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The New Match-up Chart

B Link

Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Uh luigi/mario usmash in tent usually sends them too far to continue with anything or too low (if they're at a low percentage).

I agree with AA it's all about the grabs; speaking of which I love the sound of grabs and wish I had it on repeat on my ipod or something


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
Actually, just thinking about it, Hyrule might be about the same for DK/Luigi. DK aint a slow character, he can somewhat run circles around Luigi.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2010
Samus can, if you know how to use her. Just try to hit Fox from above.
Also, I played WOTG Fox with my Samus, my Samus hate WOTG Fox.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
me said:
Q: Luigi and Mario are the same, but Luigi's Up-B is better! Why are they so far apart on the tier list?

A: Simple answer? They aren't the same. Mario has better horizontal air speed, contributing to a better approach. His short hop is low enough to make all of his aerials effective when used at the peak, and therefore the Mario brothers' short hop double aerial is more effective with him. His recovery is also far better - he can use the tornado from afar to get height, then send a screen of fireballs down. Luigi's fireballs are markedly inferior, being slow and of an inferior trajectory. Mario's Up-B is far superior for recovery, giving a disjointed, constant hitbox and decent hitstun at the end, so even if you land on the stage it's not incredibly punishable (if the opponent is at high percents). Luigi's Up-B cannot be used to hit the opponent in recovery. While it's true that Luigi's zero-death combos are far easier to finish once they've started, Mario has plenty going for him that Luigi can only dream of, and as such he is simply a better character overall.
read the smash index please


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
Nobody answered my question. Why is :mario2:>:luigi2:?

Mario's fireballs are better, Mario's recovery is better, Mario's short hop is way better, Mario's dash attack is better, Mario's airspeed is better, and a whole bunch of other marginal differences that come out on Mario's side and make him significantly better.

Edit: Most importantly, Luigi is too floaty.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
oh sorry, i forgot to mention that luigi can't approach...this is probs the biggest thing, made worse by his inferior fireballs that make his camping game patently worse than mario's


Smash Journeyman
Sep 12, 2012
- Better Fireballs
- Overall Faster
- Better Dash Attack
- Better recovery
- Tornado Spiking

- ****ty dash attack
- Additional on stage finishers. (Tornado, Up-B)
- Slow/Floaty Aerial mobility
- Great recovery compared to the most of the tier list, but Mario's is better
- Better D-Tilt
my favorite move in the game <3


Smash Journeyman
Sep 12, 2012
I can't really explain it. I only use for situational purposes due to its short range. I surprisingly broke Yoshi's super armor on DL when he was trying to make back to the stage, and he fell to his death. I use it mostly in Hyrule on the left wall near the **** tent. I usually Jab(sometimes once, twice, or won't do it at all) > D-Tilt bouncing the opponent off the wall into a Up-smash (only works if percentage is high enough), or I Jab( same thing like last combo) > D-Tilt bouncing them off the wall and then quickly Uair to Up-B.

Sometimes I do turn around pivot D-Tilts and usually land them, but only if the percentage is high enough to produce knockback other than that its useless. On low percentages I do turn around pivot grabs to substitute.

EDIT: So many "I" sentences in this post **** it lol


Smash Apprentice
May 11, 2012
- Better Fireballs
- Overall Faster
- Better Dash Attack
- Better recovery
- Tornado Spiking

- ****ty dash attack
- Additional on stage finishers. (Tornado, Up-B)
- Slow/Floaty Aerial mobility
- Great recovery compared to the most of the tier list, but Mario's is better
- Better D-Tilt
my favorite move in the game <3
I'm so glad Tornado Spiking was included on this list. And if I remember correctly isn't Mario's D-Tilt hitbox extend past his animation?


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
*lifts ignore of prisonchild*

Yeah, I never really get tornado spiked either, even by like boom. The DI isn't terribly difficult.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Lasers itself give Fox an advantage over Samus, but it is very possible for Samus to get through them. I've experienced and witnessed enough to figure this MU is really not as bad as most people make it out to be. Reminds me when people acted like Link had no chance against a good Fox, but then you still see people like ISAI beating up good Fox players for the most part. (Not only just using Isai as the source)
except "just using Isai as the source" is exactly what you're doing here ...

You'd naturally think Fox punishes Samus better than Falcon, because Falcon doesn't combo too well against floaties, but I think Isai's new way of punishing floaties with Falcon has changed the game on that. Falcon usually does finish his punishes on Samus, while Fox typically can't.
what is Isai's new way of punishing floaties and are you sure it works on Samus?

