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The Nu Smashboards Arena: Revival of Online - Check 1st Post!

Rage NF

Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2014
Puerto Rico (Boricua de puro zeta)
I would but someone is hogging the tv ATM so it'll have to wait. :(
Ok Roy I try to be here as long I can because its getting very late so anyone else want to brawl?

Edit: Sorry Roy1990 but no more Im tired however we fight maybe tomorrow in the morning or afternoon or Saturday night until midnight or some other time as for the rest Im done for the night so Good Night folks and now I going to....:tired:
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Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2014
Volcanic plains
Ok Roy I try to be here as long I can because its getting very late so anyone else want to brawl?

Edit: Sorry Roy1990 but no more Im tired however we fight maybe tomorrow in the morning or afternoon or Saturday night until midnight or some other time as for the rest Im done for the night so Good Night folks and now I going to....:tired:
I appreciate you waiting quite a while to brawl now I'm Definately looking forward to your return.Anyone else?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
I'd say GGS but your constant ragequits, complete lack of effort mid way through and that last quit out has left a bad taste in my mouth.

I mean if you didn't want to play anymore you could have just left earlier but it's common courtesy to at least finish a match. Heck a lot of those weren't even hopeless, you could have easily brought some of those matches back.
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Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2014
Volcanic plains
Ok Roy I try to be here as long I can because its getting very late so anyone else want to brawl?

Edit: Sorry Roy1990 but no more Im tired however we fight maybe tomorrow in the morning or afternoon or Saturday night until midnight or some other time as for the rest Im done for the night so Good Night folks and now I going to....:tired:
I appreciate you waiting quite a while to brawl now I'm Definately looking forward to your return.Anyone else?
I'll play for a bit if you want.
sweet.see you on wifi.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Phew GGS Roy, those were some nice games, let me know if you want advice and feel free to give me any you have as well. I'd play more but it's getting really, really late here.
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Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2014
Volcanic plains
Phew GGS Roy, those were some nice games, let me know if you want advice and feel free to give me any you have as well. I'd play more but it's getting really, really late here.
Good games Zork. Yes,yes they were,I happen to save some of them for replays :). Advice would be greatly appreciated.What do you have for my pt,marth,falco and link?
I'm not sure what advice to give you as you change to different characters almost every match and I'm also not the best person to ask when it comes to that.Still not sure who your main is.XD
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Hmm well overall my best characters tend to be Snake,Diddy Kong and MK followed by DDD, Marth, Wario and DK but really it really depends on the matchup and player for me. For some matchups/players for instance, Falco or DK might randomly become my best character.

Okay let's see:

-I know he doesn't have many options but try not to preemptively throw out moves with Charizard so much.Sometimes I'd be nowhere near you and you'd throw out a flame or a rock smash only to get punished (even if it did work a few times thanks to me being stupid and sometimes lag). Point is it's not something that will work long term, people can easily adapt to it. I know his big hitbox moves tend to be safe on block but if avoided completely they can still be punished as you probably saw later on. Don't forget about his aerial moves and tilts, I know you can space well with aerials and his are not as bad as they look.

-IvySaur. Work on recovering with him. You tend to Up B too early or when you don't even have to letting me get easy edge hog kills. For instance, once you could have made it back with just your DI and jump but you chose to Up B early and that cost you the stock. Also I'd like to see more juggle pressure and maybe a few up B attempts (his uair, up B iirc are ridiculously strong).

-Squirtle. Don't fish for up Smash kills so much. He has amazing edge guard pressure that can lead into bad situations for your opponent which can lead into kills. You don't really need to fish that hard for kills with him and you'll only end up taking much more damage if you keep throwing out unsafe dash Up smashes. It's a good idea as a punish or once in a while but not when you're that obvious. Don't forget one of his grabs has good kill power as well.

