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The New Official Kirby Matchup Rankings AND GUIDE Thread! :: OMGOMGOMG! We're done!

Lord Viper

SS Rank
Sep 26, 2007
I heard he actually gets STRONGER when his Pikmin are in bloom. Because Olimar really needs more strength.

It make's since, in Pikmin 1 and 2 they get stronger and grow the flowers on they head by time or if they suck up sap. So far, I think in Brawl's case it's by time they grow flowers on their heads. U-Smash and a good charaged Purple Pikmin and you'll die at a lower percent then you think.

And to work a good Final Cutter, you need to be near the edge so you can grab it before your foe's can attack you or if they're in the air and you can just spike them because of the Final Cutter good range. =P



Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I also wish Diddy didn't have bananas...if he didn't, he would be a legit character.
I saw someone do the double banana chain on a MK earlier...twice. It's annoying to even WATCH, not to mention play against.

*throws banana*
*grab, throw*

*do it again a little while later*
lol, isnt the bananas the thing that makes diddy. It's kinda like saying i wish kirby didnt have his fsmash or bair. Diddy without his bananas isnt a legit character, its a sucky character.

Also, if i saw the banana lock on a MK i would rejoice and laugh in the metaknight users face. (not really though, cuz im a nice person :) )


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
If I remembered correctly, All the flowers do is help you keep track on which Pikmins have been longer on the Field. It doesn't alter anything like damage or knock back. I read that a long time ago on the Olimar boards. I don't know if they found out anything new that they do, but as far as I'm concerned, they don't alter Damage/Knock Back.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
lol, isnt the bananas the thing that makes diddy. It's kinda like saying i wish kirby didnt have his fsmash or bair. Diddy without his bananas isnt a legit character, its a sucky character.
The bananas don't make the character, but he's a sucky character without the bananas?

I'm just saying that bananas, and the tripping mechanic in general, are EXTREMELY ANNOYING. Bananas are the weirdest projectiles in the game. No attack beats them.

You know, if Diddy was limited to 1 banana instead of 2, I think he would still be a fine character, and much less annoying to fight.

I hate it when I trip on a banana that's on the platform above me, when I upsmash or whatever.

Brawl makes sense >_>

And yes, I think Diddy would be a legit character without bananas, if he had some other move for down+B. Maybe he deserves more knockback on some moves so he can KO easier. No use thinking about it I guess, since it'll never happen :[


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2008
Muppet Treasure Island
Its really not that bad, with bananas Kirby just has to keep his distance, and wait for Diddy to make a move, if he throws the banana ur out of range, if he tries to glide toss it towards u since u know ur out of range of the banana u can short hop Bair. Many diddy players will simply mind game the banana and use it to glide toss a lot, others will throw the **** out of the bananas gliding toss it or just throwing it. The important thing is they have to pick the missed banana up. This is where Kirby excels, U get in between the banana and diddy, grab usually is the best bet, back throw and then throw the banana behind u but on the stage. Diddy will have one banana less and they might feel pressured to go get it. either way u have some control of the match, if he has the other banana do the same thing, maybe even pick of the other banana to keep it from disappearing, the whole match is about disrupting Diddy's flow. Once u can do that ull feel the control u have over the match.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2008
Kirby world
the olimar boards already discussed this matchup, so you can go to their matchup board to see what they say.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
Olimar researcherizing:

Holy **** counterpicking based on pikmin % ratios

Everything u need 2 no about pkmn

Provocative thread titles ftw

MK26, you make it sound easy, but it's really not. His grab range is ridonkulous, and lagless with pivot grab. His pikmin spam will inevitably deal SOME damage. His Dsmash is too good at clearing around him. He hinders approaches from all angles:
- From the front: fsmash and side B, and downsmash
- From 45 degree angle in the air: Up B
- From above: upsmash
nonono...those were just some impressions i got from facing olimar.
But seriously, you can ff a b-air onto his u-smash, and you'll hit and go through the pikmin, and hit olimar. All of your aerials go through all of his ground attacks (in which pikmin are used) and can still hit olimar afterward (except maybe his grab and up-b)
In other news, seriouslt hate oli's grab

