So, basically, you're several months late to complain.1st off... GDX is definitely good enough to get on the PRs himself but he enjoys having fun. & Im not talking about JUST right now I'm talking about whenever the PR comes around(Well at least the last 3 PRs)... Like I've said in BOTH my posts. I just wanted to stop it before it began this time.
Like when a plethora of players eventually got a win over GDX about 2 or 3 prs ago. Do you remember that huge conversation that we had about splitting the PR into different parts? Do you remember the original debate we had about proper representation between different players from different regions?
Yeah... Look em up and you'll realize that they were all different ways where players without a proper resume have tried to get on the PR...
I'm jus tired of people going "O I beat this 1 person that you guys think is legit! Put me on the PR!"