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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
I could really see Kriad as a AT

He shoots his chest missiles in the background like Andross does with pieces of stuff


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
I could really see Kriad as a AT

He shoots his chest missiles in the background like Andross does with pieces of stuff
I think he would be more suitable as a boss. We already have a Metroid AT.

Ridley for Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
I really hate the idea of characters fighting the bosses from there game

If Samus fights a boss it's gonna be Ridley even when he is playable I think it's still gonna be Ridley

Ridley 4 Brawl


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
A Kraid boss battle could play out the same way it does in Super Metroid and Zero Mission. Those ...projectile belly stingers could act as platforms that you must climb up, then you'd have to shoot at his face until he takes enough damage. Ofcourse, you'd be dodging those annoying claws he throws at you...

Ridley for Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
Exactly why i ahe the idea of characters fighting bosses that aren't characters
It's gonna be like you playing that characters game

No originality


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
Link is gonna fight Ganondorf when he is playable

Samus should fight Ridley

I think Mario is gonna fight Bowser

Besides oasis is right it's just gonna end like a fight from her game
No orignality like I said


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Link is gonna fight Ganondorf when he is playable

Samus should fight Ridley

I think Mario is gonna fight Bowser

Besides oasis is right it's just gonna end like a fight from her game
No orignality like I said
We don't know this. Samus could fight Ganon for all we know.

If Samus fights Ridley then I'm fine with that. But personally, mixing it up abit would make it more interesting. You can fight Ridley as Samus in every Metroid game. Let's mix it up a little. Makes it more interesting.

Ridley for Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2007
That's what I was trying to say ~N9NE~ -_-

I don't want the characters to fight there boss form there game

I thought you wanted them too

I'd rather Samus fight some kind of Brawl boss or something

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
also another reason while ridley may not be a boss.(though he should be as well as a PC)
Petey Piranaha appeared in the polls but didnt scored over 1.Hammer Bros scored under 2.
What the poll did was show sakurai who should be plable.
i bet in PP scored say 3 he wouldnt be a boss.if HB socred a 4 he would be playable right?
Ridley 4 brawl!!!!!11!


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
@ jc1sttwin

Alright. Fair do's guess we just got confused.

Ridley to be confirmed within a fortnight please Sakurai :)


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
lol I was going to say that but I was just taking into account we got Dedede this week.

I'm not expecting to be bombarded by unparalleled awesomeness two weeks in a row.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
Look, I really agree that Ridley should be in Brawl. I mean, if he isn't, I will personally kill Sakurai (joking duh). But I think that what you guys are doing is really sick. Making up a club like this, whatever, do what you will. But you are really turning it in some kind of sick religion or whatsoever. Why the heck do you all tag along and bash on for example the Waluigi support thread? Do you think you're godlike with your so-called 'club'? Are you the good guys here and is everybody who thinks something different the baddies? Are you trying to make up some kind of nationalistic atmosphere to show how awesome you guys are? How not-mature.

Ow and if you're gonna put me on the haters list now, do as you wish, that says enough about how plain stupid you guys are. I mean, I just told you I highly support Ridley, no doubt about it; but I'm against the way you guys express that you think he's an important addition to Brawl.

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
Look, I really agree that Ridley should be in Brawl. I mean, if he isn't, I will personally kill Sakurai (joking duh). But I think that what you guys are doing is really sick. Making up a club like this, whatever, do what you will. But you are really turning it in some kind of sick religion or whatsoever. Why the heck do you all tag along and bash on for example the Waluigi support thread? Do you think you're godlike with your so-called 'club'? Are you the good guys here and is everybody who thinks something different the baddies? Are you trying to make up some kind of nationalistic atmosphere to show how awesome you guys are? How not-mature.

Ow and if you're gonna put me on the haters list now, do as you wish, that says enough about how plain stupid you guys are. I mean, I just told you I highly support Ridley, no doubt about it; but I'm against the way you guys express that you think he's an important addition to Brawl.
meh its like the difference form the chavz to the nerds...

anyway we enjoy this little'relgion' it shouldn't make us superior(i think)it gets a hand ful of supporters for ridley.mainly the greatest ones.we dont mind its what we do.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
What the **** are you talking about? We go down and bash the Waluigi thread because its some stupid *** **** not because the leader of the club comes over and tells us to.

Jesus Christ seriously what is wrong with you? How the **** is it sick to create a club!? And mate where the hell did you get all those ideas in your head?

Before you go accusing us of "good guys here and is everybody who thinks something different the baddies" think it over.

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
What the **** are you talking about? We go down and bash the Waluigi thread because its some stupid *** **** not because the leader of the club comes over and tells us to.

Jesus Christ seriously what is wrong with you? How the **** is it sick to create a club!? And mate where the hell did you get all those ideas in your head?

