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The New Match-up Chart


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
I definitely agree with Kirby >> Ness
I agree with Jigglypuff > Ness
I think Ness = Falcon is plausible, somewhat
I probably disagree with Ness > DK
At least someone recognizes that Falcon is Ness's best matchup in the top high tiers (past Yoshi). Even matchup, I admit, might be a slight stretch, but it is like 55/45 Falcon IMO. I think Falcon is easier than Jiggly. Falcon's weight definitely helps Ness here.

It may not be DK < Ness, but it is at least DK = Ness. I mean once Ness gets in it is over for DK, and playing on a map other than Dreamland, where DK intercepts DJCs with grab, mitigates DK's ability to get Ness off the ledge, and if Ness never leaves the ledge he isn't completely horrible.


Smash Champion
Nov 12, 2009
DK can keep his distance with bair upb and longgrabs. If the DK dont rush in like a mad man, ness will have a hard time aproaching him.

I would say DK>ness


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2006
kuz's house
all this ness talk and no mention of the great FROG?!

**** you all. i'm tired of being an afterthought. starting today, i am the new villain of kaillera.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
DK can keep his distance with bair upb and longgrabs. If the DK dont rush in like a mad man, ness will have a hard time aproaching him.

I would say DK>ness
It is just too even for it to be considered anyone's game the more I think about it. If Ness gets in, he can probably finish DK. DK has good range, but a grab with DK probably isn't death unless it is on DL, and even then it might not be. Maybe I play with too many tier list junkies who don't main DK, but who actually does main DK?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
if you're gonna say 'once ness gets in ITS OVA' then you're gonna have to assume DK's grab = death on DL

more importantly, a DK grab will let him reset spacing regardless of what stage you're on, which is a significant advantage

and i regard yoshi as a more effective ness, so if people think falcon > yoshi (which everyone seems to, even if it's only 55:45) then im not sold on falcon = ness


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
if you're gonna say 'once ness gets in ITS OVA' then you're gonna have to assume DK's grab = death on DL
I basically granted that, but avoiding grabs is the #1 thing a Ness should be doing when playing most characters. The Grab hitbox doesn't extend past DK's head so Ness can get in and when he does get in the DK is essentially KO'd. DK has big hurt boxes so it is highly doable to get in through a hole in DKs defense.

and i regard yoshi as a more effective ness
Ness and Yoshi are too different to make this analogy, just cause they both have DJC doesn't mean that they are the similar.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
I basically granted that, but avoiding grabs is the #1 thing a Ness should be doing when playing most characters. The Grab hitbox doesn't extend past DK's head so Ness can get in and when he does get in the DK is essentially KO'd. DK has big hurt boxes so it is highly doable to get in through a hole in DKs defense.
one-sided consideration that doesn't make mention of dk's movement options, you're right in that hanging out above DK is a viable strategy (im assuming this is what you're getting at), but it's not like DK is going to just let you d-air him

Ness and Yoshi are too different to make this analogy, just cause they both have DJC doesn't mean that they are the similar.
im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're an ok player

just because their names are different doesn't mean you should immediately dismiss the two as 'too different to make an analogy with'

they both have a similar gameplan vs falcon: control space with (DJC) aerials and capitalise on unsafe approaches/oversights in movement for a simple juggle > edgeguard/KO

yoshi just does it way better, his b-air is better at being a threat than any of ness's stuff and i don't see anything ness has in this matchup that yoshi doesn't have except extended horizontal b-air, slightly less vulnerability to u-smash from below with d-air...and surprise PK fire? idk

ness has nothing comparable to yoshi's parry or DJC armor/recovery, and yoshi's sudden approaches with a DJC f-air are much harder to react to than ness's extended horizontal DJCs, which have a signature floaty segment

a lot of what i just wrote is opinion and some of it is probably wrong, but i would hope that you (or SK, butting in and telling me im horrendously wrong) address the points appropriately

no SK this is not a dig at you i honestly want to debate some smush for once because embryology is ****ing terrible

B Link

Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I'm gonna have to say DK > Ness, just from experience playing the match-up both ways. It's a little worse on dreamland than on hyrule.

