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The North Carolina Melee Power Rankings! Updated 8/14/14!

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
****ing semantics

arguments about arbitrary definitions are some of the most disgusting, time wasting, ego-protecting, examples of f@ggotry on the human scene these days

but i'm gonna join in just to say, mushi mushi and the green mistress Miriam of January are straight up from the ****ing ground.... so it makes sense to just call them mind-altering plants.... no purification needed.... it's just poison. straight from god's fingernails.

so yeah... i mean fungi more than cookies and cream can be applied to the D word, but those things are just too organic to not feel uncomfortable in that category

other **** is ***n processed crap made in labs by crazy mother ****ers that shouldn'tbetrustedbutdoitanywayimeanseriouslythat****isso****ingfunhellyeah

speaking of which... or uhh.... not---

what's going on friday? smashfest at karn's?


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
i never read it, but i noticed on the last edit there were some large letters at the bottom lol

idk what happened the other like 3 times

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
3 times? wtf

what crapthatyoushouldn'tbetryingbutdidanywayandwillprobablytryagainmadebysomedudeinalabcoatwhoisprobablycalckingviolentlywitheyesasredasthedevilthatyoushutinthecupboardbeforegoingupstairstosleeponsomeother****hemadetablet**** are you on?


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Lucas I may get to josh's too late to actually chill. We'll see, I won't know for sure until this afternoon... I have an 8 hour drive.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Dark Hark don't you got some type of drug to fiend for... either way I don't have to enter singles to train and build greensboro's community
loooooooooooool at the ignorant drug comment

but you are right about not needing to enter singles to help teach and grow your local community, since Josh basically does the same thing here in Raleigh and he's not really planning on entering anything anytime soon
Ryan, don't judge people for what they do. It's something you don't like and I understand, but you should know better than to fault people for their hobbies. This is a gaming site. You and Lucas are both good, chill guys in person and you'd probably get along well. You just have very different ideas about the boards and NC threads.

I used to talk a lot of Melee theory in our threads and in general people either argued with me on principle or disregarded it. There are huge sections and threads on this site dedicated to focused Melee discussion so I kinda use those if I have an idea or want to know something. Or I just ask Kevin. lmao I've gotten tons better but it was all CP'ing, going to Nationals, PRACTICE and lots of thinking that helped me. Cam and Austin inspired my technical stuff/movement early into my switch to Falco, and Aasem, DJ, and Chris taught me a lot about punishment and playing tight vs characters that punish differently. But there is no one in Raleigh to train me now and I think, that's kinda how it has to be to really break the last few barriers.

Also, I realized I suck at explaining Melee online and teaching during matches is way more helpful. Lucas and John have been improving dramatically as I've been playing with them and showing them stuff. I trained Dylan for like 4 hours straight earlier this week and he fixed a lot of habits and combo'd harder.

As far as time goes: I work a full time job, train people during the week, practice alone a good bit, and practice drums and IIDX. That doesn't include keeping up a social life, and keeping up with like 8 different female projects. No johns, boy. ;]


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
He asked me shouldn't I be doing something, and I retaliated in the same fashion and asked isn't there something he should be doing. Plain and simple


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
He was wrong for being rude, and you were wrong for retaliating. The real reason I mention it is I keep seeing your bias towards that stuff leaking into your posts as if it's the reason why the state isn't improving or whatever. I hate to say it, but that's just wholly untrue. NC Smash has always had a trollesque attitude and chilled out fests. You came from a full time, hyper competitive community into a family type one that gets serious when we feel like it. No amount of talking down to people with different interests/ideas is going to change that. That doesn't mean a few of us aren't really good. There are AT LEAST 10 to 15 players with a ton of talent and even more potential.

We have a lot of fun times and talk about it on the boards. Other communities ENVY the type of scene we have here; NC has become famous for its weirdness and eccentric characters. I'm proud of that. We're becoming more well known for our talent (Kevin, Adam and Yay have done big things for us so far). A lot of training happens and people don't post about it, but for the most part a lot of people in this state have been around long enough and are past REALLY caring about this game.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
make your own definitions of arbitrary objects, ideas, character traits, etc.
definitions are objective, not subjective. they are meant to create a universal standard. that's why they are definitions, because they define. if I make up the definition for "scared" to mean "light-hearted" then I'm ****ing up the system, which is what you're saying I should do.