Before you go accusing us of "good guys here and is everybody who thinks something different the baddies" think it over.
heh heh well okay we couyld resort to that :D


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
@ Kujirudo

Please don't generalise. I'm pro Ridley but never do I go in other support threads and just straight out berate people. I'm sure there are other Ridley fans who are like me.

I know what your talking about, but please don't generalise.

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
i use cerial to eat my spoon.
btw sakurai doesnt seem to be going into depths with alt costumes.(look at samus isnt the proper fusion sui)
so what would ridleys alt be meta-ridley would be to complicated omega mabye but still complicated i think?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Look, I really agree that Ridley should be in Brawl. I mean, if he isn't, I will personally kill Sakurai (joking duh). But I think that what you guys are doing is really sick. Making up a club like this, whatever, do what you will. But you are really turning it in some kind of sick religion or whatsoever. Why the heck do you all tag along and bash on for example the Waluigi support thread? Do you think you're godlike with your so-called 'club'? Are you the good guys here and is everybody who thinks something different the baddies? Are you trying to make up some kind of nationalistic atmosphere to show how awesome you guys are? How not-mature.

Ow and if you're gonna put me on the haters list now, do as you wish, that says enough about how plain stupid you guys are. I mean, I just told you I highly support Ridley, no doubt about it; but I'm against the way you guys express that you think he's an important addition to Brawl.
Wow, talking about taking it to the extreme...why do you even care what they do?


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
In Akaneia, blasting every castle with a pink Land
Look, I really agree that Ridley should be in Brawl. I mean, if he isn't, I will personally kill Sakurai (joking duh). But I think that what you guys are doing is really sick. Making up a club like this, whatever, do what you will. But you are really turning it in some kind of sick religion or whatsoever. Why the heck do you all tag along and bash on for example the Waluigi support thread? Do you think you're godlike with your so-called 'club'? Are you the good guys here and is everybody who thinks something different the baddies? Are you trying to make up some kind of nationalistic atmosphere to show how awesome you guys are? How not-mature.

Ow and if you're gonna put me on the haters list now, do as you wish, that says enough about how plain stupid you guys are. I mean, I just told you I highly support Ridley, no doubt about it; but I'm against the way you guys express that you think he's an important addition to Brawl.

let the people choose and support what the hell they want! it doesn't hurt you personally if people support a character you don't like! whats wrong with you ?!?

Neo M.J

Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2005
Ridley ftw:chuckle:! But the thing I fear is him bieng a mere boss, wich is more likley then bieng an AT.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
Oh god, I know I’m going to regret posting here but I’ll do it anyway….

I know you guys have heard countless arguments against Ridley. Lots of them have been ridiculous ( Size, music, etc) and some of them have been good.

I posted in another thread about his chances and it got me thinking…

Is Ridley to vicious for Brawl?

Hear me out:

Super smash is in need of more villains that we all know but, consider the villains that have been playable.

D.K (in his much older games… can’t really be considered one now but I’ll add him anyway)
Mewtwo ( barley a villain but can be considered one do to some movies)

Out of these 4 I’ll take the two real villains Ganon and Bowser.
Now compare these two to Ridley.

Bowser is not really evil, he just causes trouble and wants the princess. He has never done anything personally cruel to Mario and has even teamed up with him on before.

Ganondorf is evil only really because every game needs a bad guy. He wants to rule and wants power, that’s all. He also does nothing personal to Link himself. The game always ends with a happy ending and no one being scarred by “ the bad guy”.

Ridley is a space pirate that has killed Samus’s mother. He has been described as being bloodthirsty and ruthless. Which is what you would expect form a high ranking space pirate that leads raids against colonies.

Out of the three you can see which one is clearly more vicious. Why can this hurt Ridley’s chances?
Well this is just my thoughts but.

Imagine. The infamous Ridley appearing as a boss in Subspace. Pretty cool right?
Ridley coming out form an assist trophy. Attacking your foes with his plasma breath and tail swipes. Sounds pretty awesome.
Now Imagine that same space pirate, the last of his fearsome race being a playable character. Sounds good but, remember. Not every match in super smash is the item free controlled man to man fight that they are in tournaments.
Imagine your bad*ss Ridley going around carrying a Lip’s stick, running back and forth with a DK hammer or, using a fire flower?
Even worse, Samus and Ridley teaming up???
Mario and Bowser sure, they’ve done it before.
Link and Ganon, a little weird but possible. They only fight cause one wants power the wrong way.
Ridley killed Samus’s mother! Even in the smash world that would be more then awkward.

That and there’s the matter of appearance:

Bowser. No one respects this guy as a sinister evil doer anymore.... He's cool but not really evil.

Ganondorf, A little touchy but I can still see him throwing a poke ball. He didn’t even use his sword…. Plus he just looks like a conceded Pimp to me.

Ridley in his smash self when he came before Samus. They fought a little in the opening of SSBM but he wasn’t playable. I thought he would be a event match, but nope. Maybe a Boss now. Come one, this guy after eating spicy curry? Even if I would like him in, that would just trash his image.

