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The Nu Smashboards Arena: Revival of Online - Check 1st Post!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Great games GYK. I learned a lot playing you. Those were some excellent psuedo-frame traps and edge guarding in general. I never knew for instance, that GnW could gimp Diddy like that. Not sure what those "trying too hard" taunts were about though lol. No idea what that meant.

Looking forward to playing you again. I feel like I get smarter as I play smarter players.

Incidentally thanks for showing me how punishable MK's glide attack is even if it's spaced well. I got away with it too often earlier today so I figured it was a great option and kept doing it lol. And his glide in general. I realize now how much I rely on his glide to even recover. Going to have to fix that and pick less punishable options.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
I will need your Brawl friend code GYK.
Good games Zork! Ha ha what matches xD Nice MetaKnight by the way. You had very free Matches with me huh X)

Well good games!

Edit: The trying to hard taunt means you or me are doing too much X) Meaning were being way too flashy or too aggro. Yes now you know how free players play MetaKnight. MetaKnight really isn't that bad. Once you learn to out speed him and read him pretty well. He should be cake at times. (I'm just saying)

Hows Aib anyway? A serious question by the way.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2013
Switch FC
Hmm I think I've played enough today. But aww what the heck lol. I'll play. You're the guy that wanted Snake and Marth practice right? I guess I could use them against you.
Well, Metroid its a full house. Me, Zork, and Bros United wanna brawl. What say thee?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Good games Zork! Ha ha what matches xD Nice MetaKnight by the way. You had very free Matches with me huh X)

Well good games!

Edit: The trying to hard taunt means you or me are doing too much X) Meaning were being way too flashy or too aggro. Yes now you know how free players play MetaKnight. MetaKnight really isn't that bad. Once you learn to out speed him and read him pretty well. He should be cake at times. (I'm just saying)

Hows Aib anyway? A serious question by the way.

Oh lol yeah we went pretty darn hard for the kills sometimes. Especially you, but like half the time it worked out at least for you and maybe 20% of the time for me xD. But it was fun regardless.

Well my MK is not very good. As you saw sometimes I even do better with other characters than him. So I don't know about saying MK is not that bad based off playing a fraudulent MK like mine lol.

But yeah I do agree with you. MK's horizontal air speed is not that great and a lot of his stuff some people never punish IS very punishable. Him dying fast means a few good reads is all it might take.



Wow, I must have not been there for a year. This place seems much more friendly and likable so I think I'm definitely going to stick to here.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Sure Super, if I"m still on I'll play you after Converse.

Also GYK I have a question you might know the answer to. It's regarding MK's down B. Sometimes I'd do it and in the middle of it when I was still invisible you'd hit me out of it. How exactly does that work?

And is there a way to do it so I'm completely invincible as soon as I become invisible to the point where I grab the ledge? I'm pretty sure I heard there was. Thanks.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2008
I'm sorry Meteor, I didn't see your challenge... I would like to brawl you as well, I love versing ROBs and TLinks. I guess maybe some other time :(

Converse, that's alright. You can start.
Converse, still on? I have a room up.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
If he doesn't show up, I'm still here. But I guess you should wait a bit, he might be setting up or something.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Sure Super, if I"m still on I'll play you after Converse.

Also GYK I have a question you might know the answer to. It's regarding MK's down B. Sometimes I'd do it and in the middle of it when I was still invisible you'd hit me out of it. How exactly does that work?

And is there a way to do it so I'm completely invincible as soon as I become invisible to the point where I grab the ledge? I'm pretty sure I heard there was. Thanks.
Your MetaKnight plays exactly like S2H and XXD. See I don't view MetaKnight as a fast sword swinging guy. What I see is how do I stop him in his air game. Throw some forward airs here and watch-out for his Nado, next use a reversed up smash to break his nado attack, and so on. This is how I always play my characters (even when I use to play Yoshi). Flashiness no doubt takes people of their game but, smart aggression is the answer in my book.. Nah but you're fun :) I to look forward to brawling you again!

Oh... I see... yeah... I tried to make things right over there but no avail. Anyway thank you for the matches <3

Ha ha my Game And Watch is pretty unique huh X) I got so annoyed with those ground shuttle loops xD I then tried to read your shuttle loops xD Was too dang funny!

Edit: Ah you noticed X) What I did was delay my attacks, so when you'd use it or finish with the rest of the your frames, It would connect with you cape. Like for example Ike's down air, if you delay Ike's down air it will still hit you by the very last frames. That's how I get you with it. Tobe safe with cape isn't that easy (specially when I edge-guard you). You need to find a platform to be safe from your oppoant.

As you game-play,use more neutral airs and mix up you grabs... believe me it makes a huge difference. Gets the player of guard, and above all that you could even read his jump and go for a gimp. I don't use or main Meta-Knight at all. I'm beyond free with him.. In a very bad way (meaning I suck with him)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Your MetaKnight plays exactly like S2H and XXD. See I don't view MetaKnight as a fast sword swinging guy. What I see is how do I stop him in his air game. Throw some forward airs here and watch-out for his Nado, next use a reversed up smash to break his nado attack, and so on. This is how I always play my characters (even when I use to play Yoshi). Flashiness no doubt takes people of their game but, smart aggression is the answer in my book.. Nah but you're fun :) I to look forward to brawling you again!

