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The Never Ending List of Toon's AT's and Tricks / The Data Dump / Song of Brainstorms

Mar 15, 2008
Must... sleep.....
It's updated with the Instant Wall Jump (Including Vid) and the Shield Cancelled Sliding Grab. I'll edit any mistakes and what not tomorrow.

(XD, R.I.P. TWiNK)
I'm not dead.... I'm still gonna be more active than most of the TL mains here. My grades aren't bad, they just aren't A's. Has anybody noticed that the best performing TLs contribute to the forums the least? /flamishrant

Anyways, exercise DOES help. Play soccer or something until sun down, and get home, take a cold shower, and jump straight to bed. Getting exhausted all day and crashing at sundown will fix your sleeping schedule.

Oh yeah, the DASC rocks. DASC > Uair = Nice KO.

Radori Nighthawk

Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland
I'm not dead.... I'm still gonna be more active than most of the TL mains here. My grades aren't bad, they just aren't A's. Has anybody noticed that the best performing TLs contribute to the forums the least? /flamishrant

Anyways, exercise DOES help. Play soccer or something until sun down, and get home, take a cold shower, and jump straight to bed. Getting exhausted all day and crashing at sundown will fix your sleeping schedule.

Oh yeah, the DASC rocks. DASC > Uair = Nice KO.
Kinda tough to pull off though. :/


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
I like how this is the new general discussion.

The top Tinks are playing Smash instead of talking about it
Mar 15, 2008
So is the Inquiry Thread. Surprisingly, the TLGD is dead. I would bump it, but that would mean I would have to double post. :o

Time to break the cycle!

So yeah, like I said, the Instant Wall Jump has a lot of good uses.


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
So I had a play around with the instant wall jump, it has every option a normal wall jump has, big surprise haha.

To get back onstage, we just have a faster bair option. I tried invincibombing since there's more height then a normal wall jump thus the opponent might get hit by it. Just a random thought.

Edge-guarding off the instant wall jump, we can nair/fair and projectile, nothing new there.

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
I don't usually have any problem sleeping and I'm quite active, so they're right, being active helps.

@TWiNK: Yeah I know you're not dead XD. Good luck with those grades man. I'll get round to properly testing Toon's DASC before I add it. So give it a few more days, I just gotta find the time.

I've gotta mention it. I kinda found something the other day that is relatively useless, that's why I didn't want to post it, so go easy XD. But anyway, it's like this, every aerial that Toon has except for one will recieve a bit of lag if used just above the ground as you're coming down at the exact time you would quickdraw/Bomb Drop. The one aerial that recieves no lag what so ever, is Uair. So why is this in any way useful? Now don't laugh. Ok when you use Uair in this way, as you're coming down, at the right time, not only do you recieve no lag, but a light will flash just above Toon's head. Distraction? I've been trying to think of a better way to use it, and all I could find was, you can pick up things like Z-dropped Bombs and Diddy's bananas with absolutely no lag. Diddy actually uses his Dair in the same way to pick up his nana's with no lag.
Anyway, I thought I'd mention it hoping that someone would find a better use for it.
Any ideas?

Radori Nighthawk

Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland
I don't usually have any problem sleeping and I'm quite active, so they're right, being active helps.

@TWiNK: Yeah I know you're not dead XD. Good luck with those grades man. I'll get round to properly testing Toon's DASC before I add it. So give it a few more days, I just gotta find the time.

I've gotta mention it. I kinda found something the other day that is relatively useless, that's why I didn't want to post it, so go easy XD. But anyway, it's like this, every aerial that Toon has except for one will recieve a bit of lag if used just above the ground as you're coming down at the exact time you would quickdraw/Bomb Drop. The one aerial that recieves no lag what so ever, is Uair. So why is this in any way useful? Now don't laugh. Ok when you use Uair in this way, as you're coming down, at the right time, not only do you recieve no lag, but a light will flash just above Toon's head. Distraction? I've been trying to think of a better way to use it, and all I could find was, you can pick up things like Z-dropped Bombs and Diddy's bananas with absolutely no lag. Diddy actually uses his Dair in the same way to pick up his nana's with no lag.
Anyway, I thought I'd mention it hoping that someone would find a better use for it.
Any ideas?
I've messed around with this as well. I've only done it in regards to the flashing light. :chuckle: I use the light from the SAFC to quickdraw off platforms. Looks really flashy...literally.

