BB. dont worry about it dude. we never anticipated you to put up your own house for the STFU bi-weekly. its (imo) much easier for us to host in bolton, we have floor space for 14 guests...maybe 20 if you count the baths and hallways xD. IF you dont like the idea of hosting (especially becasue i know its only because you dont want frozen corpses), then Bolton/Liverpool bi-weeklies are fine. if you want to host one, we'll happily let you take a slot for yourself. we'll talk about it on msn.
but seriously, how cool would it have been to have wes/ed and zeppo then >_<
also the next fest isnt the weekend after smashGT, its the following weekend (the weekend of the 9th of november). to be held at STFU's gracious counterpart the outstanding fellows of WoC.
followed bt our next one 2 weeks later (23rd)
please let us know if your interested in coming to either. just let us know the date and eta for arrival.
yours spammingly