I was quickly skimming through points you fgt
But if you want:
Link's primary disadvantage is his recovery. Yoshi isn't particularly good at gimping (outside low % combos) because of his below-average edgeguard game
Link's hookshot (or any tether grab for that matter) can easily edgeguard Yoshi
Yoshi's DJ armour completely dies at higher %s after getting hit by many of Link's attacks e.g. Fair, Uair, Dair, Fsmash, Dsmash, Ftilt
There's a reason Sheer never wants to play his Yoshi vs Link
I'll give Yoshi vs Link 45:55 on DL
What are YOUR arguments THE STAR KING???
read my edits
also I'll respond to your points
Yoshi has no problem edgeguarding Link. Weak reverse nair (or dair if low %) alone destroys it (might sound like a weird choice to people haven't played me, but uh, play me and you'll see what I mean). Or edgehog -> force landing -> get up and punish (utilt/grab/ledgehop fair).
Hookshot is pretty good yeah but I don't think that outweighs Yoshi's advantages. Even with this point I don't think Link has advantage in edgeguarding.
You could say that high % Yoshi armor thing about any Yoshi matchup.
What Sheer said. Anyway personal preference means little. I could just as easily say "there's a reason I enjoy playing against Link with Yoshi". Which I do.
Whatever Sheer.
Dear Dirk King :
I believe you are a slightly better player than I. You main Yoshi, while Link is one of my secondaries.
If we were to play a Bo5 set on Dreamland and my Link won, it would pretty much guarantee Link is better in that respective MU.
Therefore, I challenge you. Please contact me on Skype this week (I can play on Thursday night or Friday PM).
[collapse=PS]I'm gonna **** your **** up[/collapse]
Lol OK I can definitely respect a challenge over the MU chart. That's what I like to see. I accept.
Thanks for giving me some time to derust. Since I have literally not touched online Smash since August. I'm busy on Thursday but Friday is probably good.
BTW, last time someone challenged me over the MU chart was Battlecow about Luigi vs Puff (I was Puff), and he got 3 stocked, 3 stocked, 4 stocked (nearly JV 5, it was 4 stock 9%, I still have the .krecs). Prepare your body.