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The Official Dark Samus for Brawl thread!

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Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
It's a she, not he. :O
You pose a good arguement about the logs, but I see DS phazon solidified in the shape of samus' suit, and phazon is genderless. So her suit is very well connected with her, if say a male character from the series wore the suit, would he magically become a girl?
You can call the phazon whatever gender you like, but don't try to force your opinion on someone else! For an example, a man could come into a ice cream shop/resteraunt and force everyone else to eat in a certain way.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
No, Dark Samus is a girl. It's mentioned quite a bit.

Metroid Prime was considered a female metroid, though Metroids really don't look like they have genders. Then again there was a queen metroid,, who produced baby metroids, and since Metroid Prime can also create baby metroids, it seems to be considered as female.

This is coupled with the fact that it absorbed Samus's suit, and has basically copied her, and we all know what gender Samus is. Heck it'd be odd if there is any "dark" version of a character that is the opposite gender.

That and she's referred to as a she in the log. :O
Metroid Prime was able to summon metroids not create them it was mentioned when you scan MP in fact none of the scans mention the creatures as she or he and DS was no exception check this page to know more details on DS.



Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Summon? That's like saying she teleported Metroids to her. I'm pretty sure she just created them right there, instead of transporting them across space.

And I don't know what you're trying to make me look at in that site, but it also refers to Dark Samus as a female. But... I think that site is more of a fan interprataion, rather than a official source...Unless I'm missing something there on the site.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
The impact crater was filled with metroids remember? that is what I mean MP call them to help it in battle.

They refer to DS as The Dark Samus not as she I think you are confused.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Yes, on closer inspection, I did misread that it said "she." The points still stand that it's fan compiled.

Still, to quote the game. (From GameFAQs's Log book FAQ.)

"Dark Samus 1
Found:Main Reactor. All Dark Samus's are 1 Time Scans!!!
How to Kill:Many Charge Beam shots
Appearence:Is it THAT hard to see a clone of yourself? Remember SA-X? Think
that, only with the Phazon Suit.
Scan Info:Scans indicate the presence of Phazon and your genetic material
within this entity. She wears a version of the Varia Suit, altered and
agumented by the Phazon within her. Primary weapons include the Missile
Launcher and a scattershot variant of the Power Beam. Boost and Jump
abilities are superior to yours. The ability to generate Phazon energy
sheilds is also present. "

Official sources and what not. Not only Samus genetic material, but dirrectly called a she.

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
she is a he (some how)it read on wikipedia plus the teleportaion is possible as the fact that
the metroids in the impact crater kept respawning and if a metroid is over loaded with phazon(mp second form was pure phazon)they wouldve exploded so metroid prime couldnt make them(proof)if you go to phazon mines and go to the room at the bootom the one with metroids at the bottom of it you will see that as they touch the phazon they die.(u may know what room im talking about or not i cant member the name of it)


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
she is a he (some how)it read on wikipedia plus the teleportaion is possible as the fact that
the metroids in the impact crater kept respawning and if a metroid is over loaded with phazon(mp second form was pure phazon)they wouldve exploded so metroid prime couldnt make them(proof)if you go to phazon mines and go to the room at the bootom the one with metroids at the bottom of it you will see that as they touch the phazon they die.(u may know what room im talking about or not i cant member the name of it)
Well, she is a he, because all evil is male on the inside. [lol] Maybe she is asexual, with the appearance of a female.
Plus, wikipedia isn't that good of a source, but a good starter for info hunts.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Yeah Wiki is a good place to start. A lot of it is actually true, it just depends what your doing research about.

Like never go to Wiki for games that are yet to come out, except for.. simple things like developer or something.

Its probably some where in here.. So what is Dark Samus O.o

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
Dark samus is samuses phazon suit with the soul of metroid prime inside of it as the lack of phazon radation around dark samus(metroid prime)he must search for more because for metroid prime to survive he must absorb enough phazon but when he aborbs to much.......
in metroid prime 3 corruption Dark samus sighned a treaty with the space pirates helping for the desruction of samus. the space pirates in return they give him his daily amount phazon required to live
This is dark samus


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007

Metroid Prime is Genderless thus D. Samus is Genderless, the logs call it a "she" because it looks like Samus nothing more, i mean if you scan something that looks like a woman the scan will tell you is a woman, however since D. Samus is a Metroid+Phazon+Phazon Suit i don't see why he/it is a she.

