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*** The New General Smashbros.com Thread *** (Read This First)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
It's a good update. I kinda want him to replace Ness cuz he's annoying to me. lolz sorry but it's true.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I hope Ness comes back, just cause ive only played Earthbound (Mother 2) and no other game in the series, i like his bat, hat and his little delinquent psychic powers


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Why is Ness annoying? Nobody has ever given a good reason besides "he sux in melee man."

He's a great character personality wise, has original moves (even though they were borrowed from some others from his game). He's a lovable character. Earthbound deserved more than one rep, and in my opinion it should have been Ness, Lucas, and Clous.

Sure, he kinda sucked in melee, but he can be rebuilt.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Man, everyone's blind. Ness has already been confirmed! Didn't anyone see that update on dojo? And I know this is off topic, but how do you make those little mottos that are under all of your posts? I know, I'm ********.
If you mean signatures, you can edit them in your account, in the list of categories to edit parts of your profile, there one for sigs

And no, just cause Sakurai merely mentioned him does not confirm him what so ever, though we can hope


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2006
Livermore, CA
Yeah very interesting update to show. It's a monday, start of a string of updates and he starts off with a mind-blowing update. I wonder if the new updates will pile on to the excitement.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
Shadow Moses. (New Stage, Metal Gear Solid Series)

This stage recreates the structure in front of the helipad on Shadow Moses Island.

High walls on the left and right?..

Walls tower over the stage on the left and right, giving it a caged death-match feel.

The searchlight spots someone, and the".." icon appears..

You can destroy the walls on the left and right with attacks. Those who aren’t skilled at launching foes upward may want to be proactive about attacking them.

The walls come tumbling down.

Oh, and occasionally a Metal Gear will appear from the background.

Metal Gear REX..

Metal Gear RAY..

Apparently one other kind appears, too. It’s supposedly a slightly newer model.

On this stage, Snake communicates with his team to learn the key characteristics of his rivals... Whoa... Seriously?

We’ve intercepted some of these communications and we’re delivering those to you now.

And various, humorous movies too.



Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Ive been watchin the first video over and over again on the gameplay, i think i can safely say that that first move Snake pulls on Mario is his grab then quickly goes into a back throw, but what else could it be really? i just wanted to make sure

And how would that mine work on other levels? we've only see him use it on Delfino plaza, and even there only on the sand...hmmm, i wonder

This is deffinetly one of my favorite updates so far, almost as amazing as the Subspace Emissary update (which is my fav update of all time)

EDIT: Forgot, also im gonna guess that the neck snap is his down throw

Also if you look closely, after he says "kept you waiting, huh?" he pulls out a detonator, so the mine he pulls out is probably remote activated? just a guess


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
Holy cow. This is the 2nd time in a row that I'm right about these updates. Anyways, it's a cool stage to play on.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I don't really get what happens when the search lights land on you though. Do you freeze and get shot like crazy from all corners of the screen?:chuckle:
Not sure, though lookin at the vid of snake in the spot light, it doesnt look like much of anything happens, but maybe someting does if you stay there too long

But i think its justa special effect for the sake of it being Snakes stage since sneaking around has always been the premise of the MGS games

Smash Ninja

Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2007
Peacehaven, East Sussex, Good ol' England


Assist Trophies are trophies that come to the aid of the player that called them out.
But these may not always be solid objects...

Th-they’re pixel art!

And there are tons of pixels racing around!​
I think that in Smash though, appearances are rarely what they seem.

Just because they’re flat doesn’t mean you can
take them lightly.​
By the way, there’s also an Assist Trophy for this guy...

Lakitu and Spinies! He just tosses ‘em down,
one after the other.​


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Meh, wahtever, not the most exciting AT so far, but interesting none the less

Though i wonder why Sakurai just didnt make a separate AT update for Latiku....

The only important thing you could possibly get out of this update is the fact that 2-D models will be used, which is even more evidence (though very inconclusive) for G&W's return

I think its about time we got another SE update soon :grin:


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Fox: Final Smash


It’s the brute tank of Team Star Fox—the Landmaster. Surely he wouldn’t bring that thing out?!



Yayyy! It’s a free ride!

Don’t ride the Landmaster!

Jump to hover. Tilt down to roll. And, of course, fire its cannon with the attack button.

FIRE! This hurts. A lot! So watch out!

It’s so big, it might be hard to turn around. But it’s law-breaking power and authority is unstoppable.

Yeah. It’s cool. My heart’s aflutter.

