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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2007
Not quite sure...
yeah but another thing Each character has a Alt costume as said on ign when they played the demo
so i was thinking what would ridleys be? (like link is dark link,mario would be dr mario
Probably a color alteration such as traditional Ridley -> Fusion Ridley
or T Ridley -> Meta Ridley/Phazon Ridley (which would be more likely and more involved)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2007
Not quite sure...
yeah hoping for phazon ridley because well he kicks ***.
Anyway samus would be dark samus but zero suit?
That is something to think about. I honestly cant see Zamus as some Phazon infected monster (as well as the fact that scans of DSamus show that its basically a skeleton expanded to fit the suit rather than a normal looking creature inside)

Ridley FTB!!!

Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Silently stalking Samus....
That is something to think about. I honestly cant see Zamus as some Phazon infected monster (as well as the fact that scans of DSamus show that its basically a skeleton expanded to fit the suit rather than a normal looking creature inside)

No wait a sec logic coming up

As mainly shown Sakurai seems to be taking a Zero Mission look to all the characters right.
Shown in the movie showed Fusion Samus as a Trophy so Dark Samus wouldnt be the Alternative Costume it would be Fusion siut.Meaning Samus would be emm.Samus in a Bikini possible.
Another thing is that both games where released soon after another.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2007
Not quite sure...
No wait a sec logic coming up

As mainly shown Sakurai seems to be taking a Zero Mission look to all the characters right.
Shown in the movie showed Fusion Samus as a Trophy so Dark Samus wouldnt be the Alternative Costume it would be Fusion siut.Meaning Samus would be emm.Samus in a Bikini possible.
Another thing is that both games where released soon after another.
Yay logic! Ridley for Brawl! -Insert Random Cheer Here-


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Honestly, I dont see how else Ridley could have survived all of those encounters with Samus. I mean hes completely destroyed in a couple games, so how else would he continue, other than some sort of complete genetic reconstruction process. I'm fully willing however to accept any reasonable means for Ridley's survival.
In response to the 'completely destroyed' thing, enemies/bosses exploding when you beat them is done solely for the functionality of the video game, and is very classic & common nowadays, especially in Metroid. Thus, what's seen happening to Ridley on the TV screen at the end isn't always reliable (or IMO, shouldn't always be taken as what's actually supposed to happen in the story).

Ridley is just like Kirby.

we don't know the name of his race, but we still call him "a Kirby".
Eh, I thought Kirby's race was called Warpstar Knight. :ohwell:

And although Ridley's race may not have an official name (since Ridley's the last one and all), they're common referred to as Zebesian Dragons.

Fusion being last in the series means nothing, they dont release games in timeline order. Just because it's the last in the series doesn't mean the last game to be made.

I honestly dont believe Metroid Fusion will be the last Metroid.
Theyll go back to that territory eventually.
My sentiments exactly.

meh they should make a spin off series.With Ridley being the main character
it should be freeromer like spiderman 2/3
Ridley as a main character? Hmm... sounds like a Spyro game, only cooler. :laugh:

Speaking of which, I had a somewhat in-depth idea about that quite a long time ago. Guess I'll copy & paste it while I'm at it (it's pretty outdated though, and lacks originality too now that I think about it :ohwell:) :

If they were to have a Metroid spinoff game where you play as one of the bad guys (not referring to the idea of there being spinoffs for the other Hunters from MPH), this is how I think it could work for Ridley. Needless to say, this game would tell about Ridley's background and all that, which in the end, you would aid him on his quest for universal domination by ultimately defeating Bounty Hunter Samus Aran.

As for the game-play of this Ridley game I thought up of, I think his power-ups should probably be something like a stronger or a different kind of death breath (like instead of always shooting fire/plasma out of his mouth, he would shoot electricity or some other element by getting certain power-ups), and there would be Energy Tanks (modified with Space Pirate design) that would not only increase Ridley's health, but enable him to fly around longer than he normally would as well... and from a controlling perspective, this is how I think it would work when playing as him.