However, in regards to picking up itens, I like to use a SH'd Nair over the item then press A before I touch the ground. Since Brawl recognizes the aerial, it'll pick up the item without actually doing the second nair. VERY helpful against Diddy.

Moar input later.

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
Cool man. So I would presume that the Nair doesn't give you any lag either because it's used so close to the ground. If used a bit higher off the ground though, it will recieve lag and that's where the Uair comes in handy. But really though, the Uair thing is nothing special. Unless you do a SAFC right after XD!!! Two flashes! (Can't touch this.) Maybe we could use Morse code with flashes XD. Yeah ok, I'm done.

I'm going to a Tourney today, or rather tomorrow, we're meeting today, sleeping over then having the tourney tomorrow. Should be loads of fun. I gotta go pack my Wii. Catcha's.

Radori Nighthawk

Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland
Cool man. So I would presume that the Nair doesn't give you any lag either because it's used so close to the ground. If used a bit higher off the ground though, it will recieve lag and that's where the Uair comes in handy. But really though, the Uair thing is nothing special. Unless you do a SAFC right after XD!!! Two flashes! (Can't touch this.) Maybe we could use Morse code with flashes XD. Yeah ok, I'm done.

I'm going to a Tourney today, or rather tomorrow, we're meeting today, sleeping over then having the tourney tomorrow. Should be loads of fun. I gotta go pack my Wii. Catcha's.
Correct, which is why I use a Nair then use it again. No lag. Good luck FiOD.

LOL @ flashiness.

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
DTL: Good to know.

Sasuke: So true. I mean, that's why it's stickied right?

McDingus: That's right, you'll always be McDingus to me XD. Well, as everyone knows, I'm not one to overlook stuff, but lets just think logically for a second. First of all, from what I remember, this was, I believe he said, "tool assisted". So I'm presuming that we can't actually do it the same way as it was shown in the vid. We can try, but the ending result will be slower and less cool looking.
Secondly, from what I remember about the Hyro shield, it won't block projectiles in the animation going inbetween crouching and standing and visa versa, so what you'll end up with is like a few frames of blocking (standing) then a few frames of being hit then blocking frames again when crouching. But don't quote me on this. This is just what I remember.
Thirdly, a lot of stuff that you can block while standing, simply can't be blocked while crouching because it will hit you in the head.
Fourthly (is that a real word XD), presuming that this is going to be used to approach while blocking projectiles, the projeciles themselves (if blocked) will push you back. So what am I saying? You simply move forwards too slowly to make this worth it, in the end, you will be forced backwards (and that's if it actually works).
Finally, this can be done much more effectively, the slow way. By simply walking forwards after every block then returning the joystick to neutral just before the next projectile. So we can already approach while blocking projectiles using the Hyro shield.

I had already seen that thread a while ago, and decided that it is worthless. All the same, I appreciate your sort of post as it is good for generating discussion on techs, which I love.

Jupz: Cheers mate! Aussie's represent!

On a random note, can anyone figure out what the first sentence of my new sig means?


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Haha Fox your sig is kooky.
Definitly took over 17 seconds though, the a^Ol gave it away.

Yea the 'AT' is pretty darn useless, even more that it's tool assisted, which I didn't know about when I posted it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2008
Worcester, MA
It took me a couple seconds to get that Fox lol, good stuff.

I love the stuff that Dantarion does, he just finds such awkward glitches with this game and exploits them. Most aren't actually "useful" but I remember basically breaking the game with him a bunch back when he was at my school. Just look at the rest of his channel bc it's full of weird stuff

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
Is it possible? I'm not entirely sure. The main problem would be the fact that I don't think you can reverse a battlechrist quickdraw, because it's kinda already reversed, sorta. If it were possible, it would be some kind of strange, sms battlechrist arrow trick, which would either result in a normal quickdraw (XD) or the conmplete opposite of a BCAT which would...... make me very confused.... but it should result in the arrow going backwards and Toon staying facing the same way (as opposed to the arrow going forwards and Toon turning around). So if I was to guess how to perform, I would say (this is just the sms BCAT btw) SH, then just before you touch the ground, Lightly hit Backwards B then Instantly Hit forwards. The effect would be, as I said, either a normal quickdraw, or (if you somehow fluked the BCAT as well as the sms at the same time) the arrow would go backwards and toon would stay facing forwards. Yeah. I think.
This is all theory though, I'd have to test some stuff and actually do it/see it myself before I ever added it. Maybe someone has actually done it? Help me out here XD.


