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The New Super Awesome Oregon Home Thread!!! :D

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Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
If anyone wants their name changed I am happy to make edits, unless you want to be removed in which case you better get worse ;D


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
list probably isn't worth making its own thread, but if people want me to make one I can do that as well, although all of our discussion happens here so maybe Gage can just edit the most current list into the front post, and spoiler tag old ones if people are interested, dunno lol.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2007
Scappoose, Oregon
I can't come to best bout this week because I have to help prep for thanksgiving. I have a friend that wants to play some smash that's home for the weekend though, so who's up for another smashfest on friday?


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
how is gage the best when he doesnt enter singles? or am i reading the list wrong..?
Cause Oregon is generally a joke. Also I said the other night that Gage shouldn't be on the panel because of this. I like Gage, he is a solid dude, and he is a good player, but someone who will only enter if they can make money (aka not entering because WA came), doesn't seem like someone really concerned with getting better, or bettering the community, which to me is ultimately the purpose of having a PR.

List seems pretty legit though. I think Minh's performance in one tournament might not be enough to rank him where you all did, but he is definitely and obviously good player.; just seems really unwarranted that he be ranked so close to Binx with one solid performance under his belt (Weeklies I am assuming don't count in the process). I suppose people are easily impressed. That last tournament was just his only showing since his return and for the entire Sept-Nov rankings.

Glad there is finally a decent not-so-janky PR though. I guess that is all that matters.

my fellow smashers, let us unite!

Also, if WA happens to stumble through again. This reminds me. I have been talking to Jesse about possibly trying to setup a Spring Regional, if something semi big in NorCal doesn't happen. Have been talking about trying to team up with you all to make it happen. We should talk.

Peach Masta

Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I just made the panel and it's there. We can make a thread later if we want

Dang Ratking coming with the hate. I definitely work to better the community. I have been giving people a lot of tips lately in matches. I'm always down to team with anyone for friendlies and give doubles advice. I also am like one of the longest standing members in this community and have been working to make it grow for like 3 years now. Saying that I don't care about the community or I don't want to make it better is pretty false. Also a Panelist is supposed to give an unbiased view point of who they think should be ranked where. I've been doing that for 5 years now and I an probably the most eligible person for a panelist in this state. I do take the weeklies into account to some degree. Clearly most of the time people are trying even it's a silly free tournament. Minh has been doing well at those on top of performing really strongly at this tournament. You're right maybe he was placed too highly too quickly, but it's not like he randomly showed up out of nowhere and we just instantly put him there.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
I just made the panel and it's there. We can make a thread later if we want

Dang Ratking coming with the hate. I definitely work to better the community. I have been giving people a lot of tips lately in matches. I'm always down to team with anyone for friendlies and give doubles advice. I also am like one of the longest standing members in this community and have been working to make it grow for like 3 years now. Saying that I don't care about the community or I don't want to make it better is pretty false.
I ain't hatin'. Maybe I spoke too harshly for the internet. You're a solid dude backed hard. I just thought it was silly you didn't enter, and was making a feeble attempt on calling you out on it. Mostly cause it sucks, cause if you are #1, that we don't have any representation from our top player(s) then. I luh u.

Also a Panelist is supposed to give an unbiased view point of who they think should be ranked where. I've been doing that for 5 years now and I an probably the most eligible person for a panelist in this state.
I actually don't doubt this. I was talking to Jesse and thought you and Foos are probably the two people most capable that are on the panel actually (Not hating on the others, I think it is all fine actually), and most capable of making a purely unbias decision. I appreciate the things you have done though. This scene is INFINITELY better than when I left years ago.

The Jizzard

Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2009
west linn, OR
not gonna be able to come tomorrow unfortunately going to a concert with a buddy.

oh and due to some friends coming back for break im going to be slightly less free but i will make an effort to smash on a regular basis during the holidays


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2004
Sherwood, Oregon
I ain't hatin'. Maybe I spoke too harshly for the internet. You're a solid dude backed hard. I just thought it was silly you didn't enter, and was making a feeble attempt on calling you out on it. Mostly cause it sucks, cause if you are #1, that we don't have any representation from our top player(s) then. I luh u.

I actually don't doubt this. I was talking to Jesse and thought you and Foos are probably the two people most capable that are on the panel actually (Not hating on the others, I think it is all fine actually), and most capable of making a purely unbias decision. I appreciate the things you have done though. This scene is INFINITELY better than when I left years ago.



Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
The only reason I would even consider picking up Fox would be to play against Sheik. My Fox gets ***** hard.
I would really recommend watching some of SilentSpectre vs. M2K. Even ask Shane about it, the guy is amazing against Sheik and Fox.

The knee is defiantly not the only kill move, all of falcons aerials kill (even his nair in the right positions). And who dies all the time at 4%? Cause i defiantly don't. Falcons are more likely to live to higher percents then even Peach and Samus. SS lives to almost 200% every stock.

Its true that fox has good stage control, but falcon has the ability to get a single grab off and kill his opponent (which can give him complete control of the match instantly). Falcon is fast enough to put constant pressure on his opponent with spaced nairs and bairs while being able to grab somebody while they're shielding or if they roll. Fox and Falcon both have great stage control, fox just puts pressure on with shines and nairs, while falcon does it with grabs nairs and grabs (sometimes gentleman as a pseudo shine). If a falcon can read you 100% of the time theres no escape from one grab, stomp, or nair.
It's his best "ender" move though. Uair and dsmash are good too. I was poking fun at shine spikes. Shine does 4%, and if you run off stage (idk why I do sometimes) and get shined, you're screwed. I disagree about the living percent though.

Sheik and Falcon both possess a similar ability. The problem arises because Fox and Falco are very slippery characters and that tech chasing them is really hard since they're tied with a few other characters for fastest techs in the game. I'd say Sheik has an easier time chasing them.

This was obviously an accident than. Sorry if that hurt you. I wouldn't ever do that on purpose unless it is Jesse, and only in the most joking of circumstances. He would understand.
Felt bad, man.

I don't remember ever playing Pichu against you, especially in a tournament set.
Was an example of something one could do, not something you did.

Also we have hardly spoke, the only time you have tried, is RIGHT when I saw aftermath for the first time in 5 years or so. You were trying to interject in the conversation, but saying things pretty irrelevant to the conversation. I didn't really know how to respond other than ignore you and keep talking to someone I haven't seen in ages.
I was pretty excited to see him too. I hadn't seen him in over a year myself (like 14 months or something). Wasn't trying to walk over what you were saying, I just wanted to get in a "hello" before other people that knew him swarmed him or something. I've always been one of the few people that actually outwardly likes him instead of saying he's a **** or something.
And again, the handshake was obviously not a fake out. Several times, and the time before I played you in tournament, I went for the handshake, and have had people say "it's best of 5" I was just confirming it. After confirming in the hear of the moment I forgot to go back in for it. Still doesn't justify throwing your controller.
I don't know how the controller thing is relevant. How do you vent when you're really mad and disappointed with yourself?

Well, get used to it. That is the only way to get better, is to lose. No one in Oregon is really good by any stretch. We have a lot of players with genuinely potential, but that is the way it has always been. We have been playing A LOT at Jesse's and I am trying to organize carpools to GC as soon as possible, because these are the measures you take to get good. Losing to people better than you, and accepting it regardless of circumstances (especially when it happens over and over), is part of the process of becoming a genuinely good player, and realizing any potential you may have.
It's weird being in Oregon because it feels like myself (or if I can be so bold, we) are destined to not ever get very far in the "scene".

I spent at least that much time playing when I used to play, and although I came back into a fresh meta game, I had spent so much time traveling the country playing, that what experience I did have from all that wasn't going to go away. And yes, I was very rusty, now that I am catching up on the current meta game (still rusty, and inexperienced with the new meta), things are changing a lot for me, but I still wouldn't say I have come close to catching up enough to warrant going to a national or anything. I was thinking of going to APEX, but there is no point. I have been playing again 2 months and need more time to improve in order to make it worth it.
the metagame hasn't really seen many drastic shifts, at least since I started playing it seems. It only seems like characters have gotten more defined in their position and people figured out how to make Peach fast and Jigglypuff better.

You seem to have a lot to say on the boards. Why not say those things. These posts on a public forum are dumb. If this setting is the only way you can muster some sort of response, then I think the conversation is moot anyway. You don't have to tell me I am a ****, even though I know that. I was merely suggesting to try to make your point in person, or refrain altogether.
The idea was more that it's much harder to think an eloquent or well-thought out response in the spur of the moment in person as opposed to sitting down and really trying to piece one's thoughts. I still don't know that I think you're a ****, I just think our attitudes and ideas clash a lot and you obviously don't deal with or like the fact I complain about things I don't like incessantly.