Also remember MEtroid Prime absorbed he suit, not Samus, that's why he looks like Samus, because of the suit. He is not a she.

Also Metroid Prime created the Metroids from Pura Phazon(don't ask how the hell he did it), but he didn't give birth to them, so he is not a "she" not even the Metroid Queen was female, it was also genderless.

Have a good day.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
And that would be the female supporting side. Not only does something like Metroid Prime, which produces Metroids, seem more like a female than anything else, but it has also absorbed Samus's DNA. (More than just the suit according to the scan)

Plus if the game's developers say she is a she, then she is a she.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Most solid evidence: the game itself.
Dark Samus is called a she by the log in the game. The log isn't an arbitrary opinion, it's the voice of the developers themselves. In addition to this, Dark Samus has been referred to as 'she' by the developers during interviews numerous times. Debate over.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Don't know about you guys, but I'm afraid. What if they don't add DS? Dunno....just a feeling in my gut that Dark Samus won't be in the game indefinately. I mean the least Nintendo can do is add DS seeing how Metroid Prime: Corruption is the last installment in the series.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Don't know about you guys, but I'm afraid. What if they don't add DS? Dunno....just a feeling in my gut that Dark Samus won't be in the game indefinately. I mean the least Nintendo can do is add DS seeing how Metroid Prime: Corruption is the last installment in the series.
The problem is, does Metroid deserve that much representation? Two or three characters seems right, considering that the series is smaller than that of Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon (which will probably have 4 or 5 each) but bigger than the lesser franchises like F-Zero, Star Fox, or Donkey Kong (which will probably have 2 or 3 each). Samus is already confirmed, but she was a no brainer to begin with, as she is the games' main protagonist. The addition of Zero Suit Samus, who's a character with a completely different moveset, look, and physics wrapped in the same package as Samus, can be counted as an entirely new character. The next spot is quickly taken by Ridley, who has precedence over any other character in the series besides Samus herself.

That would be enough right there, but if Sakurai decides to add a fourth character to the Metroid roster (which most doubt he will), then it comes down to Dark Samus and one of the more important Hunters (such as Sylux or Rundus). Each has their own perks, but Dark Samus probably take the slot, as she/he/it is the main villain in the popular Prime sub series. The thing with Dark Samus is, she/he/it is easily misconceived as an evil Samus by those unfamiliar with the games, due to its name and similarities in appearance to the bounty huntress.

Which is why so many people here say, "What!? Not another Samus! If Nintendo made her a playable character, then Brawl should be able to have three or four versions of Links!"

This might be Dark Samus' only major flaw, and maybe the deciding factor as to whether or not Sakurai sees it fit to be a PC. I'm personally expecting it to show up as an AT on the website soon, but I'd love to see Dark Samus as a playable character. It would pay homage to Metroid Prime: 3, (which is stacking up to be an amazing game). But not Echoes, that game sucked. :laugh:


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Oh no not again! Just because MP's name is "Dark Samus" doesn't mean that they shouldn't add her because of that one fact! Oh man, the more things change, the more they stay the same around here. Anybody who says otherwise is just, lets face facts, ignorant.

I pray to the Father above to give me Dark Samus for Christmas....Pllllease!

The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)
Have you even played Echoes, the storyline in that game was incredible, not to mention the inclusion of multiplayer for the 1st time ever as a Samus game, which btw was great but with the limited amount of levels and weaponry it became dull after a while... i highly suggest that you go back and replay Echoes and then tell me with your utmost certainty that Echoes sucked..... i really hope with that laughter at the end that you were being sarcastic


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Echoes was great, very awesome, tough to me it didnt feel like a metroid game, seeing how almost no metroids and minor encounters with space pirates the game had, it was all about the ing, and obcourse dark samus, which IMO saved the game from being lackluster...

