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the official deoxys whatever thread.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Wow, I felt the storm coming as soon as I saw it. Goroh really didn't have a fanbase; so I'm sure you're all upset.

Sorry, but I'm glad he isn't playable. I never liked his look. But, I feel your guys' pain.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
You hear that loud whining? That's the collective crying of all the Deoxys fanboys.(My own included) I'm kind of bummed bout this one. Samurai Goroh didn't matter that much,but I thought the big D had a better shot than Lucario. Oh well. It's to be excepted that someone people will sad and some happy every time a character is deconfirmed.

Look on the bright side,we can always throw the Deoxys-haters into his kickass Hyper Beam now.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
I never liked his look. But, I feel your guys' pain.
well, its nice to know all of the anti-deoxys people aren't being a-holes about it. still, deoxys was one of the most unique pokemon ever created. to be only be in a pokeball is an extreme waste of what could have been an amazing character.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Ooh. Ouch. My heart goes out to all of you former Deoxys supporters. I never really liked him, but I'm fully aware of just how many people really wanted him in. Tough luck, guys.

First Goroh, now this? Why Sakurai why?! How many dreams must you crush before you're satisfied? :laugh:

On a happier note from my side of this, this means Lucario's only real competition is out of the running. :grin:


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
I first saw a glimpse of deoxys on smashbros and did'n think to look if he was in a pokeball. I couldn't wait to post on the thread that deoxys made it in, but when I got there (or here), I saw a flood of deoxys haters gloating. I had then to go back and check if he was in a pokeball, and when I saw it I wanted to do something to change it, but, alas, there was no way.
As I reached the end of the flooded thread I thought "You know what, who ever loses, I win!" because I am a lucario fan too! But to the diehard deoxys fans, I say "deoxys is lost, but not forgotten, and the battle is lost (it seems), but the war isn't!"
Also lucario might suffer the same fate, you can come over to lucario's side, It's almost as good, if not better!
I cannot lose! Lucario and Deoxys for the win!


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Ooh. Ouch. My heart goes out to all of you former Deoxys supporters. I never really liked him, but I'm fully aware of just how many people really wanted him in. Tough luck, guys.

First Goroh, now this? Why Sakurai why?! How many dreams must you crush before you're satisfied? :laugh:

On a happier note from my side of this, this means Lucario's only real competition is out of the running. :grin:

Glad to see the Lucario fans are being so kind to the crushed Deoxys people. :ohwell:

Also,the Tom Nook supporters got kicked in the face too,remember?


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
I'm not gonna start saying "Deoxys got owned" now cuz Lip could be ATed (sadly the possibility is high) and that would suck. Besides, I never thought the DNA pokemon was a bad idea. It is better than many suggestions I've heard.

Lupo Aro

Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2005
I'm a bit disappointed by the announcement of Deoxys not being playable. It's a shame, he was the only other Pokemon character I would have wanted.

Lupo Aro

Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2005
HAHAHA!, no.
4th gen JUST came out this year, i highly doubt they would have the time to work on a more recent pokemon. Also, 3rd gen has been around for about 4 years, and even then they could'nt think of a way to make Deoxys playable.
No, the 4th gen came out in September, but Lucario's been known about since July 2005.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
*Sets down a coffin with the name "Deoxys" carved on it into a grave next to the coffins that say "Samurai Goroh" and "Tom Nook" while whistling "Another One Bites the Dust" as his supporters are mourning around him*

Sorry,I couldn't resist. :)


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
On the bright side, Deoxys does look pretty **** awesome in that last picture. Seriously, that thing is desktop wallpaper material.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Clark Jables...you need to get rid of your sig; it's cursed. First Goroh, then Deoxy. Take Ridley off of there before it's too late!


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2006
O_o wow......

this update was bit of a shock...I'm not even any major pokemon fan, but is was still sure that deoxy would be playable....one of my top 3 poke-choices (meowth, deoxy, lucario)
still, a major upset for all deoxy supporters......*ques deoxy fanboy riot*

I hope Blaziken suffers the same fate.

