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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Lets get one thing straight,those who think I am from nsider,STFU i'd never even heard of it until i posted that massive faill of joke thread(you know the one) SO STOP SAYING IM FROM THERE
.....I've never even heard of you.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Wait, if I support Ridley AND Waluigi, what does that make me in your eyes?


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Oh jeez, arguing that Ridley is too vicious is like arguing that Snake is too real...
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
Why is he ********? because he has even the slightest doubt that ridley will be in? Just cause someone doesn't share your opinion doesn't mean they are stupid because of it. In fact this guy is proposing a totally different argument from any that ive heard before, and all you guys can counter it with is that the argument is irrelevant?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Why is he ********? because he has even the slightest doubt that ridley will be in? Just cause someone doesn't share your opinion doesn't mean they are stupid because of it. In fact this guy is proposing a totally different argument from any that ive heard before, and all you guys can counter it with is that the argument is irrelevant?
Because it IS irrelevant...He's saying one evil character that murders and plunders is good for Smash but another isn't

and Link can team with Ganon but Samus can't with Ridley


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
Oh sweet Jesus Christ I hate ******** people. >_< If only it were possible for people to die from their own ignorance....
Gotta love Ridley fan boys. after all who needs reason when you can insult people that think differently then you?

Because it IS irrelevant...He's saying one evil character that murders and plunders is good for Smash but another isn't

and Link can team with Ganon but Samus can't with Ridley

As for this, Ganon doesn't go around killing and raiding, atlest not to the extent of Ridley.

And Ganon never killed any of Link's family members. You can always fight alongside someone you have fought against, but someone that killed your mother? It's possible but a stretch...
Anyway, I'm not going to argue about which is more sinister, it should be obvious to anyone that's thinking clearly.

It's fine if you guys disagree with me but you're going to have to have better counter arguments then these. Convince me to think the same way you do with good reasons.
Only thing close to a good reason I've seen is that popularity out ways image, which could be true. Is that the only reason?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Gotta love Ridley fan boys. after all who needs reason when you can insult people that think differently then you?

As for this, Ganon doesn't go around killing and raiding, atlest not to the extent of Ridley.

And Ganon never killed any of Link's family members. You can always fight alongside someone you have fought against, but someone that killed your mother? It's possible but a stretch...
Anyway, I'm not going to argue about which is more sinister, it should be obvious to anyone that's thinking clearly.

It's fine if you guys disagree with me but you're going to have to have better counter arguments then these. Convince me to think the same way you do with good reasons.
Only thing close to a good reason I've seen is that popularity out ways image, which could be true. Is that the only reason?
Come up with a good argument against his inclusion and maybe I'll reply with an actual answer


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Look one page back and come up with something better then irrelevant.
You as well

Gannon is as much an evil vicious monster as Ridley and you have failed to prove otherwise...

The only difference is Link doesn't usually have any family for him to kill unlike Samus...

If Gannon COULD travel through space he would be a blood thirty conquerer... all Ridley is, is a theif and smuggler...

...What makes you think Gannon hasn't killed anyone? I thought it was obvious...

Either way, Gannon can inflict worse torments upon his victems than death


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
You as well

Gannon is as much an evil vicious monster as Ridley and you have failed to prove otherwise...

The only difference is Link doesn't usually have any family for him to kill unlike Samus...

If Gannon COULD travel through space he would be a blood thirty conquerer... all Ridley is, is a theif and smuggler...

...What makes you think Gannon hasn't killed anyone? I thought it was obvious...

Either way, Gannon can inflict worse torments upon his victems than death
You win.ridley and mog for brawl


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
It's fine if you guys disagree with me but you're going to have to have better counter arguments then these. Convince me to think the same way you do with good reasons.
Only thing close to a good reason I've seen is that popularity out ways image, which could be true. Is that the only reason?
I see what you're saying Xengri, but I don't think it really matters...

Afterall, like PsychoIncarnate said, Smash is meant to bring together aspects from all over the Nintendo universe into one truly awesome party game. Metroid is a rather ...moody series anyhow, and Samus herself is a rather serious character. I don't recall anything comedic or humorous about her... and yet she's there alongside Kirby and Pikachu, running back and forth with a giant hammer, holding Lip's Stick, and using a fire flower. :ohwell: People are still going to remember the characters in Smash as they were in their respective games, and they'll be happy that they can finally control their favorite character... After playing as Samus for in various Metroid games for the last few weeks , I'd like to take control of Ridley in Brawl. ;)
...Counter it?

Is Smash not about bringing together all things Nintendo? Is Metroid not apart of Nintendo? Is Ridley not apart of Metroid?


Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
First Post said:
This argument holds so little water that it is upsetting to see someone use it as a reason why Ridley shouldn't be in Brawl. Ridley is a large, pterodactyl-esque purple dragon. So, his appearance must cause people to think that he would look out of place, but this is probably because there were no other characters currently like him in Smash. This would be why the frequency of this qualm’s appearance has died down some since the confirmation of Charizard.

Also, note that since Ridley is, in a way, anthropomorphic, he is also bipedal (as best seen in this image). This can often go overlooked, and lead one to believe that Ridley moves around on all fours when he is not flying. Even then, that wouldn't be too major of a problem, seeing how Pikachu and Ivysaur both run on all fours.

If you're one of those who think Ridley is too dark and sinister to be in the same game as Jigglypuff or Yoshi, please think again. There is no rule that states a character cannot be included because they are too mature. What Sakurai did say, however, is that he cannot use guns or knives in order to obtain an 'E' rating world wide. A knife is not viewed the same way in Japan as it is in a country in Europe, so they have to be cut all together. Ridley though, doesn't use weapons.

As for being too serious or dark, if that is the case, than Sakurai can easily do what he did with Snake to Ridley: use a more subtle, less viscous design. Such as the Super Metroid look that was used for Ridley's trophy in Melee. Also, the only reason he looks so dark and evil when compared to the other characters in Smash is because he comes from the Metroid series. Which, is known for being one of few Nintendo franchises aimed specifically for a more mature audience. Games like Pokemon and Mario are intended for all ages, and so, their characters are much less intimidating, and take on a cartoony appearance.

To tell the truth, however, no character is out of place in Smash. The playable roster, which includes an electric rodent, a medieval swordsman, an elastic pink puffball, and a fireball shooting Italian plumber with stereotypical, obnoxious catch phrases, is so diverse, with such a variety of art styles, personalities, and occupations, that there really is no way that a specific character could stand out from all the others. Even if Doctor Seuss and Salvador Dali each took a hit of LSD and worked together, they could not make a character that would be out of place in Smash.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC
"Hello! I'm with Guiness World Records and we are at the Ridley for SSBB thread, where one more spam post will give them the world record for spam posts, we have our cameras ready! And we wait..."


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
"Hello! I'm with Guiness World Records and we are at the Ridley for SSBB thread, where one more spam post will give them the world record for spam posts, we have our cameras ready! And we wait..."


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Ganondorf: Lord of evil. Kills lots of people and wants to purge the world in darkness. FACT.

Ridley: Evil space Dragon. Killed many people... well... I mean he is part of an ARMY, what does he want? he just wants a career.

Now just because Ridley wants to make his way in life and such you want to penalize him? I say YOU are the evil one in this argument!


Why don't you consider Ike to bad for Brawl? I mean he killed a lot of humans in his games and Goombas are sapient as well but Mario still kicks them to death. Links stabs Ganondorf... he even travels through times just to stab a poor defenseless mask as well. Samus? SHE BLOWS UP PLANETS!!. Mewtwo he may be misunderstood but he still killed a lot of scientists. Kirby... well... lets just say he doest poop the enemies out...

I mean your not going to say Waluigi isn't good for Brawl because he does a crotch chop would you? No you would use the countless millions of other reasons.

But seriously I thought you were smart... why did you bring this argument up? I mean in the other thread as much as i read of you, you were not acting stupid or ignorant like the other anti Ridley people but... *Sigh*.

Ok.Think... THINK about this... now think about it... thinking about it? read it over then. THINK GOD DAMMIT THINK!! and then tell us what you think of your "reason".


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Mog can't get into Brawl because Square said in an interview with Famitsu that they do not wish to use characters from Final Fantasy in Brawl if they had a choice because the series was too vast with too many characters.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Ganondorf: Lord of evil. Kills lots of people and wants to purge the world in darkness. FACT.

Ridley: Evil space Dragon. Killed many people... well... I mean he is part of an ARMY, what does he want? he just wants a career.

Now just because Ridley wants to make his way in life and such you want to penalize him? I say YOU are the evil one in this argument!


Why don't you consider Ike to bad for Brawl? I mean he killed a lot of humans in his games and Goombas are sapient as well but Mario still kicks them to death. Links stabs Ganondorf... he even travels through times just to stab a poor defenseless mask as well. Samus? SHE BLOWS UP PLANETS!!. Mewtwo he may be misunderstood but he still killed a lot of scientists. Kirby... well... lets just say he doest poop the enemies out...

I mean your not going to say Waluigi isn't good for Brawl because he does a crotch chop would you? No you would use the countless millions of other reasons.