Oh... I see... yeah... I tried to make things right over there but no avail. Anyway thank you for the matches <3

Ha ha my Game And Watch is pretty unique huh X) I got so annoyed with those ground shuttle loops xD I then tried to read your shuttle loops xD Was too dang funny!

Edit: Ah you noticed X) What I did was delay my attacks, so when you'd use it or finish with the rest of the your frames, It would connect with you cape. Like for example Ike's down air, if you delay Ike's down air it will still hit you by the very last frames. That's how I get you with it. Tobe safe with cape isn't that easy (specially when I edge-guard you). You need to find a platform to be safe from your oppoant.

As you game-play,use more neutral airs and mix up you grabs... believe me it makes a huge difference. Gets the player of guard, and above all that you could even read his jump and go for a gimp. I don't use or main Meta-Knight at all. I'm beyond free with him.. In a very bad way (meaning I suck with him)
Oh don't worry lol I know what free means. I come from a traditional fighting game background (love me some AE).

Yeah I always thought the Diddy Kong vs GnW matchup was free. I even felt bad at first when I picked Diddy and saw you had picked GnW xD.
But I definitely wasn't ready for those gimps, I've never played GnW that went for stuff like that. They'd always let me recover for free.

And I see. I'll have to find more creative ways to recover safely then. I think I need to use my jumps more. I commit to glide attacks and my B moves too quickly when trying to recover instead of just relying on my jumps and then using those as a last resort.

And yes, OOS SL for MK shuts down GnW hard...it's pretty much the only reason I took some of those games. It stuffs most aerial approaches he can attempt. But what GnW can do is try to bait it out like you said and then keep the MK from landing with his up aerial wind attacks. Or just do a quick punish with his up B.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Oh don't worry lol I know what free means. I come from a traditional fighting game background (love me some AE).

Yeah I always thought the Diddy Kong vs GnW matchup was free. I even felt bad at first when I picked Diddy and saw you had picked GnW xD.
But I definitely wasn't ready for those gimps, I've never played GnW that went for stuff like that. They'd always let me recover for free.

And I see. I'll have to find more creative ways to recover safely then. I think I need to use my jumps more. I commit to glide attacks and my B moves too quickly when trying to recover instead of just relying on my jumps and then using those as a last resort.

And yes, OOS SL for MK shuts down GnW hard...it's pretty much the only reason I took some of those games. It stuffs most aerial approaches he can attempt. But what GnW can do is try to bait it out like you said and then keep the MK from landing with his up aerial attacks.
Yup you got it :) Ha ha I MetaKnight's shuttle loop. It's just too good! Honestly I don't even know why I picked a bad bone with you in Aib... my apologizes... Yeah I'm not sacred to go offstage. I can wall tech if you shuttle loop me but it depends on the connection... Also this is going to sound so obscene to you... but what's Ryugas deal with me anyway? Meaning Cody the Ike main. Like he's been attacking me for no reason and I want to know... maybe something happened and you were there. Sorry If this sounds cheesy to you.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2011
Under your bed
GGs Sir~

Man, you're pretty good with all those characters haha. Fighting that Mario was like pulling teeth at some points QQ

You're all around skill is probly better than mine regardless of the results of those matches. I'm lucky if my secondary (Fox) is half as good as my Wolf xD

And some of the reads from both of us... Good stuff :p

The rumors were sooo true...

GGs Bacon!~ You certainly have gotten TONS better since we last played, like, out of those estimated 15-20 games we played, I only won 2... But I must say, you've polished your :wolf: quite a bit...

You also seem to have a firm grip on the ledge. Getting off the ledge vs your Wolf is scary lol

Sorry for the late reply btw :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
Umm I've never met you before lol. I think you are mistaking me for someone else. Yes I played on AIB before but it certainly wasn't under this user name and I'm certain I did not play you. I remember playing a few really good Yoshis but none of them were called GYK or GoldenYoshiKing.


I don't know any of those people you mentioned on AIB either.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Umm I've never met you before lol. I think you are mistaking me for someone else. Yes I played on AIB before but it certainly wasn't under this user name and I'm certain I did not play you. I remember playing a few really good Yoshis but none of them were called GYK or GoldenYoshiKing.


I don't know any of those people you mentioned on AIB either.
No no... aren't you Zork the kings of blogs? Then I'm the one that had beef with you for a while and I never fixed that... because the mods won't let it go. So you don't know who Ryuga is?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2013
No, I'm not that Zork and I have no idea who that is. I never did any blogs when I was there. I just did free play and ladder (very rarely) that was it. No idea who Ryuga is.


What an odd coincidence. And here I thought this username would be unique.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
No, I'm not that Zork and I have no idea who that is. I never did any blogs when I was there. I just did free play and ladder (very rarely) that was it. No idea who Ryuga is.


What an odd coincidence. And here I thought this username would be unique.
Huh?! You're telling me that you're not that Zork... well alright then. Thanks for clearing some stuff up :D
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