........I love you:laugh:

ROFLMAO!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh: can't......stop......loling.....!!!!!:laugh:


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2004
The space between genius and madness
I just have to say this:

To those saying anything along the lines of "Miyamoto should take over"...


That would be a nightmare.

Who does his own thing, looking for what people AREN'T talking about and does it? Miyamoto.
Who, when SSBB was in its earlier stages didn't want Sakurai or anybody tampering with the original Melee characters? Miyamoto
Who thought it would be a good idea to add NO characters and make a multiplayer-ONLY Smash Brothers sequal? Miyamoto

He is NOT the man for the job. He would NEVER fufill your wishes. In fact, he'd screw it all. The guy's a genius in his own element, but he would ruin this sequal if he had all the power.

(Okay, in truth I only vaguely remember those things...but I'm not making them up. I remember hearing about these things last year.)


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
god ****it, first goroh then deoxys, i think sakurai is just trying to piss me off... im still going to play brawl though and if lucario is in he's my personal punching bag


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
I just have to say this:

To those saying anything along the lines of "Miyamoto should take over"...


That would be a nightmare.

Who does his own thing, looking for what people AREN'T talking about and does it? Miyamoto.
Who, when SSBB was in its earlier stages didn't want Sakurai or anybody tampering with the original Melee characters? Miyamoto
Who thought it would be a good idea to add NO characters and make a multiplayer-ONLY Smash Brothers sequal? Miyamoto

He is NOT the man for the job. He would NEVER fufill your wishes. In fact, he'd screw it all. The guy's a genius in his own element, but he would ruin this sequal if he had all the power.

(Okay, in truth I only vaguely remember those things...but I'm not making them up. I remember hearing about these things last year.)
I agree, as far as I know about myamoto, He is incredible at making origional, great adventure games, but fighting games are not his forte.
As for what I say to the people saying that myamoto should be in charge. Take it like a man and stop whining, your just gonna buy the game anyway and gonna enjoy it in the end.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I hadn't heard anyone saying anything about that. Miyamoto is a genius when it comes to designing characters. But I COMPLETELY, 100% trust Sakurai to come through on this. He knew what he was doing with Goroh, and he knew what he was doing with Deoxys. Sorry, I know the wound is still fresh, guys, but I'm personally glad he is just a NPC. He just looks to bizarre for my taste.

Anyway, I really wish people would stop bagging on Sakurai. You should at least wait until the game comes out and you play it before jumping to conclusions about how he has ruined it. People will be around here throwing insults and saying he's completely blown it and that Brawl will be a disaster, and then those same people will get the game and will simply love it and think that all of the decisions were good ones. That kind of defamation isn't very courteous. People really should wait until post-release before making those kinds of criticisms.

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I think this makes a stronger case for Mewtwo returning, because IF they were to replace Mewtwo, Deoxys was going to be the new badass psychic type legendary. Lucario can't really replace Mewtwo. And Blaziken HAS NO CHANCE (Starters all are in Pokeballs). The only pokemon that could show up is Lucario now. Maybe Meowth but it's not probable.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Unfortunately, M2 will likely be unlockable; so Sakurai wont' confirm him until after Brawl's release. So...for the next 4.5 months I'll have to continue to listen to this stuff about "his chances increasing"...*sigh*


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Is depressing to see that Deoxys was "OMG DEOXYS TIER he can transform!" before and now is "Deoxys never stood a chance", "Deoxys looks like futuristic **** I'm glad I dropped Pokémon after 2nd gen" and whatever. The same happened with Goroh, great and potential characters bashed and neglected after being un-confirmed.

