Smash Rookie
Alrighty, cya the next day then! :DOh no, I just got tired of playing for today. I've been playing all morning xD
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Alrighty, cya the next day then! :DOh no, I just got tired of playing for today. I've been playing all morning xD
Good games bro! Loving your CF. I felt like using Jiggs. XD Ha ha she's awesome! I have to go now, something I have to do, @ Silver or anyone else. Thank you for the games! Keep the Falcon alive~I'll do my best.
GGs, all of your characters are solid.GG's, Alex. Really nice Falcon.
good games alexo! Nice R.O.B. and Jiggs!Good games bro! Loving your CF. I felt like using Jiggs. XD Ha ha she's awesome! I have to go now, something I have to do, @ Silver or anyone else. Thank you for the games! Keep the Falcon alive~
Lol, I'm pooped. I started screwing around at the end. Anyways, GGs.PM or Brawl anyone?
I'd prefer pm since I actually have a chance to win that tournament...
GGs. Word of advice, don't main ICs on wifi.Lol, I'm pooped. I started screwing around at the end. Anyways, GGs.
I know it's harsh but their chaingrab is super inescapable in lag... He played pretty good tho despite that.^ That would have crushed my dreams if I still played the Ice Climbers seriously.
I don't know how that part works, lol. I would think they'd be dropping the grab too much due to input delay for it to be inescapable. At least, that's how it was for myself most of the time when I played people. Then I'd feel awesome for pulling of a little chain grab - death. ;P There was a person here who could chain grab my MK pretty consistently though.I know it's harsh but their chaingrab is super inescapable in lag... He played pretty good tho despite that.
I've been goofing around with emotes for 5 minutes.Edit 2:Alexo, are you lurking? *wink*
In that case, would it be safe to assume you don't have better things to do? As in...I've been goofing around with emotes for 5 minutes.
What's Project MIn that case, would it be safe to assume you don't have better things to do? As in...are you up for da Project M pl0x
Oh, right, don't use Roy. He's been freezing my wii/disconnecting me lately, and I haven't gotten around to fixing it.
i'll playAnyone wanna brawl?
... That game I'm pretty sure you played with CaptainKirby. http://'s Project M
Alright, add me. You host or I host?i'll play
I'll host a game lol.... That game I'm pretty sure you played with CaptainKirby. http://
you can hostAlright, add me. You host or I host?
Just for that one... I'm using Fox.I'll host a game lol.
I'll be back for more later.Just for that one... I'm using Fox.
All right, got it. I may not be here though. ;PI'll be back for more later.
I'll plehhhhhAnyone want to Brawl?
Okay.KK. I'll add you now. Few details though: No Final Destination (freezes game) nor pokemon trainer pls
Stages I can play at with np: Battlefield, Yoshi's Island, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Isle Delfino
May I brawl you?Stupid error codes...
I could try to brawl anyone else... who's up for it?