Very clever Sakurai, i like this FS, i wouldn't have thought of this, although i never really thought much about what Fox's FS would be

I love the fact that he keeps the feature to roll on it (Do a barrel roll!)

As for for the sheilding and doging update, im not gonna bother postin that since theres absolutely nothing new in that update, but if anyone else wants to, be my guest, but i guess today was overall a good update



Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2007
This has really been an excellent week. The first two days are obvious. Yesterday we got two assist trophies. That was cool (sure, not zomgamazing) since we didn't use a day to do one, single assist trophy. I also liked both of them in terms of content.

And today we get an over-the-top Final Smash.... and got shielding/dodging/rolling out of the way. At least we don't have to listen to theories about "You can only block from the front!"

Though the caption that says "If your shield breaks you go unconcious" brought not-so-wholesom images to mind, since it's Snake damaging Zamus' shield. At least after the Codec conversation we had a few days ago.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York

I will announce this right here, right now. In Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary, you can also play with two players simultaneously!

Congratulations! It’s co-op play!

So, whether you’re siblings or close friends, two can play together.

Of the two, one will be the protagonist. Essentially, the camera follows the protagonist, so the other player has to keep up.

Player 2 is kind of like another option.

Basically, it is the same as a standard Smash brawl, so if you take damage and get knocked off the screen, you lose a life.

However, this mode features a space jump that allows Player 2 to return to where Player 1 is even after getting left off the screen.

If Player 2 gets separated from Player 1 by the screen scroll, he or she will quickly space jump back to Player 1's side. But, if Player 2 gets knocked off the screen by an enemy, that counts as a lost life.

You just come back naturally.

The Subspace Emissary has the following map screen.

This is the map!

The protagonists form teams based on the developments in the story, and the characters they encounter join their team.

Choose a team and enter a stage.

Your stock count, or the number of lives you can lose, is set for each stage.

In single-player mode, each time you lose a life, you switch to a different character on your team and are revived as that new character until you run out of stock lives. (You choose the character order for your team members at the start of each stage.)

In co-op mode, when either player 1 or player 2 loses a life, that player will be revived as another team member until your stock count runs out.

But, if Player 1 loses a life after the stock count has run out, that’s the end! Player 2 is participating simply as an optional player, so be careful.

By the way, you can also choose the difficulty level.

From Easy to Intense!

If you choose Easy, it will be quite easy indeed, so we definitely want people who aren’t very good at this type of game to give it a try! Even they will be able to make it to the ending.

But, if you choose a harder difficulty, your rewards will be greater. That’s another part of the fun.


There’s a method for powering yourself up as needed to do battle with the Subspace Army—a method that has not been seen before.

I’ll explain this in great detail another time.​

Sorry, but ive just got to say OMFG!! YESS!! this seemed like a distant dream for me, im so exited co-op play is here!!

Oh man, i think next to the SE update, this one is my favorite, i LOVE you Sakurai!



Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
That's effing sweet! This update is just pure pwnage! I've been looking forward to this update for a while.

Kraid Guy

Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2007
I am a minion of Ridley and live on the Space Pira
OMG best update ever. And if you look at the map screen closely you can try to guess what some of the worlds on subspace emissary will be. Like the forest could be viridian forest? Or the sky could be a space pirate frigate! And you can tell that this is not the entire map screen.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007

There’s a method for powering yourself up as needed to do battle with the Subspace Army—a method that has not been seen before.

I’ll explain this in great detail another time.
This part interests me the most.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Zero Suit Samus: Special Moves

<Standard Special Move: Paralyzer>

Bzzzzzzzzzzt! I can’t get enough of this.

A personal protection device, the paralyzer stuns opponents. If you can charge it up for a bit, you can land additional attacks while your opponent is stunned.

A down smash will fire it at your feet!

But this is only self-defense at best. It does not have the power of an explosive attack. Where and when you use this is key.

What really brings out some characteristic Samus skills is when this gun transforms and releases a whip: the Plasma Whip.

<Side Special Move: Plasma Whip>

The flash at the tip of this short whip is quite powerful!

<Up Special: Plasma Wire>

Shoot it straight up to pull enemies toward you!

These two moves can be used to grab and hang from an edge. They can reach even if the ledge is pretty far away, so pay close attention to distance and timing and aim to dangle from the edge.

Pzzzzt! What a magnificent edge grab!

Ugggh, Zamus really is gonna be the new Sheik...I REALLY hope Sakurai has found a way to balance her out, not only that, but i hope he shows us what it is that makes her more balanced soon, just so i can get my hopes up that she's not just another incarnation of he/she/it/potato.

Well at least the moves are cool and original

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