hova's basically amazing
just because he doesnt get angry over losing, or care about the tourney scene much for that matter, doesn't make him a scrub. personally i think it actually makes him a bigger person than those who cry or get upset over a tourney loss or ****ty pool (me being one of them)
he is one of the few smashers who are actually fun to play. a lot of people are ****ing dumb to fight cause they get pissed about losing to a girl/there's a subtle tension between us during matches. but hova being hova, the game is about what it should be--having fun, obviously. more serious we get about this game, the more we forget about that
hova's one of the few who remind me what smash is actually about
i'm disappointed in myself at how sad i get at tournaments because of my pool or bracket. or how upset i get at choking under tournament pressure and losing to a scrubby *** marth. in the end, THIS IS JUST A GAME. hell yea i wanna keep improving, and i'm still gonna have a ****ty attitude and cry at tournaments, and practice during my spare time like some m2k jr (not that that's bad), but i'm just saying, people like hova, fonz, g-reg, egy5, aho, chinesah, etc set an amazing example to how this game should be played
so leave hova alone
he's not a scrub. he's giving people a breather from all the md/va depth. he knows to not let his pride/ego get to him, and lose to people he can beat
and even if he was, so what? at least he remembers what smash is here for
i don't know who i'm yelling at
i think i'm just giving props to hova. for being hova
so. b team.
i foresee this crew battle to... not ever occur.
and masa's mom is gayer than me. just wanted to throw out a 2nd reminder. <3 matt >_>