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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
the most important thing is to really realize that you need to think analytically.

it took me way too long to realize i needed to. i just thought i needed to space my own moves and everything else would work from there.

ganon ain't quite THAT good.

but now i think fairly well. we should play soon theo, maybe at BAC?

i just realized that you changed ur name

not quite sure if i approve...we'll see. I could see you as a Christoph Noir (sound too much like chris knorr?) or just Noir. Also, if u played yugioh, the yami card would be a good avatar.or even a blown up image of the "dark" symbol at the top of the monster cards that tells u the attribute, though i doubt u could find one of those easily

basically anything in another language sounds cooler than english.

i probably just miss blackchris and how it rolled off the tongue

but yeah id love to play....but what is bac?

I hope you guys are confident in the YLink match up.
ylink vs link?


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2010
Greensboro and Goldsboro, NC
i just realized that you changed ur name

not quite sure if i approve...we'll see. I could see you as a Christoph Noir (sound too much like chris knorr?) or just Noir. Also, if u played yugioh, the yami card would be a good avatar.or even a blown up image of the "dark" symbol at the top of the monster cards that tells u the attribute, though i doubt u could find one of those easily

i probably just miss blackchris and how it rolled off the tongue

but yeah id love to play....but what is bac?

basically anything in another language sounds cooler than english.
battleaxe chronicles, marias tourny!

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Battleaxe chronicles, Maria's tournament series that seems to be replacing Karnfests but with more oos attendance. They're hosted at Gamefrogs and they ****.


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
o right for some reason i forgot the name cuz now the thread title has something to do with sleepyk for some odd reason

also: everlasting, mango, hungrybox, hbox, tope, m2k, mike g, eggm, armada, amsah, toasty, jman, scar, lunin is a beast for beating lucky, shiz dsw among other relevant thangs


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
mmhm exactly.

Told you thats pretty much the main reason why im coming.

Although i was gonna come anyway to play but this makes it WAY more hype.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Oh you guys are so sensitive.

I only made that particular comment about Peach because Alex made some mocking comment about Yay practicing tech skill or whatever which I thought deserved an equally mocking comment back.

Please quote one of my posts where I specifically said that Peach is easy. Dsmashing is super easy, recovering is easy, and a lot of her low-mid level stuff is really easy. She does have a lot of weird, technical stuff that does take practice but there is literally no way that she can be punished as instantaneously and simply for missing something trivial like an l-cancel/FC like a spacie can, so she does not have to worry about dying at 30/40% because of that. Peach lives infinitely longer than Falco in pretty much any given match up. That's an observation, not an insult.

EDIT: And for the record, Jiggs is still not a real character. Armada, M2K, Idea and many others feel the same.

EDIT2: Loool at nothing but Fox/Falco/Peach PR's.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
When you say you lost to Dsmash or a misspaced move or something silly and say they didn't earn their win/damage then yeah I'd say people should be pissed.

Also I played all Marth on Yay and Dop in finals at Duke but the picture was too much of a butt to edit that in. =(


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
When I take 450 damage in a match, and 300 of it came from Dsmashes, I'm pretty inclined to say that they didn't earn it.

Peach's Dsmash can do anywhere from 15 to 70 damage, generally will always shield poke, and can be tossed in lagless after any given float cancel, not to mention it's option covering stuff and it's tendency to suck you in/out of the air. All from one move of the C-stick. I'm sorry, but that's ********.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Lol Josh just stick to that side instead of calling US sensitive.

@theo: just watched that set as a matter of fact, and DWAM I see what you're talkin about.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
josh, i think uve been blinded by spacies

what do you think the difference between shine and dsmash is? one is 1 input, 1 is two. both come after a canceled aerial. both are good. except shine is faster, can be done in the air, leads to combos.

i think i brought up this point a long time ago and you ignored it, but simple does not mean easy. sure, pressing z to grab is simple (1 input), but let me know how easy it is to grab a fox with any character. same logic applies to dsmash. if ur opponent is smart and can bait dsmash, u will be punished. likewise, it's not particularly hard to do any single thing in melee.

if hbox does 100% of his damage in bairs, can u really say it takes no skill? the fallacy of generalizing about the skill of a player from a particular instance of repeated moves suffers from that very isolation. the same type of considerations towards skill is used in most sports and games such that a complete package of techniques produce "skill" in any substantial form.

take for instance basketball. sure it is easy to dribble. it is easy to shoot the ball. it is the timing, spacing, and mindgames that ensure success, not the singular instance itself. if a team were to allow a shooter to drop 3's and did not defend well, can it be said that the winning team is unskilled because they shot only 3's or do you think it should be attributed to the failure of the defense?

similarly, you cannot ignore the context of what you call cheap. the consistent success of good players and the lack thereof in lesser players calls for an understanding of the totality of the situation. if dsmash is so effective, why does m2k only lose to 1 peach? in fact, isolating an instance of "cheap and easy," fox's shine is not only 1 frame but also invincible with a disjointed hitbox and can be canceled. yet we saw no fox in the top 5 other than m2k who only played fox sometimes. this is empirical proof of skill that everyone seems to acknowledge but you.

if something you feel is true is denied by all others, what is the likely conclusion? the key is to think critically about the choices you make actively as you play and when you do not. smash is not a game that rewards simply competence in combo ability and flashiness but also in decision making and mental chess. tech skill and difficulty in execution should serve only as tools for the bigger picture of smash. ignoring the ultimate goal of smash can only detract from your gameplay and limit your potential.

just food for thought


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
I take a lot of damage from lasers and dairs.

That's ********.

You know that I love you, Josh. But the constant downplaying of people's skill, whether intentional or not, really aggravates the hell out of me. It would make more sense if you played a bad character, then you'd at least have somewhat of a reason to john. But the fact that you play two characters that are better than anyone and then talk down(intentional or not) to people just because something silly happened is ********. I'm 100% certain that people could john about Fox and Falco all day. Gay **** happens in this game all the time. Especially when you have gay characters going against each other. Deal with it and just say 'good ****'.

Fox and Falco have **** that does just as much damage as a ragaflagaDsmash and before you even say 'but that requires more inputs' or something equally as dumb along those lines, you have to remember that Peach getting the *****-nado requires ****ty DI on YOUR part and is wholly escapable with non-silly DI. While Falco's ragaflaga-schenanigans(I really like that word, btw) are more or less inescapable since all falco has to do is react to your DI and hurrhurrupanddownupanddownhurrhurr.


And this 'real character' business is stupid. I dunno where this concept of Fox/Falco/Falcon being the only real characters of Melee came from but gah****it, it needs to stop.

I would link the one Sirlin quote about people that make excuses for being hit by the same move repeatedly but:
A) I'm typing all of this on my phone
And B) I'm sure you all know what I'm referring to.
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