i know what you mean euan but i don't think there's anyway to tell
when i was up in newcastle the games were prompt and intense - but the mindgames are elsewhere. I don't know if this is the case for everyone, or maybe just ike (who's broken to ****KKKKKKKKKKK an i love it) but when you've put the pressure on you've gotta get your spacing and positioning DOWN
I don't think i'll be able to really tell if brawl's actually a far superior game for my tastes or if there's not enough to it for me until we all get together an share what we've got out
but hell, i'll **** ANYBODY in the mafia up in less that 1:30 hahahaha (j/k..) .. (but it'll be fast >:D)
EDIT: my real declaration is that you will have fun playing me - i don't prance about like a little *****, my ike means the buziness! an i hope all yall playing this game make sure your characters mean the business too!
At the same time as getting good at this game, let's make sure we don't evolve the uk style to be the steaming pile of horsecrap that permeates a lot of our melee play lol - play for pizazz y'all! Let's make ourselves FUN to play an make other peeps go 'HOT ****, THIS DUDES EITHER A MADMAN OR A GENIUS!!!' (edit: honestly i'm not pointing any fingers or trying to annoy anybody - my point is that in general i've always enjoyed playing peeps from other coutries a lot more - a-la Wesley who turned up with his badass american self an instilled some flair in us, finally imo!)