laugh.
You're 18? Wow. I'd have never guessed. With all due respect, I thought you were much younger. :p


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
instaed of picking apart sentences. can you actually think of a reason why geno will be playable?
i know every1 is against me for bieng anti geno. but without opposition what is debate?
you said you didnt care about smash bros. that means im done arguing with you.
i have more respect for pichu supporters than sum1 who doesnt care about smash.

well lets be civilized. tell me why geno will be in brawl over the other desired charcters? and i will not attack or give u stupid replies.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
instaed of picking apart sentences. can you actually think of a reason why geno will be playable?
  • Fan support
  • Unique character
  • Sakurai wants weird and/or obscure characters
  • There is no one like him in Brawl or any of the suggestions
know every1 is against me for bieng anti geno. but without opposition what is debate?
You call this debating? Is this your sad excuse for a debate? You lack structure, reference, foreknowledge, clarity, comprehension, logic, respect and courtesy. While my post has those assets, yours does not.
you said you didnt care about smash bros. that means im done arguing with you.
i have more respect for pichu supporters than sum1 who doesnt care about smash.
I said I don't care that much. That doesn't mean I don't care about the game. That means if someone isn't in there, it won't have a emotional impact on me.
well lets be civilized. tell me why geno will be in brawl over the other desired charcters? and i will not attack or give u stupid replies.
Um. Pretty much every one one of my response not only busted your poor reasoning but gave reasons as to why Geno is viable, with power rivaling that of Ike, Diddy and Ridley.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
San Marcos, Tx, USA
fore·knowl·edge \Pronunciation[fawr-nol-ij, fohr-, fawr-nol-ij, fohr-]\
knowledge of something before it exists or happens; prescience:

Your posts have foreknowledge?

My question as far as Geno is concerned is what is your proof of a fan base, or popularity?

I'm not saying you're wrong, just asking for clarity.



The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
fore·knowl·edge \Pronunciation[fawr-nol-ij, fohr-, fawr-nol-ij, fohr-]\
knowledge of something before it exists or happens; prescience:

Your posts have foreknowledge?
Actually, yes. That would mean you state things assuming every possible viable argument. That's a part of professional debating.
My question as far as Geno is concerned is what is your proof of a fan base, or popularity?
View any topic or webpage with the poll. You know, the poll that has a foundation from the Smashers that voted.
That and nearly any Smash Brothers discussion on any forum brings him up far beyond many of the characters. I could also refer to any character battle on GameFAQs where Geno has appeared.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2006
Beltsville, MD
instaed of picking apart sentences. can you actually think of a reason why geno will be playable?
i know every1 is against me for bieng anti geno. but without opposition what is debate?
you said you didnt care about smash bros. that means im done arguing with you.
i have more respect for pichu supporters than sum1 who doesnt care about smash.

well lets be civilized. tell me why geno will be in brawl over the other desired charcters? and i will not attack or give u stupid replies.
  • Fan support
  • Unique character
  • Sakurai wants weird and/or obscure characters
  • There is no one like him in Brawl or any of the suggestions
You call this debating? Is this your sad excuse for a debate? You lack structure, reference, foreknowledge, clarity, comprehension, logic, respect and courtesy. While my post has those assets, yours does not.I said I don't care that much. That doesn't mean I don't care about the game. That means if someone isn't in there, it won't have a emotional impact on me.Um. Pretty much every one one of my response not only busted your poor reasoning but gave reasons as to why Geno is viable, with power rivaling that of Ike, Diddy and Ridley.
Wow! I came into one hell of a thread! It's a good thing this is for Super Smash Bros. because THIS...IS...AN...ALL...OUT...BRAWLLL!!!!:laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
thats all you can do is pick apart sentences??
i thought you had a view on this topic.
stop quoting and state your opinion.

oh and behemoth ya i just feel as though geno wont be in because he is a third party. and was in one game. no matter how popular he is, sonic and megaman is more. and if 2 more 3rd parties were to be added, geno wouldnt be one of them.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
See, Chris, Behemoth is on your side. However, it seems that the people on that side simply don't want Geno in the game because they never heard of him, and to them, he does not deserve the spot. To most of us, he does deserve that spot, and for all the reasons Lunadis mentioned.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I guess I underestimated the case.

Was always partial to Mallow myself.

Thx for the immediate, non flammatory response Lunadis.
Mallow also appeared on the polls. So if either Geno or Mallow are in, that means the one that isn't a playable character will surely be an Assist Trophy. ^.^

And don't expect flaming from me. I'm the type of person who doesn't really "hate" or get angry, thus I also don't see any point in getting all worked up because someone insults me or doesn't have the same point of view.