And Meta Ridley( ?), Final smash would be awesome, slipping on a banana peel, not so much.

Anyway that’s just my thoughts. Playing as Ridley in a fighting game would be nice but, Smash? IF he was playable some of the party elements would just kill him, he being a boss is more fitting. Not because I don't like him but, because I think the image he's formed over the Metroid series wouldn't allow him to be a smash PC. Think about it… future Metroid game, Final fight, Ridley shows up. Would he really send that chill down your spine or would a image of him after tripping (inkdroping if you want to call it that) come to mind?

This isn’t to be confused with a Ridley sucks and has no chance post, just wanted to know how some Ridley fans would think about this.

Is Ridley to vicious ( for lack of a better word) for Brawl, or any super smash?

Maybe this isn't a factor when considering a character for Brawl but, I think it would be.
I'm sure a lot of you disagree and I'd like to hear why as long as you don't come off as a crazed fanboy clouded by his love for a character and just insulting someone that has a different opinion.
And if this has been posted before, my mistake. I didn't search all the pages of this thread or the last Ridley one to find out.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
YOur points are irrelevant...Smash is about characters from different series just thrown together for total chaos...'course they AREN'T the real versions of the characters.

I don't see how you can say the prince of evil fits while a space pirate commander doesn't...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
YOur points are irrelevant...Smash is about characters from different series just thrown together for total chaos...'course they AREN'T the real versions of the characters.

I don't see how you can say the prince of evil fits while a space pirate commander doesn't...
So thats all I get? That my points are irrelevant? Ok fine, I was expecting that since I am in Ridley's thread after all but, can you please give me a better reason that smash=chaos?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
So thats all I get? That my points are irrelevant? Ok fine, I was expecting that since I am in Ridley's thread after all but, can you please give me a better reason that smash=chaos?
What's better than chaos?

Besides PRINCE OF EVIL = less evil than a space pirate?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Uh oh. Fire in the Ridley thread.

Look, I really agree that Ridley should be in Brawl. I mean, if he isn't, I will personally kill Sakurai (joking duh). But I think that what you guys are doing is really sick. Making up a club like this, whatever, do what you will. But you are really turning it in some kind of sick religion or whatsoever. Why the heck do you all tag along and bash on for example the Waluigi support thread?
Hmmmm, that's a hard one. Oh, I know!

'Cuz Waluigi sucks.

Do you think you're godlike with your so-called 'club'? Are you the good guys here and is everybody who thinks something different the baddies?
No. Just Waluigi supporters.

Are you trying to make up some kind of nationalistic atmosphere to show how awesome you guys are? How not-mature.
Note that this is the Ridley thread. We talk about how awesome RIDLEY is.

I'm against the way you guys express that you think he's an important addition to Brawl.
He IS an important addition to Brawl. I don't get what you're getting so fired up about. Half of the stuff that goes on in here is sarcastic, or said in a joking manner.

But he's right, guys. Let's stop having fun.

Internet--serious business.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2007
Orlando, FL
What's better than chaos?

Besides PRINCE OF EVIL = less evil than a space pirate?

1. Organized chaos.

2. Ganon has the title prince of Evil in his game. Compare him to Ridley, obviously you can see which one is worse (cruel, heartless, evil, etc...). if they were in the same universe, Ganon wouldn't be the prince of evil.

Just because the title prince of evil sounds worse then space pirate, you have to consider what each title means in the game, not just how it sounds.

Prince of Evil= Man that wants to get a triforce to purge the world in darkness for some reason.

Space pirate= Band of "interstellar nomads" that go around raiding planets and killing random people.

I know this place is quick to flame but, honestly I'm not a "supporter" or "hater", I just had a thought and wanted it answered. Not to be confused with the random noob you guys get once a day, civilized answers please.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Lets get one thing straight,those who think I am from nsider,STFU i'd never even heard of it until i posted that massive faill of joke thread(you know the one) SO STOP SAYING IM FROM THERE


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I see what you're saying Xengri, but I don't think it really matters...

Afterall, like PsychoIncarnate said, Smash is meant to bring together aspects from all over the Nintendo universe into one truly awesome party game. Metroid is a rather ...moody series anyhow, and Samus herself is a rather serious character. I don't recall anything comedic or humorous about her... and yet she's there alongside Kirby and Pikachu, running back and forth with a giant hammer, holding Lip's Stick, and using a fire flower. :ohwell: People are still going to remember the characters in Smash as they were in their respective games, and they'll be happy that they can finally control their favorite character... After playing as Samus for in various Metroid games for the last few weeks , I'd like to take control of Ridley in Brawl. ;)


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Lets get one thing straight,those who think I am from nsider,STFU i'd never even heard of it until i posted that massive faill of joke thread(you know the one) SO STOP SAYING IM FROM THERE
If you were in NSiders, even THEY would consider you to be a n00b.
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