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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
I already said, I'm not having children. ;)

Though I can breed you a MNCN with the egg moves Taunt, evil laughter and Warlock Ban (work in progress).

Oh I can just hack me one of those :chuckle:

I don't think I'll be posting in the anti-thread anymore, its gotten too idiotic.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Dam Zerg... have no influence over us and our superior minds!

Er Ridley 4 brawl (Is the anti thread dead?)


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
What about a contest to see who can come up with the most ridiculous argument against Ridley for Brawl? :)


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
For everyones viewing pleasure for future refrence.

Hello. One and all. Allow me to introduce myself, since I will be the one driving this thread into the bowels of "closed".

As you can clearly see, I go by the tag O D I N. I've been a Ridley supporter for the last 2 months, and a proud member of R.I.D.L.E.Y. for the last month. I've also been referred to as the resident "noob crusher", given my ability to break illogical "noob" posts.

Now, let's get discussing, shall we (yes, discussion. Unlike other forum members around SWF, I'll be discussing, and using logic to back up my statements)?

Many ppl requested one, so here it goes! Welcome to the anti-Ridley thread.
I'd really like to know who. For entertainment purposes. All the threads I've been on haven't said otherwise. Also, please learn to spell properly. It bugs me, and a lot of other literate people up the wall.

Before I explain my stuff, let me tell you guys that you gotta make good decisions in terms of a playable roster in a video game. More is not necessarily better, and knowing where to draw the line is the most important thing of all.
Actually, I agree with you. We can't have a broken character in a video game that is "too strong". Example: Dark Phoenix from X-men: Next Dimension. More is not always better, but I agree, there is a line. Let's see if you know about this "Line", you speak of...

Now, let's talk about Ridley:
Yes. Lets.

Samus' most notable antagonist, even though he never was the main antagonist, from the Metroid series. He looks like a cross between a dragon and a pterodactyl, and he flies, spits fireballs and likes to slash Bounty Hunters with his claws or his tail.
The fact that he has appeared in all but 2 Metroid games (Metroid Prime 2:Echoes and Metroid Prime: Hunters), appears to me that he IS Samus' main Antagonist. Though certainly, he is rarely the final boss of any of the Metroid games, he is the character that reappears the most within the Metroid series. He appears more than Kraid, and more than Mother Brain. And, he has strong ties to Samus, given her back story.


I'd like to direct you to the official Metroid Manga. This was kindly translated by a nice person who understands Japanese, and put the scans up on the internet. After reading this, you'll understand why Ridley is so important to Samus' backstory.

This Manga is official canon material, as Nintendo has given their seal of approval on it, and there was a link leading to the site (not the link I provided) from Nintendo Japan's webpage.

Let's continue...

Ridley would make a great addition in Brawl... but he would be much better as a boss than as a character, here's why:
So when you say great addition to Brawl, why shouldn't he be a character?

1) Ridley is big: He wasn't that big in the original Metroid (but the original Ridley is totally different anyway), but he got bigger and bigger in each game (he's huge in Metroid Prime now). Ridley's size is too much compared to the rest of the cast. In Smash Bros, he would probably be a little bit smaller than Giga Bowser, which is not good for playability... at least Giga Bowser is the result of a transformation which is temporary, Ridley would always keep that size.
The size arguement is the most used arguement in the history of arguements (especially concerning Ridley). Since this has been done several times over, I will be demonstrating the same points, but with other characters and their respective games.

First of all; in Ocarina of Time, and official Ocarina of Time art; Ganondorf is much larger than Link, in regards to his height. Observe:

And here, from an old clip for the Gamecube demo at E3:

You'll notice Ganondorf is crouching, and still towers over Link.

However for Melee, Ganondorf has been scaled down significantly. While still one of the tallest characters in the game, he's not as tall as say, Giga Bowser. In fact, he's no where near it.

My apologies for not finding a shot from OoT. If I find one, I'll be sure to post it here for evidence.

You'll also notice in the opening movie for Melee, Samus is seen fighting Ridley. Ridley is only slightly bigger than Samus, much like how he was in Super Metroid.

I'd also like to point out (I'm still searching for my source) that Ridley was wanted for Melee, but they couldn't animate the wings and tail properly (Pit was the same problem, regarding the wings).

2) Ridley flies all the time: The only game where he doesn't have that characteristic is Metroid (but the character design was totally different anyways) but in the other games of the Metroid series, you can see that Ridley is always in the air (erm... dont want to spoil stuff hehe). Anyways, Ridley was designed as a flying boss, and that is one thing that was supposed to add to the challenge of defeating him... the fact that he's always in the air!
Untrue. In Metroid Prime, at a certain point in the fight, Ridley's wings were burnt off, and Ridley was forced to fight on the ground. While I agree, Ridley has air superiority, and would most likely prefer fighting in the air, this by no means suggest he can't fight on the ground. He still has Plasma beams/breath, claws, and don't forget the tail. Ridley is just as formidable an opponent on the ground, as well as in the air. One might say he's more fearsome on the ground than in the air.