Read the ****** sig


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
ok, as a main of both characters, ill give my imput of the match

difficulty: 40-60 olimars disadvantage

strategies olimars to employ: camp with pikmin and pivot grab, because we know good kirbies approach from 40 degree angles which olimar have trouble punishing so we will try to punish you for landing on ground and pikmin spam you for retreating bairs, and olimar will smash you when you get close and keep that pattern going, preferably on stages like bf will platforms

kirbies advantages/ disadvantages :olimar is generally light and will get killed around like 100% by kirby if not low % gimped, olimars range on ground will be what to avoid, so try not to be on ground but has trouble stopping short hopped bairs

watch out for: watch out for our grabs and at 80% and higher our smashes will kill you, with purple smashes killing at 60% your bair>all olimars smashes, don't go to high with bairs because if we catch on we will up-b you if your high enough, and don't try to camp olimar normally, eventually you will take damage, screw up stopping our pikmin, then be grabbed into a wtf hax chombo(there is an exception though)

how to win: off stage is the best way kirby can kill olimar, get olimar offstage any way you can, just wall of pain him of stage then get ready to edgehog him, watch out for whistle though, it gives invincibility frames, also, depending on the oli some will prefer to sheildgrab alot, if an olimar starts overusing that use this chance to grab him first then put him in the air for a few good combos, and chase grabs, just don't stand right below us on the ground, because we will ground cancelled nair->upsmash/dsmash you, killing if fresh at like 80% depending on pikmin, or if you can't get olimar off stage just pressure his sheild with all your aerials until he is forced to roll or spotdodge then punish, and don't be hesitant about using fsmash if you get an opportunity, because you don't get many, especcially when we sheild alot

spit out or swallow: unless you are going for a kirbycide you want to swallow, kirbies version of olimars pikmin plucks acts as like a machine gun of pikmin, destroying olimars camping ability, easily gimping him offstage, and forcing him to approach, swallowing should be a main goal in this match, because it will break olimar if you just spam it after you have his ability

what not to do: approach or fight from ground, go above olimar, try and sheildgrab olimar, try to camp olimar with up-b shockwave

counterpicks: rainbow cruise, japes, frigate orpheon, sv, ban: luigi mansion, bf, lylat, yoshis island, and other small stages with many platforms

keep in mind also olimar might try to go toe to toe with your air games if he/she knows what he/she is doing, mainly with fairs a little over your bair, so keep that in mind and punish if you see it coming, olimar also loves pivot grabbing so don't ever be on ground near him or relatively close,don't get above him, our up air will wreck anything but shorthopped dairs which we will sheildgrab, and don't go at 45 degrees due to olimars up-b unless you can bait it then punish, go for 40 and 50 degree approaches, don't approach to low of to high, to high=upair ownage, to low=running upsmash


Apr 10, 2008
Rather than typing up an essay on the matchup, I'd prefer to just answer any questions y'all might have. Fire away!


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Does it really work for Kirby to spam shorthop/fullhop Bair all day?

Because maybe it's just me, but I get bored quickly doing the same effective move over and over; I switch it up all the time.

Thus why I can't play Snake or MK. I'd get bored of Shuttle Looping/Ftilting all day >_>

Also thus why I lost to Fino's Olimar yesterday, I tried Dair too much, and moves other than Bair. Though it seems to me that people underestimate Olimar's aerial game, he seemed to beat my Bair pretty easily :/


Apr 10, 2008
Does it really work for Kirby to spam shorthop/fullhop Bair all day?

Because maybe it's just me, but I get bored quickly doing the same effective move over and over; I switch it up all the time.

Thus why I can't play Snake or MK. I'd get bored of Shuttle Looping/Ftilting all day >_>

Also thus why I lost to Fino's Olimar yesterday, I tried Dair too much, and moves other than Bair. Though it seems to me that people underestimate Olimar's aerial game, he seemed to beat my Bair pretty easily :/
Well, Olimar has some ways to get around it or counter it such as upb, pivotgrabbing, or whistling into it and using another attack afterwards. Generally, using any attack over and over isn't a good idea. It gets predictable and thus more easily punished.

The problem with using rising bairs is that you have to get within range of Olimar's grabs and fsmashes to hit him with one. Good spacing makes it difficult. If you can get there, then sure, it's difficult to punish well.

With that in mind, what Kirby should be doing is forcing Olimar to pivotgrab until he's forced to the edge of the stage. As long as you can keep him moving towards the edge, you can pressure him enough into trying to get past you or shielding an attack and getting pushed to the ledge. Both put Kirby in a favorable position.