Though I guess the way I project myself online might make me sound aggressive or upset, I just like a healthy debate. :p


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
thats all you can do is pick apart sentences??
i thought you had a view on this topic.
stop quoting and state your opinion.
You don't see his opinion in all this?! That's ludicrous. Or just plain ignorance, I don't know.
Anyway, picking apart each point is how you debate, something you obviously know nothing about.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
San Marcos, Tx, USA
See, Chris, Behemoth is on your side. However, it seems that the people on that side simply don't want Geno in the game because they never heard of him, and to them, he does not deserve the spot. To most of us, he does deserve that spot, and for all the reasons Lunadis mentioned.
I like the little guy, thought he was a unique and well written character. He just didn't (IMO) have the popularity to make a solid choice.

However, I may certainly be wrong about that, and even if I'm not, Sakurai's got this strangely esoteric sense of Nintendo's history, and being a character from Mario's first RPG may just be enough boost to get him in.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
See, Chris, Behemoth is on your side. However, it seems that the people on that side simply don't want Geno in the game because they never heard of him, and to them, he does not deserve the spot. To most of us, he does deserve that spot, and for all the reasons Lunadis mentioned.
well ya i just said ive never heard of him but thats not the reason i dont want him in. the reason is because he is third party. lunadis isnt really talking , hes more like picking apart my words using quotes and saying things that dont matter. the main issue is that geno wont be in brawl because he isnt lisensed by nintendo and there isnt really anything else to it. he went after wario because hes my avatar and we started bickering. but watever he doesnt really care about smash n e wayz. hell probobly quote this sentence too.
well im happy to see other people who oppose geno in brawl. because can one person give me a legit reason why he will be in brawl?
it seems no1 has answered this fundamental question


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
I like the little guy, thought he was a unique and well written character. He just didn't (IMO) have the popularity to make a solid choice.

However, I may certainly be wrong about that, and even if I'm not, Sakurai's got this strangely esoteric sense of Nintendo's history, and being a character from Mario's first RPG may just be enough boost to get him in.
The reason I believe he deserves the spot the most is that he was just so well liked. He had a huge fan base, and it seems like Sakurai really wants to make this a game for the fans. Just my 2 cents.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Hold on one second. Just making sure, but it says on Wikipedia that Super Mario RPG was developed and published by Square Co., Ltd. (now Square Enix Co., Ltd.) and Nintendo Co., Ltd. Does that make it a 3rd party game? I mean, Megaman was developed by Capcom, so isn't he 3rd party too?


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
That's my name. :p
thats all you can do is pick apart sentences??
You're making this sound like I'm out to get you. Your idea of "picking apart" is just me giving a detailed response to all of your ideals. So far you have yet to present anything that is beyond my level of knowledge and fact.
i thought you had a view on this topic.
If I didn't have a view on this topic, I wouldn't be posting here.
stop quoting and state your opinion.
But I did state my opinion. Whenever I have, I stated so after facts to increase my viability.

Quoting is a way of addressing a certain statement from an individual. You can then laugh, agree, disagree, comment, suggest or do just about anything. It's a function for a reason. Even in a professional debate, you would first refer to what they stated and then state your counter-argument.

I don't know why you need an explanation from me, since it can be found all over this thread, but I'll state my mind for courtesy.

As I've said in this thread, my personal opinion on Geno is he's easily my favourite character from Super Mario RPG! Infact, since I don't count Fire Emblem as an RPG (since it's more-so strategy), Super Mario RPG would be my second favourite. (Behind MOTHER 2)

I liked Geno the second he was introduced. It was really quite an subtle approach. That innocent yet childish tune played while the light of a fallen star scanned a room and entered a blue doll. This doll expanded and came to life! As soon as I could, I talked to him with Mario and was delighted with his character. I was even happier when he joined the party. Through out the game there were many funny yet dramatic moments that drew me closer to Geno's character, like when he introduced his real name (consisting of characters from another language).

Now that I've presented a brief summary of why I like his character, I will present my opinion on Geno for a Brawl character.

Since he's an agent of the stars who entered a doll, he'd mix movements impossible by organic life forms (twisting and turning) as well as mystical star energies. I think techniques like the Geno Whirl, Geno Cannon, Hand Cannon, Rocket Punch, Geno Wave as well as many others can present things never seen by any moveset possible by any character. I think he'd be rather light, but he'd use his projectiles to chain his combos and extend them further. We have other characters like this, but they're much different. Samus and Link lack the mobility to follow up their projectiles. (Well, Samus can, but I doubt a glitch like Missile Cancel will make it in Brawl. So that doesn't count.)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
San Marcos, Tx, USA
This is a murky area.

Yes square made it, but that doesn't necessarily mean every character in it is third party. I mean, Mario's in it, and obviously he's not. What I'm wondering is where the licensing lies, which might be uncovered with some digging.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
This is a murky area.

Yes square made it, but that doesn't necessarily mean every character in it is third party. I mean, Mario's in it, and obviously he's not. What I'm wondering is where the licensing lies, which might be uncovered with some digging.
If you read the first page, they contacted Nintendo and they responded Geno is third Party

Who gives a ****? If the guy who is making the game wants him, he's adding him...

It's not like he really has a set character limit...people are just making assumptions...


