I know it takes more of a day to program a character, but hes bound to have at least one day to work on each character,
Er, the point isn't about how much tmie he is "bound to have at least". This is about the MINIMUM time it will take to MAKE a new character in the first place.
IDK how much time it takes to do it,
A LOT more time than one day. Hell, a lot more time than three days or a week, even! As stated, if Sakurai could REALLY crank out unique non-clone characters THAT fast, don't you think he'd be able to produce Brawl with a humongous roster a LOT faster than two years?!
but all character should have equal share while programming, not just give, like for say Olimar 10 days of programming and just dark samus like 3 (its example dont bite my head off),
What if Sakurai doesn't HAVE ten days left to make Dark Samus because Olimar (and all the other characters before him) took up all the time? This is how and why clone characters are made. Because by the tmie he's done making Ridley and Olimar etc, Sakurai could very well be almost out of time. You can't devote 10 days to Dark Samus if you only have 4 days remaining before the game gets released (unless you delay the game, but you can only delay a game so much. Nintendo IS a business, after all). But you MIGHT be able to crank out a Samus clone, name it Dark Samus, and get her in under the wire right before the deadline in only 3 days if you make her a clone.
Or in this situation, would you rather have no Dark Samus at all?
all characters should have equal share, sure if times running out and havent yet fully programmed all the characters then yeah they'll probably gonna have some clones, but if thye have eough time, im sure sakurai will make every character in the roster unique and awesome...
If they have enough time, of course. Sadly, time is a precious and limited commodity, and not likely in Dark Samus' favor.
For crying out loud, not that it's necesssarily indicative of how far Sakurai actually progressed with the roster so far, but the only new character they've been able to show us so far is friggin' Fox. We're more than two-thirds into development (assuming this game gets released before 2007 ends) and they've only managed to make 9 characters presentable so far! Granted, they might have more hidden behind the scenes that they simply don't want to show us, but given how excited they were that they were finally able to show the first 8 in actual playable form (as opposed to just a movie) and had such a big hullabaloo about Fox (when truthfully the actually public didn't give a crap because we all knew Fox would be in the game anyways), I'm finding myself quite pessimistic about how far they've actually progressed.