Also, if Kirby is a ahead a stock, he's got enough mobility and quick pikmin killing options to just camp and kill pikmin- eventually forcing an approach from Olimar.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Does it really work for Kirby to spam shorthop/fullhop Bair all day?

Because maybe it's just me, but I get bored quickly doing the same effective move over and over; I switch it up all the time.

Thus why I can't play Snake or MK. I'd get bored of Shuttle Looping/Ftilting all day >_>

Also thus why I lost to Fino's Olimar yesterday, I tried Dair too much, and moves other than Bair. Though it seems to me that people underestimate Olimar's aerial game, he seemed to beat my Bair pretty easily :/
You do know MK has a ****ton more options than just shuttle loop and f tilt, same with Snake, rite? MK is amazing win.

Kirby's bair is best for almost any situation, I almost always only use fair to recharge the bair. Kirby's moveset really isn't that unpredictable. (I mean you know what tools he'll use for a certain situation, not how easy they are to see and block)


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I'm just saying that MK or Snake can do extremely well, even if they limit themselves to only like 3 moves.

They won't win in the "highest level" of competition, but all in all, they'll do great iwht those 3 moves.

And you see lots of scrubs picking up those characters and abusing those moves, so yeah, I get sick of it.

I use all of Kirby's aerials depending on the situation. Ask Gonzo :O


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
I'm just saying that MK or Snake can do extremely well, even if they limit themselves to only like 3 moves.

They won't win in the "highest level" of competition, but all in all, they'll do great iwht those 3 moves.

And you see lots of scrubs picking up those characters and abusing those moves, so yeah, I get sick of it.

I use all of Kirby's aerials depending on the situation. Ask Gonzo :O
I could argue that you can do well with just bair, throw combos, and f tilt, with some other stuff rarely used. =/

Not my fault MK nubs dont know how to play MK to his sexiest potential.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2008
Muppet Treasure Island
if u watch my match against whodat, Link: Sova tourney bracket round 1 after pools, u'll c basically what was described above, playing on the ground is useless, ur best shot is to gimp olimar while remembering if he's used his double jump and watching out for his Fair and his whistle.
Edit: i play like **** btw first olimar i ever played in tourney

and Asdioh, u should only use the move that best suits the situation like u said, if thats the case, u really shouldn't be using anything but Bair in this matchup


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2008
Muppet Treasure Island
55 - 45 for Kirby
Olimar has to much power and such a powerful ground game that it makes up for his lack of recovery, also his recovery is bad but many good olimars DI so well that they dont need to go for the edge, u have to catch them after a double jump and even then its difficult if they DI that well


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Okay, here's my question: Is it worth taking Olimar's power? I've heard that yes and I've heard that no. Personally, I have no good Oli experience, so I have no idea.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
AND if you see a situation in which Inhale would be better, a quick "Hii!" will get rid of your power for you.

Kirby's one of like, 3 characters whose taunts have an actual combat use. :]

(Snake, Luigi, Kirby, anyone else?)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 24, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
Captain Falcon's taunts also help. I mean, he's CF. Manliest character ever. What did you expect?
i laughed by *** of at this. anyways, i don't have any experiance with olimar, as none of my friends play him, and i don;t know i'f i'm even close to ready for tourneys yet.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
i laughed by *** of at this. anyways, i don't have any experiance with olimar, as none of my friends play him, and i don;t know i'f i'm even close to ready for tourneys yet.
Get him in the air, and spam Bair (maybe some Uair, I personaly love the uair->bair combo that I have been doing for montttttthhhhhssss and it works really well)

Spam more Bair.

If you are ahead a stock, make him approach you.

Works even better if you steal his power before you get ahead.

Bair. Gimp him offstage with Bair and maybe Dair.

I learned all this after losing to an Olimar at my last tourney this weekend. -_-


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
Okay, here's my question: Is it worth taking Olimar's power? I've heard that yes and I've heard that no. Personally, I have no good Oli experience, so I have no idea.
NEVER take Olimar's power, as Kirby gets the short end of the stick (again)

Why Kirby's power is inferior to Olimar's:

-You can only throw one at a time, he can throw 6 at a time
-You can't see which colour you'll be throwing so you have no idea of the range
-You can only throw them grounded so he has WAY more range than you, and you have more lag

So yeah... you will get outcamped/outspammed EVERY time, no question. This power might be useful vs other but not against an Olimar. Also, you can't use it for edgeguarding really since if an Olimar is offstage you want to edgehog/spike him instead.