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
lunadis isnt really talking , hes more like picking apart my words using quotes and saying things that dont matter.
No. I think everyone in this thread, no, the entire forum, would agree it's the opposite case. You make no reference to context, thus I have to assume what part of my message you are addressing.

And why would you assume I'm a 'he'? :/
the main issue is that geno wont be in brawl because he isnt lisensed by nintendo and there isnt really anything else to it.
It's like this. Sakurai releases a poll of characters fans want. Notices that Geno and two third party characters rank highly. So he plans these characters, while his agents inquire with Nintendo about licensing and history of this character.
What? Geno belongs to Square?
Now, even if Sakurai said he onlys wants 2 more third party characters (which was a rough translation, which was actually a question, so we could get more), would he really deny the fans of a highly popular character? Especially if this character only ranked behind Sonic? I don't think so.
he went after wario because hes my avatar and we started bickering. but watever he doesnt really care about smash n e wayz. hell probobly quote this sentence too.
Once again. You're not even reading my posts. I do care about Smash or I wouldn't be here. And once again, don't assume my gender.
well im happy to see other people who oppose geno in brawl. because can one person give me a legit reason why he will be in brawl?
it seems no1 has answered this fundamental question
You're being ignorant.


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2007
Whats wrong with Geno? He's one of my favorite nintendo characters of all time! If he were in Brawl, I think Smash Bros. fans would be more pleased with him than Wario. :p

I think that if Pichu made it into melee then Geno has a Very VERY good chance of getting into Brawl! :D


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2007
its not all about popularity, its about the money. some one said earlier that sakurai is trying to make fans happy. and thats the point. well to a certain degree. but i dont think square-enix is begging nintendo to add him in. because nintendo wouldnt approach square. it be the other way around.
snake got in because konami begged him to nintendo way back at melee.
nintendo might talk to sega about sonic because they would lose a lot of fans (and therefore revenue) by not having him in the game. and same goes for mega-man.
would nintendo lose money if they failed to submit to the fans wishes and add geno?? no not at all.
so on a financial level, geno has no chance. because there arnt enough die hard fans 4 him.
but there is one exception.
they are releasing a new game staring geno on the wii or ds.
but i doubt that.
so geno wont get in because he is third party.
sonic and megaman will get in over him.

can some one not flame my opinions and talk about why what i just said was wrong.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Who gives a ****? If the guy who is making the game wants him, he's adding him...

It's not like he really has a set character limit...people are just making assumptions...
We're not arguing whether he will be in the game, but rather, does he deserve the spot. And it was said in an interview that there will probably be only 2 or 3 more 3rd party characters, so, in essence, there is a set character limit.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
We're not arguing whether he will be in the game, but rather, does he deserve the spot. And it was said in an interview that there will probably be only 2 or 3 more 3rd party characters, so, in essence, there is a set character limit.
Probably is the key word...and if they HAD said 3 Geno and Megaman fans would never argue...cause that would mean they both would be in...

Besides, as I said...that is just an assumption


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2007
St. Louis, MO
its not all about popularity, its about the money. some one said earlier that sakurai is trying to make fans happy. and thats the point. well to a certain degree. but i dont think square-enix is begging nintendo to add him in. because nintendo wouldnt approach square. it be the other way around.
snake got in because konami begged him to nintendo way back at melee.
nintendo might talk to sega about sonic because they would lose a lot of fans (and therefore revenue) by not having him in the game. and same goes for mega-man.
would nintendo lose money if they failed to submit to the fans wishes and add geno?? no not at all.
so on a financial level, geno has no chance. because there arnt enough die hard fans 4 him.
but there is one exception.
they are releasing a new game staring geno on the wii or ds.
but i doubt that.
so geno wont get in because he is third party.
sonic and megaman will get in over him.

can some one not flame my opinions and talk about why what i just said was wrong.
If Geno is 3rd party because he was created by Squaresoft, than Megaman is 3rd party because he was created by Capcom. They both appeared first on a Nintendo console, so how are they any different?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
its not all about popularity, its about the money. some one said earlier that sakurai is trying to make fans happy. and thats the point. well to a certain degree. but i dont think square-enix is begging nintendo to add him in. because nintendo wouldnt approach square. it be the other way around.
snake got in because konami begged him to nintendo way back at melee.
nintendo might talk to sega about sonic because they would lose a lot of fans (and therefore revenue) by not having him in the game. and same goes for mega-man.
would nintendo lose money if they failed to submit to the fans wishes and add geno?? no not at all.
so on a financial level, geno has no chance. because there arnt enough die hard fans 4 him.
but there is one exception.
they are releasing a new game staring geno on the wii or ds.
but i doubt that.
so geno wont get in because he is third party.
sonic and megaman will get in over him.

can some one not flame my opinions and talk about why what i just said was wrong.
Money is not the only issue...it's going to sell millions anyway...Game designers of course care about money but they also care about art...they'll add something they want anyway..

Coperate *******s thinking of nothing but money
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