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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
And indeed there will be time
Such an obsessive line of thought for me. Elliot so good.

"There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet.
There will be time to murder and create
And time yet for all the works and days of hand
Which lift and drop a question on your plate
Time for you and time for me
And time yet for a hundred indecisions
And fpr a hundred visions and revisions
Before the taking of a toast and tea."

Origin of the TIME tag too.

EDIT: David, I think that video got linked here somewhere last week. It's still crazy to watch though. Marth Dair to Falcon Punch wtfff


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
as for ganon's combo potential, sure, he can techchase and do stuff, but outside of uair/nair combos due to bad DI, that guy doesn't really combo
Ganon has lots of combos that go overlooked. I often see ganons go for a situational combo when a guaranteed one would have yielded more damage and better stage positioning (or force a tech, or get them offstage, etc) for the followup lol. It's been a while since I've actually tried to be innovative with ganon but I think I'm going to put my thinking cap on soon and try to find uses for new techs/strats/combos/mindgames vs certain characters. I have a good understanding of what the best punish would be vs any character in most situations but I need to do some thinking while I practice to brush up. Despite what everyone thinks ganon has a lot of untapped potential.

PS. Chris, get on my level of chaingrab mastery.

DrPPS: My luigi is getting fast.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!

does SWF REALLY have a badges for un-modded mods?




This site

I hope you learned from your mistake, Dave. Or else they'll add a 'stern talking-to and finger-waving' or 'internet spanking' badge to your profile as well.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
only thing I know of that would be really cool to try more of as ganon is tipman resets. I think it's his only move that resets people, and it's kinda funny when it happens.

also, I'm driving home from greensboro round 230. Soo if anyone in the triangle wants to play me round 4, call me at 3366867961, and I'll swing through.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
I think I was playing Sheik vs Josh's Falco, and hit him with like a weak bair reset to grab bthrow to an in avoidable double bair gimp. I'm so glad most if the characters I play have good bairs



Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
bair to pivot grab is one of my favorite little gimmicks with sheik. wowww I love pivot grabs. Especially with fox (bair to grab, fair to grab, nair to grab, and esp dair to grab...)... all after a pivot(pressuring your opponent's shield on the opposite side / barely out of shield grab range...).... are legit. obviously they are legit without the pivot, but if you hit their shield then. . .grabbed. shining instead of grabbing of course owns, which i can nair to shine / drill to shine but...... I love pivots. Plus, ganon whom I usually play has some tricky ways to grab you during stuff like that unless you're being flawless.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
Have you ever noticed how many people don't actually know what a gimp is and confuse it with just edguarding? Alot of people will say they gimped someone when they didn't kill them until high percent but with like a soft knee or something when in actuality it was just a edge guard. For someone to be gimped they would have to be at low percent iirc? Discuss, opinions, etc



Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Ganon has lots of combos that go overlooked. I often see ganons go for a situational combo when a guaranteed one would have yielded more damage and better stage positioning (or force a tech, or get them offstage, etc) for the followup lol. It's been a while since I've actually tried to be innovative with ganon but I think I'm going to put my thinking cap on soon and try to find uses for new techs/strats/combos/mindgames vs certain characters. I have a good understanding of what the best punish would be vs any character in most situations but I need to do some thinking while I practice to brush up. Despite what everyone thinks ganon has a lot of untapped potential.

PS. Chris, get on my level of chaingrab mastery.

DrPPS: My luigi is getting fast.
Dair into fair, vs dair into dair.. more techchasing and fun stuff? Idk.. depends how you want to play.. =P


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Have you ever noticed how many people don't actually know what a gimp is and confuse it with just edguarding? Alot of people will say they gimped someone when they didn't kill them until high percent but with like a soft knee or something when in actuality it was just a edge guard. For someone to be gimped they would have to be at low percent iirc? Discuss, opinions, etc

I haven't seen this much, but I guess it's no surprise. I don't think low% is a prerequisite though, although it's a general rule. Lets say sheik(pov) v. ganon.. my idea of a typical gimp would be from 0%, work him off the ledge in the first few initial hits / anticipate his jumps with aerials until he's out of jumps / far enough out so you can just edgehog.

like, same situation(a 0-d), except I just ftilt ftilt fair fair fair(lol), then ending with an fair that was wayyyy off the stage so that I can even just barely get back(ganon obv. with no chance of getting back)... i wouldn't call that a gimp exactly. Maybe i'm wrong, but i've always associated that word with the ledge somewhat.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I think I was playing Sheik vs Josh's Falco, and hit him with like a weak bair reset to grab bthrow to an in avoidable double bair gimp. I'm so glad most if the characters I play have good bairs
I feel like I would have remembered this, but good stuff if that actually happened.

Just don't forget about that crazy last Falcon combo I did to finish the last game. Weak knee to DJ stomp in the darkness at the bottom of FD.