I'll do the other 3 in the next post.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013

-Learn his chaingrabs and followups, they are highly rewarding at low percents
-Learn jump cancelled side Bs, they are less laggy on recovery than the regular ones you were doing
-Don't be so obvious with the side Bs, they can be punished hard if read
-short hop fairs are not a good idea, they are too laggy, though I think those might have been mistakes


Your Link was pretty solid. Beat my Ganon fair and square and I only won those other games thanks to lol Falco/MK against poor Link. Something you could improve is your punishes though. A few times you chose to punish with up Smash or Fmsash when short hop dair probably would have finished me. Also careful with those grab attempts with him. At high percents I don't think it's worth it unless you are sure it will connect.


This was probably your best character overall. While you are decent at it, I'd continue to work on spacing his tippers, you missed a few Fsmash tippers that would have taken stocks. And once again I'd work on your punishes. Down Smash is a pretty good kill option for him when tippered, I didn't see you attempt it, it's one of those moves every Marth including myself seems to forget about. When you are just going for a raw damage punish, up smash is your best bet other than a few fancy combos. Lastly, out of shield Up B can work wonders, it's so fast it can punish things that would normally be pretty safe. If it's fresh it's a pretty decent kill option. Another thing you might want to consider.

General tips:

-Work on recovering. Your DI is good but you might have noticed I got a number of kills thanks to edge guarding which often meant catching you off guard off stage and hitting you with an aerial or just an edge hog. You don't want to recover the same way every time, sometimes it's good to recover early or late depending on what you think I'll do. While it's not a huge issue, you probably noticed you weren't nearly as comfortable off stage as myself and it cost you games you could have won (where you outplayed me on stage, I only clutched it out due to off stage nonsense).

-You can get a little too Smash happy at times. Just remember your opponent is probably expecting it and you'll end up taking a lot of damage for fishing hard usually. You are pretty good at playing the neutral ground/air spacing game when you want to, just stick to that, press advantage when you have it (juggle/edge guarding) and the kills will come to you.

-Practice punishing rolls. I got away with far too many crossup rolls vs you and even got plenty of kills thanks to them. I was able to abuse this because I knew you weren't that great at punishing or anticipating them. But it's not something you want to let people get away with too often.

Overall l think you are a pretty good player with a lot of potential. Those were some pretty crazy edge guard and stage spike kills and I saw some solid reads from you.
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Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2014
Volcanic plains
Wonderful,excellent advice typed in review format from you,Zork,can't thank you enough.I will take the time to slowly comment on each section.

I know,I have developed such a bad fishing habit with charizard's rock smash.It's such a good move to abuse though.I find most of charizard's aerials to be not so great,his bair is amazing,his neutral air is decent,lots of range,his fair is stupid though,the spacing is misleading I tend to avoid it using it.I know I need to use more tilts,I just need to stop being so rock smash happy. XD

Ivysaur is easily my worst out of the three.She's such an obstacle for me to use ATM,I'm having a hard time adjusting to her.Thanks for the tips,I knew I was doing something wrong.

and squirtle has such a small hitbox on most of his normals,I can't get accustomed to the range of them,it annoys me.I know,I just get so impatient with wanting to take off stocks as quickly as possible,thanks for addressing me on that.

I also like to point out how much I failed to do zero switching on every occasion on sv.
Link was my first main.Hes a character that I have always struggled to improve with since he's so outclassed by the majority of the cast so to hear you call my link solid means a lot. :)

I always though marth was my best character.I put the most time into him out of every character.Mastering his tippers are hard.I'm not sure how to pratice working on that.I know getting the aerials tippers are a lot harder, to get, i'll definately d smash more,it's a move I always neglect due to the short range and me never anticipating the roll.I'll surely work on punishing with him harder.

And thanks for the falco tips,glad you notice that I recently picked up the character without me informing you,I just have no idea how I'm able to play falco without putting the pratice in,it makes no sense to me. 0-0

Yeah I'm still so accustomed to traditional fighters ( street fighter,marvel) where I don't have to worry about dying off stage due to edge hog attempts,high risk off the stage stuff or anticipate the opponent rolling freely around me so making the transition to smash bros has been really hard for me,I've only been playing it for 3 months.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Well you are pretty good for someone who's only been playing competitively for 3 months. The truth is, I also play Street Fighter. It's kind of my main game now actually but my roots are in Brawl, it's the first fighter I started playing competitively. I tend to come back to it from time to time but most of my fighting game time is spent on AE. Out of curiosity, do you play SF on Xbox or PS3? If it's PS3 you and I could play sometime.