Kyle, this is the part where you need to grow up and think of things by yourself for yourself in order to better yourself. Not just call everyone dumb while never showing any person though or insight of your own.
what does this have to do with the subject at hand? we're talking about definitions, not philosophical thinking. the two are almost completely unrelated.

also, you're really saying that I don't think for myself, lucas? I think of plenty things for myself. I have trouble thinking of smash details, but smash isn't life. any time I have tried to give you any of my thoughts, you've ignored it, so I just don't do it anymore. just because you don't see what goes on in my head doesn't mean that nothing goes on in there.

just for your information, I read philosophical and economic books daily to educate myself and stimulate my thoughts. I also have an economic system planned in my head that I've spent 2 years working on and thinking about. so, do not give me any bull**** for not thinking for myself, because I do.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
I agree, it is dumb. I shouldn't have to tell someone that making up definitions is stupid.

EDIT:: speaking of improving, zach and I are playing more often now, so hopefully we can better each other, which would be great considering zach already is beast.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
He was wrong for being rude, and you were wrong for retaliating. The real reason I mention it is I keep seeing your bias towards that stuff leaking into your posts as if it's the reason why the state isn't improving or whatever. I hate to say it, but that's just wholly untrue. NC Smash has always had a trollesque attitude and chilled out fests. You came from a full time, hyper competitive community into a family type one that gets serious when we feel like it. No amount of talking down to people with different interests/ideas is going to change that. That doesn't mean a few of us aren't really good. There are AT LEAST 10 to 15 players with a ton of talent and even more potential.

We have a lot of fun times and talk about it on the boards. Other communities ENVY the type of scene we have here; NC has become famous for its weirdness and eccentric characters. I'm proud of that. We're becoming more well known for our talent (Kevin, Adam and Yay have done big things for us so far). A lot of training happens and people don't post about it, but for the most part a lot of people in this state have been around long enough and are past REALLY caring about this game.
To say most people are past caring totally contradicts the claim of everyone trying to get better and basically my bias towards it is the amount the amount of times intoxication is used as a john for playing bad or losing to someone they think they should beat


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
We have a lot of fun times and talk about it on the boards. Other communities ENVY the type of scene we have here; NC has become famous for its weirdness and eccentric characters. I'm proud of that. We're becoming more well known for our talent (Kevin, Adam and Yay have done big things for us so far). A lot of training happens and people don't post about it, but for the most part a lot of people in this state have been around long enough and are past REALLY caring about this game.
Ya for sure.. from Tipped off 4 until now.. NC changed drastically. That tournament was the first time I played PP and I lost 3 times to him and I didn't even know who he was back then. In pools, winners and losers.. ugh.. =P

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ya for sure.. from Tipped off 4 until now.. NC changed drastically. That tournament was the first time I played PP and I lost 3 times to him and I didn't even know who he was back then. In pools, winners and losers.. ugh.. =P
Ahhhhh Tipped off 4. One of the best tournaments I've ever been to. Canada was all wtf when they saw your placing XD



Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Ahhhhh Tipped off 4. One of the best tournaments I've ever been to. Canada was all wtf when they saw your placing XD

Bah screw them.. =P

Anyways, if people don't believe something is possible then all it takes is someone that will shock the world in order to break all the beliefs that you all so think is right.

Just like if people don't believe God or UFO exists, and then something happens all of a sudden in that subject and then whoops everyone believes it's possible now. It's odd isn't it? Only true heroes are capable to do that. They go through a ****ton of pain but they never give up.. and they keep going forward with their unstoppable courage that most people do not have. Only then a miracle can happen because they deserve it.

This is why I need to step it up for that exact reason.. in smash and in life. It's never too late to follow your dreams!!!


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
pp has like 06987076-7890707=96=09806=-9 gannons in this state to practice with, cause everyone and their mother plays gannon in this state.

well back then at least.

now they just play spacies.

and dat one peach dude, guy.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Nah I've never had many Ganons to play against. My style just works out well for me vs them LOL.

I just understood Ganon's limitations well through watching videos like Adam did through playing 59JS.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
also, kevin, the marisa kirisame reference was because of the kind of character that she is in touhou. she doesn't have any innate powers or talents. she pretty much became as powerful as she was through hard work. she's pretty much the most human character in touhou

granted, she also likes to steal things so i guess unless you're secretly a thief the similarities end there.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
"He man, can't really talk right now, bout to get interviewed. Apparently, if you're good at this game..."
It was a happy joke lol!

also, kevin, the marisa kirisame reference was because of the kind of character that she is in touhou. she doesn't have any innate powers or talents. she pretty much became as powerful as she was through hard work. she's pretty much the most human character in touhou
I'd play her XD

Sounds just like me....
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