This argument has happened before and I will refer everyone to the same vid that I did back then:

^ Peek, one of the top ness players online only lands ONE hit on boom the first match. ONE HIT. This is unprecedented in the history of ssb64 online. I don't think the boomis2good argument works here either: you'd be crazy not to say that this is an advantage for DK after watching the vid.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
one-sided consideration that doesn't make mention of dk's movement options, you're right in that hanging out above DK is a viable strategy (im assuming this is what you're getting at), but it's not like DK is going to just let you d-air him
DK has a lot of ways to evade and counter, but so does Ness. The mind games associated with spacing are very hard to quantify in terms of who has the upper hand, but DJC momentum movements can be difficult to predict.

im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're an ok player
Ill do the same for you.

they both have a similar gameplan vs falcon: control space with (DJC) aerials and capitalise on unsafe approaches/oversights in movement for a simple juggle > edgeguard/KO

yoshi just does it way better, his b-air is better at being a threat than any of ness's stuff and i don't see anything ness has in this matchup that yoshi doesn't have except extended horizontal b-air, slightly less vulnerability to u-smash from below with d-air...and surprise PK fire? idk

ness has nothing comparable to yoshi's parry or DJC armor/recovery, and yoshi's sudden approaches with a DJC f-air are much harder to react to than ness's extended horizontal DJCs, which have a signature floaty segment
You rightly pointed out that Ness's DJC is more dynamic than Yoshi's in terms of spacing due to the horizontal boosts. The predictability of the signature floaty segment can be mitigated with fake outs and basically attacking in a non-linear fashion. An example of a fake out that Yoshi's DJC can't do is the overshot DJC, which can sometimes bait the enemy into whiffing a move or possibly hitting them if you do a low overshot, but the speed of Falcons Upsmash make the clear overshot the better option.

PK Fire is almost never used by Ness AFAIK. The only time I can think of that I purposely use the move is when retreating from the **** tent I sometimes throw one diagnally while I let my DJC carry me to the central platform, but that has little bearing on the matchup overall.

Yoshi can certainly fight well, but my point is that he isn't like Ness other than DJC. Yoshi admittedly has some great defensive stuff, but parry and super armor won't get your opponent of the ledge. Yoshi's bair is a clear winner over Ness's and the only advantage Ness's has is that he can do them repeatedly while moving slightly backward in quicker succesion after the first hit . However, I haven't played a lot of Yoshi verses Falcon so I can't comment on exactly how that match goes.

However, I have a lot of experience with Ness versus Falcon, and while it is pretty much the opposite of a slam dunk, it is hands down Ness's best high tier matchup. Ness can combo Falcon from near the middle of Hyrule off of the ledge. Ness just has to be patient and wait for an opening.

All of this does beg the question, if Yoshi is just a better Ness, why is Yoshi one of Ness's best match ups (the more I think about it the more I actually can think of why).

no SK this is not a dig at you i honestly want to debate some smush for once because embryology is ****ing terrible
I'm in a similar situation myself.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
DJC momentum movements can be difficult to predict.
nah, they're pretty easy to see through imo if you're alert and staying at an appropriate range (ie outside the range of everything but extended horizontal DJC b-air), there's a good reason why neither yoshi nor ness will mindlessly DJC there without any mixup involved

DJC is a technique that confers range and manoeuverability, but it's only good if it's not overly obvious, as it is in the case of ness's extended DJCs

You rightly pointed out that Ness's DJC is more dynamic than Yoshi's in terms of spacing due to the horizontal boosts. The predictability of the signature floaty segment can be mitigated with fake outs and basically attacking in a non-linear fashion. An example of a fake out that Yoshi's DJC can't do is the overshot DJC, which can sometimes bait the enemy into whiffing a move or possibly hitting them if you do a low overshot, but the speed of Falcons Upsmash make the clear overshot the better option.
no matter how non-linear you are, i am going to see that floaty bit and think 'hmm, he's going to come at me full-tilt OR he's going to do a fake-out that will come nowhere near me' - it's still an easily reactable mixup

more importantly, extended horizontal DJC is only necessary at a medium range when a simple, relatively safe DJC u-air won't do

im not sure what you mean by overshot DJC, last i checked overshooting countered dashdances and slow pivot moves, so i have no idea what you're on about

PK Fire is almost never used by Ness AFAIK. The only time I can think of that I purposely use the move is when retreating from the **** tent I sometimes throw one diagnally while I let my DJC carry me to the central platform, but that has little bearing on the matchup overall.
this was a joke because i was honestly stuck for things ness can do that yoshi can't

and it's actually quite good in the yoshi matchup lol

Yoshi can certainly fight well, but my point is that he isn't like Ness other than DJC. Yoshi admittedly has some great defensive stuff, but parry and super armor won't get your opponent of the ledge.
they actually will: parry grab, soaking a hit with DJC armor and aerial > u-tilt thing, plus the ability to dodge falcon's grabs is nice

Yoshi's bair is a clear winner over Ness's and the only advantage Ness's has is that he can do them repeatedly in quicker succesion after the first hit. However, I haven't played a lot of Yoshi verses Falcon so I can't comment on exactly how that match goes.
ness's b-air is hella slow to come out in comparison to his other aerials, i dunno why it would be 'an advantage' when it's not even that relevant

yoshi falcon is basically space until you get a hit then 0-death/edgeguard, very very VERY similar to ness falcon (except yoshi has better spacing tools once you understand ness's djc gimmicks)