But seriously I thought you were smart... why did you bring this argument up? I mean in the other thread as much as i read of you, you were not acting stupid or ignorant like the other anti Ridley people but... *Sigh*.

Ok.Think... THINK about this... now think about it... thinking about it? read it over then. THINK GOD DAMMIT THINK!! and then tell us what you think of your "reason".
Hate it when things get left at the bottom of the page huh?


Smash Rookie
Oct 26, 2007
New Jersey
I believe Ridley is almost definitely going to have an appearance in Brawl... All the signs point toward it. But not necessarily playable. There are really only five options for him at this point:

-Playable Character (Probably Unlockable)
-Assist Trophy
-Part of a Stage (Like Kraid from Melee)
-Unplayable Boss in Subspace Emissary
-He'll only be a sticker

Ridley is one of the most important characters to the Metroid series, and he's already made brief appearances in the last two Smash games. I don't think it's a question of whether or not he's too mature or sinister either. Solid Snake is pretty mature and Ganondorf is pretty sinister.

Unfortunately, his chances as a playable character are slim in my opinion, since in all but two games he always seems to have the appearance of a mindless recurring beast. (In fact, the Metroid Prime games never even once acknowledge him as anything other than a mainstay to their security team... not a Leader or General, but little more than a living super weapon... this is at odds with his stance in Metroid Zero Mission, where he's seen piloting a ship.)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
All right I’ll admit you guys did counter the argument (still with idiotic insults but I know better then to expect that much from you guys).
I can’t say Ridley’s chances are as high as you guys seem to think but I see now that image won’t hinder his chance. If I think of something else I would like answered I’ll come back.

And I saw your post the first time Lego, didn't have to post it twice.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
All right I’ll admit you guys did counter the argument (still with idiotic insults but I know better then to expect that much from you guys).
I can’t say Ridley’s chances are as high as you guys seem to think but I see now that image won’t hinder his chance. If I think of something else I would like answered I’ll come back.

And I saw your post the first time Lego, didn't have to post it twice.
Hes the most reocurring charater besides samus in the metroid series
hes a villain, which we lack...
hes on the top five in sakurais list, the poll tooked place in japan, and there was little love for metroid in the past years...
sakurai HIMSELF said he wanted to better represent the metroid series...

how are his chances NOT high?


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yes because you know how I can mind read right Xengri?

@ Val... no... sorry that is completely wrong. If you read any of the scans or gathered any information on Ridley you can actually see how all you have said is wrong... where the hell did you get that information from anyway? No were in the entire Metroid series has it stated that he was a mindless super weapon but almost all references to him talk about being a leader or general of sorts.

@ Xengri your "argument" as I have said was very stupid and you deserved the get the **** flamed out of you... now I don't flame anti Ridliers for being anti Ridley its just that they either don't state their reason yet portray it as fact have really, really, really stupid arguments against him like "He kills people".


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
@ Xengri your "argument" as I have said was very stupid and you deserved the get the **** flamed out of you... now I don't flame anti Ridliers for being anti Ridley its just that they either don't state their reason yet portray it as fact have really, really, really stupid arguments against him like "He kills people".
Well aren't you an offensive person but, I'm not going to bother. If all you got form my post is "he kills people" oh well. It was "against" your precious Ridley so I would figure as much. I got all I was looking for.

But hey, now that I pissed you off can I get that "Total noob" position?


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
And I saw your post the first time Lego, didn't have to post it twice.
Your the one being rude here.

And if your post had more to it please tell me id love to hear it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
Your the one being rude here.

And if your post had more to it please tell me id love to hear it.
Ok... if you get offended that easily.... Well I wasn't trying to be rude.

As for my post I was leaning more to the point that His history+ Image and relation to the protagonist is a little to harsh to be put into a PC spot in a game like Brawl which can be played as a " party game". Some other people have showed me that that doesn't really matter. Which is fine.

Hmm, your response kind of makes being labeled against you guys even more appealing now....

Anyway I'm done with this for now. If i offended with a question... sorry?


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yet since when did any characters history even come into Smash?

But as you said that has already been proved wrong.

And like I said you can hate us as much as you want but it doesn't change the fact that most of your points are void...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Rythian Colony #448
@ Xengri's "Is Ridley to vicious for Brawl" post:

You bring up some good points. But you must remember that if there were no SSB games, and you imagined Ganondorf, Solid Snake, Capt. Falcon, and Bowser (yes, even Bowser) doing some of the things that they can do in Smash, it'd look ridiculous. It's only because you've played Smash and that you're used to seeing them doing silly, lighthearted things that it doesn't look as ridiculous.