Then don't. I traveled the country knowing I would see ****ty people I didn't like (chillin, undisputed RIP) but I still went because I enjoyed it. And for every ****ty person, there were several that I wanted to see, and liked.
I'm a little confused. Did you go on a road-trip around the country to see the country and attend the smash tournaments you came across or what? Also, something about Chillin bothers me too, I don't know why.

That is all I am going to respond to. These points I found worth addressing in order to help maybe come to some resolution or something. If any further points are made, I will be happy to address them, but I am not going to argue with you about stuff that is unproductive and only going to make you or me mad.
It's really hard to even imagine another's emotions behind their posts when reading it, even if I can feel them.
I guess I ask of you, and maybe the rest of the community or institution that is Oregon Smash, for some sort of respect that seems a bit devoid in my area. Maybe I my recent **** deserves some sort of backlash, but I don't remember doing anything else in my melee days that warranted never being considered a contender, eligible to be a panelist (I have biases, but I'm a very objective individual when it comes down to it and would like to prove that somehow). I've always felt like people have treated me playing the game as a bit of a joke or my concerns as something not worthy or discourse or anything (like the smoking thing). Go smoke, I know it's a hard habit to break, especially if you don't plan on trying, but I'd still like that if you spent the time to smoke one, you at least spend the time to air out so it's not still fresh on you when you come back or something. I don't mind delaying a match 5 more minutes for something like that. Know what I mean?

Oh yeah, why'd you call me weird? Hah.


<3 Jonny
You and Scott could have excellent image macro banter. Honorable mention to Phil, but I feel like he'd just post a wall of .gifs he found funny like 20 minutes prior.

LOL iceman is sucha ***, I took him out of winners bracket, and he raged so hard and threw his controller. Then binx took him out and he raged even more. Not to mention hes like one of the nerdiest looking smashers I've ever seen
Shoutouts to SnoodDude.

This is definitely not a general WA thing. I think despite how silly he can be, Shane is mad respectful (He even made a comment to me about peoples lack of it, that I found really interesting coming from his abrasive self). Otto as well. Teddy as well, even though he can come a cross as condescending, is mad nice, and usually actually trying to help. Mike aka Zeru is ****ing awesome. There are just a bunch of newer players that seem to think real highly of themselves, and in turn act like douchebags because of it.
Shane, Otto, and Teddy are indeed at least respectful. Zeru was really quiet the one time I saw him. WA has a lot of other cool people, like ThePrime, Vista and the KPop crew. Those guys are super nice, even Kline is nice in person. I doubt I know any of the newer people.
Oh yeah, Felix is a super nice guy and really decent at Melee for how much of a Brawl player he is.

Oregon PR Panel Presents

Oregons Top 10

  • Gage | 1.2
  • Jesse | 1.8
  • Binx | 3.2
  • Minh | 3.6
  • Ratking | 5.2
  • Jonny | 6.4
  • Keeper | 6.6
  • Foos | 8.2
  • Bird | 8.6
  • AlienAllen | 10

Everyone in the PR panel group created their own top 10 list based on their own opinions and qualifications the results were then averaged to give you the above listing. The lower the number the better you were ranked on average.
Huh. Who's on the panel? I'm a bit confused as to how myself, Paul, and Allen are so low. I don't know why Jonny and yourself are so high either. I've never lost a set to you and the one time I played Jonny I beat him in the set, even if I dropped a game. I mostly lose to good Foxes and Falcos.

Kind of another point I guess, can people not coach players during tournament matches?

how is gage the best when he doesnt enter singles? or am i reading the list wrong..?
Gage is more consistent. Jesse is very capable of having really off days/going to tournaments after donating plasma.

hahhaah just kidding :p
I just had to post on this page cuz it's the 420th page oww!
Page 158 for me.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2010
Salem, OR
The bottom six players are really close in skill level imo.

I agree that a PR thread should be made.

Shoutouts to ****ard and Debaser for being close to PR status.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Keeper, are you alive? I haven't seen you in like 5 years. Come to a smash thing or 2! heard your sheik was really gay and good, so lets play


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
Keeper, are you alive? I haven't seen you in like 5 years. Come to a smash thing or 2! heard your sheik was really gay and good, so lets play
Been having some problems in my life lately (including my moping over smash as a whole). I remember getting manhandled by you way back. I might come next week. I've got some stuff to do today at school to get my registration sorted out so I can actually attend next term.

