Let me just say this, having read Jimmy's post, one thing I've never liked about you anti-geno people is that your arguments and points never go anywhere. You start your argument with one point, but in the end you want to get into another point or you just repeat yourselves when you have nothing to say.
"Geno doesn't derseve to get in"
We tell you why he would, then:
"Geno is not from nintendo"
We respond as him being 2.5 party, then:
Irrelevant. Geno's rights are held officially by Square and Nintendo would still have to fenagle with them to get him in Brawl, whatever you deside to designate him as is, as I have stated, irrelevant.
"There are more deserving characters than Geno"
We agree, disagree, in the end we say each character is equally capable of doing so; then:
Really, It's not my place to say who's better, I'm not saying hes bad, in fact I'd
love to see him in Brawl, it's just not likely.
"Geno is not popular"
We tell you to look at the polls, look at the fanbase, then out of nowhere:
A meager cult following means nothing to a corporation, it doesn't really matter if you "wish" he was in, the matter of the fact is that in order for him to get in Nintendo will have to slice up rights for what might be the best game for the Wii to Square, and the payoff will be meager. In the end, his chances are astronamically low.
"Geno doesn't deserve to get in" OR "Geno suxors, OMG!?! **** youu he's not going to get in"
Never once have I ever said he won't get in, his chances are just so low that there's really no point in holding out hope, I mean
Rayman has better chances of getting in than him.
You're arguments go nowhere, you just repeat yourselves, despite us already giving you a response to each argument. Then some of you just start flaming for no reason. It's ok to be anti-geno, you have your reasons, just as we have ours for being pro-geno. But at least give a more well put argument. What some of you have said is no different from what I've heard from other anti geno people.
Flaming my friend? I'm merely making an injection of fact to a previously dull collection of one sided conversationalists.
My statements are goingg somewhere, in a way you don't like however, but a direction, and that direction is of fact, Geno's chances, no matter how much you denie it are slim, but there is a slight chance, yet however unlikely.
'Nuff said.