3) So basically Ridley's design is different of a playable character's design. The other flyers that are currently in Brawl do not use Flying as their main means of movement, it's kinda like a secondary ability that they have. Ridley is basically just like a Bird, so flying is how he moves. Having the idea of a pure flying character could add variety to this game, but it would kinda be conflictual with the mechanics, which is to knock your opponent off the stage!
So is Kirby, Pit, Charizard, and Metaknight with what I will assume will be more multiple jumpers (in regards to their jumps, making them fly like a bird would, "flapping their wings". Look at Kirby's jump animation. Flaps like a bird). Why couldn't Ridley be the same? 4-5 flaps=4-5 jumps, and then a glide? Or even just gliding?

4) So many of you would say something like: ''Well we could make Ridley smaller and make him a walking creature with a gliding ability kinda like Charizard'' Well thats what Ridley becomes ladies and gentlemen... not only he uses his features from the Metroid series (being huge, being able to easily grab sum1 with his claws, being able to fly all the time) but he simply becomes a Charizard clone...
And that's what Pit and Metaknight become: Pit and Metaknight clones. There's only so much that can be done that will be truely original in any game. Just because a character recovers in the same way that another character does (Mario and Luigi anyone?), doesn't make them a clone. While the Mario and Luigi refrence isn't perfect, it's used as a loose example, given the different properties of Luigi's Up+B, and Side+B, as well as his fireballs. Similiar, but vastly different. Let's also remember his regular A moves are completely different from Mario's (with a few exceptions).

5) So if you are a true Ridley fan, you should stop being selfish and start thinking about the bigger picture... The only way to correctly represent Ridley in Brawl is to make him a Boss character. That way, he'll be able to keep all of his features that makes him awesome. Also, Ridley has no personality... so you don't want to play as him, you just want to shoot him dead, trying to save your skin!!!
I have been thinking about the bigger picture Rick. See, like you; I was a non Ridley supporter. I had the same arguements. The same ideas. And then I really, and I mean REALLY thought about it.

Wouldn't Ridley be one of the most unique characters within the game? Wouldn't it be great to have a freaking Space Dragon, glide around on screen dropping effing fireballs or plasma blasts onto his foes, while swiping his tail (which is an effing harpoon) at those foolish enough to be below him? Or infront of him? After reading this, and my rebuttals, why WOULDN'T you want Ridley in Brawl as a playable character?

The Metroid series needs more reps. Ridley is the only choice. You can't have Mother Brain; She's too much like a Master Hand character.

Kraid wouldn't be that great of a character choice; He's pretty bland, and doesn't do much aside from a couple over exaggerated swipes and weird tummy missles (that's right... I said tummy missles. Deal with it).

You want Dark Samus? Fine. Be prepared for a Luigi-fied clone of Samus. I've accepted that fact.

Want a hunter from Metroid Prime: Hunters? Why? They had no character, and weren't that important to the series like Ridley is.

No, Ridley is the only choice for another Metroid rep.

As for Ridley being in a boss in story mode? Why couldn't he be? I forsee a lot of playable villians being in story mode.

Ridley for Brawl!!!
Your most hypocritical statement in your entire post.

Your argument and thread title, clearly suggests that you don't want Ridley in Brawl. And then you go and say that?

You might wanna consider getting some french fries.

Ridley likes fries with his meal.

Ridley for Brawl *****es.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
How bout the Ridley thread fund? all monies go to me!

(Or another contest...)

(And thats not a wall of pain...)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
No one match for the might of the swarm...

all shall be over run and assimilated into the hive cluster...

Edit: wow that took a long time to post


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Lego should add Odin's post to the First Post, and a "noobs pwned" section.

And yeah, my argument of Ridley is too purple for Brawl would win.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
And you can do what i suggested and make a thread about that on R.I.D.L.E.Y. (Seeing as we dont have our old thread since i became a mod XS)


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i just saw the thread. i really don't want to post in it, cause i get really angry, and me angry is not a good thing

it's just dumb that people like that make "Anti" threads when they can easily post in the original and save time and their respect (if they have any)

i mean, you don't see me going around making Anti-Tingle threads, or Anti-Pac-Man, cause i know better than them! it's people like that that make me look in the sky and ask God "Why?"


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
i just saw the thread. i really don't want to post in it, cause i get really angry, and me angry is not a good thing

it's just dumb that people like that make "Anti" threads when they can easily post in the original and save time and their respect (if they have any)

i mean, you don't see me going around making Anti-Tingle threads, or Anti-Pac-Man, cause i know better than them! it's people like that that make me look in the sky and ask God "Why?"
You didn't read my post at the end of page 8? :(


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
You didn't read my post at the end of page 8? :(
i saw it. Odin, you're that much more badass now. i'm proud to call you a member

Colb, unsuspended my account so that I may organize a little something.
can't do it. you broke the rules and i asked you multiple times to stop, but you didn't. your account is suspended until tomorrow night, so just so you know

still...i don't know why the mods haven't closed it yet. i know it will be down before the end of today (i hope) cause if they can get away with it...i'm afraid of what else they'll do


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Ah, nicely done O D I N... And looking at the rewards for 1000th post and stuff.. I could have easily gotten 1000th post but when I was looking at the replies... I got the 1000th reply and not post :/... Lol.

Wow I've been falling behind on this forum..



Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
Dude, why you gotta be such a f@g. Just give them back, it's not like 24 hours is going to change anything >_>
dude, stop it. i'm so sick of your whining. i told you, i asked you to stop doing what you were doing, and you continued doing it. if you can't handle the punishment, then follow the f***in rules, and stop whining like a bit**!!
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