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The Official Dark Samus for Brawl thread!

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Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Then u know nothing about dark samus, and yet think he should just be a cotume, when hes considered one of THE most powerful characters in nintendo history, and is completely diferent from samus...

the only similarity is the name and look... thats IT...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Then u know nothing about dark samus, and yet think he should just be a cotume, when hes considered one of THE most powerful characters in nintendo history, and is completely diferent from samus...

the only similarity is the name and look... thats IT...
Though it's awaiting confirmation...

Some people think Dark Samus may have ended up an Alt just like Wolf and Dixie did
Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY
Dark Samus

Standard Special <Phazon Beam>: Fires a fast beam of Phazon energy. This move can be charged and held in a way similar to Link’s standard special. The more it is charged, the stronger it becomes. A fully charged shot fires a rapid barrage of Phazon shots for almost a whole second.

Side Special <Dark Echoes>: Creates exact copy that appears next to Dark Samus (they do that fancy flip and split). It mimics Dark Samus’s movements and behaves just like an Ice Climber-style partner, but can be destroyed with a few attacks.

Up Special <Boost Ball>: Dark Samus enters her Morph Ball and boosts upwards. If the direction is held, she can start boosting from side to side for a few seconds. This is like a shorter-lasting but faster version of Jigglypuff’s standard special, but there is no charge required. It also isn’t as powerful.

Down Special <Invisibility>: Dark Samus becomes invisible until she attacks or is damaged.

Final Smash <Corruption>: Dark Samus unleashes a wave of Phazon energy that spreads outwards. The attack causes a lot of damage, but does not make opponent’s flinch. However, affected opponents will be corrupted, which means they lose control of their character. The characters begin moving on their own and using attacks at random. The corruption wears off after ten seconds or so.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2007
Locks, Louisisana
I see nothing wrong with ridley.
Huh, I go to a dark samus thread, they don't want Ridley.
I go to a Ridley thread, they don't want Dark Samus.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
Ridley>dark samus, I think this because ridley is way more important to the metroid universe tha dark samus, Ridley has been in over twice the number of games dark samus has, and is IMO way more capable of having a unique move set, dark samus's moves may be different, but only in the same way as Doc's pills are different than mario's fireballs.

The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)
Ridley>dark samus, I think this because ridley is way more important to the metroid universe tha dark samus, Ridley has been in over twice the number of games dark samus has, and is IMO way more capable of having a unique move set, dark samus's moves may be different, but only in the same way as Doc's pills are different than mario's fireballs.
That's just stupid, that's like having the arguement that MegaMan shouldn't make it cuz Samus already has an Arm Cannon, and that MegaMan will be a clone of Samus lol


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
In a giant bucket
The way I see it: Ridley>DS. It's obvious, but I still want both in very badly. @Darkpaladin: Nice moveset. But I don't really like the invisibility thing. I'd say that she punches the ground and phazon spikes/energy barrier comes out. You know, like the barrier she used to deflect Samus' missiles in MP2.
The spikes would be cool too, they would send enemies around her upwards. And I would really like a Phazon missile somewhere.... Maybe the normal B has three charge levels? 1. Normal to semi-strong beam 2. Phazon barrage to longer barrage 3. Phazon Missile, and in addition to the damage from the splosion it, would slowly damage him as if he were corrupted.

Tell me what you think.


Smash Ace
Feb 21, 2007
The way I see it: Ridley>DS. It's obvious, but I still want both in very badly. @Darkpaladin: Nice moveset. But I don't really like the invisibility thing. I'd say that she punches the ground and phazon spikes/energy barrier comes out. You know, like the barrier she used to deflect Samus' missiles in MP2.
The spikes would be cool too, they would send enemies around her upwards. And I would really like a Phazon missile somewhere.... Maybe the normal B has three charge levels? 1. Normal to semi-strong beam 2. Phazon barrage to longer barrage 3. Phazon Missile, and in addition to the damage from the splosion it, would slowly damage him as if he were corrupted.

Tell me what you think.
i like it :chuckle:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2007
Locks, Louisisana
Sorry for double post, but I came up with a moveset for DS.

Neutral B: Phazon Missile
This charges up. At full charge, it does 20% damage, and encases the foe in Phazon Crystals.

Forward B: Phazon Shinespark: She charges Up, and launches forward or backward

Up B:phazon Boost: same as forward B, but upwards.

Down B:phazon Sheild:She creates a sheild of Phazon, with enough damage done to it, it drops and unleases 3 Phazon Missiles.

Final Smash:phazon Burst: She turns into an orb of energy, and can attack foes, and encase them in Phazon Crystals.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Well Dark Samus may be a completely different character as far as combat ability is concerned, but the appearance is still striking. And for the sake of the game, DS is also kinda unrealistic If the spots really were limited, I wouldn't complain if Samus got a DS color. .=/


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
isnt going to happen, because if they made a dark samu, that is more powerful than reg samus, nobody would play as reg samus....


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
isnt going to happen, because if they made a dark samu, that is more powerful than reg samus, nobody would play as reg samus....
That doesnt make sense, by ur reason no one will play as Diddy, kirby, Zamus and so on...
make him a slower way stronger and awkward jumper and u got a great character...


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
In a giant bucket
Well DS IS like a God in the Prime games. And Samus is Godlike too, but I think that in a full-power battle DS would win.