Smash Rookie
Oct 26, 2007
New Jersey
Yes because you know how I can mind read right Xengri?

@ Val... no... sorry that is completely wrong. If you read any of the scans or gathered any information on Ridley you can actually see how all you have said is wrong... where the hell did you get that information from anyway? No were in the entire Metroid series has it stated that he was a mindless super weapon but almost all references to him talk about being a leader or general of sorts.
Read the Metroid Prime manual. It never states anywhere that he is the leader. And a few logbook scans of him in Prime also indicate that he is simply a mainstay of the security force. Of all the Pirate Logs in Prime 1, 2, or 3, none of them even mention Ridley at all (Unless the main subject was Ridley himself) , let alone giving orders and such. Seems like a Space Pirate High Command is in charge here. And even so, I did say that this is contrast to his portrayal in Zero Mission or Super, where it is clear that he is the leader. It's all completely irrelevant anyway, since I'm sure Metroid Prime isn't even popular in Japan (It's Metroid, AND it's American made), so if Ridley made it in, chances are he'd be based off of his Zero Mission appearance.

I'm not hating on ridley. On the contrary, I want him in more than any other character, but I don't think we should get our hopes up on a playable version of him. I think he'll be a boss.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Are you sure because all the portrayals of him show him as a leader and over see'er of sorts. All.

But why not? everything points towards him and there are no real arguments against him.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Yep what Gypo said and whats up with your location Gypsy?
He's going through hard times...

If Ridley were an Assist Trophy we would know it by now. He's one of the most requested characters, so Sakurai would probably let us know if he wasn't able to make him playable.
Besides that, it's highly unlikely they would go through all the trouble of making that new Ridley theme/remix if they had planned to make him an AT from the start. You don't see Lyn, Samurai Goroh, or any of the other ATs having their own theme songs, now do you?

I could really see Kriad as a AT

He shoots his chest missiles in the background like Andross does with pieces of stuff
Eh, he actually shoots spikes out of his chest, not missiles. :ohwell:

But yeah. I agree with the idea (though I'd personally rather see Kraid as a boss).

But you are really turning it in some kind of sick religion or whatsoever.
I already had a religion to go by before joining that club, thank you very much.

And... I'm not going to bother making comebacks against your stereotyping concerning this thread or the club (besides that, I've never even stepped foot in the Waluigi thread, though I have visited some of the other support threads occasionally, but not to bash them).

But to those from R.I.D.L.E.Y who have been doing that, shame on them. You guys say you don't want another war, but then you troll the Waluigi thread? That's basically asking for one (though I agree Waluigi wouldn't make that good of an addition to Brawl, but that's beside the point).


As for Xengri's post, meh. As much as I don't like to admit it, he did make some valid points here and there, but just as expected, poor comebacks were made against his post at first...

To me though, having Ridley as an AT (one of Xengri's sig add-ons) would trash his image even more than being a playable character in Smash. Regardless of him being too 'vicious', he's far too important a character to just be added as a Pokemon knockoff.

And... I would say more in response to Xengri's post, but it seems Oasis_S covered everything else I would've said.

If you were in NSiders, even THEY would consider you to be a n00b.
True... but not everyone there was idiots.

Wait, if I support Ridley AND Waluigi, what does that make me in your eyes?
In my eyes? Someone whose more open-minded, I guess (even if Waluigi's chances of being playable aren't all that high, which I think seems to be the case).

And Ganon never killed any of Link's family members.
He would if he had gotten the chance, though. I honestly can't imagine Ganon showing mercy to the relatives of his most fiercest enemy. :dizzy:


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Hey Prime me Stryk's and a few others (Who mostly arnt even in R.I.D.L.E.Y.) have been bashing the Waluigi thread for a long time... before R.I.D.L.E.Y. was even made!!


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Hey Prime me Stryk's and a few others (Who mostly arnt even in R.I.D.L.E.Y.) have been bashing the Waluigi thread for a long time... before R.I.D.L.E.Y. was even made!!
Oh. I see...

In that case, I guess it was even more wrong for Kujirudo to make that terrible stereotype against the club just because some of its members (and non-members) were bashing the Waluigi thread (which I still think is wrong, but that's beside the point).

So eh, sorry for misunderstanding that. Anyhow...


Insurance Salesman

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2007
Ridley is an awesome character, and he deserves to be in Brawl. There is no argueing or denial. There is only acceptance.

In fact, the only thing I'm dissapointed about is the fact that there are so many Ridley posters that you can't count them all.... and there are about 4-5 people supporting K. Rool in his thread. He's my favorite character. Oh well, at least one awesome character is getting this much support.
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