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The Nu Smashboards Arena: Revival of Online - Check 1st Post!


Smash Rookie
Oct 5, 2013
In front of a Wii
Sure. My A button is jammed though so I'll be playing awkwardly.

bleh. Sorry Silverlining that lag was pretty bad.
I made some people turn things off, if you want to try once more. If it's still as bad then we can call it quits, but if you're out then that's fine.

.... eh, you know what, nevermind, that connection was too gross. ^^ Thank you
anyway, hopefully we can play properly some other time. GGs for those first 10 seconds at least. :p

Player -0

Smash Hero
Jun 7, 2013
Helsong's Carpeted Floor
Actually most of the situations I was rolling in it was pretty safe, I only rolled a lot as Diddy and it was because I was glide tossing my bananas, I may have rolled a lot with Toon Link as well, but there aren't a lot of options for him because his WD sucks and his nair and up-b OoS are significantly less safe than Link's. For future reference you may want to avoid giving advice to people who don't ask for it, it comes off as quite pretentious. Also, trust me you were getting outplayed. I was reading you pretty hard once I noticed how often you like to CC and hold shield with Mario, and that you were fishing really hard for grabs and usmashes with Pika. You also tried way too hard to gimp me with Jiggs, Toon Link can just air dodge past her and tether.
I haven't played you enough to solidify MY thoughts of how good you are at the moment. I typically comment on things I see that could possibly be improved on and wait for a response to see whether these things were purposeful or just bad habits.

When I see glide tosses I don't think of rolling since there is being an item tossed, no invincibility involved, and a differing set of intentions. I never said you always rolled when pressured or for no reason, I was raising your awareness of this.

I'd rather not trust you more than myself on topics like this because of the hate involved in these types of discussions. I CC'ed/shield a lot in general because I haven't met a player that's punished me hard for it, repetitively. I missed a lot of my Up Smashes OoS and I screwed up a lot in general (Singing as Jiggz when I have 2 jumps left and an airdodge left and I'm right below to the edge, Loool). I fished for derp. I was going for a gimp with Jiggz because if you tether and I Nair you off the tether while you're returning I'm pretty sure I can convert that into a Fair for the end of the stock. I also derp spammed rest on Skyworld because Converse warlock footed a lot early game and ended up dying when you guys had 2 stocks each.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2014
Bowie MD
Aww yeah just go my new white controler anybody want to play pm in like 10 minutes?
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