I first saw a glimpse of deoxys on smashbros and did'n think to look if he was in a pokeball. I couldn't wait to post on the thread that deoxys made it in, but when I got there (or here), I saw a flood of deoxys haters gloating. I had then to go back and check if he was in a pokeball, and when I saw it I wanted to do something to change it, but, alas, there was no way.
As I reached the end of the flooded thread I thought "You know what, who ever loses, I win!" because I am a lucario fan too! But to the diehard deoxys fans, I say "deoxys is lost, but not forgotten, and the battle is lost (it seems), but the war isn't!"
Also lucario might suffer the same fate, you can come over to lucario's side, It's almost as good, if not better!
I cannot lose! Lucario and Deoxys for the win!