Anyways: @Samus543: I like the moveset, but don't you think that DS' up B could be better? I mean it's the same thing as the >B. >_>

Sorry if I'm being too much of a critic. :(


Smash Ace
Jul 8, 2007
Leeds, UK
isnt going to happen, because if they made a dark samu, that is more powerful than reg samus, nobody would play as reg samus....
Whoa... wait, so everyone's going to play as Donkey Kong instead of Diddy Kong? I mean, he's more powerful, right? I don't see any reason why they wouldn't!

I can't wait to play as this "Dark Samu"!



Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2007
Locks, Louisisana
Well DS IS like a God in the Prime games. And Samus is Godlike too, but I think that in a full-power battle DS would win.

Anyways: @Samus543: I like the moveset, but don't you think that DS' up B could be better? I mean it's the same thing as the >B. >_>

Sorry if I'm being too much of a critic. :(
I was going to put an Upwards Boost ball, but I felt it would be to similar to the Screw attack.
Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY
uhhh....if dark samus is more powerful than samus, how come samus always beats her?
Because Samus is the protagonist. Honestly, how far did you expect to get with that argument?

Terrible idea.

Two of any character seems a little bad for the franchise.
Samus and Dark Samus are about as different as Link and Ganondorf.

crotch protector

Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
Because Samus is the protagonist. Honestly, how far did you expect to get with that argument?
i wasn't trying to argue anything. people were saying on the previous page how dark samus is way more powerful than samus, i was just attempting to show that clearly samus is the more powerful character.

Samus and Dark Samus are about as different as Link and Ganondorf.
no, its really not. maybe if ganondorf looked like dark link, but otherwise, no.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
In a giant bucket
Have you played the games? DS has LOTS of moves that can be used as specials. No way she could be a clone/be too similar to Samus. Even the tilts can be different.

Power argument: DS is a phazon God. I don't think Samus would win without all the staging. The point that I would say that Samus is almost even with DS is at the end of MP3.
Darkpaladin said it, Samus is the protagonist. I bet you can count the games in which the protagonist loses to the antagonist with the fingers of your right hand. She has to win.

Hallowed Storm

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
Dark Samus would be cool. I could see a lot of attacks; I've played all the Metroid Prime games, and she has a decent array of them on her side.


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2007
(This is in no way saying that Dark Samus is confirmed for Brawl) I have a theory that I believe raises Dark Samus' chances of making the roster. Nintendo so far seems to use the most current versions of their characters and their characters' abilities. For example: Twilight Princess versions of Link & Zelda, Sunshine Mario w/FLUDD (Galaxy hasn't been released as of this post), Fox's Assault outfit. Now I wonder why for Samus' Final Smash they didn't use a Hyper Cannon phazon blast like her most powerful move in Metroid Prime 3 instead just a regular energy blast. My guess is that they are saving phazon based moves for Dark Samus to help set her apart.
Just a theory.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Unfortunately, I doubt there will be enough space on the roster for DS. How original can DS's moveset be?
Sakurai has a myriad of characters out there that are far more original than DS.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2006
Atlanta, GA (school yr), Miami, Fl (summer)
(This is in no way saying that Dark Samus is confirmed for Brawl) I have a theory that I believe raises Dark Samus' chances of making the roster. Nintendo so far seems to use the most current versions of their characters and their characters' abilities. For example: Twilight Princess versions of Link & Zelda, Sunshine Mario w/FLUDD (Galaxy hasn't been released as of this post), Fox's Assault outfit. Now I wonder why for Samus' Final Smash they didn't use a Hyper Cannon phazon blast like her most powerful move in Metroid Prime 3 instead just a regular energy blast. My guess is that they are saving phazon based moves for Dark Samus to help set her apart.
Just a theory.
One thing about the Metroid Prime series with Smash Bros is that it has never been paid attention to. The character model is still more influenced by the platformers, as are the designs for bombs, attacks, etc. The graphic and name for the smash missiles were taken from those games (super missiles), along with the style of the homing missiles, screw attack, etc.

Influences from those games dont really affect Samus in Smash.

Seriously though, these arguments about clones are rather baseless. The only thing that Dark Samus really inherits from Samus is an appearance and some form of ability from an arm cannon (and mebbe some pseudo ball type thing, but not really). Samus could never perform most of her attacks, and likewise Dark Samus can not use the vast majority of what Samus does. I believe DS uses that form because it is convenient (especially since it worked for the person who beat her the first time around). Thats it.
Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY
I'd prefer Riddles, but I guess Dark Samus would be an ok character in Brawl.... :)
Really, why not both. Everyone seems to think 'one or the other'. Why? Metroid is a hugely popular franchise, right up there with Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Pokémon. Notice how many representatives they have had in the past Super Smash Bros. games compared to the Metroid series. Since Ridley and Dark Samus are the highest candidates, what's wrong with both of them in Brawl?

(This is in no way saying that Dark Samus is confirmed for Brawl) I have a theory that I believe raises Dark Samus' chances of making the roster. Nintendo so far seems to use the most current versions of their characters and their characters' abilities. For example: Twilight Princess versions of Link & Zelda, Sunshine Mario w/FLUDD (Galaxy hasn't been released as of this post), Fox's Assault outfit. Now I wonder why for Samus' Final Smash they didn't use a Hyper Cannon phazon blast like her most powerful move in Metroid Prime 3 instead just a regular energy blast. My guess is that they are saving phazon based moves for Dark Samus to help set her apart.
Just a theory.
Or it could be that Metroid Prime 3 was being developed around the same time Brawl was... It's too recent.
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