However, I have a lot of experience with Ness versus Falcon, and while it is pretty much the opposite of a slam dunk, it is hands down Ness's best high tier matchup. Ness can combo Falcon from near the middle of Hyrule off of the ledge. Ness just has to be patient and wait for an opening.
im not really doubting that ness falcon is his best high-tier matchup (because pika >> ness, kirby >> ness, fox > ness...his matchups aren't very good lol), but i still can't think of it as ness advantage or even

All of this does beg the question, if Yoshi is just a better Ness, why is Yoshi one of Ness's best match ups (the more I think about it the more I actually can think of why).
you're in a thread specifically about grading characters by their scaled matchups against the entire cast, yet you ask this question?


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
You keep saying things like, "Once Ness gets in it's over; if ness gets in DK is essentially KO'd." The latter is such a vague and loose statement. You really need to explain yourself.

^Maybe on dreamland, maybe. Good DI can help keep DK over the stage more often than not though. DK has the advantage on dreamland anyways so this is pretty much moot.

Sure DK can't kill as fast on hyrule, but neither can Ness. If both players are near the edge then they both have the same gimping ability. I think you're underestimating how hard it is to "get inside" (lol) a good DK. A quick upb works as a great bailout if bairs, uairs, and grabs haven't done the job already.

It's really easy for DK to grab or upb Ness out of DJC.

And just so it's clear, if DK throws Ness off the stage, he's dead. I don't want to assume anything, but if you've been playing people as Ness and you're getting back on regularly then it could be skewing your judgment. Ness can't recover.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
You keep saying things like, "Once Ness gets in it's over; if ness gets in DK is essentially KO'd." The latter is such a vague and loose statement. You really need to explain yourself.
Do I have to run through every possible scenario. I wish I had time to discuss every way to kill DK once I got in, but it is too dependent on the situation.

It's really easy for DK to grab or upb Ness out of DJC..
If you get in range for that stuff. No serious player is going to DJC into a grab or up B.

And just so it's clear, if DK throws Ness off the stage, he's dead. I don't want to assume anything, but if you've been playing people as Ness and you're getting back on regularly then it could be skewing your judgment. Ness can't recover.
Half the cast of this game can't recover. Just cause Ness is one of them doesn't mean much considering he shares this trait with so many other characters.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
If you get in range for that stuff. No serious player is going to DJC into a grab or up B.
i get to ignore this point completely, right

Half the cast of this game can't recover. Just cause Ness is one of them doesn't mean much considering he shares this trait with so many other characters.
ness is particularly notable for having a downright terrible recovery, to the point where you can disregard him once he's off-stage (just watch the boom vs peek vid that B Link...linked (english pls)

at least falcon can randomly YES you


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
at least falcon can randomly YES you
I am edge guarding with Ness.

If he is superlow I edge hog.

If he is kind of low I Yoyo. If he DI's he will be low enough to repeat or dair.

If he goes for reverse ledge DI, I spike him

If he uses the Up B and is close and at ledge level I am camping outside of his hitbox for the grab time end and then nair him back off. To which I follow appropriately.

If he is slightly above I do the same thing and also predict a fast fall to the ledge by boxing him in.

Falcon can't recover.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Sooo no serious Ness player is going to get in range of DK's grab or upb? You must be an expert on KO'ing with PK fire and Pk thunder then.

The fact that you're lumping in Ness' horrible horrible recovery with half the cast is indication you simply don't have enough experience. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's the truth.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
^^Sig worthy.

dk pwns on hyrule with the tent. dk > ness everywhere.

Just to point out, "no serious player is going to djc into a grab or up-b"... how about "no serious dk player will let ness 'get inside' ". Both great examples of tier theory, and both meaningless.

Because of dk's superior spacing moveset (bair, upb, and grab) a ness player is forced to outsmart his opponent to win. Sure ness can beat dk, but its harder than dk beating ness. But ness is good if you know how to use him


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
Sooo no serious Ness player is going to get in range of DK's grab or upb? You must be an expert on KO'ing with PK fire and Pk thunder then.
Ha good one, I chuckled. It isn't impossible to get in without getting repelled or grabbed. IT CAN BE DONE.

The fact that you're lumping in Ness' horrible horrible recovery with half the cast is indication you simply don't have enough experience. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's the truth.
I don't know how else to refute you judgement of my familiarity with this game than saying that your wrong.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
you just said you werent too familiar with yoshi vs falcon and that you havent played any dedicated dk players, which indicates to me you dont have much experience outside ness

and on a topic like recoveries of the whole cast, thats something you tend to need


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
you just said you werent too familiar with yoshi vs falcon and that you havent played any dedicated dk players, which indicates to me you dont have much experience outside ness

and on a topic like recoveries of the whole cast, thats something you tend to need
Way to twist my words. Just because I don't have a perfect grasp on the mind games and tactics associated with approaching Falcon with Yoshi (who happens to be the only character I have who isn't fully developed) doesn't mean that I don't have the recovery knowledge down to a T with every character including Yoshi.