I hope I don't disappoint you. >_>

Screw editing my post: forgot to give WA shoutouts to Toph and I guess Vish for being cool. Don't really know Vish, but he seems like an alright guy.


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Sherwood, OR £:V
Not me? Or maybe I need to get placed in more tournaments
This pretty much sums up why I think a PR with OR is a little silly.

Besides the top 3 or 4, the rest of our players are too inconsistent (by this I mean how player A beats player B, but loses to player C, but player B beat player C. Now instead of A, B and C, have it be A through J and that's our smash scene) and close in skill to really judge placements for a PR.

Having said that, it's hard to find a want to get better when you already believed you are better than those above you on the PR. Like, you feel like you work hard but it won't matter anyways cause people suck at making PR's and will still score you too low lol (shoutouts to evan, allen, and paul).

Jesse idk if you said that smash thing was gonna be last night or later this week and you weren't on AIM I think so ya.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Cause Oregon is generally a joke.
I remember back in the Old Days of Melee that you and Aftermath would say stuff like this a lot. I think that if you guys said something positive instead that things would change for the positive much more quickly. ;)

I think Minh's performance in one tournament might not be enough to rank him where you all did...
This is true, consistency is perhaps the most important aspect when ranking someone otherwise you're just ranking based on some sort of vague 'potential' rating. I'm not saying that Minh is ranked incorrectly in the list, but I think there should be requirements in place to balance activity with rankings. Consider this:
A player must have attended at least two tournaments in the ranking period in order to be added to the list.
Who is on the panel? You didn't mention how many people, nor who they are so we have no idea what type of opinions we're looking at when we read the rankings. Also, what was the standard of ranking used?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2009
Perhaps the motivation to get better won't come just from the PR but also the desire to not let WA take top 6 at our tournies.

I dooonooooo cuz my only motivation is to be able to do decently well against Allen and Paul.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2010
Salem, OR
Not me? Or maybe I need to get placed in more tournaments
I put you on my list of 5 honorable mentions, but i haven't played you yet :/

Edit: @Surreal I think my placing on the PR is very accurate. I lose to everyone above me in tournament excluding Ratking who I haven't played. Jonny has beaten me in the only MM we have done, Keeper beats me consistently, Bird is probably slightly better than me.

Edit: I beat Foos at Lost4, but I think think that he has improved to the point of beating me in tournament.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2011
Portland OR
Huh. Who's on the panel? I'm a bit confused as to how myself, Paul, and Allen are so low. I don't know why Jonny and yourself are so high either. I've never lost a set to you and the one time I played Jonny I beat him in the set, even if I dropped a game. I mostly lose to good Foxes and Falcos.
I beat Ratking last tournament and hes still above me. Our places have to do with how much we win, im pretty sure I place higher than you, bird, and paul most of the time, even if you beat me in a set.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I think a pr list of any kind is always shaky business as it comes down to judgements created by humans. And making a pr based purely in tournament results can also be false as not everyone makes it to these tourneys everytime. How I see it, we shouldnt think too much of the list, and take it as some sort of baseline relatively to where our skills are. Being 1 above or below someone I don't think mean that much. It might hit your ego that you see your name physically on the list in a spot you don't agree, but we shouldn't dabble about it right now. Real pr and rankings normally take months to prepare or have a **** ton of games played for better sampling. Take basketball for instance, noone really cares which team is on top when a season just started since they have only a few games under their belts. Smash is the same except each of basketballs games are tournaments, and we have way less tourneys than they do games. So what I'm trying to say is take the list with a grain of salt, and just think of it as a dynamic list that is actually always being moved around, like electron clouds



Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
Just to interject,

pr should be based on consistency, how often that player goes to tourneys (and enters), and who he/she beats ... NOT what place you get. Placings are just numbers!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2005
Is one of those best bout smashfests going down tonight? Ill be in town for thanksgiving and might be free. Seems like a lot of people are bailing because of thanksgiving though, its jjust a smashfest right? Will there still be enough people to make it worth going?

edit: is jesse gonna be there? this will influence my decision heavily


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2011
Portland OR
This pretty much sums up why I think a PR with OR is a little silly.

Besides the top 3 or 4, the rest of our players are too inconsistent (by this I mean how player A beats player B, but loses to player C, but player B beat player C. Now instead of A, B and C, have it be A through J and that's our smash scene) and close in skill to really judge placements for a PR.

