Well, all that talking about Ridley got me inspired. I've decide to continue my cutscenes.
-Cutscene Begins-
The camera zooms down from a firey sky and focuses on Geno and Dedede as they chase after Kirby's warpstar. Their chase has led them to a volcanic plain where a volcano can be seen looming in the distance. The two slow to a stop and examine the area. Dedede gazes desperately into the sky, but sadly, Kirby is nowhere to be seen. Angered by the situation, Dedede furiously stomps the ground, but the force causes the lava underground to become unstable and erupt in a geyser, catching Geno's cape on fire! As Geno struggles to put out his small fire, Dedede is unable to restrain his evil side and chuckles at Geno. Geno gazes angrily at Dedede, but both of their expressions are wiped off their faces as a gigantic shadow passes across the molten plains. It's the Halberd! The two watch as the Halberd opens its hatches, releasing purple clouds onto the plain and then positions itself over the volcano's crater, proceeding to drop something into it... It's... A SUBSPACE BOMB! Geno and Dedede panic at this development and hurry toward the Volcano...
Choose Character: Geno or Dedede.
-Level Start-
Level: Molten Plains/Outer Volcano. (Hey, not all levels have to be based off a stage!)
Enemies: Subspace Monsters (Fire-based)
-End of Level Cutscene-
The two finally make it into the depths of the volcano with the Subspace Bomb in sight, but it's too late! The two rear back as the bomb counts down the last few seconds:
...But instead of an explosion, a loud, metallic crunching sound can be heard. The two open their eyes to see a terrifying sight. A large, purple, lizard-like hand is protruding from the ground, and in its grasp is the twisted remains of the Subspace Bomb. The room shakes violently and the area around the hand explodes into a sea of lava. The familiar high-pitched screech echos throughout the Volcano as Geno and Dedede now stand before HIM. It's RIDLEY! (Why is Ridley in some random volcano? The same way Rayquaza was in some random lake.)
Ridley crushes what is left of the bomb and hurls it into the lava below him. Ridley's gaze then turns to Geno and Dedede, believing they are responsible for the bomb and lets out another screech. Dedede, pumped with false courage, swings around his hammer to intimidate Ridley. Unimpressed, Ridley simply wraps his tail around Dedede, and hurls him out of the volcano with relative ease (thus separating Geno and Dedede in order to create some different combinations of characters. Dedede and Samus, anyone?). With no other choice, Geno charges into battle with the beast...
-End Cutscene-
-Boss Battle Begin-
Geno Vs Ridley
Stage: Volcano Depths
Music: Ridley's Theme
-Cutscene upon Victory-
With one last intense screech, Ridley flails around the room and then plummets back into the pool of lava that he emerged from. Geno gives a sigh of relief, but the victory is short-lived as the volcano beings to shake violently again. The bomb? Ridley? No! IT'S ERUPTING! Geno dashes toward the nearest ledge and begins to climb up to the crater...
-Level Start-
Level: Escape the Volcano
Description: A short level similar to the Escape Planet Zebes level in Melee, but with no timer. Lava will rise quickly as you make Geno jump up the rocks. The lava does a lot of damage if you touch it and can easily blast Geno off the top of the screen with 2 or 3 touches.
Enemies: A few fire-based Subspace Monsters.
-End of Level Cutscene-
As Geno just barely makes it out, the lava begins to erupt quickly from the crater. It seems over for Geno as he looks back at the incoming lava, but then... something amazing happens... A large, dense boulder hurdles over Geno from nowhere and plugs the crater of the volcano! (Yes, it is logically impossible for a rock to stop molten lava, but this is video game where large arenas are magically suspended in the air. Logic obviously doesn't exist). Geno turns around to find the source of the boulder and is greeted by a young boy emerging from the volcano's smoke. Clad in armor, with a scarf around his neck and a sword on his back, it's none other than... ISAAC!?
-End Cutscene-
Yes, I went there. I bought in Isaac. Don't know who Isaac is? "Golden Sun, you must play," says Yoda. Geno and Isaac are my 2 most wanted character for Brawl. Them working together = EPIC WIN.