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
I didnt drop TL. The falco is there for another reason Radori. I bet none of you will ever guess why hes there though. Im not supposed to be posting on TL boards :/.
Mar 15, 2008
I didnt drop TL. The falco is there for another reason Radori. I bet none of you will ever guess why hes there though. Im not supposed to be posting on TL boards :/.
You can't quit the TL boards. :laugh:

As dysfunctional of a family that we are, we're still a family, and you love us.

Except me. :(


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Don't get attached to the TL boards, it'll only hurt you.

It's okay, Sheikant still has TL in his sig.

& Fox, I skimmed halfway through your explanation, trying to imagine it and got brain fried. :laugh:

Radori Nighthawk

Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland
Is it possible? I'm not entirely sure. The main problem would be the fact that I don't think you can reverse a battlechrist quickdraw, because it's kinda already reversed, sorta. If it were possible, it would be some kind of strange, sms battlechrist arrow trick, which would either result in a normal quickdraw (XD) or the conmplete opposite of a BCAT which would...... make me very confused.... but it should result in the arrow going backwards and Toon staying facing the same way (as opposed to the arrow going forwards and Toon turning around). So if I was to guess how to perform, I would say (this is just the sms BCAT btw) SH, then just before you touch the ground, Lightly hit Backwards B then Instantly Hit forwards. The effect would be, as I said, either a normal quickdraw, or (if you somehow fluked the BCAT as well as the sms at the same time) the arrow would go backwards and toon would stay facing forwards. Yeah. I think.
This is all theory though, I'd have to test some stuff and actually do it/see it myself before I ever added it. Maybe someone has actually done it? Help me out here XD.
I've tested it.....it's like NOT possible. Unless I'm just that awful. :(

@Sheikant: Oh really?

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
I'll still give it a go. I think I've tried it before, it didn't work then, but just the whole concept seems so, game breaking, but not in a good way. Kinda like grabbing with......


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Is it possible? I'm not entirely sure. The main problem would be the fact that I don't think you can reverse a battlechrist quickdraw, because it's kinda already reversed, sorta. If it were possible, it would be some kind of strange, sms battlechrist arrow trick, which would either result in a normal quickdraw (XD) or the conmplete opposite of a BCAT which would...... make me very confused.... but it should result in the arrow going backwards and Toon staying facing the same way (as opposed to the arrow going forwards and Toon turning around). So if I was to guess how to perform, I would say (this is just the sms BCAT btw) SH, then just before you touch the ground, Lightly hit Backwards B then Instantly Hit forwards. The effect would be, as I said, either a normal quickdraw, or (if you somehow fluked the BCAT as well as the sms at the same time) the arrow would go backwards and toon would stay facing forwards. Yeah. I think.
This is all theory though, I'd have to test some stuff and actually do it/see it myself before I ever added it. Maybe someone has actually done it? Help me out here XD.
Oh I get it. It'd probably have to be tool assisted tho. since you have to SH right as you leave the ground (there'd have to be a few frame difference between imputs so the bair doesn't get cancelled and you just jump backwards) then FF and press (<-)(b)(->) each within a frame of eachother.
It's going to be like a reverse-reverse QD. except the arrow goes behind you. It'll just look like you QD'd but the arrow went behind you.
(**** if I could do that, I could make the best zoning tech with Tink ever)
Mar 15, 2008
I tried to make an elaborate post, but I confused myself, and just hit backspace a whole bunch of times >_>. I wanna test this out though.

So what's basically happening is you're trying to reverse something that is already half reversed?


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
I tried to make an elaborate post, but I confused myself, and just hit backspace a whole bunch of times >_>. I wanna test this out though.