Having said that, it's hard to find a want to get better when you already believed you are better than those above you on the PR. Like, you feel like you work hard but it won't matter anyways cause people suck at making PR's and will still score you too low lol (shoutouts to evan, allen, and paul).
Surreal come to a tournament seriously. Its annoying that you post about the Oregon community but I never see you.

I remember back in the Old Days of Melee that you and Aftermath would say stuff like this a lot. I think that if you guys said something positive instead that things would change for the positive much more quickly. ;)
I AGREE 100000%

List seems pretty legit though. I think Minh's performance in one tournament might not be enough to rank him where you all did, but he is definitely and obviously good player.; just seems really unwarranted that he be ranked so close to Binx with one solid performance under his belt (Weeklies I am assuming don't count in the process). I suppose people are easily impressed. That last tournament was just his only showing since his return and for the entire Sept-Nov rankings.
Minh is defiantly good enough to be where he is, regardless of if he just started coming to tournaments again.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2010
Salem, OR
I beat Ratking last tournament and hes still above me. Our places have to do with how much we win, im pretty sure I place higher than you, bird, and paul most of the time, even if you beat me in a set.

I disagree. Beating a few good players should matter more than beating a lot of less skilled players.

Edit: What time does the smashfest start?


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Sherwood, OR £:V
Surreal come to a tournament seriously. Its annoying that you post about the Oregon community but I never see you.
It's not that I don't go to stuff often so much that everything in the past few months has all been at best bout, and that place is really inconvenient to get to.

Also I never have money (College doesn't pay itself), and there's no one to get free rides from anymore. I'd come to just play friendlies but best bout has a fee just for smashfests (I understand why but I still think it's silly that most people prefer playing there when you can play at Jesse's house for free, also I can actually get to Jesse's house).

You just happened to get back into the scene right when BB was just beginning to become the only place to play smash. There were maybe one or two tournaments before then (LOST 4 and 5 I think?) where I actually ever saw you at things, so it's not like there was anywhere else to see me.

On a side note, I've always hated how the smash scene (I know, I know, "Ugh not this again") values its members based on how active they are and contribute to the scene. The constant peer pressure to attend stuff and work hard to improve the scene is stressful, and it makes the scene look like an army of ants desperately trying to survive. I'm all for improving the scene, but when people get overly gung ho over it to the point of players' opinions and worth being on a hierarchy of how much they supposedly contribute ("You don't attend/enter stuff, you're bad at the game, your opinion therefore means nothing", etc), something's wrong imo.

I've been in the scene for two years and have entered a decent amount of the melee tournaments during then that I could reasonably get to without a vehicle or money. I've played a lot of our players a lot and know where they stand. Just because I haven't been to all these Best Bouts in the past...what... two, three months?... doesn't mean I can't say that people are placed too high or low on people's PR's (Allen may disagree with me, but I still think he should be higher, as should the other two I mentioned). Not many people improve fast enough in such a short time (especially with OR's scene) to majorly influence any PR that could be made.

In short, I fully agree with Cmin's post.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2011
Portland OR
I've been in the scene for two years and have entered a decent amount of the melee tournaments during then that I could reasonably get to without a vehicle or money. I've played a lot of our players a lot and know where they stand. Just because I haven't been to all these Best Bouts in the past...what... two, three months?... doesn't mean I can't say that people are placed too high or low on people's PR's (Allen may disagree with me, but I still think he should be higher, as should the other two I mentioned). Not many people improve fast enough in such a short time (especially with OR's scene) to majorly influence any PR that could be made.
I think that if you haven't been to the last few BestBout tournaments then you've missed a lot. It's just you dont get to see how matches play out if you're not there to see them. Have you played everyone on that list and seen them play each other? The list is pretty accurate imo.


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Sherwood, OR £:V
I've played all but binx, you, ratking, and cmin in tournament before if not multiple times (and ratking and cmin have only just recently started coming to stuff again), and yeah I've watched them play when I was at tournaments. Not all of them obviously since I can't watch two TV's at once and I can't watch when I'm doing matches myself, but I know how good most of the players on that PR are.

I'm not saying that the PR in terms of top 10 isn't accurate, but of the 3-10 spots I pretty much don't agree (though as I might've said earlier, it's really hard to judge since a lot of those players are really close in skill).

Also PR's should matter on who you beat as the prime said, not placings, which is one reason I think Bird and Keeper especially should be higher (though they usually place high as it is).
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