I doubt there is anything anyone could say about recovering that I didn't know already.

I don't know of any DK mains. I'm sorry. I do understand this game though and saying that I don't know what I am talking about just isn't true. I know that on these forums you are supposed to say Ness sux, worst character ever, playing with him = lose, but just because I disagree doesn't mean I am wrong. If I am supposed to expound the virtues of Pikachu all day and say over and over that Kirby's utilt is T00 G00D, then that has already been said and I have no reason posting here.

I am not challenging Ness's placement in the tier list or anything like that, but I have done well with Ness, people on youtube have done well with Ness. Firo obviously thinks he is good enough to be played in teams at APEX. Do I need to recite frame data to be taken seriously when talking about match ups? That match up chart was constructed in such an unscientific manner that I think it is fair to question it.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
to be quite fair, you are the most coherent ness defender that i've seen so far, and you aren't demanding nearly as much as most noobs do (ness top tier hurr), but your last post isn't helping your case much

we've responded to the vast majority of your points with viable responses, the only ones that we look at and brush off are the ones that would only happen if the ness player was far superior to the DK one, and the ones about you dismissing ness's abysmal recovery as a non-factor (because other good characters have this trait as well or something)

also, if yoshi is the only character you consider yourself to have a deficiency in, im not sure where you get off entering a full discussion about his playstyle

I am not challenging Ness's placement in the tier list or anything like that, but I have done well with Ness, people on youtube have done well with Ness. Firo obviously thinks he is good enough to be played in teams at APEX. Do I need to recite frame data to be taken seriously when talking about match ups? That match up chart was constructed in such an unscientific manner that I think it is fair to question it.
one player taking a character into a major tournament is not grounds to argue that character is good, purely because every player has preferences and playstyles that some characters will suit over others

also, every character's approach problems (especially ness and samus's) are mitigated in doubles by the sheer nature of the format, firo not taking ness into singles bracket is more relevant tbh


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
Alright you all Win

Everyone >> Ness.

His recovery sucks therefore he probably belongs in his own tier behind Samus.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
now you're making sense

no, that's definitely not the sort of attitude to take, and ness is at least better than luigi (hur hur)

you made a number of reasonable points in a coherent way, but a lot of your posts smack of inexperience against good DK players

re-evaluate your points and see if you still think ness as a character (excluding player skill) has the tools to deal with what DK has

dk's up-b is one of the best gtfo moves in the game, and there are few moves, even amongst top tiers, that flat out beat dk b-air easily


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
It may not be DK < Ness, but it is at least DK = Ness. I mean once Ness gets in it is over for DK
If Ness gets in, he can probably finish DK.
The Grab hitbox doesn't extend past DK's head so Ness can get in and when he does get in the DK is essentially KO'd.
Ness can combo Falcon from near the middle of Hyrule off of the ledge.
please make a combo vid. kthx.

Ness just has to be patient and wait for an opening.
Why can't Falcon be patient and wait for an opening?

I doubt there is anything anyone could say about recovering that I didn't know already.
I'd be skeptical if any player made this statement.

I don't know of any DK mains. I'm sorry. I do understand this game though and saying that I don't know what I am talking about just isn't true. I know that on these forums you are supposed to say Ness sux, worst character ever, playing with him = lose, but just because I disagree doesn't mean I am wrong.
In case you aren't aware - "Ness sucks" is a meme on these forums due to the many, many times that we've had someone come to these forums and say "OMG ness is da best"


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I dunno I thought he was right about some stuff

but that's how these discussions always go.

"Ness can't recover therefore he's bad against falcon"

"Ness can easily 02D falcon, therefore he's good against falcon"

"Falcon can outrange ness, therefore ness is bad against him"

the initial statements are all true, and in the end you just have to come to a sort of holistic understanding of the matchup based on your own experience. Which makes a good deal of this thread... not obsolete, but sort of iffy. This is just my opinion.

That said, congrats to yobo for coming on here out of the blue and making relatively reasonable statements about matchups and not displaying any incredible lack of knowledge.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2010
i love these threads. it reminds me how inane like 80-95% of people who post here are.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Odd use of inane

did you mean "insane"?

Regardless of how right you are, though, it's kinda lame to show up in here and criticize us without adding anything. You could go do that on like a white supremacist forum or a pro-drunk-driving forum or something. We're pretty harmless.
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