A-button: Fire basic projectile attacks out of Ridley's mouth, and by holding down the A-button, he would be able to shoot bigger fire-balls than he normally would. Just like charging Samus's arm cannon...

B-button: Fly. While flying, you would obviously use the joy-stick to control what direction he's flying in, and you would use the Y-button to make him fly faster while in the air. How long he can fly however, is limited, but he's able to fly longer depending on how many Energy Tanks you collect.

X-button: Use his tail to attack a nearby opponent, and you use the joy-stick to control what directing his tail attacks. With a certain power-up, you can literally impale opponents with his tail.

Y-button: Use his claws to attack a nearby opponent, and if you keep pressing the Y-button repeatedly, he'll do several fast slashes in a row until the enemy (like a GF Trooper or something) is dead.

Z-button: Shoots a beam of plasma rather than multiple fire-balls, but unlike the fire-balls, you're limited to how much you can use this attack, but by collecting certain kind of expansions, you would be able to use this attack longer than you normally would.

L and R buttons: Change the angle/camera view that you're in.

And rather than having to "scan" something like Samus would, Ridley would just read or analyze the object, creature, or computer that he's looking at nearby to gather information on, and of course, the C-stick would control what kind of basic projectile attack Ridley fires out of his mouth (fire, phazon, etc).

And for those who use the "Ridley would be too big to even get around something small!" excuse (like Samus needing to go into Morph Ball form to go through a small tunnel or something), he could just fly around it (of course, if Ridley were able to shrink into a ball too, not like he would need to anyway when he can fly).

... yeah. I realize something like this would probably never happen, but hey. One can dream right?

yeah hoping for phazon ridley because well he kicks ***.
You mean Omega Ridley? Yeah. He was pretty awesome.

Anyway samus would be dark samus but zero suit?
Huh? Uh, Samus and DS are technically 2 different characters...

And having a ZSS version of Dark Samus would probably be not too pleasant looking :p, seeing as how DS is basically just Samus' DNA merged with Metroid Prime's DNA (which created needed organs and skeletal support to fill the Phazon Suit).


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2007
Not quite sure...
:p anyway another topic about ridley.We all know about the badge where would Ridley put it.I think just on his chest like a normal person.But mabye his wings?
On his forehead!!! Or his chest... if you wanna be boring
Imagine metal Ridley, in all his shiney dragoness, with a mushroom, the badge, and curry. MUAHAHAHA


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2007
Not quite sure...
sorry.bout in melee Bowser has the win for metal.Im..okay with Bowser.i can easily beay any lvl 9 with him.But Ridley should have the kick *** metal wings.yeah...sweet.
Yes metal wings. I wonder what the final smash will be. Will it be some sort of beam, or maybe a overhead barrage of beams, or a space pirate ambush? Argh! They need to confirm him and tell us!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I think Ridley is a better choice than Dark Samus for their decision....

I mean people are complaining about the lack of Metroid Prime stuff....

...They are true, they don't seem to be acknowledging the series that much in Smash...

...But that also means, who would be the best villain choice, NOT from the Prime series (Which is apparently not repped that much)...

RIDLEY of course...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2007
Not quite sure...
I think Ridley is a better choice than Dark Samus for their decision....

I mean people are complaining about the lack of Metroid Prime stuff....

...They are true, they don't seem to be acknowledging the series that much in Smash...

...But that also means, who would be the best villain choice, NOT from the Prime series (Which is apparently not repped that much)...

RIDLEY of course...
The reason for the Metroid Prime neglect is that the Metroid Prime series is very unpopular in Japan. Go figure.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2007
Strongsville, OH
It makes me feel better about Ridley's chances with the confirmation of Norfair and Ridley's Music in combination. It's too perfect of a set up to lose with, IMO.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2007
Look behind you...
Oi, I'm back! ...For a while.

I've been preoccupied with classes for a while, so I haven't made it on here in a LONG while. Worst part is, my holiday ends tommorrow. I'll only be here for a little while, sorry.
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