I'm actually not going to IMPULSE anymore otherwise I'd totally be down. x_x something came up.
Uthrow cg: It definitely works long enough until the DI trap of cargo uthrow -> uair -> regrab, or just uair -> uair if they don't DI sideways, is guaranteed. I never went into AR and tested to find the %s (it'd vary based on how stale your U-Throw is anyway). I do the following. The first two lines are the setup that I choose depending on location on FD or my mood, and the rest is pre-determined, notated based on DI and whether or not I have a charged up Giant Punch. I really do try to have a punch charged up if it isn't the first stock though.
Cargo Uthrow x4
OR Cargo Uthrow -> Uair -> Regrab, Cargo Uthrow
followed by
-> U-air
(No DI) -> U-Air
(DI left or Right) -> Regrab, Cargo UThrow
-> U-Air x2
(Giant Punch) -> Giant Punch
(No Giant Punch) -> U-air -> Fair, edgeguard
Note that on every single U-air (except maybe the last one if your opponent decided he didn't feel like DIing at all) you are simply SHFF autocanceling it. If you're L-canceling you're doing it wrong.
Another thing to note is that if you go the Cargo U-Throw Chaingrabbing route, if they DI behind you you do NOT have to dash backwards, instead you can turn around grab; simply hold back and time your grab correctly and you grab them. I didn't even realize this until like a year ago LOL.
On non-FD what I've done for over a year now is wavelanding onto the platform after the uthrow or uair and techchasing. I get it almost every time if I'm playing well. If they're at higher percents to where they can jump out, lately I've been experimenting with this: jump up and down air them either onto the platform or onto the base floor to start a knockdown situation. It's a little risky compared to uair until I can't uair no more, but I find that if I do it right I can get a stock. I really need to practice this more though.
Oh btw techchasing INTO a dair just like Falcon does is really brutal on FFers. Meteors have absurd hitstun compared to their KB (1.25x) which is why things like that IHSB/Duck Fsmash are possible. My kind of "signature move" is dair -> charged Up-Smash. It's so satisfying to do.
Videos from the tourney I went to a bit over a week ago:
Me vs. Iori (Doc) $10 MM
0-3 but all games were pretty close. Gonna study these and maybe write up an analysis of this set & potentially the Doc matchup in general sometime.
Me vs. ihavespaceballs (Samus)
Really should have been a round 3 set but I dropped a set in pools (I suck against Falcon and need to work on that MU a lot). Closeish game 1, I feel like I was starting to adapt well near the end of game 2 but Dreamland was a bad stage choice and his lead was too big for me to catch up. Jack says that he thinks the MU is in DK's favor but that he plays the MU in about the only way he thinks Samus can win. I want to do the same to this set as I will to the set w/ Iori. also IHSB is too good lol.
Dart & Me vs. Jace & Iori
Prolly the best teams vid of me from this tourney. Dart and I didn't 100% get our flow down at this tourney but it's pretty close to how I'd approach teaming with Marth. Teach your teammate to save you with Downsmash and teach him to DI your dtilt up for you to save him. And don't ever DI a rest as badly as I did on FD, it'll cost you tournament sets and money.