So what's basically happening is you're trying to reverse something that is already half reversed?
yes, IDK how the timing is going to work. I think the first reverse you input during the time you would RQD and then just BCAT.

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
Yeah that's pretty much it in a nutshell. You will do a normal quickdraw, Toon will turn around twice so quickly that it will appear that he has stayed facing the same way and the arrow will go backwards. The whole Bair FF thing is just there to be a pain in the arse.
Still haven't had time to test this, but as I said, I'm pretty sure I've tried before without any result, so, we'll see. It doesn't help that I can't BCAT consistently, can anyone?


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
Yeah that's pretty much it in a nutshell. You will do a normal quickdraw, Toon will turn around twice so quickly that it will appear that he has stayed facing the same way and the arrow will go backwards. The whole Bair FF thing is just there to be a pain in the arse.
Still haven't had time to test this, but as I said, I'm pretty sure I've tried before without any result, so, we'll see. It doesn't help that I can't BCAT consistently, can anyone?
The only people that I have seen BCAT consistently are chip, jash and sheikant. I've messed with it a few times and I am looking to master it on my way to Pound 4 in the car with my little smash crew...It would useful to learn because we can go right into a bair chain or just do a retreating bair, IDK. I just really want to master it...I have everything else down though

Fox Is Openly Deceptive

Smash Detective
Sep 22, 2008
WinMelee, Australia
Shimmy!!! I did it! It all worked! I found the answer to what's the difference between a BCAT and a Reverse Quickdraw (there was a point not that long ago where it was thought to be the exact same controls, and while that's true, I've pin pointed the difference so I can do it consistently), I did the weird sms BCAT that makes Toon stay facing the same way and shoots an arrow backwards and!!!!! and, I did the sexiest quickdraw known to Toon kind! That's right! In normal speed, I did the SH, Bair, FF, sms BCAT and then I needed to change my pants! I frigin did it!!!

Ok, so what I'll do is, I'll re-type the BCAT to make the how to perform much more accurate (Soon Toon's all over the world will be able to BCAT consistently!! (evil laugh)). Then I'll add the weird reverse BCAT (name pending). And Finally, I think it was Hyro who was the first that dared think of it, I'll add in the combo's section and in the quickdraw section, the Sexiest Quickdraw known to Toon kind (name also pending, any ideas Hyro?)
All this and more...... after I eat dinner.
Edit: Almost done. I'll finish it later.
Mar 15, 2008
Shimmy!!! I did it! It all worked! I found the answer to what's the difference between a BCAT and a Reverse Quickdraw (there was a point not that long ago where it was thought to be the exact same controls, and while that's true, I've pin pointed the difference so I can do it consistently), I did the weird sms BCAT that makes Toon stay facing the same way and shoots an arrow backwards and!!!!! and, I did the sexiest quickdraw known to Toon kind! That's right! In normal speed, I did the SH, Bair, FF, sms BCAT and then I needed to change my pants! I frigin did it!!!

Ok, so what I'll do is, I'll re-type the BCAT to make the how to perform much more accurate (Soon Toon's all over the world will be able to BCAT consistently!! (evil laugh)). Then I'll add the weird reverse BCAT (name pending). And Finally, I think it was Hyro who was the first that dared think of it, I'll add in the combo's section and in the quickdraw section, the Sexiest Quickdraw known to Toon kind (name also pending, any ideas Hyro?)
All this and more...... after I eat dinner.
Edit: Almost done. I'll finish it later.
I wish I didn't have homework.... So it's actually possible? Is it difficult? Is it easy enough to do in the heat of battle? Is it worth doing this over a normal quickdraw -> RAR -> Bair?

Let's hope it gives us some sort of % boost :D.

Let's try to cancel the ending lag of an arrow, or any lag of a boomerang. Sounds like something to do over the weekend.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Shimmy!!! I did it! It all worked! I found the answer to what's the difference between a BCAT and a Reverse Quickdraw (there was a point not that long ago where it was thought to be the exact same controls, and while that's true, I've pin pointed the difference so I can do it consistently), I did the weird sms BCAT that makes Toon stay facing the same way and shoots an arrow backwards and!!!!! and, I did the sexiest quickdraw known to Toon kind! That's right! In normal speed, I did the SH, Bair, FF, sms BCAT and then I needed to change my pants! I frigin did it!!!