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2014
Volcanic plains
Well you are pretty good for someone who's only been playing competitively for 3 months. The truth is, I also play Street Fighter. It's kind of my main game now actually but my roots are in Brawl, it's the first fighter I started playing competitively. I tend to come back to it from time to time but most of my fighting game time is spent on AE. Out of curiosity, do you play SF on Xbox or PS3? If it's PS3 you and I could play sometime.
Thanks,,I literally dropped everything and poured the last 3 months trying to be good at this game as fast as possible and due to May 20,I can't see myself stopping but I do admit,I am kinda getting burned out a little bit.

Really? 0-0 I love sf4,it was the first fighting game I got seriously competitive with,it has taught me a lot.I would love to play with you but I don't have access to a ps3 ATM due to it breaking down. :( I mained chun li and ryu.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
'Well if you end up getting your PS3 fixed or a new one, just let me know. In AE I use Oni, Rose, Cody and Bison.

And yeah at this point, getting specifically good at Brawl may not be an option with the wifi servers ending soon. But at least your Smash fundamentals will improve which can definitely be carried into Smash 4.

As I've said for a new player you are pretty decent as you are now. I mean at this point you'd probably destroy any "casual" Smash players. You definitely are good enough at least for that. Now if you're goal is to become a tournament threat, then yes you have a long way to go. So it's all relative really on what the definition of "good" is.
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Anyone want to play? nevermind.

Yeah, if you're going to fish for grabs to CG, at least use more jabs to set the grab, rather than trying to dash or shield grab mainly. It's pretty easy for me to bait shield grabs out of most of the people I play, so I can get a really good punish in for you using it so often when you're trying to land grab. OoS jab (jab) -> grab is much safer than shield grabbing for Falco, but just try to switch that up more overall.

I only felt real pressure from you when you got me in a CG. I spotdodge to avoid grabs or certain moves that would push my shield too far away for me to punish with jab or a grab. If I'm under pressure, I do my hardest to get offensive and turn it around, as any player should do unless they're using a really camp-centric character. I wouldn't dodge much if at all if you were using someone with a less intimidating grab game. It doesn't have much to do with pressure, personally, but more-so to do with avoiding something that puts me in a very disadvantageous position. If you have me grabbed, you can throw me offstage. Ike's recovery is pretty tripe if you are competent as to how to deal with it/bait either of his options or offstage offensive/defensive tactics if you think you've applied proper pressure.

Falco's jab is really useful for punishing a myriad, even punishment from the other player themselves. I don't feel like you use it enough. It's versatile and can link into quite a lot, most notably grabs, tilts, aerials, laser retreats, and itself. It's pretty vital to playing Falco. Try to replace most of your dodges with jabs/turnaround jabs, grabs/turnaround grabs, and short-hopped aerials. You'll do a lot better on the ground, I promise you'll see a big difference in how well you do.

Also, that tech you got on Yoshi's Island after my spike was top notch.

Top. Notch.
You're always a big help. Thanks for all the tips. Yea I always feel a lot more comfortable when I play Falco in comparison to most of my other characters. I don't normally play Diddy against you because I always feel bad when my main gets creamed hahaha. Thats the only way to get better though. I always find that if I try to grab after a jab I just jab again. I just need to work on timing. I really like Yoshi's Island for the techs and wall jumps. I was trying to limit my Kirbycide attempts by picking that stage.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2013
Camp Half Blood.
Splendid! I'll be there shortly; just booting the Wii, adding your code and hosting a lobby!
okay ill do the same and join your lobby
GGS but I don't like chain grabbing and why don't u like pirate ship if u cant play on it don't play the game I mean cmon its a level that I chose deal with it and when I duck a lot it means wait a sec like I might have to for a minute but GGs
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