Also with Fox I finish combos on Samus all the time. More than with Falcon. Samus is easy to fair chain and shine jab. My Fox combo video is like half against Samus (ok that's due to who I play against but still).

Shocking? I'm assuming you think Fox > Yoshi? The reason I have it even is because Fox has lasers and may have the approach advantage, but against a good Yoshi, parries can disrupt Fox's combos A LOT (Something I noticed when playing parry kings like Sheer, which seems to happen most when I used Fox). Fox usually has to accumulate multiple hits, while for Yoshi all it takes is one hit most the time.
What combos are you doing that can be interrupted by parry? Dair combos?

Uh luigi/mario usmash in tent usually sends them too far to continue with anything or too low (if they're at a low percentage).
not if you know what you're doing. also I personally find this easier than timing grabs over and over but that's just me.


Smash Ace
May 8, 2012
Training Mode (or Toronto)
what is Isai's new way of punishing floaties and are you sure it works on Samus?
i don't know if this is what he was talking about but instead of the usual uair chains (which don't work well on floaties) isai will put in one or two uairs and then bring them back down with ff dair for an easy tech chase. i'm pretty sure it works on every floaty depending on how many uairs you try to get in, and it's followed by a pretty much guaranteed tech chase.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
except "just using Isai as the source" is exactly what you're doing here ...
I was implying that I'm also judging from my own experience, but used Isai as my example.
what is Isai's new way of punishing floaties and are you sure it works on Samus?
As what prisonchild said, and you can also do more, given randomness/situation. Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4-Q_qGKMqA&feature=plcp and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=9pJY0MAylww#t=145s for some visual examples. People like me and Boom have adapted it to our styles, and it makes Falcon a lot more fun to play.
Also with Fox I finish combos on Samus all the time. More than with Falcon. Samus is easy to fair chain and shine jab. My Fox combo video is like half against Samus (ok that's due to who I play against but still).
This may sound like I'm reaching, but probably like the only combo I seen that finishes on Samus is a fair chain. And you can only get a fair chain sometimes... For your own reference, I didn't watch all of them but I remember watching some of your matches with Dark Rancorous, Fox vs Samus, and from what I remember they were very competitive, not a massacre at all.
What combos are you doing that can be interrupted by parry? Dair combos?
Well dair counters parry but of course can be DI'd out of. Pretty much like all of them especially jab combos. You're safe however when Yoshi is being combo'd in the air.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I saw the discovery there not as just the tech chase (which a bunch of people have used since forever) but also as just the way he brings opponents back down with dair and then continues with nair or whatever... just his use of dair in falcon combos overall, even though that sounds vague.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Yeah, the dair to techchase has been around forever. That's not new lol.

Fox finishes Samus easy. Jab to usmash or uair, reverse bair to the same, fair to the same, uair at high percents. All attacks which are really, really easily set up by lasers. Samus can't do anything about a good laser game. And no, she can't just approach from above. Unless the Fox is really, really stupid.

I actually agree with Ballin' for once. Maybe the Mayans were right :troll:


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
You guys don't know what I'm talking about because that strategy is relatively new.

Yeah, the dair to techchase has been around forever. That's not new lol.

Fox finishes Samus easy. Jab to usmash or uair, reverse bair to the same, fair to the same, uair at high percents. All attacks which are really, really easily set up by lasers. Samus can't do anything about a good laser game. And no, she can't just approach from above. Unless the Fox is really, really stupid.

I actually agree with Ballin' for once. Maybe the Mayans were right :troll:
Don't listen to this guy lol

Which one of you Fox demons want to prove me wrong? Or prove me right :)


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Yeah, the dair to techchase has been around forever. That's not new lol.
agree with this and battlecow. although i think the dair -> nair -> continue combo is kinda situational and not important enough to swing which character is better at comboing samus.

Fox finishes Samus easy. Jab to usmash or uair, reverse bair to the same, fair to the same, uair at high percents. All attacks which are really, really easily set up by lasers. Samus can't do anything about a good laser game. And no, she can't just approach from above. Unless the Fox is really, really stupid.

I actually agree with Ballin' for once. Maybe the Mayans were right :troll:
I don't remember you ever disagreeing with me about anything...