Thanks for bringing dinner over for Alex Delarge btw. So legit.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Have you ever noticed how many people don't actually know what a gimp is and confuse it with just edguarding? Alot of people will say they gimped someone when they didn't kill them until high percent but with like a soft knee or something when in actuality it was just a edge guard. For someone to be gimped they would have to be at low percent iirc? Discuss, opinions, etc

This is pretty much exactly what I think lol. XD


Half Genie
Aug 24, 2005
Scuttle Town
This one time I was playing josh's fox with sheik and we were on battle field. He was on a platform and I uair him from below. He cc'd it and shines me and I go at some ******** strait down angle to my death. Then I'm like -_- and he's looks at me like "oh you know that was cute" then I look at him like "lol I ain't even mad no more". Playing with josh is so fun. <3

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Well to me gimps and edgeguards are one in the same. Gimps, to me, are just an earlier % version of any other edgeguard(but without something dumb like someone gets hit then airdodges into the side of the stage).


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Ya so I watched Jman vs Lucky yesterday and Mango was commentating that match. He said that, GFs are fun again when 2 guys try to beat each other up not this stupid Jiggs in finals or boring players. lol. This is what will make players come into melee so.. I think we need to reevaluate a little bit. Though I don't think it's going to be possible unless more aggressive players with fun styles actually destroy players Hbox and Armada which would require.. ridiculous reads in the first place. But I think it's possible. Mango has this toxic personality which makes me want to believe what he says a lot.. it's odd how this happens... it's definitely not because it's the player Mango.

Aggressive vs Campy... What do you guys think of this?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Mango thinks I play lame too.......

Aggressive vs campy is a lot about specific player style to me. I think Melee allows for either to be successful but right now campy(or defensive at least) is easier to study since more of the high level videos contain that sort of style.

Would write more but I'm leaving soon.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Mango thinks I play lame too.......

Aggressive vs campy is a lot about specific player style to me. I think Melee allows for either to be successful but right now campy(or defensive at least) is easier to study since more of the high level videos contain that sort of style.

Would write more but I'm leaving soon.
Ya it's definitely specific to players. I can't really think of a solution but, if for example changing myself would bring in more players then I don't see why not.. It's also our responsibility to keep the game interesting.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
This one time I was playing josh's fox with sheik and we were on battle field. He was on a platform and I uair him from below. He cc'd it and shines me and I go at some ******** strait down angle to my death. Then I'm like -_- and he's looks at me like "oh you know that was cute" then I look at him like "lol I ain't even mad no more". Playing with josh is so fun. <3
Lmao sounds like something I would do.

<3 David


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
innovation is the key for that, I'd think kage. Primarily, playing in the 'top tier' of video games is finding your own thing that works. Over time, the pool for possible innovation has been dwindling . . . as in, the more people are familiar with what works and what doesn't, and the 'top tier' keeps getting more absolute... dr pp is somewhere around the pinnacle of that. But yeah, to get past that it would take innovation that would send pp, mango, armada etc. back to the drawing board(exaggeration). It's happened a few times throughout smash, but this would be the hardest hurtle yet...not sure how attainable it is.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
innovation is the key for that, I'd think kage. Primarily, playing in the 'top tier' of video games is finding your own thing that works. Over time, the pool for possible innovation has been dwindling . . . as in, the more people are familiar with what works and what doesn't, and the 'top tier' keeps getting more absolute... dr pp is somewhere around the pinnacle of that. But yeah, to get past that it would take innovation that would send pp, mango, armada etc. back to the drawing board(exaggeration). It's happened a few times throughout smash, but this would be the hardest hurtle yet...not sure how attainable it is.
It's always attainable, infinite potential man!!

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Hmmmm, I'm thinking of trying something interesting. Anyone interested in challenging me to a special kind of mm? I play your character at the next tournament we are both at, and if I place higher than you I win, if I place lower I lose. Or I suppose we could do something where we both pick some other character and see who can place highest. . .


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Hmmmm, I'm thinking of trying something interesting. Anyone interested in challenging me to a special kind of mm? I play your character at the next tournament we are both at, and if I place higher than you I win, if I place lower I lose. Or I suppose we could do something where we both pick some other character and see who can place highest. . .
This sounds pretty interesting. Could I play Fox or would I have to go Sheik?

Or could I go Marth? <3

josh's fox is definitely the antichrist.

dsmashing my sheik through battlefield. ***** you ain't good
Lmao antichrist sigged


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Hmmmm, I'm thinking of trying something interesting. Anyone interested in challenging me to a special kind of mm? I play your character at the next tournament we are both at, and if I place higher than you I win, if I place lower I lose. Or I suppose we could do something where we both pick some other character and see who can place highest. . .
fun idea. I'd make you play ness if I actually had the opportunity.
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