Tough I think metroid should have 4 characterss, I mean sakurai said he wanted to better represent the metroid series AFTER showing zamus, so im guessing hes going for 4...

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Have you even played Echoes, the storyline in that game was incredible, not to mention the inclusion of multiplayer for the 1st time ever as a Samus game, which btw was great but with the limited amount of levels and weaponry it became dull after a while... i highly suggest that you go back and replay Echoes and then tell me with your utmost certainty that Echoes sucked..... i really hope with that laughter at the end that you were being sarcastic
I'm on my Wii right now, so I'm not going to argue, as it will take an ungodly long time to type, but I'm entitled to my opinion. :)

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I already said my stance on this. Dark Samus has a lot going against her to get into the game. Gypsy summarized it pretty well. I think she definitely has a good shot at AT at least, but the problem is that most people aren't going to appreciate that she's vastly different from Samus because they see the name and they see the suit, and that's enough for them...especially the Japanese.

I'd say it's a long shot that she gets in as a playable character, but not entirely out of the question.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2007
Not talking much now, just PM if anything importan
Alongside that, IF ridley and DS have to duke it out, ridley has another advantage, he is classic.
It all depends on if they will have to duke it out. If not, they're both in :), if not, DS probably will be an AT.
I don't really know what DS' style will be if she makes it in, but it will be awesome, and I doubt it will be bad or anything near luigification even.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Her chances are slightly improved by her being prime clone material. She could easily be made into a clone of Samus with no real issues. Just give her a new walking animation (floating, please) and add blue phazon sparklyiness to her attacks and presto! Instant Dark Samus.

I'd still prefer her as unique, but I'd happy take a clone over an assist trophy any day.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004

Clone...that will never happen because her attacks would be completely different. i.e., she doesn't physically attack her opponents but only uses Phazon. Stryks, care to take it from here?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Hey, you don't need to preach the differences between Samus and Dark Samus to ME, okay? I know the differences.

All I'm saying is that it's possible to ignore a few of them, make Dark Samus a clone, and not come out too far behind.
For one, the no contact thing needn't be such a big deel. Samus never, ever hits anyone in her games, she shoots them, yet in Smash she attacks directly all the time. Call it artistic license. DS can do the same, and most likely WILL, be she unique character or clone.
Besides, a few key moves can make all the difference. Look at Captain Falcon and Ganondorf. Ganondorf has a different walking animation, neutral A moves, and a different Fair. Change Samus' walk to a float, and her neutral A and Fair to a phazon attack (no contact, of course) and you've got yourself a whole new animal. Adding blue phazon sparks to the rest of her attacks would just be icing on a sweet, sweet cake.

I'm not saying it's the best case scenario, but be realistic. Dark Samus can't beat out Ridley, and being the fourth Metroid character is going to be hard, even harder now that we know that being an assist trophy is an option. If Dark Samus is to be playable in Brawl, I'd say that being a clone is her best shot at the title.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
WTF RFTB? those are all the characters in metroid prime hunters, there arent more or less characters, Rundus is from metroid prime 3, get that...

anyway yeah dark samus wouldnt fight like samus cause it aint her style, instead she'll send like waves of phazon just a few inches in front of her, thus she would have swordsmen like range...

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
That would own. I would probably drop Samus as my main and pick up Dark Samus if she could shoot waves of phazon.

And I was thinking about how people keep saying that he/she/it would be more floaty than Samus, and I just wanted to ask-

How could you get more floaty than Samus? Any less than that and he/she/it would be practically flying!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Thing is dark samus floats in every battle, tought just make her a bit heavier and people wont complain, after all hes made of phazon, and well that thing looks heavy XD

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
WTF RFTB? those are all the characters in metroid prime hunters, there arent more or less characters, Rundus is from metroid prime 3, get that...

anyway yeah dark samus wouldnt fight like samus cause it aint her style, instead she'll send like waves of phazon just a few inches in front of her, thus she would have swordsmen like range...
ah right that guy okay
i havnt read much mp3:c reveiws etc so i didnt know who he was i thugh he was a name for another char in mph
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