@WOTG - i've played like 10 million Fox vs Samus matches against Darth. some were close and some weren't, but it's been very rare for me to lose in that matchup. And show me a Falcon combo vid or something with as many Samus combos as I have in my Fox vid lol.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
agree with this and battlecow. although i think the dair -> nair -> continue combo is kinda situational and not important enough to swing which character is better at comboing samus.
Who's been playing like that then? In my years of playing this game competitively, I've never seen anyone play like that until Isai started to. And it's more than just dairing then techchasing, it's basically connecting a series of coordinated attacks. And Kys and Battlecow definitely don't play like that :troll:
@WOTG - i've played like 10 million Fox vs Samus matches against Darth. some were close and some weren't, but it's been very rare for me to lose in that matchup. And show me a Falcon combo vid or something with as many Samus combos as I have in my Fox vid lol.
lol k, jump online anytime so i can prove you wrong with these MUs, and that goes for anyone who is up for the challenge.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
lol online fox

regardless, i'm not even sure what you're saying with your challenge. are you saying your samus will beat my fox but not my falcon? or your falcon will beat my (lol) samus but my (lol) samus will beat your fox? because those would be the only two outcomes that would help your point.

"connecting a series of uncoordinated attacks" is probably the most imprecise description of a playstyle ever btw


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
lol online fox

regardless, i'm not even sure what you're saying with your challenge. are you saying your samus will beat my fox but not my falcon? or your falcon will beat my (lol) samus but my (lol) samus will beat your fox? because those would be the only two outcomes that would help your point.

"connecting a series of uncoordinated attacks" is probably the most imprecise description of a playstyle ever btw
That I'd most-likely do better against your Fox than your Falcon, and that I won't get destroyed by your Fox (unless it was just an off game). And you can show me these amazing Fox combos against Samus, while I can show you Falcon's advanced way of punishing Samus. I'll take on anyone who is up for the challenge, the more the experience, the better the ruling.

That was just bad wording, we all make mistakes :)

Oh and, if you have that much of a doubt about online, take your time and practice till you're ready.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
well, it's more that i'm like 10x better with Falcon than Fox online. and I'm horrible with Samus so you probably wouldn't need any advanced punishment to own me in that matchup lol

btw for my point about "I've rarely lost in that matchup" I was specifically talking about vs Darth. You said our Fox-Samus matches looked "competitive", so I'm saying "ok, but I won pretty much all of them..."


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
well, it's more that i'm like 10x better with Falcon than Fox online. and I'm horrible with Samus so you probably wouldn't need any advanced punishment to own me in that matchup lol

btw for my point about "I've rarely lost in that matchup" I was specifically talking about vs Darth. You said our Fox-Samus matches looked "competitive", so I'm saying "ok, but I won pretty much all of them..."
Meh... Don't get me wrong, not saying it isn't bad for Samus, just not as bad some people here say it is.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
lol........... I just played a bunch of games with Kabal not to long ago (Fox vs Samus) and lost most of them. How disgraceful.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Who's been playing like that then? In my years of playing this game competitively, I've never seen anyone play like that until Isai started to. And it's more than just dairing then techchasing, it's basically connecting a series of coordinated attacks. And Kys and Battlecow definitely don't play like that :troll:

lol k, jump online anytime so i can prove you wrong with these MUs, and that goes for anyone who is up for the challenge.
That I'd most-likely do better against your Fox than your Falcon, and that I won't get destroyed by your Fox (unless it was just an off game). And you can show me these amazing Fox combos against Samus, while I can show you Falcon's advanced way of punishing Samus. I'll take on anyone who is up for the challenge, the more the experience, the better the ruling.

That was just bad wording, we all make mistakes :)

Oh and, if you have that much of a doubt about online, take your time and practice till you're ready.
Meh... Don't get me wrong, not saying it isn't bad for Samus, just not as bad some people here say it is.
lol........... I just played a bunch of games with Kabal not to long ago (Fox vs Samus) and lost most of them. How disgraceful.
Don't listen to this guy lol


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
yeah clearly there's some innovation in isai's use of dair. I'm just saying that dair->techchase is something that everyone uses and has been in use forever.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
So samus is now top tier?!
Last couple of times I played him I used Pika and DK and I was the better man, but this time he got the best of me. Don't even have any johns, his way of playing Samus is just incredible. It's also possible he's gotten even better or was just completely in the zone, because he was really hard >_>

Don't listen to this guy lol
Oh ur so clever :)


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Kabal is a really ****ing good samus. That's why I think more people should have "mains" or at least strong primary characters, you really figure out a lot of subtleties that you wouldn't with 1/12th of the time. He does really clever stuff and just consistently makes good decisions in a way that even really good secondary samuses often don't.

I remember one session a couple months ago where we played maybe 10-15 games and he won every one, even though a BUNCH of them came down to last stock high percent. He would do the clutchest stuff.
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