He's saying my region is bad because I'm not teaching them? Why doesn't he teach them and see how they quickly become amazing. You're assuming I dont teach my region because my region doesn't perform. So it's my fault, obviously.
If you think I don't teach people in my region specifics on reading people/adapting you're stupid, and wrong. It's not my fault if I **** everyone. I **** almost everyone in Orlando, I **** almost everyone in SFL too so it doesn't matter to me. But making statements like that when you don't live here is gonna quickly make me angry...
Why dont you trade spots with me? Come live in Tampa, I'll go to SFL, and watch how quickly I download and **** all your players. So don't give me that ****...
For one, i didn't say you don't teach anyone. If Seibrik said that, address him, not me.
And for real, you probably practice brawl (and melee) more then me, in the past 3 or 4 weeks the only training i've gotten outside of tournaments is a trip to Taylor's house for a few hours and we played Punchout. So don't give me that "If i lived in SFL" excuse. Not everyone in SFL players each other all day every day.
None of that has anything to do with why Seibrik's teachings would be "gay". No one said that CFL or Tampa is bad, atleast not that i saw in the last few posts. What we DID say was that SFL was better. I'm sorry if that sucks to hear, but honestly...deal with it. Are you going to say it's not true? We have more players at a higher level then the rest of the state, that's just the way it is. You want to change it, then i say this to everyone, --practice and improve--. No one is saying that anyone else is bad, but it'd be bull**** to say that SFL isn't on top no matter how much you don't want to hear it.
Are you serious?
At my first tournament I went even with and beat people who were considered top players at the time. This was literally straight from wifi where my fingers weren't even adjusted to the difference in button delay. At my second tournament I went to MD/VA, and money matched and beat and went even with players like F0rte, K0rn, Slik Vik, Pyr0nic Star, Ne0 (who mostly ***** me) etc etc. At my 3rd tournament (January Gigs) you all know what happened. I ***** half of you mother****ers who had been to 30 tournaments and had hundreds of hours more experience then me. I beat your Dedede and Snake in money matches/did exceptional against Afro/***** everyone else. At my 4th tournament I ***** you in a money match, nearly beat Reflex and Kismet and 3 stocked chops. At my 5th tournament I beat you twice, and Hrnut.
All this while living in a region with no players who can beat me or have been close to getting on the PR (aside from my brother).
So tell me why all you guys who should've had an easy time wiping the floor with a "wifi warrior" like me couldn't do so? Everyone on the PR in SFL should be leagues above me, and should have consistently been since day one, but they arent, and never have been. Since January 09 I've easily been one of the best players in florida at any given time but you guys just didn't know because I didn't go to tournaments.
OH WAIT... I have the answer. YOUR PRACTICE SUCKS. You guys need to play with better players, that's why you don't **** me. You've been to at least 100 tournaments, I've been to closer to 10, and I'm still 3rd in the state and can beat most of you guys with my secondaries... YOU GUYS ARE STILL TERRIBLE. WTF I DONT UNDERSTAND IT.
And my region isn't as good as SFL because I'm a terrible teacher
Nice i like being included into arguements, when i didn't say anything to you regarding your skill or your teaching methods. You're getting way to upset about this for real. While your tournament history is very impressive, you fail to prove any real point regarding what Seibrik said. If you read his post, he clearly states that people from you region want to play you more so they can improve. How your tournament history relates to all that at all is beyond me.
Honestly these arguements are just getting ****ing stupid. You people argue over the most ridiculous ****. 2 years ago FL was united against everyone else now we bicker and argue over **** like "whos the best teacher?". I don't give a **** where you're from in FL to be honest. I want to see everyone in FL improve, not just my region. Honestly Seibrik if you want to be a good teacher you should feel the same
and spreading discontent for whatever reason isn't doing that.
To SFL: Stop saying **** about CFL/Tampa not being able to travel. We are lucky that we can travel and can afford time to go to tournaments often. We also are rewarded for this, by having a very strong set of players. CFL or Tampa does not need to be constantly reminded that they should come to SFL, they get it, seriously stop saying it i'm from SFL and i'm tired of reading it i can only imagine how people from CFL/Tampa feel about it at this point.
To CFL/Tampa: If you are tired of the PR's being mostly SFL... then practice. Not just by travelling, but amongst each other. You don't need an amazing player to come and teach you. SFL does practice alot (not me i live an hour from everyone SADFACE), and for that they are rewarded. You want to see more of your region on the PR? You should do the same.
--Afro, Golden God