Ok, so what I'll do is, I'll re-type the BCAT to make the how to perform much more accurate (Soon Toon's all over the world will be able to BCAT consistently!! (evil laugh)). Then I'll add the weird reverse BCAT (name pending). And Finally, I think it was Hyro who was the first that dared think of it, I'll add in the combo's section and in the quickdraw section, the Sexiest Quickdraw known to Toon kind (name also pending, any ideas Hyro?)
All this and more...... after I eat dinner.
Edit: Almost done. I'll finish it later.
I can already do it consistently but w/e. I guess it'll be a handicap for the people who can't time it right :p


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Shimmy!!! I did it! It all worked! I found the answer to what's the difference between a BCAT and a Reverse Quickdraw (there was a point not that long ago where it was thought to be the exact same controls, and while that's true, I've pin pointed the difference so I can do it consistently), I did the weird sms BCAT that makes Toon stay facing the same way and shoots an arrow backwards and!!!!! and, I did the sexiest quickdraw known to Toon kind! That's right! In normal speed, I did the SH, Bair, FF, sms BCAT and then I needed to change my pants! I frigin did it!!!

Ok, so what I'll do is, I'll re-type the BCAT to make the how to perform much more accurate (Soon Toon's all over the world will be able to BCAT consistently!! (evil laugh)). Then I'll add the weird reverse BCAT (name pending). And Finally, I think it was Hyro who was the first that dared think of it, I'll add in the combo's section and in the quickdraw section, the Sexiest Quickdraw known to Toon kind (name also pending, any ideas Hyro?)
All this and more...... after I eat dinner.
Edit: Almost done. I'll finish it later.
Oh god, not this again. Let's start from the very beginning.

1. You didn't quite do it. SMSing a BCAT happens when you're just mashing left and right. The arrow cancel I'm talking about is SH, Bair, FF, REVERSE QD, then BCATing that reverse QD. You shouldn't have any weird momentum shifts, it should be stationary. What it'll look like is Toon Link bairing and fastfalling an arrow in the same direction...without ever turning around.

2. It doesn't need a name. It's not a new tech. It's simply doing the BBQ...except BCATing it. That's like saying if you do a fsmash with bomb AND a pivot slide it's a new tech that we'd call...I dunno, the electric slide....oh wait. >_>

3. Lolbcat. Completely useless. Yeah, I can BCAT, it's just completely unnecessary. Contrary to popular belief, arrow cancels have lag. So BCAT to bair combos isn't happening. And even if that did work, BCATing is easily replaced with a simple rar. You gotta realize that if you can do a simple rar, then you can double arrow and bair immediately. Or zair to bair.

4. Pretty sure everyone already knew how to bcat.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
Oh god, not this again. Let's start from the very beginning.

1. You didn't quite do it. SMSing a BCAT happens when you're just mashing left and right. The arrow cancel I'm talking about is SH, Bair, FF, REVERSE QD, then BCATing that reverse QD. You shouldn't have any weird momentum shifts, it should be stationary. What it'll look like is Toon Link bairing and fastfalling an arrow in the same direction...without ever turning around.

2. It doesn't need a name. It's not a new tech. It's simply doing the BBQ...except BCATing it. That's like saying if you do a fsmash with bomb AND a pivot slide it's a new tech that we'd call...I dunno, the electric slide....oh wait. >_>

3. Lolbcat. Completely useless. Yeah, I can BCAT, it's just completely unnecessary. Contrary to popular belief, arrow cancels have lag. So BCAT to bair combos isn't happening. And even if that did work, BCATing is easily replaced with a simple rar. You gotta realize that if you can do a simple rar, then you can double arrow and bair immediately. Or zair to bair.

4. Pretty sure everyone already knew how to bcat.
^^ My thoughts exactly on this whole 'technique'. Now that I actually know what you guys are trying to do, i'll see if its possible!

EDIT: I've done it without the fast fall.

EDIT2: I've done it with the fast fall.

Took me about 5 minutes to get it :) It's 100% useless because its too hard to do. I did manage to do it 3 times in a row though!

And FYI I can BCAT consistantly, I just don't do it in battle because its useless.
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