Deoxys had potential and still has, this is the second most requested and interesting Pokémon addition after Lucario, I'll miss him. I expect Hyperbeam to be the most powerful move (including BACONs) in the whole game, you lose all your stocks and the will to live to the wrath-packed beam of revenge.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Well I should think that people would take solace in the fact that Deoxys is at least in the game, even if not playable, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

The Hyper Beam attack seems powerful, but perhaps to small and easy to dodge. Maybe Deoxys moves from side to side, ala Space Invaders, so that it covers more ground? Also I wonder if its other forms will have any representation. It's a bit odd that it is his attack form, rather than his normal one.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
Well I should think that people would take solace in the fact that Deoxys is at least in the game, even if not playable, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

The Hyper Beam attack seems powerful, but perhaps to small and easy to dodge. Maybe Deoxys moves from side to side, ala Space Invaders, so that it covers more ground? Also I wonder if its other forms will have any representation. It's a bit odd that it is his attack form, rather than his normal one.
I agree, people should get over the fact that deoxys isn't playable and be happy he's in.
Deoxys wouldn't really need to increase the ground he covers, there is a strategy you can use with every pokemon, some pokemon take up space, traping you foe to only a few open spaces (ex.charizard), while others stun the foe and lets you get in a good attack on them (ex.bellossum), and the last type (as far as I know) is charging the foe to interupt or deal damage (ex.maril, scizor), let them do the work. Deoxys' strategy would be to force them into high damage from hyper beam, or force them to the edge and attempt to KO them.
You could also use that big obvious line fo death as a diversion and use mind games.

Anyways if slid left and right, what if he was thrown right at the edge where somebody was trying to recover, and it would happen at least uncommonly. It would be unfair, I know other things are like that in melee, but I'm hoping theil fix them.

Even if Deoxys doessn't work, he looks kick a** enough to make up for the fact that you can't play as him.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Well he is a legendary. The chances of him coming out of a pokeball are low, so any situation to use him would be rare as it is. You can't just throw pokeballs at ledges, hoping for a chance Deoxys.

Then again, other legendaries have had only a small attack range, such as Moltres. I guess it's its powerful enough, Deoxys could remain motionless.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Is depressing to see that Deoxys was "OMG DEOXYS TIER he can transform!" before and now is "Deoxys never stood a chance", "Deoxys looks like futuristic **** I'm glad I dropped Pokémon after 2nd gen" and whatever. The same happened with Goroh, great and potential characters bashed and neglected after being un-confirmed.
Actually, before the ATs, I said I didn't want Goroh if he was just going to run around using his sword. Sure enough, he's an AT who runs around swinging his sword. Also, I said (in this very forum) that I really didn't like the way Deoxys looked, and that I didn't want another Psychic, but that was just my personal opinion. Sure enough, he's in a pokeball. I'm sure there were a lot of people like that, but I haven't changed my mind through the whole thing.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Im very pissed that deoxys aint playable, true its better to be a pokeball pokemon that nothing, but cmon! hes the most unique pokemon of all and sakurai does this? *sigh*... well... I still got lucario...


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
Im very pissed that deoxys aint playable, true its better to be a pokeball pokemon that nothing, but cmon! hes the most unique pokemon of all and sakurai does this?*sigh*... well... I still got lucario...
what I find even worse is that sakurai even knew deoxys was popular, but he was still made a pokeball. that means even lucario isn't safe. And if sakurai makes him a pokeball, I'm never forgiving sakurai.

even though this is obviously wishful thinking, the deoxys that is in the pokeball is attack form deoxys. maybe normal form deoxys will be playable then. I know it's unlikely, but it could happen....I hope.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
what I find even worse is that sakurai even knew deoxys was popular, but he was still made a pokeball. that means even lucario isn't safe. And if sakurai makes him a pokeball, I'm never forgiving sakurai.

even though this is obviously wishful thinking, the deoxys that is in the pokeball is attack form deoxys. maybe normal form deoxys will be playable then. I know it's unlikely, but it could happen....I hope.
hyper beam was almost an exclusive to the attack form and deoxys became famous for it's deadly power in attack form.

I think that would be cheap, but I kinda hopes it happens two, plus, from the deoxys movie, there were two, the playable one and the pokeball released one could reprisent them both.

She probably made it a pokeball one because the multi form style took up too much data as stryks said long ago, and I'm guessing the single animation forms style (thought up by stryks too) was confusing, otherwise I don't know.
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