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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
@0room: Priority stuff helps so you space yourself outside of her range but then punish her if she tries to attack. This makes things tricky later on but it is a good base strategy.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Black chris, just because someone knows how to fight ganon doesn't mean you're doomed lol.

That being said, I think I'm going to step my luigi up and try to be one step under a dual main.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
@0room: Priority stuff helps so you space yourself outside of her range but then punish her if she tries to attack. This makes things tricky later on but it is a good base strategy.
I figured I was just making sure. It's what I try to do. That and grab.
Which is, admittedly, a little bit better for my character than yours.

Black chris, just because someone knows how to fight ganon doesn't mean you're doomed lol.

That being said, I think I'm going to step my luigi up and try to be one step under a dual main.
^ Definitely agree.
MUs become easier, but they're not formulas. You always have a fighting chance, no matter what.
If you do x+y, you don't always = z.
That's what I like about smash, it's always different. You always have a chance to try and win.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
does luigi have strengths where ganon has weaknesses or is he just another character you enjoy, ACE?

i can definitely imagine his (wavedash) speed enabling things against spacies, but i don't really know how the matchups actually play out at all.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Lol so much hate
All he's doing is picking up a secondary character that's he's spending a lot of attention on.

So what if he decides to make it his main?
It won't change him as a person into this horrible creature from the radioactive wasteland.

People find different ways to improve, and just because you don't like that way doesn't mean that you need to flame him every second for it.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
@Moo, Jewcas, ocean and the rest of raleigh smash

i believe i'm getting my computer upgraded tomorrow and stuff but depending on how long it takes and whether i'm actually in the mood to play this dumb *** game, i may want people over. you all have my number

anyways, how about that marth/falco matchup? it's pretty fun and stuff


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!

kevin. would you mind doing a flowchart for me?

or hell, maybe multiple flowcharts?

Not a satirical flowchart

a serious one with what actually goes through your head during a match.

i'm gonna ask you for falco. and I'll probably talk to Fly Amanita or Wobbles for the IC Flowchart.

And McCain, if you're reading this, could you do one of peach too?

I got this idea from reading Touhou articles and in one of them, there was a flowchart made by Bellreisa(probably the best IaMP player outside of japan) for alice.

and holy ****, it was intense.

It doesn't help that i was thinking about duel-maining Marisa and alice, being lesbian lovers and all. but the flowchart kinda told me how ridiculously complicated Alice is.


take a look at it. it's really cool

oh yeah,

i don't really have any real purpose in this. i'm just randomly curious.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
shut up 0room my **** is bigger than you.

PLUR I ****ing love you

I read that flowchart
and I didn't understand a ****ing thing that happened

like wtf

but there used to be a thread on melee discussion that did that

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I mean... didn't chaddd do the same thing and end up beating jman in fox dittos lol

That's for one matchup, which is more of what a secondary should be used for. Chaddd goes Ganon for everyone else(except last I heard he may try Falco dittoing too but I have no idea if that went through or not).

anyways, how about that marth/falco matchup? it's pretty fun and stuff
Marth wins, he has the best tools to scare Falco with his big range and scary gay grab stuff, not to mention his laser counter techniques.

Falco combos Marth fairly well though and since shine pops Marth up he can get under him to abuse that sucky weakness Marth has.

Marth gets more stage advantages than Falco as Marth would ban RC and Falco FD most likely. Falco doesn't like YS, BF, FoD(can be more momentum based though) and I personally wouldn't like BS in this matchup I don't think. Marth doesn't like PS and DL.


kevin. would you mind doing a flowchart for me?

or hell, maybe multiple flowcharts?

Not a satirical flowchart

a serious one with what actually goes through your head during a match.

i'm gonna ask you for falco. and I'll probably talk to Fly Amanita or Wobbles for the IC Flowchart.

And McCain, if you're reading this, could you do one of peach too?

I got this idea from reading Touhou articles and in one of them, there was a flowchart made by Bellreisa(probably the best IaMP player outside of japan) for alice.

and holy ****, it was intense.

It doesn't help that i was thinking about duel-maining Marisa and alice, being lesbian lovers and all. but the flowchart kinda told me how ridiculously complicated Alice is.


take a look at it. it's really cool

oh yeah,

i don't really have any real purpose in this. i'm just randomly curious.
Uhhhh if you show me how to make it I can try haha. This also means I'd have to be getting serious more in my thought processes again, but if Mango is truly coming back then I need to do that anyway lol.

oh, and **** you too, stingers


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Marth gets more stage advantages than Falco as Marth would ban RC and Falco FD most likely. Falco doesn't like YS, BF, FoD(can be more momentum based though) and I personally wouldn't like BS in this matchup I don't think. Marth doesn't like PS and DL.
I thought Falco liked small platform stages o_O

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
vs Marth it can really suck LOL

Also it's kind of a player preference as well. I'm becoming more comfortable with YS vs Marth because I get more control when I have it due to my kinda big moves on the very small stage, but then it sucks way more when Marth bs happens and I feel auto dead lol.

This is one of those things I'd also probably answer better if I'd been doing my homework all along like I was supposed to be.


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
lucas is in arizona, I'm in the outer BANKS.
searching is broken, the last date was march 30th or 31st that people can see, so once that get's fixed people might go back and see things this far in the past, who knows

flowchart stuff
there was actually a thread on the flowchats, looked throw my subbed threads and found it


granted these are more meant to be humorous, they are really funny and a good thread to read through. also they are examples for sir pehpeh

i was playing zhu in friendlies sat, first time i played smash in ilke 2 weeks, i was sucking and frustrated and after a while all i wanted to do was dsmash him hahaha. i mean are you looking for a general flowchart? cause i could make one of those funny ones real quick. most match ups would require a different chart though (except for like the drephan one in that thread haha)

also, i'm suprized i saw that, i've been only skimming these threads recently, the power of a name i guess


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
chaddd has a fox and would still go ganon vs sheik? what a champion.

my fox will really just be for fox falco and sheik. maybe falcon. but having a character that fights fox and falco is pretty close to having them be your main these days. soo yeah. realized if i was gonna play fox well enough to fight sheik, which i had been sorta planning to do for a while, i may as well get it good enough to fight the others.


anyway, forget my main/secondary/dual main issues; i wanna see some flow charts.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
chaddd has a fox and would still go ganon vs sheik? what a champion.

my fox will really just be for fox falco and sheik. maybe falcon. but having a character that fights fox and falco is pretty close to having them be your main these days. soo yeah. realized if i was gonna play fox well enough to fight sheik, which i had been sorta planning to do for a while, i may as well get it good enough to fight the others.


anyway, forget my main/secondary/dual main issues; i wanna see some flow charts.
With all those 4 characters against you, you'd only play Fox. =P Since that's what you'll face most likely in tournament all the time.

I would personally just choose a character depending on the player/matchup together which goes with how I feel I suppose.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
most of the flowcharts in that thread were humourous or satirical

or attempts at being that.

even I posted one lol

@0room yeah, IaMP is pretty crazy
that's bellreisa's alice

I've played against Mauve. he designed the netcode for iamp and he decimated me. Bell is pretty much the justin wong of IaMP


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!

to be fair

iamp is a more complicated game and alice is a super complicated character.

however, you can still do really well on yours.

and i'm sure it'll help your mindset.

and it'll also put it into a visual format, which makes it alot easier for some people (myself included) to understand, so it'll help everyone else as well.
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