Please, PLEASE forgo the power.

AND if you see a situation in which Inhale would be better, a quick "Hii!" will get rid of your power for you.

Kirby's one of like, 3 characters whose taunts have an actual combat use. :]

(Snake, Luigi, Kirby, anyone else?)
Yes, but others can be used as mindgames. For example, I've seen people dodge attacks with Jigglypuff's deflation thing.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
For example, I've seen people dodge attacks with Jigglypuff's deflation thing.
That's so funny that I almost want to sig that.

Imagine doing that with Kirby's up taunt?

And is having Olimar's power THAT bad? Really? What if you were ahead a stock, and you wanted to force him to approach?


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
That's so funny that I almost want to sig that.

Imagine doing that with Kirby's up taunt?

And is having Olimar's power THAT bad? Really? What if you were ahead a stock, and you wanted to force him to approach?
*Waits for metaknight matchup to appear*

Why not just camp with bairs and fairs if u want him to approach...spamming will just make him spam back....ull be taking damage...alot more than him obviously considering he can jump while spamming.

I like using ledge hammers if i dont edgehog olimar correctly juste to keep him flying over the place

Up close i like to use Bair>Turnaround jab>Grab...silly stuff like that actually helps me not get shield grabbed...

Its good to have a little knowledge about the pikmin considering the knowledge makes the matchup alot easier...

I think its 45-55 Olimars favor considering if hes playing campy and gay he should be killing u faster than u can gimp consecutively...Olimar also has the whistle super armor frames on his side...


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
trust me, take olimars power than camp like a ***** from the middle of a long flat stage or edge of small stages(like bf) when i play as olimar, i find this really annoying and hard to stop without perfect timing, which even then is hard cause random pikmin, and then, i was kirby and used this in a friendlis irl recently and guess what, on sv, my opponents olimar couldn't approach on sv, yi, bf, ect., got to higher percent than me, i just kept doing it, and whenever he got knocked back you can move forward to pressure him even more till he was offstage where it wrecks his recovery even more than bair, and he wouldn't stop complaining, he couldn't even camp me with latches because this move stops olis pikmin throw, period, use this move right and oli is screwed in this matchup


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008


next time I fight Olimar I'm going to be a total *******.

In fact, next time I go to a tournament I'm going to be a total *******, since I'm too nice when I play tournament matches. And I lose.

Seriously, a MK counterpicked Rainbow Cruise against me, and I jablocked him against the ship wall. That pissed him off, so I stopped at like 80% when I could have gone a lot higher. I'm too nice X_X


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2008
Lurking the Kirby Social thread with my rock buds.
That also reminds me.

When I was playing Asdioh and Gonzo (not together, in one v ones), they tried to lock me on pokemon stadium 1 (Asdioh with Fox's neutral a, gonzo with Kirby's dtilt). Asdioh was doing it facing that mountain thing and gonzo was facing away. I DI'd and jumped out of them, then I naired vs Asdioh and faired vs gonzo, both of which ended in jab locks:). Then, I tried to hit Asdioh with...um...I forget, but it didn't work. Then he jumped up and I uaired him. Gonzo I got up to about 430% and then ftilted. Twas fun.


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
Well, we havent come to a consensus, but 60-40 seems like the way to go here. Krby simply has a way to deal with anything Olimar throws out: stay in the air! (Only semi-sarcastically-->) Learn ISJR so you dont have to land. You should be in the air that much. As long as you avoid his purple pikmin u-smash and dont get shield-grabbed while in kill range, this matchup isnt that bad. Dont forget to edgeguard.

As for next week...I feel like doin Peach. Do u agree? Disagree? Different character?

45-55 her favour?


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2008
Muppet Treasure Island
not even! If anything its even, i've played against Forte and a SOVA Peach player who was pretty good. Kirby has responses for Peach, he can duck so low to the ground that Peach has to becareful just how she wants to setup, to high and kirby will just duck and shield when she tries and Fair, To low and we can just Dtilt or Utilt from a crouch position.
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